< Matiyu 24 >

1 Yesu nuzu nanya kutii nlira a tunna ncin me; non katwa me da kitime ida dursoghe makeke kutii nlira.
And Jhesus wente out of the temple; and his disciplis camen to hym, to schewe hym the bildyngis of the temple.
2 A kpana aworo nani, na anung din yenju ile imone vat ba? “Idin bellu minu kidegen, na litala lirum duku longo na ima sunu kitene ilong sa ukpiliwu ba.”
But he answeride, and seide to hem, Seen ye alle these thingis? Treuli Y seie to you, a stoon schal not be left here on a stoon, that ne it schal be destried.
3 Na aso likup in Zaitun, non katwa me da kitime likot iworo. “Belle nari, ile imone mayitu nishiyari? Iyaghari ma dursu udakfe nin nimalin inyii? (aiōn g165)
And whanne he satte on the hille of Olyuete, hise disciplis camen to hym priueli, and seiden, Seie vs, whanne these thingis schulen be, and what token of thi comyng, and of the ending of the world. (aiōn g165)
4 Yesu kpana aworo nani. “Yenjen umon wa rusuzu minu.
And Jhesus answeride, and seide to hem, Loke ye, that no man disseyue you.
5 Bara anit gbardang ma dak nin lissa ning; ima woru 'myari Kristi', tutung ima rusuzu anit gbardang.
For many schulen come in my name, and schulen seie, Y am Crist; and thei schulen disseyue manye.
6 Ima lanzu ubeleng likum nin liru likum; yenjen ayi mine wa fita, bara ilenge imone ma dak gbas a na imaline nsa da ba.
For ye schulen here batels, and opyniouns of batels; se ye that ye be not disturblid; for it byhoueth these thingis to be don, but not yit is the ende.
7 Bara nmon min ma fitu nivira nin mon min, tigo kitene ntong tigo. Ima su akpon nin hirtizu nmyen niti niti.
Folk schal rise togidere ayens folc, and rewme ayens rewme, and pestilences, and hungris, and the erthemouyngis schulen be bi placis;
8 Vat ninlenge imone ma yitu ucizunu nniuwari.
and alle these ben bigynnyngis of sorewes.
9 Tutung ima nin nakpu minu nacara na lenge na ima timinu ineo, imolsu minu. Uyii vat ma nari minu bara blissa ning.
Thanne men schulen bitake you in to tribulacion, and schulen sle you, and ye schulen be in hate to alle folk for my name.
10 Anit gbardang ma tirzu inin lessu ati.
And thanne many schulen be sclaundrid, and bitraye ech other, and thei schulen hate ech other.
11 Anan bellu liru nin nuu Kutelle kinu ma fitu gbardang, iba wultunu anit gbardang.
And many false prophetis schulen rise, and disseyue manye.
12 Bara na likara linanzang bati gbardang usu nanit ma ti camcam.
And for wickidnesse schal `be plenteuouse, the charite of manye schal wexe coold;
13 Vat ulenge na a tere kibinayi nanya neu udu imalne, amere ma se utucu.
but he that schal dwelle stable in to the ende, schal be saaf.
14 Ule uliru umang nbelleng kipin tigo Kutelle ima su unin nyii vat unan so kutuf kunba timin timin vat; imaline ma nin dak.
And this gospel of the kyngdom schal be prechid in al the world, in witnessyng to al folc;
15 Nene asa iyene adadu an fiu, alenge na Daniel unan liru nin nuu Kutelle wa bellin, yissin nanya kiti kilau, (na unan bellu niyerte yinnin).
and thanne the ende schal come. Therfor whanne ye se the abhomynacioun of discomfort, that is seid of Danyel, the prophete, stondynge in the hooli place; he that redith, vndirstonde he;
16 na alenge na idi in Yahudiya cum udu akup.
thanne thei that ben in Judee, fle to the mounteyns; and he that is in the hous roof,
17 na ame ulenge na kitene kutii kitene nwa tolu adi yiru imonmong nan nya kilare ba.
come not doun to take ony thing of his hous; and he that is in the feeld,
18 ame ulenge na adi kunen na awa kpilin kilari ada yiru ugudun ba.
turne not ayen to take his coote.
19 Ushe nawani alenge na ima yitu nin naburi, nin nalenge na ima yitunmazunun nono kubi kone!
But wo to hem that ben with child, and nurischen in tho daies.
20 Sun nlira na ucum mine waso nin kubi likus sa liri na Sabbat ba.
Preye ye, that youre fleyng be not maad in wynter, or in the saboth.
21 Bara uniu ma yitu kang, umusun lenge na isa su unin ba tun ucizunu inyii udak kitimone, ana imakuru isu umusun nnin ba.
For thanne schal be greet tribulacioun, what maner `was not fro the bigynnyng of the world to now, nether schal be maad.
22 Sasa na ima canu ayiri ane ba, na unit wase utucu ba; bara alenge na ina fere, inani ma canu ayiri ane.
And but tho daies hadden be abreggide, ech flesch schulde not be maad saaf; but tho daies schulen be maad schort, for the chosun men.
23 Asa umong woro minu, yeneng Kristi ule; sa a “Kristi uni” na iwa yinin ba.
Thanne if ony man seie to you, Lo! here is Crist, or there, nyle ye bileue.
24 Anan kinuu nKristi nin nanan liru nin nuu Kutelle kinuu ma dak isu imon fiu izikiki gbardang, iwultun anit libau, umunu wang alenge na imal ferui nani.
For false Cristis and false prophetis schulen rise, and thei schulen yyue grete tokenes and wondrys; so that also the chosun be led in to erroure, if it may be done.
25 Yenen nbellin minu a kubi dutu sa udak
Lo! Y haue bifor seid to you.
26 Bara nani, iwa bellin minu, “yenen, Kristi di nanya kusho,” na iwa nuzu udue ba, iwan woro minu, adi nanya kutii limot, na iwa yinin ba.
Therfor if thei seie to you, Lo! he is in desert, nyle ye go out; lo! in priuey placis, nyle ye trowe.
27 Nafo na umalzinu kiti asa unya kusari kitene udu kadas, nanere wang udak in Saun in Nit ma yitu.
For as leit goith out fro the eest, and apperith in to the weste, so schal be also the coming of mannus sone.
28 Kikanga na libi nonku kikanere agbulluk ma pitirnu ku.
Where euer the bodi schal be, also the eglis schulen be gaderid thidur.
29 Kimal na leli ayiri nniuwe uwui ma siriu, na upui mani nkanang me ba, iyini ma dissu unuzu kitene kane, akara kitene kani ma zullunu kidowo.
And anoon after the tribulacioun of tho daies, the sunne schal be maad derk, and the moone schal not yyue hir liyt, and the sterris schulen falle fro heuene, and the vertues of heuenes schulen be moued.
30 Udursu kulap ndak in Saun in Nit ma nuzu kanang kitene kani, vat tilem inyii ma su tiyom. Ima yenu Usaun Nnit din cinu nanya nawut kitene kani nin likara a ngogong midya.
And thanne the tokene of mannus sone schal appere in heuene, and thanne alle kynredis of the erthe schulen weile; and thei schulen see mannus sone comynge in the cloudis of heuene, with miche vertu and maieste.
31 Ama nin tu nono kadura me nin liwui kulangtung kanan, inung manin pitirunghe anit alau me na sari anas vat kiti kirum, unuzu nlo ligang kitene kani udu loli liganghe.
And he schal sende hise aungels with a trumpe, and a greet vois; and thei schulen gedere hise chosun fro foure wyndis, fro the hiyest thingis of heuenes to the endis of hem.
32 Sen uyinu nimoimon kiti kuca kupau. Asa ulang in nutuno tifa tipese, yinnon kussik nda susut.
And lerne ye the parable of a fige tre. Whanne his braunche is now tendir, and the leeues ben sprongun, ye witen that somer is nyy;
33 Nanere wang, asa iyene ile imone, yinnon nworu a daduru, adi susut nin kibulunghe.
`so and ye whanne ye seen alle these thingis, wite ye that it is nyy, in the yatis.
34 Kidegennere nbellin minu, na ko kuje ma katu ba, se ilenge imone nse ukulu vat.
Treuli Y seie to you, for this generacioun schal not passe, til alle thingis be don;
35 Kitene kani nin kadas ma katu, a na uliru ning ma katu ba.
heuene and erthe schulen passe, but my wordis schulen not passe.
36 Ubellen nwui une nin kube na umong yiru ba, umunun inung nono kadura kitene kane, sa Usaunne, Uciffere cas yiru.
But of thilke dai and our no man wote, nethir aungels of heuenes, but the fadir aloone.
37 Nafo na ayirin Nuhu wadi, nanere ma yitu udak Nsaun Nnit.
But as it was in the daies of Noe, so schal be the comyng of mannus sone.
38 Nafo aleli ayirin kulu nmyen inye wa dutu sa udak iwa din li iso, ipilla awani a iniza a shono mine nilugma udi duru lire na Nuhu wa piru uzirge,
For as in the daies bifore the greet flood, thei weren etynge and drynkynge, weddynge and takynge to weddyng, to that dai, that Noe entride in to the schippe;
39 na iwa yiru imoimon ba nmyene da kulo uye umila nani, nanere ma yitu udak Nsaun Nnit.
and thei knewen not, til the greet flood cam, and took alle men, so schal be the comyng of mannus sone.
40 Ima se anit naba kunen; ima yiru unit urum, i sun urum.
Thanne tweyne schulen be in o feeld, oon schal be takun, and another left;
41 Awani aba mayitu tiyazun; ima yiru urum, isun urum.
twey wymmen schulen be gryndynge in o queerne, oon schal be takun, and `the tother left; tweyn in a bedde, `the toon schal be takun, and the tother left.
42 Nanya nani sun lisosin nca, bara na iyiru liri longo na cikilari mine ma dak ba.
Therfor wake ye, for ye witen not in what our the Lord schal come.
43 Yinnon ulele, Cikilari nwa yiru kubi kongo na ukiri din cinu, ama su uca na ama yinnu i puro kilae ipira ba.
But wite ye this, that if the hosebonde man wiste in what our the thefe were to come, certis he wolde wake, and suffre not his hous to be vndurmyned.
44 Nanere anung wang imasu uca bara Usaun Nnit ma dak kubi kongo na ima yiru ba.
And therfor be ye redi, for in what our ye gessen not, mannus sone schal come.
45 Ani ghari kucin kone kujijing, na kuyina cikilari me tighe in yenju ngame, anan niza nani imonli mine nanya kubi dert?
Who gessist thou is a trewe seruaunt and prudent, whom his lord ordeyned on his meynee, to yyue hem mete in tyme?
46 Unan nmari ari kucin kone, ulenge na cikilari me ma dak ada seghe nsu nani.
Blessed is that seruaunt, whom `his lord, whanne he schal come, schal fynde so doynge.
47 Nbellin minu kidegene cikilari une ma tardughe kitene nvat nimon ilenge na a dimun.
Treuli Y seye to you, for on alle his goodis he schal ordeyne hym.
48 Andi kucin kunanzang nworo nanya kibinei me. Cikilari nigye ndandauna;
But if thilke yuel seruaunt seie in his herte, My lord tarieth to come,
49 anin cizin ufo nadon licinme, anin li aso nin nanan so nadadu,
and bigynneth to smyte hise euen seruauntis, and ete, and drynke with drunken men;
50 Cikilari kucin kone ma dak liri longo na kucin kone nceo kibinei ku ba,
the lord of that seruaunt schal come in the dai which he hopith not, and in the our that he knowith not,
51 Cikilari me ma kifigye a fogye anin ceo gye urume nan nanan rusuzu nati, kikanga na kuculu mayiti ku nin nyakku nayini.
and schal departe hym, and putte his part with ypocritis; there schal be wepyng, and gryntyng of teeth.

< Matiyu 24 >