< Markos 13 >

1 Na Yisa wa cinu unuzu nanya kutein nlira, warum nanya nnono kattah me woroghe, “unan dursuzu, yene atala alele nin makyekye nmanaki!”
And as Jeshu went forth from the temple, one of his disciples said to him, Malphona, behold, see those stones and those buildings?
2 A woroghe, “Uyene makyekye madidia maane? Na nlon litala ba lawu kitene Non ba vat iba turzunu anin.”
But Jeshu said to him, Seest thou these great buildings? There will not be left here a stone upon a stone which (will) not be destroyed.
3 Adi so kitene litalan zaitun likot kutii nlira, Bitrus, Yakubu, Yohanna, ligowe nin Andrawus tiringhe likot,
And while Jeshu sat on the Mount of Olives before the temple, Kipha and Jacub and Juchanon and Andreas asked him by themselves,
4 “Belle nari ninshiyari iba suu ile mone? Yaghari madura nari nworo vat nile imone nan naduru udaka?”
Tell us when (these events) shall be, and what is the sign when these all draw nigh to be accomplished.
5 Yisa tunna nbellu nani, “Yenjeng umon wa wultung munu.
But he, Jeshu, began to say to them, See that no man deceive you.
6 Anit gwardang ba dak nanya ni, 'Mere Ame,' tutung ibati anit gbardang wulu.
For many will come in my name, and will say, I am (He); and many will be deceived.
7 Assa ilanza ubellen nakum kitene nakum, na iwa fya nibinai mine ba; ima suu ille imone, vat nani ligaghe nsa daba.
But when you hear of battles and the rumour of wars, fear not: for it is that they are to be; but not yet is the end.
8 Nkang kipin ba firunu nkang, Tigoh ba nari tigoh. Iba se uzunu niti niti gwardang iba su akpong. Ile imon inanzaghe uchizinari.
For people shall rise against people, and kingdom against kingdom; and earthquakes will he in various places; and there will be famines and convulsions. These are the beginning of sorrows.
9 Song cha. Ima du nin ghinu kiti nago, iba fo minu nanya natii nlira. Iba yisinu nbun na go nafo imon nyenu kitimine.
But look (to) yourselves; for they will deliver you to the judgments; and in their assemblies will they scourge you, and before kings and governors you shall stand on account of their testimony.
10 Bara nani ima burnu ubelu nlirun nlai udu kifi nanit vat.
But first will be preached my gospel among all the nations.
11 Iwa kifo munu idomun kiti nagoh, na iwah fya ayi mine kifene nile imon na iba bellu ba. Ka na iba bellu nkoni kube amon nanyan nkoni kube, ille imon na iba bellu ima nie munu; na nughere masu ulire ba, nfip Kutellẹari.
But when they lead you to deliver you up, be not previously anxious what you shall say, nor premeditate; but that, whatever is given you in that hour, that say. For it is not you speaking, but the Spirit of Holiness.
12 Gwana banii gwana me imollu, uchif nin gono me. Nono ba fiu nibineyi nachif mine bara imolsu nanin.
But the brother will betray his brother to the death, and the father his son; and children will rise up against their fathers, and shall put them to death;
13 Anit vat ba naari munu bara lissanni. Amma ule na a ba tere, kibinai me aba se ulai.
and you will be hated by all men on account of my name: but he who shall persevere to the end, he shall be saved.
14 Asa uyene umon izemzem yissin kiti kah na idin woro iyisin ku ba, (na unan yenju niyert yining), na allenge na idin Yahudiya na icumm udu apara,
But when you see the unclean sign of desolation, that which is spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (he who readeth, let him understand!) then let those who are in Jehud flee to the mountain
15 ulle na adi kutii kitene na awa toluba, sa ada yiru imomon nanye imomon nanya,
And he who is upon the roof, let him not descend nor enter in to carry any thing from his house;
16 ulle na adi kunnen nawa dak nyiru ugudum me ba.
and he who is in the field, let him not turn back to take up his garments.
17 Kash imon nkunne kuneri na lenge na imayitu nin nono nibebene nin nalenge na idumun nonon nmazinu na yiri ane!
But woe to those who are with child, and to those who give suck, in those days!
18 Sun nlira na ile imone nwada kubi likus ba.
But pray that your flight may not be in the winter:
19 Unieu udya ba yitu, i masu ilemon na anitin sa yenne ba, nworu na Kutellẹ wa kye uyẹh, udak nene, na isa su nani ba, å na iba kuru isu nani ba
for in those days shall be affliction such as hath not been from the beginning of the creation which Aloha created, and until now, nor shall be.
20 In sasana Cikilare na can ayire ba, na iwa se unan lai ba, bara alle na ina fere, unin nare nati i werne ayire.
And unless the Lord cut short those days, no flesh would live; but on account of the elect whom he hath chosen, those days he hath cut short.
21 Tutun asa umon mbellin minu, 'Yenen, Kristi ulle!' Sa, 'Yenen, aminii!' na iwa yinin ba.
Then, if any man shall say to you, Behold, here is the Meshicha! and, Behold, (he is) there! believe not.
22 Bara an Kristi kinu nin na nan nliru nin nu Kutellẹ kinu ma nuzu ima dursuzu imon yenju nin ni mon nmamaki, inan wultuno anit Kutellẹ wang adin uso nani.
For there will arise false Meshichas and prophets of a lie, and will give forth signs and wonders, to deceive, if possible, the elect also. But you, beware.
23 Song ncha. Nna me bellum minu vat nille mone a na kube nsa da ba.”
Behold, I have told you every thing before.
24 Assa ayiri nneu ane nkata, uwui ba siriu, na upui mani nkanang me ba,
But in those days after that affliction the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give forth her light,
25 iyin kitene kani ba dissu akara allenge na adinitene nani ma zulunu.
and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be moved.
26 Ma imanin yenu gono nnit in nuzu nanya nawut nin likara lidyah nin gongong.
And then will they see the Son of Man coming in the cloud with great power and with glory.
27 A banin tu nono kadura Kutellẹ amma piturnu allenge na ana fere nanin nnuzu tikot tinas uyiru na pori nyi udu napori kitene kani.
And then will he send his angels, and will assemble his chosen ones from the four winds, from the extremity of the earth to the extremity of the heavens.
28 Yiran uyiru nimon kiti kucha kupul. Assa iyene tilanghe ncizina utilu naffa appese yinnong kusike nda susut.
But from the fig-tree learn a parable. When her branches are tender, and she shoots forth her leaves, you know that the summer draws nigh:
29 Nanere tutung iyinigh ille mone ncizina, yinnon ada susut kibuluu'.
so also you, when you see that these things are done, understand that it is near, (even) at the door.
30 Kidegen, mbellin minu, imon illele ma kulu vat ma kuji kone nin kata.
Amen I tell you, That this race shall not pass until these all shall be.
31 Kitene nin yii ma katu, na uliru nin ma katuba.
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
32 Ubelleng liri lole nin kubi kone na umong yiru ba, na nono kadure kitene kane, sa gono me yiru ba, uchifere chas.
But of that day and of that hour man knoweth not, nor the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
33 Song nin yiru! Yenjeng, bara iyiru sa kome kubiari ba.
Look: be watchful and pray; for you know not when the time is.
34 Umasin nafo unit ulle na assu uchin: acinno kilari me na chara nacin me, koyeme nin kata-a me. Anin belle unan ca kibulughe yenje uwasu mmoro.
For as a man who hath journeyed, and left his house, and hath given authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and the door-keeper he hath instructed to be watchful;
35 Bara nani sun ucha! Bara na iyiru kubi ko na Cikilare ma dak ba, sa nin dew nwui, sa nin kitik, sa nin kolusunu kukulok, sa nin kui dindin.
(so) watch you, therefore, because you know not when cometh the Lord of the house, -in the evening, or in the dividing of the night, or at cock-crowing, or in the morning;
36 Awa da minu, na awa adah da se minu mmoro ba.
lest he should come suddenly, and find you sleeping.
37 Ille mon nan din bellu minu, ndin bellu anit vat, yenjen kitii!”
But what to you I say, that unto all I say, Be watchful.

< Markos 13 >