< الأمثال 31 >

هَذِهِ أَقْوَالُ لَمُوئِيلَ مَلِكِ مَسَّا الَّتِي تَلَقَّنَهَا عَنْ أُمِّهِ: ١ 1
word Lemuel king burden which to discipline him mother his
مَاذَا يَاابْنِي يَاابْنَ أَحْشَائِي، يَاابْنَ نُذُورِي؟ ٢ 2
what? son: child my and what? son: child belly: womb my and what? son: child vow my
لاَ تُنْفِقْ قُوَّتَكَ عَلَى النِّسَاءِ، وَلاَ تَسْتَسْلِمْ لِمَنْ يُهْلِكْنَ الْمُلُوكَ. ٣ 3
not to give: give to/for woman strength your and way: conduct your to/for to wipe king
لَيْسَ لِلْمُلُوكِ يَالَمُوئِيلُ، لَيْسَ لِلْمُلُوكِ أَنْ يُدْمِنُوا الْخَمْرَ، وَلاَ لِلْعُظَمَاءِ أَنْ يَجْرَعُوا الْمُسْكِرَ. ٤ 4
not to/for king Lemuel not to/for king to drink wine and to/for to rule (where? *QK) strong drink
لِئَلاَّ يَسْكَرُوا فَيَنْسَوْا الشَّرِيعَةَ، وَيَجُورُوا عَلَى حُقُوقِ الْبَائِسِينَ. ٥ 5
lest to drink and to forget to decree and to change judgment all son: type of affliction
أَعْطُوا الْمُسْكِرَ لِلْهَالِكِ، وَالْخَمْرَ لِذَوِي النُّفُوسِ التَّعِسَةِ، ٦ 6
to give: give strong drink to/for to perish and wine to/for bitter soul
فَيَثْمَلُوا وَيَنْسَوْا فَقْرَهُمْ، وَلاَ يَذْكُرُوا بُؤْسَهُمْ بَعْدُ. ٧ 7
to drink and to forget poverty his and trouble his not to remember still
افْتَحْ فَمَكَ مُدَافِعاً عَنِ الأَخْرَسِ، وَفِي دَعْوَى كُلِّ مَنْبُوذٍ. ٨ 8
to open lip your to/for mute to(wards) judgment all son: type of destruction
افْتَحْ فَمَكَ قَاضِياً بِالْعَدْلِ، وَدَافِعْ عَنْ حُقُوقِ الْفُقَرَاءِ وَالْمُحْتَاجِينَ. ٩ 9
to open lip your to judge righteousness and to judge afflicted and needy
مَنْ يَعْثُرُ عَلَى الْمَرْأَةِ الْفَاضِلَةِ؟ إِنَّ قِيمَتَهَا تَفُوقُ اللَّآلِئَ. ١٠ 10
woman: wife strength: worthy who? to find and distant from jewel merchandise her
بِهَا يَثِقُ قَلْبُ زَوْجِهَا فَلاَ يَحْتَاجُ إِلَى مَا هُوَ نَفِيسٌ. ١١ 11
to trust in/on/with her heart master: husband her and spoil not to lack
تُسْبِغُ عَلَيْهِ الْخَيْرَ دُونَ الشَّرِّ كُلَّ أَيَّامِ حَيَاتِهَا. ١٢ 12
to wean him good and not bad: evil all day life her
تَلْتَمِسُ صُوفاً وَكَتَّاناً وَتَشْتَغِلُ بِيَدَيْنِ رَاضِيَتَيْنِ، ١٣ 13
to seek wool and flax and to make: do in/on/with pleasure palm her
فَتَكُونُ كَسُفُنِ التَّاجِرِ الَّتِي تَجْلِبُ طَعَامَهَا مِنْ بِلاَدٍ نَائِيَةٍ. ١٤ 14
to be like/as fleet to trade from distance to come (in): bring food her
تَنْهَضُ وَاللَّيْلُ مَا بَرِحَ مُخَيِّماً، لِتُعِدَّ طَعَاماً لأَهْلِ بَيْتِهَا، وَتُدَبِّرَ أَعْمَالَ جَوَارِيهَا ١٥ 15
and to arise: rise in/on/with still night and to give: give prey to/for house: household her and statute: portion to/for maiden her
تَتَفَحَّصُ حَقْلاً وَتَشْتَرِيهِ، وَمِنْ مَكْسَبِ يَدَيْهَا تَغْرِسُ كَرْماً ١٦ 16
to plan land: country and to take: buy him from fruit palm her (to plant *QK) vineyard
تُنَطِّقُ حَقَوَيْهَا بِالْقُوَّةِ وَتُشَدِّدُ ذِرَاعَيْهَا. ١٧ 17
to gird in/on/with strength loin her and to strengthen arm her
وَتُدْرِكُ أَنَّ تِجَارَتَهَا رَابِحَةٌ، وَلاَ يَنْطَفِئُ سِرَاجُهَا فِي اللَّيْلِ. ١٨ 18
to perceive for pleasant profit her not to quench (in/on/with night *Qk) lamp her
تَقْبِضُ بِيَدَيْهَا عَلَى الْمِغْزَلِ وَتُمْسِكُ كَفَّاهَا بِالْفَلَكَةِ. ١٩ 19
hand her to send: reach in/on/with distaff and palm her to grasp district
تَبْسُطُ كَفَّيْهَا لِلْفَقِيرِ وَتَمُدُّ يَدَيْهَا لإِغَاثَةِ الْبَائِسِ. ٢٠ 20
palm her to spread to/for afflicted and hand her to send: reach to/for needy
لاَ تَخْشَى عَلَى أَهْلِ بَيْتِهَا مِنَ الثَّلْجِ، لأَنَّ جَمِيعَهُمْ يَرْتَدُونَ الْحُلَلَ الْقِرْمِزِيَّةَ. ٢١ 21
not to fear to/for house: household her from snow for all house: household her to clothe scarlet
تَصْنَعُ لِنَفْسِهَا أَغْطِيَةً مُوَشَّاةً، وَثِيَابُهَا مُحَاكَةٌ مِنْ كَتَّانٍ وَأُرْجُوَانٍ. ٢٢ 22
covering to make to/for her linen and purple clothing her
زَوْجُهَا مَعْرُوفٌ فِي مَجَالِسِ بَوَّابَاتِ الْمَدِينَةِ، حَيْثُ يَجْلِسُ بَيْنَ وُجَهَاءِ الْبِلاَدِ. ٢٣ 23
to know in/on/with gate master: husband her in/on/with to dwell he with old: elder land: country/planet
تَصْنَعُ أَقْمِصَةً كَتَّانِيَّةً وَتَبِيعُهَا، وَتُزَوِّدُ التَّاجِرَ الْكَنْعَانِيَّ بِمَنَاطِقَ. ٢٤ 24
linen to make and to sell and belt to give: give to/for merchant
كِسَاؤُهَا الْعِزَّةُ وَالشَّرَفُ، وَتَبْتَهِجُ بِالأَيَّامِ الْمُقْبِلَةِ. ٢٥ 25
strength and glory clothing her and to laugh to/for day last
يَنْطِقُ فَمُهَا بِالْحِكْمَةِ، وَفِي لِسَانِهَا سُنَّةُ الْمَعْرُوفِ. ٢٦ 26
lip her to open in/on/with wisdom and instruction kindness upon tongue her
تَرْعَى بِعِنَايَةٍ شُؤُونَ أَهْلِ بَيْتِهَا، وَلاَ تَأْكُلُ خُبْزَ الْكَسَلِ. ٢٧ 27
to watch walk house: household her and food: bread sluggishness not to eat
يَقُومُ أَبْنَاؤُهَا وَيَغْبِطُونَهَا، وَيُطْرِيهَا زَوْجُهَا أَيْضاً قَائِلاً: ٢٨ 28
to arise: rise son: child her and to bless her master: husband her and to boast: praise her
«نِسَاءٌ كَثِيرَاتٌ قُمْنَ بِأَعْمَالٍ جَلِيلَةٍ، وَلَكِنَّكِ تَفَوَّقْتِ عَلَيْهِنَّ جَمِيعاً». ٢٩ 29
many daughter to make: do strength: worthy and you(f. s.) to ascend: rise upon all their
الْحُسْنُ غِشٌّ وَالْجَمَالُ بَاطِلٌ، أَمَّا الْمَرْأَةُ الْمُتَّقِيَّةُ الرَّبَّ فَهِيَ الَّتِي تُمْدَحُ. ٣٠ 30
deception [the] favor and vanity [the] beauty woman afraid LORD he/she/it to boast: praise
أَعْطُوهَا مِنْ ثَمَرِ يَدَيْهَا، وَلْتَكُنْ أَعْمَالُهَا مَصْدَرَ الثَّنَاءِ عَلَيْهَا. ٣١ 31
to give: give to/for her from fruit hand her and to boast: praise her in/on/with gate deed: work her

< الأمثال 31 >