< Markos 8 >

1 Nanya nayiri ane, ligozin na nit gbardan, wa duku na iwa di nin nimonli ba. Yisa yicila nono kata me a woro nani,
In those days, there being again a very great multitude, and they having nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples to Him,
2 “In lanza nkunekune ligozine, bara na idi nin mi ayiri a tat sa imongli.
and saith unto them, I have compassion on the multitude, for they have now been with me three days, and have nothing to eat:
3 Inwa ti nani igya sa ulli ni mongli ima kuzu izintizo indina. Among mine na nucu niti nipït.”
and if I send them away fasting to their own home, they will faint by the way; for some of them are come from far.
4 Nono katame kawaghe, “Tima se akallang in burodi nweri ti ni anit alele nin kiti kane sa anit?”
And his disciples answered Him, From whence can one satisfy these people with bread here in a desert?
5 A tirino nani, “Akalang nburodi amashin nari i dumun?” I woroghe, “Kuzor.”
And He asked them, How many loaves have ye? and they said, Seven.
6 A ta ligozin na nite i sozọ kutin a sere a kallang kuzore. Na ata inlira, a pucu akallanghe ana nono kata me i koso ligozin nanite.
And He ordered the people to sit down upon the ground: and taking the seven loaves, He gave thanks and brake them, and gave to his disciples to set before them; and they did set them before the multitude.
7 Iwa din nin nagir niboa, tutun na atta nlira ku, akuru ana nono katame i koso.
And they had a few small fishes: and He blessed them, and bid them set them also before the people.
8 Ileu ishito. I pitiro ingisin nimonlẹ, i kullo akuzun kuzur.
And they did eat and were satisfied: and they took up what were left, to wit of fragments seven baskets:
9 Anite waduru amui anass kikane. Yisa nin cino nani i gya.
and they that had eaten were about four thousand. And then He dismissed them.
10 Na apira nanya zigin myen nin nono kata me, i gya udu kusarin Dalmanutha.
And going directly on board a ship with his disciples, He came into the parts of Dalmanutha:
11 Afarasiyawa nuzu ida ida cizina mayardan nanye. I pizira kulap kiti me inuzu kitene kani, inan dumunghe.
and the pharirisees came forth, and began to dispute with Him, desiring of Him a sign from heaven, tempting Him.
12 A Kpilliza nanya kibinayi me nanya nfip mi lau a woro, “I yarin ta ko kuje din piziru kulap? Kidegen in bellin minu, kuji kone mase kon kulap ba.”
And He sighing deeply in his spirit, saith, Why doth this generation require a sign? Verily I tell you, There shall no sign be given to this generation.
13 A suna nani, a kuru a pira nan nya zirgin myen, udu uleli uwul kullẹ.
So He left them, and went on board the ship again, and departed to the other side.
14 Nono katwa me kuru I shawa uyirun borodi. Na iwa myen uborodi na uwa kata urum nangyen jirige ba.
And his disciples had forgot to take bread, neither had they any more than one loaf with them in the ship.
15 A wuno nani atuf a woro, “Punon iyizi iyenje kiti bara iwa ming kuse na Farisawa nin wala mi kusen Hiridus.”
And therefore as He was giving them a charge, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod,
16 Nono kata me kpilza nati mine, “Bara na ti di nin u'nburodi ba.”
they argued one with another, saying, It is because we have no bread.
17 Yisa wa yiru illeli imone, anin woro nani, “In yarin ta idin kpilizu nbelleng diru nburodi? Idu sa uyinne? Na isa yino ba? Nibinayi mine nta ni lalangha?
And Jesus knowing it saith unto them, What are ye reasoning about? because ye have no bread? Do ye not yet discern nor understand? have ye your heart still hardened?
18 Idi nin nizi, na idin yenju ba? Idinin natuf na idin lanzu ba? na i lizino ba?
Have ye eyes, and do not see? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?
19 Nan nwa kosu anit amoiyi ataun akallang nborodi a taun a ngisin na kuzun acecek amashin nari iwa pitiru an borode?” I woro ghe, “Likure nin na ba.”
When I brake the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did ye take up? They answer, Twelve.
20 “Tutung na nwa kosu anit amoiyi anas akallang nburodi kuzor, akuzun acecek amashinari kagisin nburodi wa lawa?” I woro ghe, “Kuzor.”
And when I divided the seven among four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? and they said, Seven.
21 A woro nani, “Idu sa uyinuawa?”
And He said unto them, How is it then that ye do not understand?
22 I da Ubaitsaida. A nite ki kane daghe ning mong udü i fo Yisa ku acara a dudo ghe.
Then He cometh to Bethsaida, where they brought to Him a blind man, and begged of Him that He would touch him.
23 Yisa kifo udüwe ncara, a nuzu ninghe nanya kagbire. Na atanghe ataf nizi a tarda ghe acara, a tiringhe, “Udin yenju nimomongha?”
And He took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and having spit on his eyes, He laid his hands upon him, and asked him, If he saw any thing.
24 A yene kitene, anin woro, “In yene anit nafo aca ale na adin gallu.”
And he looked up, and said, I see men (as it were trees) walking.
25 Akuru a tarda acara me nizi nnite, unite puno iyizi me, uyenju me kpilla lau, ayenje imong vat kanang.
Then He put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored to sight, and saw them all plainly.
26 Yisa taghe agya udu killari me, anin woro, “Na uwa piru nanya kagbiri ba.”
And He sent him away to his house, and said, Neither go into the town, nor tell any one in the town.
27 Yisa nuzu nin nono kata me udu nanya kagbirin Siseriya Filipi. Na iwa din cinu libauwe atirino nono katame, “Anit din du menghari?”
Then Jesus and his disciples went out into the towns of Cesarea Philippi: and by the way He asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I am?
28 I kawaghe I woro, “Among dindu Yohanna unang sulsuzunu ulau. Among dü 'Iliya,' among tutun din su umong nanya nanang nliru nin nnu Kutellẹ.'”
And they answered, Some say, John the baptist; and others, Elias; and others, One of the prophets.
29 A tirino nani, “Anung din su meng ghari?” Bitrus bellinghe, “Fere Kristi.”
And He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? Peter answered and saith, Thou art the Christ.
30 Yisa wunno nani atuf na iwa belling umong ubelleng me ba.
And He charged them, that they should say this to no one concerning Him:
31 A cizina udursuzu nani gono in nit ma niu nan nya nimon gbardang, a kune nan na Priestoci nan nanang niyerte ba narighe, I ma molughe, Kimal nayiri atat afita nanya kisek.
and began to tell them, that the Son of man must suffer much; and be rejected by the elders, and chief priests, and scribes; and be put to death: and after three days rise again.
32 A benlle ulle ulire kanang. Bitrus yiraghe udu kasari kurum anin ghanan wunughe kutuf.
And this He spake plainly and openly. Upon which Peter began to rebuke Him.
33 Yisa gitirino a yene nono katame anin tunna a kpada Bitrus ku anin woroghe, “Kpilla kimal nin Shaitan! Na udin kpilzu imong Kutellẹ ba, ma ubelleng nimung na nit cas.”
But He turned about and looking on his disciples reproved Peter, saying, Get thee behind me Satan; for thou savourest not the things of God, but the things that be of men.
34 Anin yicila ligozin na nite nan nono kata me a woro “Asa umong di nin su a dorti, na anari liti me, a yira kuchan nkulme adofini.
And calling the people and his disciples to Him, He said unto them, Whosoever is willing to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me:
35 Bara ullenge na adinin su a se ullai sa ligan amaku, tutung ulenge na a dira ulai me bara meng nin liru nlai a ma se ulai.
for he that would save his life, shall lose it; but he that would lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, shall save it.
36 Iyaghari imong icine unit ma se use nimong inyï ullele vat, anin dira ulai me?
For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
37 Iyanghari unit ma serzu nin nlai me?
or what shall a man give as a ransom for his soul?
38 Vat ulenge na adin lanzu nci nin nin nliru ning nangya nko kuji ku zenzen nin kulapi, gono nit ma lanzu ncinme asa ada nan nya tigo ncif me nin nono kadura Kutellẹ.”
for whosoever shall be ashamed of me, and of my words, in this degenerate and sinful age, of him will the Son of man be also ashamed, when He cometh in the glory of his Father, with the holy angels.

< Markos 8 >