< Luka 15 >

1 Vat nanang sesun gandu nan gisin nanan kulapi wa dasu kitin yesu idin lanzughe.
And all the publicans and sinners were drawing nigh to Him to hear Him.
2 Afarsayawa nan nanang niyerte wa din gbulu idin belu natimene, “unit ulele din sesu aman kulapi amini din nlii nanghenu.”
And the Pharisees and scribes were murmuring, saying, that, He receives sinners, and eats with them.
3 Yesu benle nani tinankuguldo,
And He spoke this parable to them, saying,
4 “Ghari nanya mine, a wadi nin nakam akut likure ada dira kurum naye na aba sunu akut kutir nin kutir a doo mpiziru kurume nanya kushue se ase kuninba?
What man of you, having a hundred sheep, and having lost one of them, does not leave the ninety and nine in the desert, and go after the lost one, until he may find it?
5 A wanin se kuning, na ama ti kunin nabandang a su ayi aboo ba.
And having found it, places it on his shoulders, rejoicing:
6 A wa saa kilari, a yicila adondong nan nanan kupoo mye, abelin nani, “Bunoni liburu liboo, bara nan nse Kukam nighe na kuna wulu.”
and having come into the house, calls together the friends and neighbors, saying to them, Rejoice with me, because I have found my sheep which was lost.
7 Nbelin munu au nanere, liburi liboo ba yitu kitene kani bara unan kulapi warum ule na a suna kulapi mye, akatin anit akut kutir nin kutir ale na idi nanya kulapi mene.
I say unto you that so there will be joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, rather than ninety and nine just persons who have not need of repentance.
8 Sa u yeme uwaniari na adi nin nikubu likure, firum wa wulughe, na aba ti ula limoo a kuu kutyye a piziru sey a see fi nin ba?
Or what woman having ten drachmae, if she may lose one drachma, does she not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently till she may find it?
9 A wa see, a yicila adondong nin naman kupoo mye a benle nani “buno ni liburi liboo bara nam see fikubunighe na fina wulu.”
And having found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, Rejoice with me, because I have found the drachma which I lost.
10 Nanere, mbelen minu, liburi liboo ba yitu nbun nnono kadura Kutelle uwarum nwa sun kulapi mye.”
So, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.
11 Yesu moro, “Umong unit wadi nin nano niba, ubene nanya myene woron ncife,
And He said, A certain man had two sons.
12 'Ucif, nai unang ugadue,' a koso nani utamani mye vat.
And the younger of them said to the father, Father, give to me the portion of the estate that falls to me. And he immediately divided unto them his living.
13 Ma itaa ayiri ba, ubene fita udun kan kipen piit, adi wultun vat imong ile na iwa nighe nan nadondong a hem.
And not many days afterward the younger son gathering all together, departed into a far-off country; and there wasted his substance living riotously.
14 Na amala uwultune vat, kukpong kudindya deu nanyan mgene, anin cizina upiziru nimonli.
And he having expended all, a severe famine came into that country; and he began to be in want.
15 Ado adi piziru katwa kitin kon kunang myenne, a naghe katwa libya na ledu.
And having gone he joined himself to one of the citizens of that country: and he sent him into his fields to feed swine:
16 Aso nin nayiaboo adin lii nimonli naledu bara na umong naghe imonli ba.
and he was desiring to fill his stomach from the pods, which the swine were eating: and no one gave unto him:
17 Bara nani na kibinaiye nsa kidomomye, aworo, 'Acin ncef nighe amashinnari din lii imonli igutuzuna, mmile da sosin kikane kukpon ba moliia!
and having come to himself he said, How many hired servants of my father have bread in abundance, but here I perish with hunger!
18 Mba sunu kikane ndo kitin ncif ning, nning belinghe, “Ucif, nta kulapi nnang kitene, nin kiti fe.
Having risen I will go to my father, and say to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight:
19 Na mbatin iyicilai usaun fe ba; tai nafo nkong kucin fe.”'
and I am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.
20 Usaun ubene nya udu kitin ncife, na awa doo piit, ucife yeneghe, anin lanzan nkunekune me, a taa ucum, adi gbindiringhe a luluu kukpan nuu me.
And having risen, he came to his father. And he being yet a great way off, his father saw him, and was moved with compassion, and having run, fell upon his neck, and kissed him copiously.
21 Usaune woroghe, 'Ucif, nta kulapi kitene kani nin bun fe. Na mbatin i yicilai usaun fe ba.'
And the son said to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight: and I am no more worthy to be called thy son.
22 Ucife woro na cinme, 'Daan nin nimoon icine, i shoonghe, i tighe ficancan, nin na kpatok nabunu me.
And the father said to his servants, Bring hither the first robe, and put it on him; and give a ring to his hand, and sandals to his feet:
23 Daan ning fina fi gbondilong ida boo fining. Na ti li tisu liburi liboo.
and bring hither the fatted calf, slay him, and eating, let us be merry:
24 Bara na usaunighe wa ku aminim nta luai. A wa wulu aminin saa.' Inin cizina liburi liboo.
because this my son was dead, and is alive again; was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry.
25 Usaun ukune wa di di kunen. Na a da susut kilare, alanza tigangang nan na lantung nin nyizinu.
And his elder son was in the field: and while coming he drew near to the house, he heard music and dancing.
26 Ayicila nkan kucin a tirino iyanghari nse kilare?
And calling one of the servants, asked him what these things might be.
27 Kucine woroghe, 'gwana fe nsa ucif fe uni boo fina fidya, bara na asaa ucine.'
And he said to him, Because thy brother has come; and thy father has slain the fatted calf, because he received him sound.
28 Ayi nana usaun ukune, a nari upiru kilare ucife nuzu, ada fooghe acara.
And he was angry, and did not wish to come in: and his father having gone out, continued to intreat him. And responding he said to the father,
29 Bara nani usaun ukune kpana a woron ncife, 'Yene, mbgardang nakus ale na nta nin fi, na insa nanza fi kibinai ba, na usa nayi kagono kayin nboo nan na du nighe ba.
Behold, I serve thee so many years, and have never transgressed thy commandment: and thou hast never given me a kid, that I may rejoice with my friends:
30 bara na usaun fe nsaa, ule na ana di molu imon lisosin nan nawani ahem, umini nabooghe fina fidya.'
but when this thy son, the one devouring thy living with harlots came, thou hast slain for him the fatted calf.
31 Ucife woroghe, 'usaun ning, udi ligowe nin me vat ni mon ile na idi inan in fere.
And he said to him, Child, thou art always with me, and all mine are thine:
32 Bara nani ucaun ti su ayiaboo ti nyizin, bara na gwana fe wa ku, amini nta ulai nene: awa wulu aminin nsa.”
and it behooved me to be glad and rejoice; because this thy brother was dead, and is alive; was lost, and is found.

< Luka 15 >