< Luka 18 >

1 A benle nani tinan tigoldo intizu nlira, na nibinai mene nwati seeng ba,
Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and never despair.
2 a benle, “umong unan wucun nliru wadin kan kagbiri, unam wucun nliru une wadi nin fiu Kutelle ba, tutng na adin yenju unit nin titti litiba.
‘There was,’ he said, ‘in a certain town a judge, who had no fear of God nor regard for people.
3 Umon uwani wa duku na ules me wa ku nanya kagbiri kane, asu ada kitime kolome liyiri, abenle, 'Buuni anan nayi asirne mpardai.'
In the same town there was a widow who went to him again and again, and said “Grant me justice against my opponent.”
4 Kubi kata piit na adinin su a buunghe ba, na I dandauna ba a woro liti me, 'Bara na indin lanzu fui Kutelle sa unit ba,
For a time the judge refused, but afterwards he said to himself “Although I am without fear of God or regard for people,
5 vat nani uwanin salin nles ulele din fizwi kibinai, nma buunghe nwusughe kedegene, bara a wa tii kudirya nin dasu me vat liri.'”
yet, as this widow is so troublesome, I will grant her justice, to stop her from plaguing me with her endless visits.”’
6 Cikilare nin woro, “Lanzan imon ile na unan wucun nlire mbele.
Then the Master added, ‘Listen to what this iniquitous judge says!
7 Nene na Kutelle ba bulu ale na ana fere nami na idin ku culu uwui nin kitik udu kiti me ba? Na aba ti ayiasheu nin yenuba?
And God – won’t he see that his own people, who cry to him night and day, have justice done them – though he holds his hand?
8 Mbeling minu au aba saru nani dedai sa unanzu kubi. Bara nani Gono nit wadak uyi ulele aba se anan yenu-sa-uyenu kuwa?”
He will, I tell you, give them justice soon enough! Yet, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?’
9 A kuru abenle tiwankari tone nale na inun din yenju ati mene anit alau wari. Inani din narsi amon anit,
Another time, speaking to people who were satisfied that they were religious, and who regarded everyone else with scorn, Jesus told this parable –
10 “An waba wa doo nanya kutii nlira iba ti nlira - warum wadi Kufarsayawa nin nanbe unan sesun gandu.
‘Two men went up into the Temple Courts to pray. One was a Pharisee and the other a tax-gatherer.
11 Kufarsayawe yisina a taa imusin immong inlire nin liti me, 'Kutelle ngode fi bara na meng masin nafo among anit ale na akiriyari. anan salin nlau, anan nuzu nin naulani a buu, sa nafo ule unan sesun ngandue ba.
The Pharisee stood forward and began praying to himself in this way – “God, I thank you that I am not like other men – thieves, rogues, adulterers – or even like this tax-gatherer.
12 In din su ukotu nayi tiba nanya na yiri kuzoor, in din nizu uzakka vat ni mon ile na in dumun.'
I fast twice a week, and give a tenth of everything I get to God.”
13 Bara nani ame unan sesun ngandue yisina piit, na awa sa a fya iyizi me ayene kitene kanin ba, bara nani a reo figiri me, a woro, 'Kutelle, lanza in kune-kune ning, unam kulapi.'
Meanwhile the tax-gatherer stood at a distance, not venturing even to raise his eyes to heaven, but he kept striking his breast and saying “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”
14 Nbelin minu, unit une wa nyaa udu kilari lau, na nafo unan mba me ba, bara na vat ule na a ghantina liti me, iba tultinghe, ule na a tiltino liti me ima ghantinghe.”
This man, I tell you, went home pardoned, rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, while everyone who humbles himself will be exalted.’
15 A nite wa din dasughe nin nono nibebene, anan dudo nani, nono katwa me yene, ikpada nani.
Some of the people were bringing even their babies to Jesus, for him to touch them; but, when the disciples saw it, they began to find fault with those who had brought them.
16 Yesu yicila nani udak kitime, aworo, 'Sunam nono nibebene dak kitining, na iwa wantin nani ba, bara na kilari tigoo Kutelle kin nimus nalelere.
Jesus, however, called the little children to him. ‘Let the little children come to me,’ he said, ‘and do not hinder them, for it is to the childlike that the kingdom of God belongs.
17 Kidegene indin belu minu, vat inle na ama seru kilari tigoo Kutelle nafo nono naneba to na ama piru ba.”
I tell you, unless a man receives the kingdom of God like a child, he will not enter it at all.’
18 Umong unan tigoo tiringhe, aworo, “Ku mallami kucine, iyanghari ma ti inse upirun nlai sa ligang?” (aiōnios g166)
And one of the leaders asked Jesus this question – ‘Good teacher, what must I do if I am to gain eternal life?’ (aiōnios g166)
19 Yesu woroghe, “Iyangharin ta udin yicwi ucine? Na umong ucine duku ba, ma se Kutelle cas.
‘Why do you call me good?’ answered Jesus. ‘No one is good but God.
20 U yiru uduka - na uma piziru awani ahemba, na uma molu umong ba, na uma su likiri ba, na uma ti kinu litin mong ba, na tikune kitin cife nin nafene.”
You know the commandments – Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not say what is false about others, Honour your father and your mother.’
21 Unam tigoo we woro, “Vat ile imoone ina malu su an duttu gono kibene.”
‘I have observed all these,’ he replied, ‘from childhood.’
22 Na Yesu nlanza nai, a woroghe, “Imun irumari duu fi. Can udi lewu imoon ile na udumun vat ukosu anan sali mun, udak uda dofini, uma nin se kiti lisosin kitene kani.”
Hearing this, Jesus said to him, ‘There is one thing still lacking in you; sell everything that you have, and distribute to the poor, and you will have wealth in heaven; then come and follow me.’
23 Na unan nimoon nacare nlanzanani ayi me nana kang, bara na awa di nin nimoon nacara kang.
But the man became greatly distressed on hearing this, for he was extremely rich.
24 Yesu na ayeneghe, ayin nanghe anin woro, “Uma yity nin nijasi kang unan nimoon nacara piru kilari tigoo Kutelle!
Seeing this, Jesus said to his disciples, ‘How hard it is for the wealthy to enter the kingdom of God!
25 Uma katinu nin sheu Kuronkomi piru nanga ligalong nalura nworu unan nimoon nacara piru kilari tigoo Kutelle.”
It is easier, indeed, for a camel to get through a needle’s eye than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God!’
26 Ale na iwa din lanzwe woro, “To ghari ba se utuce?”
‘Then who can be saved?’ asked those who heard this.
27 Yesu kawa aworo, “Imun ile na idin yenju na iwasa itaa ki ti nanit ba iwa sa itaa kiti Kutelle.”
But Jesus said, ‘What is impossible with people is possible with God.’
28 Bitrus woro, “Arikin suna vat imon ile na tidi mun ti nani ndofin fi.”
‘But we,’ said Peter, ‘we left what belonged to us and followed you.’
29 Yesu nin woro nani, “Kidegene, mbelin minu na umong duku na a cino kinari, sa uwanime sa qwana me, sa una nin cif, sa nono, bara kilari tigoo Kutelle,
‘I tell you,’ he answered, ‘that there is no one who has left house, or wife, or brothers, or parents, or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God,
30 ule na aba se mgbardang nanya nyi ulele ba, nin nyi ule na udin cinu ulai nsali ligang.” (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
who will not receive many times as much in the present, and in the age that is coming eternal life.’ (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
31 Na awa pitirin likure nin naba udu kiti me, a woro nani, “Yenen, ti ma nyiu udu Urshalima, vat nin nimon ile na ina yertin inuzu nanan liru nnuu Kutelle litin Gono nit ima kulu.
Gathering the Twelve round him, Jesus said to them, ‘Listen! We are going up to Jerusalem; and there everything that is written in the prophets will be done to the Son of Man.
32 Bara ima nakpughe nacara na wurmi, ima yasughe, ima tighe a lanza incing, inin tufuzunghe ataf.
For he will be given up to the Gentiles, mocked, insulted and spat on;
33 I wa malu ukpizughe, ima mulughe liri lin tat aba fitu tutung.”
they will scourge him, and then put him to death; and on the third day he will rise again.’
34 Na iyinno vat ni le imone ba, too ti gbulanghe wa nyeshin nani, na iyinno imon ile na a wa belin nani ba.
The apostles did not comprehend any of this. His meaning was unintelligible to them and they did not understand what he was saying.
35 I daa nkang kubi, na Yesu ndaa susut nin Jeriko, umong uduu wa sosin kupoo libau in piziru i filizinghe ikurfung,
As Jesus was getting near Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside, begging.
36 na a lanza ligozi nanit din cinu, a tirino iyanghari nse?
Hearing a crowd going by, the man asked what was the matter;
37 I belinghe Yesu kunan Nazarat ari din cinu ukatu.
and, when people told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing,
38 Bara nan uduuwe fya liwui me, a woro, “Yesu, Gonon Dauda, lanza nkune-kune ning.”
he shouted out, ‘Jesus, Son of David, take pity on me!’
39 A lenge na Iwa din cin nbune kpada uduuwe I woroghe a ti tik. Ana kpina liwuiye ku, “Gonon Dauda, lanza nkune-kune ning.”
Those who were in front kept telling him to be quiet, but he continued to call out the louder, ‘Son of David, take pity on me!’
40 Yesu yisina daang anin benle nin likara au I dak nin nite kiti me. Na uduuwe nda susut, Yesu tiringhe,
Then Jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him. And, when he had come close up to him, Jesus asked him,
41 “I yanghari udinin suu insufi?” A woro, “Cikilari, in di nin suu in yene kiti.”
‘What do you want me to do for you?’ ‘Master,’ he said, ‘I want to recover my sight.’
42 Yesu woroghe, “Puno iyizi fe, uyinnu-sa uyenu fe nshino nin fi.”
And Jesus said, ‘Recover your sight, your faith has delivered you.’
43 Kiteene iyizi me puuno kidowo, a nin dofinghe, nruu Kutelle. Na iyene nani, anite vat ruu Kutelle.
Instantly he recovered his sight, and began to follow Jesus, praising God. And all the people, on seeing it, gave glory to God.

< Luka 18 >