< Uruyan Yuhana 9 >

1 Itunna gono kadura kan taune wulsuno kulan tun me. In yene fiyini na fi deo kutyen unuzu kitene kani. I wa ni fiyini imoon pumi kibulung kuu kucomcom kun sali ligang. (Abyssos g12)
and the/this/who fifth angel to sound a trumpet and to perceive: see star out from the/this/who heaven to collapse toward the/this/who earth: planet and to give it/s/he the/this/who key the/this/who well/abyss the/this/who abyss (Abyssos g12)
2 A puno kuu ku comcom ku sali liganghe, libut ncin nuzu nan kuu kusali liganghe nafo ncin mongo na mi nuzu nan nya nla libut nakunti. Uwui nin niyini ta leibit bara ngutunu ncin mone nan nya kuu kone. (Abyssos g12)
and to open the/this/who well/abyss the/this/who abyss and to ascend smoke out from the/this/who well/abyss as/when smoke furnace/oven (great *NK(o)*) and (to darken *N(k)O*) the/this/who sun and the/this/who air out from the/this/who smoke the/this/who well/abyss (Abyssos g12)
3 Nan nya ncighe ficin nuzu nan nya udu uyii, iwa ni nani timung nafo tin ninan kitene in yie.
and out from the/this/who smoke to go out locust toward the/this/who earth: planet and to give it/s/he authority as/when to have/be authority the/this/who scorpion the/this/who earth: planet
4 Iwa belin nani na iwa lanza ukpi kutyene sa imomong ishifii sa kuca ba, se alenge cas na iwa di nin kulap Kutelle ni tin mine ba.
and to say it/s/he in order that/to not (to harm *N(k)O*) the/this/who grass the/this/who earth: planet nor all green nor all tree if: not not the/this/who a human (alone *k*) who/which no to have/be the/this/who seal the/this/who God upon/to/against the/this/who forehead (it/s/he *k*)
5 Na iwa yinnin nani imolsu anite ba, ama iyoani udu tipui ti tauna. Ukonu mine ma yittu nafo timun finang na fi wa tii.
and to give (it/s/he *N(k)O*) in order that/to not to kill it/s/he but in order that/to (to torture: torture *N(k)O*) month five and the/this/who torment it/s/he as/when torment scorpion when(-ever) to strike a human
6 Nan nya nayiri ane anit ma piziru ukul, ama na ima se ba, ima yittu nin sun woru i wadi imal kuzu, ukule na cun nani.
and in/on/among the/this/who day that to seek the/this/who a human the/this/who death and no not to find/meet it/s/he and to long for to die and (to flee *N(k)O*) the/this/who death away from it/s/he
7 Ficinghe masin nafo nibark nanga na ikyele nani udu likum. Nitin mine imonmong diku nafo titappa nizinariya a timoro mine nafo timuro nani asurne.
and the/this/who likeness the/this/who locust like horse to make ready toward war and upon/to/against the/this/who head it/s/he as/when crown like (gold *NK(o)*) and the/this/who face it/s/he as/when face a human
8 Titi mine nafo tin nawani, a ayini mine nafo an ku pwi.
and to have/be hair as/when hair woman and the/this/who tooth it/s/he as/when lion to be
9 Iwa di nin nimon kessuzu nigiri nafo nnikoro, a kuculu nagilit mine nafo kuchulu nakparkatu nibark ucindu likum.
and to have/be breastplate as/when breastplate iron and the/this/who voice/sound: noise the/this/who wing it/s/he as/when voice/sound: noise chariot horse much to run toward war
10 Idi nin tidu tuzu nafo ato ninang; tiduewe dinin na gang lanzu nanit tikul udui tipuei ti taun.
and to have/be tail like scorpion and sting (to be *k*) and in/on/among the/this/who tail it/s/he (and *k*) the/this/who (authority *NK(o)*) (to have/be *O*) (it/s/he *NK(O)*) to harm the/this/who a human month five
11 Idi nin mong nafo Ugo mine nafo gono kadura unan kuu kucomcom kun sali igang. Lisa me nin ti Ibrananie idin yicighe Abaddon, a Hiliniawe yicaghe Apollyon. (Abyssos g12)
(and *k*) (to have/be *NK(o)*) upon/to/against it/s/he king the/this/who angel the/this/who abyss name it/s/he Hebrew Abaddon (and *NK(o)*) in/on/among the/this/who Greek name to have/be Apollyon (Abyssos g12)
12 Uneu ncizunghe kata. Yenjen! yenjen uimoin ipazaza iba din cinu tutung.
the/this/who woe! the/this/who one to go away look! (to come/go *N(k)O*) still two woe! with/after this/he/she/it
13 Gono kadura kan tocine wulsuno kulantung me, nmini wa lanza liwui nnuzu nan nya liwulu fizinariya kitene nbagade nbun Kutelle.
and the/this/who sixth angel to sound a trumpet and to hear voice/sound: voice one out from the/this/who four horn the/this/who altar the/this/who golden the/this/who before the/this/who God
14 Liwuiye woro ngono kadura Kutelle na awa min Kulantunghe, a woro, “Suna nono kadura ninasse na i terin nan nya kurawan Afaratis.”
(to say *N(k)O*) the/this/who sixth angel (the/this/who to have/be *N(k)O*) the/this/who trumpet to loose the/this/who four angel the/this/who to bind upon/to/against the/this/who river the/this/who great Euphrates
15 Nono kadura ni nasse na iwa malu uciu nani bara koni kube, lilone, npui une, likus lone, iwa sun nani imolu nkashi utat nanit asurne.
and to loose the/this/who four angel the/this/who to make ready toward the/this/who hour and (toward the/this/who *o*) day and month and year in order that/to to kill the/this/who third the/this/who a human
16 Ngbardang na nan likum alenge na iwa di kitene ni bark wa duru amui akalt akut aba. Nwa lanza ngbardang mine.
and the/this/who number the/this/who troops the/this/who (horseman *NK(o)*) (twice myriad *N(k)O*) myriad (and *k*) to hear the/this/who number it/s/he
17 Nanere nwa yene nibarke nan nya namoro nwui nighe nin na lenge na iwa di kitene nibarke. Imong kesuzu nigiri mine wa shigizin, mein bula nin mien tilung. Ati nibarke wa di nafo ati na zakki, nya tinu mine ula wa nucu ku, ncin a ulon nla.
and thus(-ly) to perceive: see the/this/who horse in/on/among the/this/who appearance/vision and the/this/who to sit upon/to/against it/s/he to have/be breastplate fiery and dark blue and sulphurous and the/this/who head the/this/who horse as/when head lion and out from the/this/who mouth it/s/he to depart fire and smoke and sulfur
18 Uwusu ntat na nite wa kuzu nin na naleli aluban ntate: ule, ncing a ulon nle na uwa nucu nan nya tinuu mine.
(away from *N(k)O*) the/this/who Three (plague/blow/wound *NO*) this/he/she/it to kill the/this/who third the/this/who a human (out from *NK(o)*) the/this/who fire and (out from *k*) the/this/who smoke and (out from *k*) the/this/who sulfur the/this/who to depart out from the/this/who mouth it/s/he
19 Bara akara nibarke wadi nan nya tinnu a tidu mine, bara tidu mine wa di nafo iyii, iwa di nin nati na iwa lanza anit ukul mung.
(the/this/who *N(k)O*) for (authority the/this/who *N(k)O*) (horse *NO*) in/on/among the/this/who mouth it/s/he (to be *N(k)O*) and in/on/among the/this/who tail it/s/he the/this/who for tail it/s/he like (snake *NK(o)*) to have/be head and in/on/among it/s/he to harm
20 Ngissin nani asurne, alenge na iwa molu nani na alube ba, a na iwa sun usu nagbergenu usajada nin ticil nizinariya, azurfa, fikoro fi shine, litala, nin cil kuca, imon ile na iwa sa iyene kiti ba, ilanza ba, sa icina ba.
and the/this/who remaining the/this/who a human which no to kill in/on/among the/this/who plague/blow/wound this/he/she/it (nor *N(k)(o)*) to repent out from the/this/who work the/this/who hand it/s/he in order that/to not (to worship *N(k)O*) the/this/who demon and the/this/who idol the/this/who golden and the/this/who silver and the/this/who bronze and the/this/who stone and the/this/who wooden which neither to see (be able *N(k)O*) neither to hear neither to walk
21 A na iwa sun alapi nmolsu nanit ba, iwu mine, sa ipiru na wani mine sa adu likiri mine.
and no to repent out from the/this/who murder it/s/he neither out from the/this/who (sorcerer *N(k)O*) it/s/he neither out from the/this/who sexual sin it/s/he neither out from the/this/who theft it/s/he

< Uruyan Yuhana 9 >