< Matiyu 16 >

1 A Farisiyawa nan na Sadukiyawa daa kitime idin tirughe in an dumunghe a duro nani kulap nnuzu kitene kani.
The Pharisees and Sadducees came to test Jesus, demanding that he show them a sign from heaven.
2 Bara nani a kawa a woro nani, “Na kuleleng ntaa, uworo, 'Kefe mayitu ugang, bara awuten nshaa.'
Jesus replied, “In the evening you say, ‘It'll be a fine day tomorrow, because the sky is red,’
3 Nin kuyi dindin uworo, 'Kite ma cauna kang kitimone, bara na awuten nshaa.' I yiru ubelu nalu ile ketene kane, bara na iwasa iyino ubelu kulap kube ba.
while in the morning you say, ‘It'll be bad weather today, because the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to predict the weather by what the sky looks like, but you can't recognize the signs of the times!
4 Kuji kunanzan kun zino din pizirun uyine nkon kulap ba banin kun Yunana.” Yesu nin nyaa a suna nane.
Evil people who don't trust in God are the ones who look for a miraculous sign, and no sign will be given to them except the sign of Jonah.” He left them and went away.
5 Nono katwa me kafina udu uleli ugau kurawe, Ishawa uyirun mborodi.
Going to the other side of the lake, the disciples forgot to bring bread with them.
6 Yesu woro nani, “Sunseng nin na Farisiyawa nan na Sandukiyawa.”
“Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees,” Jesus told them.
7 Nono katwa nighe kpiliza nibinai mene i woro, bara na ti yira uberadi ba.”
The disciples started arguing among themselves. “He's saying that because we didn't bring any bread,” they concluded.
8 Yesu wa yeru nani a woro, “Anung ana yenu sa uyenu ucin, iyanin ta idin Kpiilizu nati mene au na iyira uborodiari ba?
Jesus knew what they were saying and said, “You have so little trust in me! Why are you arguing among yourselves about not having any bread?
9 Na isa lizino sa itoo iyizi na gi nborodi ataun na anit amoi ataun wa li ba, a kagisine amashinara i wa piriru?
Haven't you worked it out yet? Don't you remember the five loaves that fed five thousand? How many baskets of leftovers did you collect?
10 Sa agir kuzure na anit amoi anas wa li, akuzeng amashinari walawa?
And what about the seven loaves that fed the four thousand? How many baskets of leftovers did you collect?
11 Iyarin nta na iyino au inwadin beleminu ubelen mborodiari ba? Sun seng nin na Farisiyawa nan na Sadukiyawa.”
Haven't you worked it out yet that I wasn't talking to you about bread? Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees!”
12 Inin yino na awadin belenani uboleng inyeast mborodiari ba, bara u madursuzu na Farisiyawa nin na Sadukiyawa.
Then they realized that he wasn't warning them to watch out for bread yeast, but about the teachings of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
13 Nene na Yesu waa dak nlong likotin Kasiriya nFilipi, atiro nono katwa me, aworo, “Nyari anit din yicu Gonon nit?”
When Jesus arrived in the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of man is?”
14 I woro, “Anung woro Yohanna unan shitu; among, Ilaisha; among woro, Irimiya, among woro unang liru nin nuu Kutelleari.”
“Some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say Jeremiah or one of the other prophets,” they replied.
15 A woro nani, “Bara nani anung din su meng ghari?”
“But what about you?” he asked them. “Who do you say I am?”
16 Na akawa, Simon Bitrus woro, “Fere Kristi, Gono Kutelle unang nlai.”
“You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God,” Simon Peter replied.
17 Yesu kawa a woroghe, “Fe unang mariari, Simon usaun nYunana, nmii nin kidow was a durofi ilele ba, Ucif nighe na adi kitene kauri amere ndurofi.
“You are truly blessed, Simon son of John,” Jesus told him. “For this wasn't revealed to you by human flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.
18 Nkuru mbelenfi fere Bitrus kitene litala lole mma kye kutii nlira. Ni bulun kuwunun nkull wasa ni wantina ba. (Hadēs g86)
I also tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church and the powers of death won't overcome it. (Hadēs g86)
19 Mba nifi mabudi kilari tigo kitene kani. Vat nimon ile na itere nyii imateru kitene kane, vat nimon iile na ibuku nyii iba bunku kitene kani.”
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you ban on earth will be banned in heaven, and whatever you allow on earth will be allowed in heaven.”
20 Yesu benle nono katwa me nin likara au na iwa belin umong amere Kristi ba.
Then he warned his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.
21 Nnuzu kubi kone Yesu woro nono katwa me a ma nyiu adoo Urushalima, ama niu kang nacaran nakunen ntardun nacara kutii nlira, nin nadidya kutii nlira, aa amon ninyert, Ima molughe, ama nin fitu liri lin tate.
From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he would have to go Jerusalem, and that he would suffer terribly at the hands of the elders, chief priests, and religious teachers; and that he would be killed, but he would rise again on the third day.
22 Bitrus yicilaghe likoot akpadaghe, abenle, “Cikilari ulele di piit nin fi; na ulele nwa sefi ba.”
Peter took Jesus aside and started to tell him he shouldn't talk like that. “God forbid, Lord, that this would ever happen to you!” he said.
23 Yesu gifirino aworo Bitrus ku, “Kpilla kimal nin shetan! Fe litalan ntirzuwari kiti ni, na myen fe duku nin nimon Kutelle ba, bara imon na nit.”
Jesus turned to Peter, and told him, “Get away from me, Satan! You are a trap to trip me up, because you're thinking in a human way, and not as God thinks!”
24 Yesu tunna a belle nono katwa me, “Vat urika na adinin su adofini, se ata umusu litime, ayauna kucan kotinu me, anin dofini.
Then Jesus told his disciples, “If you want to be a follower of mine, you must deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me.
25 Bara vat urika na adinin su aceu ulai me ama diru uni, vat tutung ulenge na a adira ulai me bara meng ama se uning.
For if you want to save your life you will lose it, and if you lose your life for my sake you will save it.
26 Iyaghari ba kpinu unit ku, awa se vat nye anin dira ulai me? Iyaghari unit ba su kusere nlai me muna?
What benefit is it for you to gain the whole world, yet lose your life? What would you give in exchange for your life?
27 Bara Gonon Nnit ba dak nan nya ngongon ncif me nan nono kadura me. Ama nin nni koghaku nafo nile imon na anasu.
For the Son of man is going to come in his Father's glory, together with his angels. Then he will give everyone what they deserve according to what they've done.
28 Kidegen meng bellin munu, among duku nan nya mine allenge na iyisin kikane, na iba dudu ukul ba, iba yenu Gono Nnit ncinu nanya tigo me.”
I tell you the truth, there are some standing here who won't die before they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.”

< Matiyu 16 >