< 1 Korintoarrei 13 >

1 Baldin guiçonén eta Aingueruen lengoagez minça banadi, eta charitateric eztudan, eguin naiz cobre soinu eguiten duenaren, edo cymbala dindatzen duenaren pare.
Though I speak in the ‘tongues’ of people, or even of angels, yet have not love, I have become mere echoing brass, or a clanging cymbal!
2 Eta baldin banu prophetiazco dohaina, eta naquizquian mysterio guciac eta scientia gucia: eta nuen fede gucia, hambat non mendiac transporta nitzan, eta charitateric eztudan, deus eznaiz.
Even though I have the gift of preaching, and fathom all hidden truths and all the depths of knowledge; even though I have such faith as might move mountains, yet have not love, I am nothing!
3 Eta baldin distribui baditzat neure on guciac paubrén hatzeco, eta baldin eman badeçat neure gorputza erre içateco, eta charitateric eztudan, etzait deus probetchatzen.
Even though I dole my substance to the poor, even though I sacrifice my body in order to boast, yet have not love, it avails me nothing!
4 Charitatea patient da, benigno da, charitatea ezta inuidioso: charitateac eztu insolentiaric, eta ezta hancen:
Love is long-suffering, and kind; love is never envious, never boastful, never conceited, never behaves unbecomingly;
5 Eztu deshonestateric eguiten, eztabila bere probetchuén ondoan, ezta despitatzen: eztu gaitzic pensatzen:
love is never self-seeking, never provoked, never reckons up her wrongs;
6 Ezta bidegabeaz alegueratzen, baina alegueratzen da eguiaz.
love never rejoices at evil, but rejoices in the triumph of truth;
7 Gauça guciac pairatzen ditu, gauça guciac sinhesten ditu, gauça guciac speratzen ditu, gauça guciac suffritzen ditu.
love bears with all things, ever trustful, ever hopeful, ever patient.
8 Charitatea nehoiz-ere ezta erorten: baina are prophetiác abolituren dirade, eta lengoagéc fin harturen duté, eta scientiá abolituren da.
Love never fails. But, whether it be the gift of preaching, it will end; whether it be the gift of ‘tongues,’ it will cease; whether it be knowledge, it, too, will vanish.
9 Ecen partez eçagutzen dugu eta partez prophetizatzen.
For our knowledge is incomplete, and our preaching is incomplete,
10 Eta perfectionea ethorri datenean, orduan partez dena abolituren date.
but, when the perfect has come, that which is incomplete will end.
11 Haourra nincenean, haour anço minço nincén, haour anço iugeatzen nuen, haour anço pensatzen nuen: baina guiçon eguin naicenean, abolitu vkan ditut haourtassuneco manerác.
When I was a child, I talked as a child, I felt as a child, I reasoned as a child; now that I am a man, I have done with childish ways.
12 Ecen orain mirail batez ikusten dugu ilhunqui: baina orduan beguithartez beguitharte ikussiren dugu: orain eçagutzen dut partez, baina orduan eçaguturen dut eçagutu-ere naicén beçala.
As yet we see, in a mirror, dimly, but then – face to face! As yet my knowledge is incomplete, but then I will know in full, as I have been fully known.
13 Bada orain badaude hirur gauça hauc, fedea, sperançá, charitatea: baina hautarico handiena charitatea da.
Meanwhile faith, hope, and love endure – these three, but the greatest of these is love.

< 1 Korintoarrei 13 >