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لِإِمَامِ ٱلْمُغَنِّينَ عَلَى «يَدُوثُونَ». لِآسَافَ. مَزْمُورٌ صَوْتِي إِلَى ٱللهِ فَأَصْرُخُ. صَوْتِي إِلَى ٱللهِ فَأَصْغَى إِلَيَّ. ١ 1
to/for to conduct upon (Jeduthun *Q(K)*) to/for Asaph melody voice my to(wards) God and to cry voice my to(wards) God and to listen to(wards) me
فِي يَوْمِ ضِيْقِي ٱلْتَمَسْتُ ٱلرَّبَّ. يَدِي فِي ٱللَّيْلِ ٱنْبَسَطَتْ وَلَمْ تَخْدَرْ. أَبَتْ نَفْسِي ٱلتَّعْزِيَةَ. ٢ 2
in/on/with day distress my Lord to seek hand my night to pour and not be numb to refuse to be sorry: comfort soul my
أَذْكُرُ ٱللهَ فَأَئِنُّ. أُنَاجِي نَفْسِي فَيُغْشَى عَلَى رُوحِي. سِلَاهْ. ٣ 3
to remember God and to roar to muse and to enfeeble spirit my (Selah)
أَمْسَكْتَ أَجْفَانَ عَيْنَيَّ. ٱنْزَعَجْتُ فَلَمْ أَتَكَلَّمْ. ٤ 4
to grasp waking eye my to trouble and not to speak: speak
تَفَكَّرْتُ فِي أَيَّامِ ٱلْقِدَمِ، ٱلسِّنِينَ ٱلدَّهْرِيَّةِ. ٥ 5
to devise: think day from front: old year forever: antiquity
أَذْكُرُ تَرَنُّمِي فِي ٱللَّيْلِ. مَعَ قَلْبِي أُنَاجِي، وَرُوحِي تَبْحَثُ: ٦ 6
to remember music my in/on/with night with heart my to muse and to search spirit my
«هَلْ إِلَى ٱلدُّهُورِ يَرْفُضُ ٱلرَّبُّ، وَلَا يَعُودُ لِلرِّضَا بَعْدُ؟ ٧ 7
to/for forever: enduring to reject Lord and not to add: again to/for to accept still
هَلِ ٱنْتَهَتْ إِلَى ٱلْأَبَدِ رَحْمَتُهُ؟ ٱنْقَطَعَتْ كَلِمَتُهُ إِلَى دَوْرٍ فَدَوْرٍ؟ ٨ 8
to end to/for perpetuity kindness his to cease word to/for generation and generation
هَلْ نَسِيَ ٱللهُ رَأْفَةً؟ أَوْ قَفَصَ بِرِجْزِهِ مَرَاحِمَهُ؟». سِلَاهْ. ٩ 9
to forget be gracious God if: surely no to gather in/on/with face: anger compassion his (Selah)
فَقُلْتُ: «هَذَا مَا يُعِلُّنِي: تَغَيُّرُ يَمِينِ ٱلْعَلِيِّ». ١٠ 10
and to say be weak: grieved I he/she/it year right Most High
أَذْكُرُ أَعْمَالَ ٱلرَّبِّ. إِذْ أَتَذَكَّرُ عَجَائِبَكَ مُنْذُ ٱلْقِدَمِ، ١١ 11
(to remember *Q(K)*) deed LORD for to remember from front: old wonder your
وَأَلْهَجُ بِجَمِيعِ أَفْعَالِكَ، وَبِصَنَائِعِكَ أُنَاجِي. ١٢ 12
and to mutter in/on/with all work your and in/on/with wantonness your to muse
اَللَّهُمَّ، فِي ٱلْقُدْسِ طَرِيقُكَ. أَيُّ إِلَهٍ عَظِيمٌ مِثْلُ ٱللهِ؟ ١٣ 13
God in/on/with holiness way: conduct your who? god great: large like/as God
أَنْتَ ٱلْإِلَهُ ٱلصَّانِعُ ٱلْعَجَائِبَ. عَرَّفْتَ بَيْنَ ٱلشُّعُوبِ قُوَّتَكَ. ١٤ 14
you(m. s.) [the] God to make: do wonder to know in/on/with people strength your
فَكَكْتَ بِذِرَاعِكَ شَعْبَكَ، بَنِي يَعْقُوبَ وَيُوسُفَ. سِلَاهْ. ١٥ 15
to redeem: redeem in/on/with arm people your son: descendant/people Jacob and Joseph (Selah)
أَبْصَرَتْكَ ٱلْمِيَاهُ يَا ٱللهُ، أَبْصَرَتْكَ ٱلْمِيَاهُ فَفَزِعَتْ، اِرْتَعَدَتْ أَيْضًا ٱللُّجَجُ. ١٦ 16
to see: see you water God to see: see you water to twist: writh in pain also to tremble abyss
سَكَبَتِ ٱلْغُيُومُ مِيَاهًا، أَعْطَتِ ٱلسُّحُبُ صَوْتًا. أَيْضًا سِهَامُكَ طَارَتْ. ١٧ 17
to flood water cloud voice: thunder to give: cry out cloud also arrow your to go: walk
صَوْتُ رَعْدِكَ فِي ٱلزَّوْبَعَةِ. ٱلْبُرُوقُ أَضَاءَتِ ٱلْمَسْكُونَةَ. ٱرْتَعَدَتْ وَرَجَفَتِ ٱلْأَرْضُ. ١٨ 18
voice: sound thunder your in/on/with wheel to light lightning world to tremble and to shake [the] land: country/planet
فِي ٱلْبَحْرِ طَرِيقُكَ، وَسُبُلُكَ فِي ٱلْمِيَاهِ ٱلْكَثِيرَةِ، وَآثَارُكَ لَمْ تُعْرَفْ. ١٩ 19
in/on/with sea way: journey your (and path your *Q(K)*) in/on/with water many and heel your not to know
هَدَيْتَ شَعْبَكَ كَٱلْغَنَمِ بِيَدِ مُوسَى وَهارُونَ. ٢٠ 20
to lead like/as flock people your in/on/with hand Moses and Aaron

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