< 2 Pedro 1 >

1 SIMEON Pierrisec Iesus Christen cerbitzari eta Apostoluac, precio bereco fedea gure Iaincoaren eta Iesus Christ Saluadorearen iustitiaz gurequin obtenitu duteney:
SIMON PETER, a servant and legate of Jesus the Messiah, to those who have obtained equally precious faith with us, through the righteousness of Our Lord and Redeemer, Jesus the Messiah;
2 Gratia eta baque multiplica daquiçuela Iaincoaren eta Iesus gure Iaunaren eçagutzeaz:
May grace and peace abound to you through the recognition of our Lord Jesus the Messiah,
3 Nola haren puissança diuinoac eman baitrauzquigu vicitzeco eta pietatezco diraden gauça guciac, gu bere gloriara eta verthutera deithu gaituenaren eçagutzeaz:
as the giver to us of all things that be of the power of God, unto life and the fear of God, through the recognition of him who hath called us unto his own glory and moral excellence:
4 Ceinéz promes handiac eta preciosoac eman içan baitzaizquigu, heçaz natura diuinoan participant eguin çaiteztençát, munduan guthiciamenduz den corruptionetic.
wherein he hath given you very great and precious promises; that by them ye might become partakers of the nature of God, while ye flee from the corruptions of the lusts that are in the world.
5 Çuec- ere bada hunetara berera diligentia gucia ekárten duçuelaric eratchequi ieçoçue gainera çuen fedeari verthute, eta verthuteari scientia:
And, while ye apply all diligence in the matter, add to your faith moral excellence; and to moral excellence, knowledge;
6 Eta scientiari temperantia, eta temperantiari patientia, eta patientiari pietatea:
and to knowledge, perseverance; and to perseverance, patience; and to patience, the fear of God;
7 Eta pietateari anayetassunezco onheriztea, eta anayetassunezco onherizteari charitatea.
and to the fear of God, sympathy with the brotherhood; and to sympathy with the brotherhood, love.
8 Ecen baldin gauça hauc çuetan badirade, eta abundatzen badirade etzaituzte lacho ez fructu gabe vtziren Iesus Christ gure Iaunaren eçagutzean.
For, while these are found in you, and abounding, they render you not slothful, and not unfruitful, in the recognition of our Lord Jesus the Messiah.
9 Baina gauça hauc eztituena itsu da, deus vrrundanic eztacussalaric, ahanciric bere bekatu çaharretaric purificatu içan dela.
For he, in whom these things are not found, is blind and seeth not, and hath forgotten the purgation of his former sins.
10 Halacotz, anayeác, emplega çaitezte affectionatuqui çuen vocationearen eta electionearen fermu eguiten, ecen gauça hauc eguiten dituçuela, etzarete nehoiz-ere eroriren.
And therefore, my brethren, be ye exceedingly diligent to make your calling and election sure, by your good actions: for, by so doing, ye will never fall away.
11 Ecen hunela Iesus Christ gure Iaunaren eta Saluadorearen resuma eternaleratco sartzea abundosqui administraturen çaiçue. (aiōnios g166)
For thus will entrance be given you abundantly, into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Redeemer Jesus the Messiah. (aiōnios g166)
And for this reason I am not wearied in reminding you continually of these things; although ye know them well, and are established in this truth.
13 Ecen gauça iustoa estimatzen dut, tabernacle hunetan naiceno, aduertimenduz çuen iratzartzea:
And it seemeth right to me, so long as I am in this body, to excite you by monition;
14 Daquidalaric ecen ene tabernacle hunen vtzitea sarri içanen dela, Iesus Christ gure Iaunac declaratu-ere drautan beçala.
since I know, that the demise of my body is speedy, as also my Lord Jesus the Messiah hath showed me.
15 Baina pena-ere eçarriren dut çuec ene parti ondoan gauça hauçaz mentione eguin ahal deçaçuen.
And I am anxious, that, after my departure, ye too may have it always with you to make mention of these things.
16 Ecen eztrauçuegu eçagutzera eman Iesus Christ gure Iaunaren botherea eta aduenimendua, fable artez desguisatuey iarreiquiz: baina gure beguiéz haren maiestatea ikussi dugunoc beçala:
For we have not gone after fables artfully framed, in making known to you the power and advent of our Lord Jesus the Messiah; but it was after we had been spectators of his majesty.
17 Ecen recebitu vkan çuen Iainco Aitaganic ohore eta gloria, hunelaco vozbat hari igorri içanic gloria magnificotic, Haur da ene Seme maitea, ceinetan neure atseguin ona hartzen baitut:
For, when he received from God the Father honor and glory, and, after the splendid glory of his majesty, a voice came to him thus: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased;
18 Eta guc voz cerutic igorri haur ençun vkan dugu, harequin batean guinadela mendi sainduan.
we also heard this identical voice from heaven, which came to him while we were with him in the holy mount.
19 Eta badugu Prophetén hitz gucizco fermua, ceini behatzeaz vngui eguiten baituçue, leku ilhunetan arguitzen duen candela bati beçala, egunac arguitzen has deçaqueno, eta artiçarra ilki daiteno çuen bihotzetan.
And we have moreover a sure word of prophecy; and ye will do well, if ye look to it as to a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day shall dawn, and the sun shall arise in your hearts;
20 Baldin lehenic aditzen baduçue haur, ecen Scripturaco prophetiaric batre eztela declaratione particularetacoric.
ye having the previous knowledge, that no prophecy is an exposition of its own text.
21 Ecen prophetiá ezta guiçonén vorondatez ekarria içan lehenago: baina Spiritu sainduaz inspiraturic minçatu içan dirade Iaincoaren guiçon sainduac.
For at no time was it by the pleasure of man, that the prophecy came; but holy men of God spoke, as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.

< 2 Pedro 1 >