< Uruyan Yuhana 15 >

1 Nming yene nkun kulap kitene kani, kudya nin nimon iziklli: Anankadura kulenlle wa duku lluzur nin nimon kuzu inanzang, ile na inane in lizang (bara na ning ninere tinana nayi Kutelle nkulo).
Something else very unusual [appeared] in the sky. I saw seven angels, whose duty it was to [punish] (OR, inflict hardship upon) [rebellious people] with seven different plagues (OR, in seven different ways). God is so angry [with rebellious people that] this is the last [time that he will punish them with the purpose of giving them an opportunity to turn away from their sinful behavior].
2 In wa yene unan ile na i masin fo kurawa kudya in munu nin nla, na i wa yisin ngau kurawa kudiya we ale na ina kata likara finawan tene nin kuyele mye, nin ligang nale na iyisin, nin usamye. I wa mien idowo na Kutelle wa ni nani.
I saw what looked like an ocean [that was made of] glass and mixed with fire. And I saw the people who overcame the beast [by not worshipping it] or its image, or [allowing its agent to mark them with] the number that corresponds to the beast’s name [PRS]. They were standing by the ocean [that looked like it was made] of glass. They had harps [for praising] God.
3 I wa di na lalin Musa, ku cin Kutelle, nin nalacin Gonee: “Katwa fe ka diya wari nin zikiki, ucif Kutelle, ule na a di tigo vat, tibau kedegen ani nin dert, ugo timin timin nyii.
They were singing a song [like] God’s servant Moses [sang long ago]. They sang [like this to praise Jesus, the one who is like] a lamb: Lord God Almighty, whatever you do is powerful and marvelous! You always act righteously and truthfully. You are king forever!
4 Cilari na a ma lanzu fiyu fe ba, ucif, anin zasu fi li sa fe? Bara na fere cas di lau nmzein vat ba dak ida tumunfi bara na katwa kacime fe iyimo kanin”
O Lord, you alone are holy! People of [MTY] all nations will come and worship you, because you show everyone that you have judged everyone righteously. So, everyone will fear you and honor you! [RHQ].
5 Banin nile imone in yene, nin kiti kilau vat, kikaa na kutet niyizi iba duku, ki wa pon nan nya kitene kani.
After this, [in the vision] I saw in heaven the temple [that (corresponds to/was represented by]) the tent [that the Israelites pitched in the desert. That was the tent that contained] the [Ten Commandments. The temple door] was opened {was open}.
6 Nan nya kiti kilau ule anang kadura Kutelle inun kuzur wa nuzu nin nimon inanzan kuzur, iwa shown imon na itene nigure mene.
The seven angels [who had the bowls containing] the seven plagues came out of the temple. The angels were dressed in clean, white linen [garments], and they wore gold bands around their chests.
7 Umong nan nya nale na iwadi nin laii nan nya nanasse nakpa kuzere kishik ni zenariya na ka wa kullun nin tinana nayi Kutelle ule na adi saligang. (aiōn g165)
One of the four living [creatures] gave [each of] the seven angels a golden bowl, filled with [wine/liquid. That wine/liquid symbolized] that God, who lives forever, would severely punish [rebellious people]. (aiōn g165)
8 Kiti kilauwe vaat wa kula nin cin nnuzun nruu Kutelle nin nan nya likara mye. Na umon wasa a pira ba andina imon inanzan nono katwaa Kutelle kuzure nkulu ba.
The temple was filled with smoke [that symbolized] the presence of the glorious and all-powerful God. No one was able to enter the temple until the seven angels finished [pouring out] the seven plagues.

< Uruyan Yuhana 15 >