< 1 Joan 2 >

1 Ene haourtoác, gauça hauc scribatzen drauzquiçuet, bekaturic eztaguiçuençát: eta baldin cembeitec eguin badu bekaturic, badugu aduocatbat Aita baithara, Iesus Christ iustoa.
My little children, these things write I vnto you, that ye sinne not: and if any man sinne, wee haue an Aduocate with the Father, Iesus Christ, the Iust.
2 Eta hura da appoinctamendua gure bekatuacgatic, eta ez gureacgatic solament, baina mundu guciarenacgatic-ere
And he is the reconciliation for our sinnes: and not for ours onely, but also for the sinnes of the whole world.
3 Eta hunetan daquigu ecen hura eçagutu dugula, baldin haren manamenduac beguira baditzagu.
And hereby we are sure that we knowe him, if we keepe his commandements.
4 Norc erraiten baitu, Eçagutu dut hura: eta haren manamenduac ezpaititu beguiratzen, gueçurti da, eta eguiá ezta hura baithan:
Hee that saith, I knowe him, and keepeth not his commandements, is a liar, and the trueth is not in him.
5 Baina norc beguiratzen baitu haren hitza eguiazqui hura baithan Iaincoaren amorioa complitu da: huneçaz daquigu ecen hura baithan garela.
But hee that keepeth his worde, in him is the loue of God perfect in deede: hereby wee knowe that ye are in him.
6 Norc erraiten baitu hura baithan dagoela, behar du, nola hura ebili baita, hala hainac-ere ebili
He that saith he remaineth in him, ought euen so to walke, as he hath walked.
7 Anayeác, eztrauçuet manamendu berribat scribatzen, baina manamendu çahar hatseandanic vkan duçuena: manamendu çaharra hatseandanic ençun vkan duçuen hitza da.
Brethren, I write no newe commandement vnto you: but an olde commandement, which ye haue had from the beginning: this olde commandement is that worde, which yee haue heard from the beginning.
8 Berçalde manamendu berribat scribatzen drauçuet, cein baita eguiazco hartan eta çuetan: ceren ilhumbea iragan baita, eta eguiazco arguiac ia eguiten baitu argui.
Againe, a new comandement I write vnto you, that which is true in him, and also in you: for the darkenes is past, and that true light now shineth.
9 Norc erraiten baitu ecen arguian dela, eta bere anayeri gaitz baitaritzá hura ilhumbean da oraindrano.
He that saith that hee is in that light, and hateth his brother, is in darkenes, vntill this time.
10 Bere anayeri on daritzana arguian dago, eta scandaloric ezta hura baithan.
Hee that loueth his brother, abideth in that light, and there is none occasion of euil in him.
11 Baina bere anayeri gaitz daritzana, ilhumbean da, eta ilhumbean dabila, eta eztaqui norát ioaiten den: ecen ilhumbeac haren beguiac itsutu vkan ditu.
But he that hateth his brother, is in darkenesse, and walketh in darkenesse, and knoweth not whither hee goeth, because that darkenesse hath blinded his eyes.
12 Scribatzen drauçuet, haourtoác, ceren çuen bekatuac barkatu baitzaizquiçue haren icenagatic.
Litle children, I write vnto you, because your sinnes are forgiuen you for his Names sake.
13 Scribatzen drauçuet, aitác, ceren eçagutu baituçue hatsean-danic dena. Scribatzen drauçuet, gazteác, ceren gaichtoari garaithu baitzaizquiote. Scribatzen drauçuet, haour chipiác, ceren eçagutu vkan baituçue Aita.
I write vnto you, fathers, because yee haue knowen him that is from the beginning. I write vnto you, yong men, because ye haue ouercome that wicked one. I write vnto you, litle children, because ye haue knowen ye Father.
14 Scribatu vkan drauçuet, aitác, ceren eçagutu baituçue hatsean-danic dena. Scribatu drauçuet, gazteác, ceren borthitz baitzarete, eta Iaincoaren hitza çuetan egoiten baita, eta gaichtoari garaithu baitzaizquiote.
I haue written vnto you, fathers, because ye haue knowen him, that is from the beginning. I haue written vnto you, yong men, because ye are strong, and the worde of God abideth in you, and ye haue ouercome that wicked one.
15 Eztuçuela maite mundua, ez munduco gauçác: baldin cembeitec maite badu mundua, ezta Aitaren amorioa hura baithan.
Loue not this world, neither the things that are in this world. If any man loue this world, the loue of the Father is not in him.
16 Ecen munduan den gauça gucia (hala nola, haraguiaren guthiciá, eta beguien guthiciá, eta vicitzearen arrogantiá) ezta Aitaganic baina da munduaganic.
For all that is in this world (as the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life) is not of the Father, but is of this world.
17 Eta mundua iragaiten da, eta haren guthiciá, baina Iaincoaren vorondatea eguiten duena dago seculacotz. (aiōn g165)
And this world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that fulfilleth the will of God, abideth euer. (aiōn g165)
18 Haourtoác, azquen dembora da: eta nola ençun vkan baituçue ecen Antechrist ethorteco dela, oraindanic-ere Antechristac anhitz dirade: nondic baitaquigu ecen azquen demborá dela.
Litle children, it is the last time, and as ye haue heard that Antichrist shall come, euen now are there many Antichrists: whereby we know that it is the last time.
19 Gure artetic ilki içan dirade baina etziraden gutaric: ecen baldin gutaric içan balirade, gurequin egon ciratequeen: baina haur eguin içan da manifesta ledinçát ecen guciac eztiradela gutaric.
They went out from vs, but they were not of vs: for if they had bene of vs, they should haue continued with vs. But this cometh to passe, that it might appeare, that they are not all of vs.
20 Baina çuec baduçue vnctionea Sainduaganic, eta eçagutzen dituçue gauça guciac.
But ye haue an ointment from that Holy one, and know all things.
21 Eztrauçuet scribatu vkan, eguiá eçagutzen eztuçuelacotz: aitzitic ceren hura eçagutzen duçuen, eta gueçurric batre ezpaita eguiatic.
I haue not written vnto you, because ye knowe not the trueth: but because ye knowe it, and that no lie is of the trueth.
22 Nor da gueçurti, Iesus dela Christ vkatzen duena baicen? hura da Antechrist, ceinec Aita eta Semea vkatzen baititu.
Who is a liar, but he that denyeth that Iesus is that Christ? the same is that Antichrist that denyeth the Father and the Sonne.
23 Norc-ere vkatzen baitu Semea, harc Aita-ere eztu: norc-ere aithortzen baitu Semea, harc Aita-ere badu.
Whosoeuer denyeth the Sonne, the same hath not the Father.
24 Beraz hatsean-danic ençun vkan duçuena çuetan hego: ecen baldin çuetan badago hatseandanic ençun vkan duçuena, çuec-ere Semea baithan eta Aita baithan egonen çarete.
Let therefore abide in you that same which ye haue heard from the beginning. If that which ye haue heard from the beginning, shall remaine in you, ye also shall continue in the Sonne, and in the Father.
25 Eta haur da berac guri promettatu draucun promessa, baita, vicitze eternala. (aiōnios g166)
And this is the promise that he hath promised vs, euen that eternall life. (aiōnios g166)
26 Gauça hauc scribatzen drauzquiçuet, çuec seducitzen çaituztenéz.
These things haue I written vnto you, concerning them that deceiue you.
27 Baina harenganic recebitu vkan duçuen vnctionea dago çuetan, eta eztuçue mengoaric nehorc iracats çaitzaten: baina vnctione berac gauça guciéz iracasten çaituzten beçala, eta eguiati da, eta ezta gueçurti: eta vnctioneac iracatsi çaituzten beçala, hartan egonen çarete.
But that anointing which ye receiued of him, dwelleth in you: and ye neede not that any man teach you: but as the same Anoynting teacheth you of all things, and it is true, and is not lying, and as it taught you, ye shall abide in him.
28 Orain bada, ene haourtoác, çaudete hartan: aguer dadinean assegurança dugunçát, eta haren aitzinean confus ezgarençát haren aduenimenduan.
And nowe, litle children, abide in him, that when he shall appeare, we may be bolde, and not be ashamed before him at his comming.
29 Baldin badaquiçue ecen hura iusto dela, iaquiçue ecen norc-ere iustitia eguiten baitu, hura harenganic iayo dela.
If ye know that he is righteous, know ye that he which doeth righteously, is borne of him.

< 1 Joan 2 >