< Matiyu 19 >

1 Na ida kubi na yisa mmala tigbulange, a sunna Ugalili, ada nan nya ligan Yahudiya ukafinu kurawa urdu.
And it came to pass when finished Jesus words these, He withdrew from Galilee and came to the region of Judea beyond the Jordan.
2 Ligozi gbardang dofinghe, a shizino nin ghinu kikane.
And followed Him crowds great, and He healed them there.
3 Afarisiyawa da kitime, idumunzun ghe, nbellinghe, “Uduka nyinna nworo unit ko uwani me nan nya nimon ille na uwane tawa?”
And came to Him (*k*) Pharisees testing Him and saying (to him: *k*) If is it lawful for a man to divorce the a wife of him for every cause?
4 Yisa kauwa a woro, “Na anun wa yene ubellu ninyyerte ba, nworu ame ulle na awa ke nani nin gankilime nin uwani?
Which now answering He said (to them: *k*) Surely you have read that the [One] (created *N(K)O*) from [the] beginning male and female made them?
5 Akuru a woro, 'Bara nanere unit ba cinnu ucif me nin nna me a munu nin nwani me, anwabe ba da so finawa firuma?
and said; On account of this will leave a man the father and the mother and (will be joined with *N(k)O*) the wife of him, and will become the two into flesh one’
6 Nin ndu mbun na awabari ba, finawa firuum bara nani, imon ule na Kutellẹ munu, na umon wa kosu ba.”
so that no longer no longer are they two but flesh one. What therefore God united together, man not should separate.
7 Inugh woroghe, “Ani iyari ntta Musa wa bellin nari tiniza awani bite inyerte nworu ilugma bite nmala anin ko ghe?”
They say to Him; Why then Moses did command to give a roll of divorce and to send away her?
8 A belle nani, “Bara ngbas niibinai minere Musa wa sun muunu iko awani mine, nin nburne na nanere wandi ba.
He says to them that Moses in view of the hardness of heart of you allowed you to divorce the wives of you; from [the] beginning however not was [it] this way.
9 Meng bellin munu, vat ulle na ko uwani me andi na kulapi nzina ba amini ndi yira uumon, asu kulapin nzina, unit ule na adi yira uwani ule na ina ko ghe asu uzina.”
I say now to you: that who[ever] maybe may divorce the wife of him (only *k*) except for sexual immorality and shall marry another, commits adultery. (and which divorced having married commits adultery. *KO*)
10 Nono kadura belle Yisa ku, “Andi nanere ubellen ngankilime nin nwani, na ucaun isu ilugma ba.”
Say to Him the disciples of Him: If this is the case of the man with the wife, not it is better to marry.
11 Yisa woro nani, “Na koghari ba yinnu ninle uduursuze ba, se allenge cas na ina yinin nani iseru unin.
And He said to them; Not all receive word this but only [those] to whom it has been given.
12 Bara amon duku iwa machu nani sa tinanilime mine. Amon tutun annitari wa gbaru nani. Amon asa inughere ta atimine ku bara kipin tigo Kutellẹ. Ame ulle na adini su seru ulle udursuze, na a seru unin.”
There are for eunuchs who from [the] womb of [their] mother were born thus, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who made eunuchs of themselves for the sake of the kingdom of the heavens. The [one] being able to receive [it] he should receive [it].
13 Iwa da nin nono nibebene kitime anan tarda nani acara me na ti mine ati nlira, nono katwa me kpada nani.
Then (were brought *N(k)O*) to Him little children that the hands He may lay on them and He may pray; however the disciples rebuked them.
14 Yisa woro, “Sunan nono nibebene, na iwa wantin nani udak kiti nighe ba, kipin tigo Kutellẹ di kin nimuwsu minere.”
And Jesus said; do permit the little children and not do forbid them to come to Me; of the for of such kind is the kingdom of the heavens.
15 A tarda nani acara me, a tunna anya kitene.
And having laid the hands upon them He departed from there.
16 Umon unit da kitin Yisa a woro, “Unan dursuzu kiti, iyapin imon iciniari mma su nnan se ulai un sali ligangha?” (aiōnios g166)
And behold one having come to Him said: Teacher (good *K*) what good [thing] shall I do that (I may have *N(k)O*) life eternal? (aiōnios g166)
17 Yisa woroghe, “In yaghari nta uminin ntirini ubelen nimon igegeme? Unit urumari cas di gegeme, nan nya nani andi udi nin su use ulai nsali ligang, dorto uuduke.”
And He said to him; Why Me (you ask *N(k)O*) (about what is *no*) (good? *N(k)O*) (One *N(K)O*) (is *no*) good (only except one God. *K*) If however you desire into life to enter, (do keep *NK(o)*) the commandments.
18 Unite woroghe, “Uyeme uduka?” Yisa woro, “Yenje nwa mollu unit yenje uwa nozo nin na wani, namon yenje uwa su likiri, yenje uwa su kinu,
He says to him; Which [commandments]? And Jesus (was speaking; *NK(o)*) Not will you murder, not will you commit adultery, not will you steal, not will you bear false witness,
19 gyantina ucif fe nin nafi ne unin ti usu nnan kupo fe nafo litife.”
do honor the father (of you *k*) and the mother, and you will love the neighbour of you as yourself.’
20 Kwanyane woroghe, “Ilenge imone vat nna su. Iyaghari kuru iduyi?”
Says to him the young man; All these (I have kept *N(k)O*) (from youth of me *K*) What yet do I lack?
21 Yisa woroghe, “Andi udi nin su use ukulu, can, lewe imon ilenge na udimun, uni nikimon, uma se imon nacara kitene. Kani unin dak, udofi ni.”
Was saying to him Jesus; If you desire perfect to be, do go do sell of you possessions and do give (to the *no*) poor; and you will have treasure in ([the] heavens, *N(k)O*) and come do follow Me.
22 Na kwanyane nlanza imon ilenge na Yisa nbelle, anya nin tinana nayi, bara awa di nin nimon nacara gbardang.
Having heard now the young man (this *ko*) statement he went away grieving; he was [one] for having possessions many.
23 Yisa woro nnono katwa me, “Mbellin minu kidegene, udin konu unan nimon nacara ghana kitene kani.
And Jesus said to the disciples of Him; Amen I say to you that a rich man with difficulty will enter into the kingdom of the heavens.
24 Nkuru nbellin minu, nworu uman nimon nacara piru kipin tigo Kutellẹ, ukatin nin shew kurakomi piru ligalon nalira.”
Again now I say to you; easier for [it] is a camel through [the] (an eye *NK(o)*) of a needle (to go through *NK(o)*) than a rich man to enter into the kingdom (*NK(o)*) (of God. *NK(O)*)
25 Na nono katwa me nlanza nani, umamaki kifo nani kang i woro, “Ani ghari wasa ase utucue?”
Having heard now the disciples (of him *k*) were astonished exceedingly saying; Who then is able to be saved?
26 Yisa yene nani aworo, “Kiti na nanit udin konu, kiti Kutellẹ vat nimon in suari.”
Having looked on [them] now Jesus said to them; With men this impossible is, with however God all things [are] possible (is. *k*)
27 Biturus ttunna akpana a woroghe, “Yene, tina sun imon vat ti dofin fi. Ani iyaghari arik ba se?”
Then answering Peter said to Him; Behold we ourselves left all things and we followed You; what then will be to us?
28 Yisa woro nani, “Mbbellin minu kidegene, anughe na ina dofini, nan nmaru upese na gono Kutellẹ ma so kutet tigo me, anung wang ma so na tet likure nin na ba, isu ushara nnonon Israila likure nin naba.
And Jesus said to them; Amen I say to you that you yourselves who having followed Me in the regeneration, when may sit down the Son of Man upon [the] throne of glory of Him, (will sit *N(k)O*) also (you yourselves *NK(O)*) on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
29 Vat nlenge na a suna nilari, nuana nilime, nuana nishono, ucif, una, nono sa kumen bara lisanin, ama seru mmari akalt likure a ulai un sa ligang. (aiōnios g166)
And everyone (who *N(k)O*) has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or (wife or *KO*) children or lands for the sake of name (of Me *NK(o)*) (a hundredfold *NK(O)*) will receive and life eternal will inherit. (aiōnios g166)
30 Nan nya nnani gbardang na idi anan cizunu nene mada so anan kidung, a gbardang na idi anan kidung maso anan bun.
Many however will be first last, and last first.

< Matiyu 19 >