< إِرْمِيَا 9 >

يَا لَيْتَ رَأْسِي مَاءٌ، وَعَيْنَيَّ يَنْبُوعُ دُمُوعٍ، فَأَبْكِيَ نَهَارًا وَلَيْلًا قَتْلَى بِنْتِ شَعْبِي. ١ 1
who? to give: if only! head my water and eye my fountain tears and to weep by day and night [obj] slain: killed daughter people my
يَا لَيْتَ لِي فِي ٱلْبَرِّيَّةِ مَبِيتَ مُسَافِرِينَ، فَأَتْرُكَ شَعْبِي وَأَنْطَلِقَ مِنْ عِنْدِهِمْ، لِأَنَّهُمْ جَمِيعًا زُنَاةٌ، جَمَاعَةُ خَائِنِينَ. ٢ 2
who? to give: if only! me in/on/with wilderness lodging to journey and to leave: forsake [obj] people my and to go: went from with them for all their to commit adultery assembly to act treacherously
«يَمُدُّونَ أَلْسِنَتَهُمْ كَقِسِيِّهِمْ لِلْكَذِبِ. لَا لِلْحَقِّ قَوُوا فِي ٱلْأَرْضِ. لِأَنَّهُمْ خَرَجُوا مِنْ شَرٍّ إِلَى شَرٍّ، وَإِيَّايَ لَمْ يَعْرِفُوا، يَقُولُ ٱلرَّبُّ. ٣ 3
and to tread [obj] tongue their bow their deception and not to/for faithfulness to prevail in/on/with land: country/planet for from distress: evil to(wards) distress: evil to come out: come and [obj] me not to know utterance LORD
اِحْتَرِزُوا كُلُّ وَاحِدٍ مِنْ صَاحِبِهِ، وَعَلَى كُلِّ أَخٍ لَا تَتَّكِلُوا، لِأَنَّ كُلَّ أَخٍ يَعْقِبُ عَقِبًا، وَكُلَّ صَاحِبٍ يَسْعَى فِي ٱلْوِشَايَةِ. ٤ 4
man: anyone from neighbor his to keep: careful and upon all brother: male-sibling not to trust for all brother: male-sibling to assail to assail and all neighbor slander to go: went
وَيَخْتِلُ ٱلْإِنْسَانُ صَاحِبَهُ وَلَا يَتَكَلَّمُونَ بِٱلْحَقِّ. عَلَّمُوا أَلْسِنَتَهُمُ ٱلتَّكَلُّمَ بِٱلْكَذِبِ، وَتَعِبُوا فِي ٱلِٱفْتِرَاءِ. ٥ 5
and man: anyone in/on/with neighbor his to deceive and truth: true not to speak: speak to learn: teach tongue their to speak: speak deception to pervert be weary
مَسْكَنُكَ فِي وَسْطِ ٱلْمَكْرِ. بِٱلْمَكْرِ أَبَوْا أَنْ يَعْرِفُونِي، يَقُولُ ٱلرَّبُّ. ٦ 6
to dwell you in/on/with midst deceit in/on/with deceit to refuse to know [obj] me utterance LORD
«لِذَلِكَ هَكَذَا قَالَ رَبُّ ٱلْجُنُودِ: هَأَنَذَا أُنَقِّيهِمْ وَأَمْتَحِنُهُمْ. لِأَنِّي مَاذَا أَعْمَلُ مِنْ أَجْلِ بِنْتِ شَعْبِي؟ ٧ 7
to/for so thus to say LORD Hosts look! I to refine them and to test them for how? to make: do from face: because daughter people my
لِسَانُهُمْ سَهْمٌ قَتَّالٌ يَتَكَلَّمُ بِٱلْغِشِّ. بِفَمِهِ يُكَلِّمُ صَاحِبَهُ بِسَلَامٍ، وَفِي قَلْبِهِ يَضَعُ لَهُ كَمِينًا. ٨ 8
arrow (to slaughter *Q(K)*) tongue their deceit to speak: speak in/on/with lip his peace with neighbor his to speak: speak and in/on/with entrails: among his to set: consider ambush his
أَفَمَا أُعَاقِبُهُمْ عَلَى هَذِهِ، يَقُولُ ٱلرَّبُّ؟ أَمْ لَا تَنْتَقِمُ نَفْسِي مِنْ أُمَّةٍ كَهَذِهِ؟». ٩ 9
upon these not to reckon: punish in/on/with them utterance LORD if: surely no in/on/with nation which like/as this not to avenge soul: myself my
عَلَى ٱلْجِبَالِ أَرْفَعُ بُكَاءً وَمَرْثَاةً، وَعَلَى مَرَاعِي ٱلْبَرِّيَّةِ نَدْبًا، لِأَنَّهَا ٱحْتَرَقَتْ، فَلَا إِنْسَانَ عَابِرٌ وَلَا يُسْمَعُ صَوْتُ ٱلْمَاشِيَةِ. مِنْ طَيْرِ ٱلسَّمَاوَاتِ إِلَى ٱلْبَهَائِمِ هَرَبَتْ مَضَتْ. ١٠ 10
upon [the] mountain: mount to lift: raise weeping and wailing and upon habitation wilderness dirge for to kindle from without man: anyone to pass and not to hear: hear voice: sound livestock from bird [the] heaven and till animal to wander to go: went
«وَأَجْعَلُ أُورُشَلِيمَ رُجَمًا وَمَأْوَى بَنَاتِ آوَى، وَمُدُنَ يَهُوذَا أَجْعَلُهَا خَرَابًا بِلَا سَاكِنٍ». ١١ 11
and to give: if only! [obj] Jerusalem to/for heap habitation jackal and [obj] city Judah to give: if only! devastation from without to dwell
مَنْ هُوَ ٱلْإِنْسَانُ ٱلْحَكِيمُ ٱلَّذِي يَفْهَمُ هَذِهِ، وَٱلَّذِي كَلَّمَهُ فَمُ ٱلرَّبِّ، فَيُخْبِرَ بِهَا؟ لِمَاذَا بَادَتِ ٱلْأَرْضُ وَٱحْتَرَقَتْ كَبَرِّيَّةٍ بِلَا عَابِرٍ؟ ١٢ 12
who? [the] man [the] wise and to understand [obj] this and which to speak: speak lip LORD to(wards) him and to tell her upon what? to perish [the] land: country/planet to kindle like/as wilderness from without to pass
فَقَالَ ٱلرَّبُّ: «عَلَى تَرْكِهِمْ شَرِيعَتِي ٱلَّتِي جَعَلْتُهَا أَمَامَهُمْ، وَلَمْ يَسْمَعُوا لِصَوْتِي وَلَمْ يَسْلُكُوا بِهَا. ١٣ 13
and to say LORD upon to leave: forsake they [obj] instruction my which to give: if only! to/for face: before their and not to hear: obey in/on/with voice my and not to go: walk in/on/with her
بَلْ سَلَكُوا وَرَاءَ عِنَادِ قُلُوبِهِمْ وَوَرَاءَ ٱلْبَعْلِيمِ ٱلَّتِي عَلَّمَهُمْ إِيَّاهَا آبَاؤُهُمْ. ١٤ 14
and to go: follow after stubbornness heart their and after [the] Baal which to learn: teach them father their
لِذَلِكَ هَكَذَا قَالَ رَبُّ ٱلْجُنُودِ إِلَهُ إِسْرَائِيلَ: هَأَنَذَا أُطْعِمُ هَذَا ٱلشَّعْبَ أَفْسَنْتِينًا وَأَسْقِيهِمْ مَاءَ ٱلْعَلْقَمِ، ١٥ 15
to/for so thus to say LORD Hosts God Israel look! I to eat them [obj] [the] people [the] this wormwood and to water: drink them water poison
وَأُبَدِّدُهُمْ فِي أُمَمٍ لَمْ يَعْرِفُوهَا هُمْ وَلَا آبَاؤُهُمْ، وَأُطْلِقُ وَرَاءَهُمُ ٱلسَّيْفَ حَتَّى أُفْنِيَهُمْ. ١٦ 16
and to scatter them in/on/with nation which not to know they(masc.) and father their and to send: depart after them [obj] [the] sword till to end: destroy I [obj] them
«هَكَذَا قَالَ رَبُّ ٱلْجُنُودِ: تَأَمَّلُوا وَٱدْعُوا ٱلنَّادِبَاتِ فَيَأْتِينَ، وَأَرْسِلُوا إِلَى ٱلْحَكِيمَاتِ فَيُقْبِلْنَ ١٧ 17
thus to say LORD Hosts to understand and to call: call to to/for to chant and to come (in): come and to(wards) [the] wise to send: depart and to come (in): come
وَيُسْرِعْنَ وَيَرْفَعْنَ عَلَيْنَا مَرْثَاةً، فَتَذْرِفَ أَعْيُنُنَا دُمُوعًا وَتَفِيضَ أَجْفَانُنَا مَاءً. ١٨ 18
and to hasten and to lift: raise upon us wailing and to go down eye our tears and eyelid our to flow water
لِأَنَّ صَوْتَ رِثَايَةٍ سُمِعَ مِنْ صِهْيَوْنَ: كَيْفَ أُهْلِكْنَا؟ خَزِينَا جِدًّا لِأَنَّنَا تَرَكْنَا ٱلْأَرْضَ، لِأَنَّهُمْ هَدَمُوا مَسَاكِنَنَا». ١٩ 19
for voice: sound wailing to hear: hear from Zion how? to ruin be ashamed much for to leave: forsake land: country/planet for to throw tabernacle our
بَلِ ٱسْمَعْنَ أَيَّتُهَا ٱلنِّسَاءُ كَلِمَةَ ٱلرَّبِّ، وَلْتَقْبَلْ آذَانُكُنَّ كَلِمَةَ فَمِهِ، وَعَلِّمْنَ بَنَاتِكُنَّ ٱلرِّثَايَةَ، وَٱلْمَرْأَةُ صَاحِبَتَهَا ٱلنَّدْبَ! ٢٠ 20
for to hear: hear woman word LORD and to take: recieve ear your word lip his and to learn: teach daughter your wailing and woman: another neighbor her dirge
لِأَنَّ ٱلْمَوْتَ طَلَعَ إِلَى كُوَانَا، دَخَلَ قُصُورَنَا لِيَقْطَعَ ٱلْأَطْفَالَ مِنْ خَارِجٍ، وَٱلشُّبَّانَ مِنَ ٱلسَّاحَاتِ. ٢١ 21
for to ascend: rise death in/on/with window our to come (in): come in/on/with citadel: palace our to/for to cut: eliminate infant from outside youth from street/plaza
تَكَلَّمَ: «هَكَذَا يَقُولُ ٱلرَّبُّ: وَتَسْقُطُ جُثَّةُ ٱلْإِنْسَانِ كَدِمْنَةٍ عَلَى وَجْهِ ٱلْحَقْلِ، وَكَقَبْضَةٍ وَرَاءَ ٱلْحَاصِدِ وَلَيْسَ مَنْ يَجْمَعُ! ٢٢ 22
to speak: speak thus utterance LORD and to fall: fall carcass [the] man like/as dung upon face: surface [the] land: country and like/as sheaf from after [the] to reap and nothing to gather
«هَكَذَا قَالَ ٱلرَّبُّ: لَا يَفْتَخِرَنَّ ٱلْحَكِيمُ بِحِكْمَتِهِ، وَلَا يَفْتَخِرِ ٱلْجَبَّارُ بِجَبَرُوتِهِ، وَلَا يَفْتَخِرِ ٱلْغَنِيُّ بِغِنَاهُ. ٢٣ 23
thus to say LORD not to boast: boast wise in/on/with wisdom his and not to boast: boast [the] mighty man in/on/with might his not to boast: boast rich in/on/with riches his
بَلْ بِهَذَا لِيَفْتَخِرَنَّ ٱلْمُفْتَخِرُ: بِأَنَّهُ يَفْهَمُ وَيَعْرِفُنِي أَنِّي أَنَا ٱلرَّبُّ ٱلصَّانِعُ رَحْمَةً وَقَضَاءً وَعَدْلًا فِي ٱلْأَرْضِ، لِأَنِّي بِهَذِهِ أُسَرُّ، يَقُولُ ٱلرَّبُّ. ٢٤ 24
that if: except if: except in/on/with this to boast: boast [the] to boast: boast be prudent and to know [obj] me for I LORD to make: do kindness justice and righteousness in/on/with land: country/planet for in/on/with these to delight in utterance LORD
«هَا أَيَّامٌ تَأْتِي، يَقُولُ ٱلرَّبُّ، وَأُعَاقِبُ كُلَّ مَخْتُونٍ وَأَغْلَفَ. ٢٥ 25
behold day to come (in): come utterance LORD and to reckon: punish upon all to circumcise in/on/with foreskin
مِصْرَ وَيَهُوذَا وَأَدُومَ وَبَنِي عَمُّونَ وَمُوآبَ، وَكُلَّ مَقْصُوصِي ٱلشَّعْرِ مُسْتَدِيرًا ٱلسَّاكِنِينَ فِي ٱلْبَرِّيَّةِ، لِأَنَّ كُلَّ ٱلْأُمَمِ غُلْفٌ، وَكُلَّ بَيْتِ إِسْرَائِيلَ غُلْفُ ٱلْقُلُوبِ». ٢٦ 26
upon Egypt and upon Judah and upon Edom and upon son: descendant/people Ammon and upon Moab and upon all to cut side [the] to dwell in/on/with wilderness for all [the] nation uncircumcised and all house: household Israel uncircumcised heart

< إِرْمِيَا 9 >