< 2 Timoteori 1 >

1 PAVLEC Iesus Christen Apostolu Iaincoaren vorondatez denac, Iesus Christ baithan den vicitzearen promessaren araura,
PAUL, a legate of Jesus the Messiah by the pleasure of God, according to the promise of life which is in Jesus the Messiah;
2 Timotheo neure seme maiteari: gratia, misericordia eta baquea Iainco Aitaganic, eta Iesus Christ gure Iaunaganic.
to Timothy a beloved son; grace, and mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus the Messiah.
3 Esquer diarocat Iaincoari, cein cerbitzatzen baitut neure aitzinecoacdanic conscientia purequin, nola paussu gabe baitut memorio hiçaz neure orationetan gau eta egun:
I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with a pure conscience, that I continually remember thee in my prayers, by night and by day:
4 Hire ikusteco desir dudalaric, hire nigar chortez orhoitic, bozcarioz bethe nadinçát:
and I desire to see thee, and I call to mind thy tears; that I may be filled with joy,
5 Orhoitzen naicela hitan den fictione gabeco fedeaz, cein lehenic habitatu içan baita hire amasso Loida baithan, eta hire ama Eunica baithan: eta segur nauc ecen hi baithan-ere habitatzen dela.
by the recollection which I have, by thy genuine faith, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and in thy mother Eunice, and also, I am persuaded, in thee.
6 Causa hunegatic auisatzen aut vitz deçán ene escuén impositionez hitan den Iaincoaren dohaina.
Wherefore I remind thee, that thou excite the gift of God, that is in thee by the imposition of my hands.
7 Ecen eztiraucuc eman Iaincoac iciapenetaco spiritubat, baina verthutetaco, eta dilectionetaco, eta adimendu sanotaco spiritubat.
For God hath not given us a spirit of fear, but of energy, and of love, and of instruction.
8 Ezaicela bada ahalque gure Iaunaren testimoniageaz, ezeta niçaz, bainaiz haren presonér: baina aicén participant Euangelioco afflictionetan, Iaincoaren puissançaren araura:
Therefore be not thou ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner; but endure evils in connection with the Gospel, through the power of God;
9 Ceinec saluatu vkan baiquaitu, eta bere vocatione sainduaz deithu: ez gure obrén causaz, baina bere ordenançaren eta dembora eternalac baino lehen Iesus Christ baithan eman içan çaicun gratiaren causaz. (aiōnios g166)
who hath vivified us, and called us with a holy calling; not according to our works, but according to his good pleasure, and his grace that was given us in Jesus the Messiah from time before the ages, (aiōnios g166)
10 Eta manifestatu içan duc orain Iesus Christ gure Saluadorearen ethorteaz, ceinec herioa-ere deseguin vkan baitu, eta arguira eman vicitzea eta immortalitatea Euangelioaz:
and is now made known by the appearing of our Vivifier, Jesus the Messiah; who hath abolished death, and hath made manifest life and immortality, by the gospel:
11 Ceinen publicaçale ni ordenatu içan bainaiz, eta Apostolu eta Gentilén doctor.
of which I am constituted a herald and a legate, and a teacher of the Gentiles.
12 Halacotz gauça hauc-ere suffritzen citiat: guciagatic-ere eznauc ahalque: ecen baceaquiat nor sinhetsi dudan: eta segur nauc ecen hura botheretsu dela ene depositaren beguiratzeco egun hartarano.
Therefore I suffer these things: and I am not ashamed; for I know in whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that he is competent to keep for me my deposit against that day.
13 Educac eneganic ençun vkan dituan hitz sanoén eguiazco formá, federequin eta Iesus Christ baithan den charitaterequin.
Let the form of sound words, which thou hast heard from me, abide with thee; with faith and love, in Jesus the Messiah.
14 Deposit ona beguireçac Spiritu sainduaz, cein habitatzen baita gutan.
Keep thou the good deposit, by the Holy Spirit who dwelleth in us.
15 Badaquic haur, ecen aldaratu içan diradela eneganic Asian diraden guciac: ceinetaric baitirade Phygello eta Hermogenes.
This thou knowest, that all those in Asia have turned from me; and that among them are Phygellus and Hermogenes.
16 Iaunac misericordia daguiola Onesiphoren etcheari: ecen anhitzetan recreatu vkan nic, eta ene cadenáz eztuc ahalquetu içan:
May our Lord bestow mercy on the house of Onesiphorus; for, many times, he refreshed me, and was not ashamed of the chains of my imprisonment.
17 Aitzitic Roman içan denean guciz affectionatuqui bilhatu vkan niauc eta eriden:
But also, when he came to Rome, he sought for me with diligence, and found me.
18 Demola hari othoi Iaunac eriden deçan misericordia Iauna baithan egun hartan: eta cembat anhitz cerbitzu Ephesen-ere eguin drautan, hic guciz vngui daquic.
May our Lord grant him, that he may find mercy with our Lord, in that day. And how he ministered to me at Ephesus, thou very well knowest.

< 2 Timoteori 1 >