< Markos 14 >

1 Uwa lawa ayiri abba isu ubukin Paska nin bukin Burodin salin yist. Adidya kutin nlira nin nanan ninyerte wa din kpilizu libau longo na iba kifi Yisa ku i molughe likire.
And two days after was the passover, and the feast of unleavened bread; and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might seize him by craft, and put him to death.
2 I woro nenge, “Na wa ti wa kifoghe kitin buké ba, bara nnun wa fita nan nya nanite.”
For they said, Not at the feast, lest there be an uproar among the people.
3 Kube na Yisa wa di in Baithanya nan nya kilarin Simon ukuturu a sosino nli nimonli, umong uwani da nin libon nnuf mongo na idin yicu minin, “Narda” min nikurfung kang a puno minin a kalaghe liti.
And when he was at Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, as he was reclining at table, there came a woman having an alabaster bottle of ointment of pure spikenard, very precious; and breaking the bottle, she poured it on his head.
4 Among wa duku nanya mine na iwa lanza ayi. I lira nati mine iworo, “Bara iyanghari idin nanzun nnuf mone?
And there were some that were much displeased, [[and said]] among themselves, Why is this waste of the ointment made?
5 Nnuf kunya kumang mone batin nworu ileu minin nnu ni dinari akalt atat ini nikimon.” I tunan ngbandulu litin nwani une.
For this ointment might have been sold for more than three hundred denaries, and given to the poor. And they chid her harshly.
6 Yisa woro nani, “Bara iyanghari idin ngbondulu litime? A suyi imon icine.
But Jesus said, Let her alone; why do ye trouble her? A good deed hath she done for me.
7 I sosin nan nikimon ko kishi, iwasa i su nani imon icine vat kubi kongo na nibinai mine yinna, meng tutun anung di nan mi ko kishi ba.
For the poor ye have always with you, and whenever ye will, ye can do good to them; but me ye have not always.
8 A su imon ilenge na a wa sa a su: A kelei yari bara liyirin nkul ning.
She hath done what she could; she hath anointed my body beforehand for its burial.
9 Kidegen ari mbellin minu, vat kiti kanga na iba belu uliru Kutellẹ ku nanya nyih ulele, imon ilele na uwani ulele su imamang belu uliru mẹ nanyan yï ulele.”
And truly do I say to you, Wherever the glad tidings shall be published throughout the whole world, this too which she hath done will be told for a memorial of her.
10 Yahuda Iskarioti warum nayan nono katwu me likure nin nan wabe do kiti na didya kutin nlira anan lewe Yisa ku nachara mine.
And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went to the chief priests, that he might deliver him up to them.
11 Na adidya kutin nlire nlanza nani, ulire bina nani itunna ita likawali ima nighe ikurfung. A cizina upiziru libau longe na ama kifughe a lew nani.
And they when they heard it were glad, and promised to give him money. And he sought a good opportunity to deliver him up.
12 Liyirin cizinun mbukin Paskan mburodin nsalin yist na iwa malu ubọ kukam nlira, nono katwa me tiringhe, “Ti ba du weri ti di kele fi kiti kanga na uma li imonli ku?”
And on the first day of the feast of unleavened bread, when they used to kill the passover, his disciples say to him, Where wilt thou that we go and make ready for thee to eat the passover?
13 A to an waba nan nyan nono katwa me aworo nani, “Can nan nya kipine ima zuru nin mong na a torin lidulin mmyen i dofinghe.
And he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and saith to them, Go into the city, and there will meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water; follow him;
14 Kilari kanga na a pira ku i wufunghe udu nanyeh, i balle unan kilare, 'Chikilarin nworo, Kuti limara nighe din we ari na nma li imonli ku ligowe nin nono katwa nin?”'
and wherever he goeth in, say to the master of the house, The Teacher saith, Where is my guest-chamber, where I may eat the passover with my disciples?
15 Ama dursu minu kong kuti ketene ku pash kongo na ikele kunin gegeme, i kele nari imonle nanye.
And he will show you a large upper room furnished and prepared; and there make ready for us.
16 Nono katwa we gya udu nanya kipene idi se imone di dirt nafo na a belle, itunna i kelle uciwu nimonlin mbukin Paske.
And the disciples went forth, and came into the city, and found as he had told them; and they made ready the passover.
17 Na kuleleng nta a da ligowe nin likure nin nan wabbe.
And when it was evening, he cometh with the twelve.
18 Na ikilino kutebule nli niimonle Yisa woro, “Kidegen mbelin minu, unit urum nan nya mine na adin nli nimonli ligowe ninme a ma lewi.
And as they were reclining at table and eating, Jesus said, Truly do I say to you, that one of you will betray me, —one that is eating with me.
19 Vat mine ayih tunna a nana nani kang, i tirighe na lalarum, “Sa me ari?”
They began to be sorrowful, and to say to him one by one, Is it I?
20 Yisa kawa a woro nani, “Umong ari nan nya likure nin nan wabbe ulenge na a shono uchara me nanya kishik nimonle ligowe nin mi.
And he said to them, It is one of the twelve, one that is dipping with me in the dish.
21 Gono in nit ma katu nafo na ina nyertin kitene liti me, kash in lenge na ima ni Gonon nit nachara me! Ukatin nin chaut iworo na iwa na marughe ba.”
For the Son of man indeed goeth away, as it hath been written concerning him; but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! Well were it for that man if he had not been born.
22 Na iwa di kileo we, Yisa yauna uburodi, a ta mmari, ku a nyemile unin. A niza nani a woro, “Leon. Kidowo ning ari kane.”
And as they were eating, he took a loaf, and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to them, and said, Take; this is my body.
23 A yauna kakkuke, a tan nlira a nakpa nani vat mine sono nan nya kakkuke.
And he took a cup, and having given thanks, gave it to them; and they all drank of it.
24 A woro nani, “Min nare ingmyi likawali, mongo na ina gutun bara a nit gbardang.
And he said to them, This is my blood of the covenant, which is shed for many.
25 Kidegen ari mbelin minu, na nma kuru nsono mmyen kumat kucha kongone ba, sei liyiri longo na nma sonu minin mi Pesse nan nya kilari tigo Kutellẹ.”
Truly do I say to you, I shall not drink hereafter of the fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.
26 Na i mala uti nasem, itunna i gya udu kuparan Zaitun.
And having sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.
27 Yisa woro nani, “Vat nghinu ima diu bara meng nafo na ina nyerting, nma kpiu unan, 'libya nakame, Akame ma malu kiti.'
And Jesus saith to them, Ye will all fall away from me; for it is written, “I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.”
28 Asa ifyayi, ima gyiu nbun mine udu Ugalili.”
But after I have risen, I will go before you into Galilee.
29 Bitrus woroghe, “Andi anite vat ma diu, na meng ma diu ba.”
But Peter said to him, Even if all shall fall away, yet will not I.
30 Yisa woroghe, “Kidegen nbellin fi nin kitic kane, kafin kukulok kolsin tiba fye ba nari titat.”
And Jesus saith to him, Truly do I say to thee, that even thou, to-day, on this night, before a cock crow twice, wilt thrice deny me.
31 Bitrus woro, “Asa uso nma ku ninfi na nma narifi ba.” Vat nin yinna nin liru urume.
But he spoke the more vehemently: If I must die with thee, I will not deny thee. And so also said they all.
32 Ida kiti kanga na idin yicu kinin Jethsaimani, Yisa woro nono katame, “Song kikane ndo ndi ti nlira.”
And they come to a place called Gethsemane; and he saith to his disciples, Sit here, while I pray.
33 A yono Bitrus ku nin Yuhana a Yakubu igya ligowe, a cizina uniu ichang nin kpilizu nan nya kibineyi me.
And he taketh with him Peter and James and John; and began to be in great consternation and anguish.
34 A woro nani, '' Ulai nin dinin tiyom kang, udu ukul wang. Yisinan kikane isu ucha.''
And he saith to them, My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death; remain here and watch.
35 Yisa chillina udu ubun, a deu kutin anin tah nlira, asa uma chaunu ukalai kokube.
And going on a little farther, he fell on the ground, and prayed that, if it was possible, the hour might pass from him.
36 A woro, “Abba, Uchif, imon vat nsuari kitife. Kalai kakkuk kane litinin, na nafo ubellu nin ba na unfe so.”
And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible to thee! take away this cup from me. But not what I will, but what thou wilt.
37 Akpilla adase nanin nmoro, anin belle Bitrus ku, “Simon, idin nmora-a? Na iwasa ita kubi kurum nyenju kiti ba?
And he cometh and findeth them sleeping; and he saith to Peter, Simon, sleepest thou? Couldst not thou watch one hour?
38 Yenjeng kiti isu nlira bara iwa piru nanya ndumuzunu. Nfip Kutellẹ nyinna kidowe ka nari.”
Watch, and pray that ye enter not into temptation; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
39 A kuru agya udun nti nlire, a kuru abelle tigulan tirume.
And again he went away and prayed, saying the same words.
40 Ada senanin nmoro tutung, bara nmoro wa di nizi mine ichang na iyinno imong ille na ima bellinghhe ba.
And returning, he found them again sleeping, for their eyes were heavy; and they knew not what to answer him.
41 Ada untat ada woro nani, “Idu nmoro nin shinuare? Batan nani! Kube nda. Yenen! Ima nakpu gonon nnit nan nya nachara nanan kulapi.
And he cometh the third time, and saith to them, Sleep on, and take your rest! It is enough! the hour is come: lo! the Son of man is delivered up into the hands of sinners.
42 Fitang ti gya. Yenen, ullenge na ama kifi anakpa ndaduru.
Rise, let us be going; lo! he that delivereth me up is at hand.
43 Ayita nlire na idondonoba, Yahuda uwa rum nanya likure nin nan awabe, da nin ligozin nanit gbardang nin titang nan tiyop unuzu kiti nan kubi nlira, anan niyert nan nakune.
And immediately, while he was yet speaking, cometh Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, and with him a multitude with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and the scribes and elders.
44 Ulle na ama lewughe, namo unanin kulap, a belle, vat ulle na ngbindiringhe amere. Kifonghe anan techu natino nya ninghe.
And his betrayer had given them a signal, saying, Whomever I shall kiss, he is the man; seize him, and lead him away securely.
45 Na Yahuda nda, atinna ada kitin Yisa, a woro, “Rabbi!” Anin gbindiringhe.
And on coming he immediately went up to him, and said, Rabbi! and kissed him.
46 Inin Kifoghe inyamu.
And they laid hands on him and seized him.
47 Umong nanya mine nutuno litang lidya a kala kutuf nnan kata ndya kutin nlire.
And one of those who stood by drew his sword, and smote the servant of the high-priest, and cut off his ear.
48 Yisa woro nanin, “Ida nafo ima kifu ukiri nin titang nan tiyop ida kifoiya?”
And Jesus answering said to them, Ye have come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs, to take me.
49 Na nwadi nan ghinu kolome liri, ndursuzu minu nanya kutin nlira, na ikifei ba. Idin su ile imone bara inyerti nan kullo.
I was daily with you in the temple, teaching, and ye did not lay hands on me; but [[thus it is]], that the Scriptures may be fulfilled.
50 Vat nalle na iwa di nan Yisa wa chom isunghe.
And all forsook him and fled.
51 Nkong Kwanyana dofinghe, na awa kiring nin gudun ubo; ikifoghe
And there followed him a certain young man having a linen cloth wrapped round his naked body; and they laid hold of him.
52 a suna ugudume kitene aco fisere.
And he left the linen cloth behind, and fled naked.
53 Ido nin Yisa ubon ndya kutyi nlira. Adidya kutyi nlira, Akune, nan nanan ninyerti vat da zuro nanghe.
And they led Jesus away to the high-priest; and all the chief priests and the elders and the scribes come together.
54 Bitrus tinna adofighe na susut ba, udu duru kiti kutyi ndya nwucu nlire. A so ligowe nan nanan nca, na iwa din lanzu nla.
And Peter followed him afar off, even into the court of the palace of the high-priest, and was sitting with the officers, and warming himself at the fire.
55 Udya na didya nin na nan kpilizu me wa din npizuru libo longo na ima se Yisa ku nin Kulapi imolughe. Na ise ba.
And the chief priests and the whole council sought for testimony against Jesus in order to put him to death; and they found none.
56 Ngbardang na mon mine dasa nin liru kinu na uliru mine nse upiru ba.
For many bore false witness against him, but their testimonies did not agree together.
57 Among fita iyisina isu uliru unkinu litime; i woro,
And some stood up and bore false witness against him, saying,
58 “Tina lanzaghe aworo, 'Nma turnu kutyi nlira ko na ina kye nin na chara, nan nya nayiri atat mma kye nkong kongo na ina kye nin na chara ba.'”
We heard him say, I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and in three days I will build another not made with hands.
59 Inug wang na uliru mine wase upiru ba.
And not even so did their testimony agree.
60 Udya na didya kutyi nlire fita ayisina kitik mine atirino Yisa ku, “Na udi nin tardu ba? Uyapin ulirari ullele na anit din bellu litife?”
And the high-priest stood up in the midst, and asked Jesus, saying, Dost thou make no answer to what these men testify against thee?
61 Vat nin nani amino tik na atardaba. Udya na didyawe kuru atiringhe a woro, “Fere Kristi, usaun Kutellẹ mmarẹ?”
But he was silent, and answered nothing. Again the high-priest asked him, and saith to him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?
62 Yisa woro, “Mere ame. Usaun nnit ullenge na ima yenughe a sosin nchara ulime tigo adin cinu nin nawut kitene kani.”
And Jesus said, I am; and ye will see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.
63 Udya na didya kutyi nlire jarya kulutuk me a woro, “Tidu nin sun mon ukpinu lirikwa?
Then the high-priest rent his garments, and said, What further need have we of witnesses?
64 Anung nlanza tizogo Kutellẹ. Yaghari ukpilliu mine?” Vat mine yinna nworo abatina asso nca nkul.
Ye have heard the blasphemy; what think ye? And they all condemned him as deserving the punishment of death.
65 Among cizina utufuzinghe nataf i tursuzughe umuro, ikpizoghe i bellinghe, “Su nari uanabci!” Ana ncha ngo Yonghe ikpizoghe.
And some began to spit on him, and to cover his face and buffet him, and say to him, Prophesy! And the officers, with blows, took him in charge.
66 Bitrus da yita kadas kutyin nwucu nlira, nkon kubura nanya nanan katah ndya kutyi nlire da seghe.
And as Peter was below in the court, there cometh one of the maid-servants of the high-priest;
67 Ayene Bitrus ku din nlanzu nla atinna abelle, fewang una yita nin kunan Nazaret, Yisa.”
and seeing Peter warming himself, she looked at him and said, Thou too wast with the Nazarene, Jesus.
68 Abelle “Kinuwari, na nyinno ile imon na udin nbelle ba.” An gya kiti nanite adi piru kudaru nwucu nliru. Ku kulloke kolsuno.
But he denied, saying, I do not know nor understand what thou sayest. And he went out into the fore-court; and a cock crew.
69 Kubure kuru ayeneghe atinna nbellu na lenge na iyissin kite, “Unit ullele umong nan nya minere!”
And the maid-servant, seeing him, began again to say to those who were standing by, This is one of them.
70 Akuru anari tutung. Nanin dandaunu ba, allenge na iwa yissin kitene tunna nbellun Bitrus ku, “Kidegenere udi nanya mine, bara fewang kunan Galiliari.”
And he denied it again. And shortly after, those who were standing by said again to Peter, Surely thou art one of them; for thou art a Galilaean.
71 Atunna a cizina tizogo nin nisiling, “Na in yiru unit ullele na idin liru litime ba.”
But he began to curse and to swear, saying, I know not this man of whom ye speak.
72 Kukuloke tunna ku kolsuno un ba. Kitenere Bitrus tunna a lizino nin lire na Yisa wa bellinghe: “Kamin kukullok kolsin tiba Uba nari sau titat.” Na alizino nani kidowo me kughe, apuro kuchulu.
And immediately a cock crew a second time. And Peter called to mind the word that Jesus had said to him, Before a cock crows twice, thou wilt thrice deny me. And when he thought thereon, he wept.

< Markos 14 >