< Luka 12 >

1 Nanya nkoni kube, na gbardang limui nanit wa zuro ligowe, gbardang ipalila ati mine, acizina ubellu nono katuwa mye, “Yinnon ubellen nyist na Farisiyawa, unere magunta.
In these [times] when were gathering the myriads of the crowd so as to trample upon one another He began to say to the disciples of Him first; do take heed to yourselves of the leaven which is hypocrisy of the Pharisees.
2 Bara na imomon duku ilenge na inyeshin, ile na iba punu ba, sa itursun ile na iba yinnu ba.
No [thing] now concealed is which not will be revealed, nor hidden which not will be known.
3 Bara vat nile imon na ubelle nsirti, iba lanzu nanya nkanang, ile imon na ubelle nanya kutyi, iba beellu kitene kilari.
Instead that as much as in the darkness you have said in the light will be heard, and what into the ear you have spoken in the inner rooms will be proclaimed upon the housetops.
4 Meng bellin munu adondon nigh, yenje iwa lanz fiu nle na aba molu kidowo, nin nani na idumun nimomon ile na iwasa isu tutun ba.
I say now to you those friends of Mine; not you may fear because of those killing the body and after these things not being able more excessive anything to do.
5 Nba wunun munu atuff kitene nlenge na iba lanzu fiu mye, lanzan fiu nlenge na awa mdu adinin likara nworu atu kidowo nanya nlah. Nanere nbellin munu lanzan fiu mye. (Geenna g1067)
I will show however you whom you may fear: do fear the [One who] after the killing has authority to cast into hell. Yes I say to you; Him do fear. (Geenna g1067)
6 A na ninari nitaun asa ilewe ikubu iba ba? Vat nani na nkan duku asa ishawa mun ba, nyenjie Kutelle.
Surely five sparrows (are being sold for *N(k)O*) assarion two? And one of them not is forgotten before God;
7 Vat titi litife ina batiza tinin. Na uwa lanza fiiu ba. Udunin ndaraja ukatin ninari gbardang.
But even the hairs of the head of you all have been numbered. Not (therefore *K*) do fear; than many sparrows you are more valuable.
8 Meng bellin munu, vat nle na ayinni nbun nanit, meng ba yinin ghe nbun nanan kadura Kutelle.
I say now to you; everyone who maybe (may confess *NK(o)*) in Me myself before the men, also the Son of Man will confess in him before the angels of God;
9 Bara ame ule na ata amusu nigh nbun nanit, meng bati amusu nigh nbun nanan kadura Kutelle.
the [one] now having denied Me before men will be denied before the angels of God.
10 Vat nlenge na abelle tigbulang niviran kitenen ngono Kutelle iba shawu, ame ulenge na asu tizogo nin nivira kitene Nruhu, na iba shawu mun ba.
And everyone who will speak a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven to him; to the [one] however [who] against the Holy Spirit having blasphemed not will be forgiven.
11 Kubi ko na idanin ghinu kiti wucu kidgen, anan tigo, nin na nan nakara, na iwa dama ba, kitene nile imon na iba bellu ubun munu, sa ile imon na iba bellu.
When then (they may bring in *N(k)O*) you before the synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, not (may be anxious *N(k)O*) how or what you may present a defense or what you may say;
12 Bara uruhu ulau ba dursu munu, nanya nkoni kube ile imon na iba bellu.
the for Holy Spirit will teach you in same the hour what it behooves [you] to say.
13 Umon nanya ligoze woroghe, “Unan yiru belle gwana nighe ti kosu ugadu.
Said then one from the crowd to Him: Teacher, do say to the brother of mine to divide with me the inheritance.
14 Yesu woroghe, “Unit, ghari ntayi unan wucu kidge sa unan yisinu kiyitik mine?”
And He said to him; Man, who Me appointed (a judge *N(k)O*) or partitioner over you?
15 Ame woro nani, “Sun seng i kala ati mine kiti ngbardang nimon nacara mye ba.”
He said then to them; do watch and do keep yourselves from (all *N(k)O*) covetousness, for not in the abounding to anyone the life (to him *NK(o)*) is of the possessions (of him. *N(k)O*)
16 Yesu belle nani tinan tigold, aworo, “Kunen nmong wa ni kumat kang,
He spoke then a parable to them saying; Of a man certain rich brought forth abundantly the ground.
17 a kpiliza liti mye aworo, 'Iyaghari nba su, na ndumun kiti kanga na nba ciu ileo nighe ku ba?'
And he was reasoning within himself saying; What shall I do for not I have where I will store up the fruits of mine?
18 Ame woro, 'Nene nbasu. Nba turzunu illai ile nkee ididia, nceu vat nile imon na ndumun.
And he said; This will I do: I will tear down my barns and greater will build and will store up there all (the grain *N(k)O*) (of mine *k*) and the goods of mine
19 Nnin bellin kidowo nighe, “kidowo, ning uceo illyou in nakus gbardang. Shinno, uso ulii, uso nin, lanzu nmang.”'
And I will say to the soul of mine; Soul, you have many good things laid up for years many. do rest yourself do eat, do drink, do be merry.
20 Kutelle worroghe, 'Fe unit ulalang nin kiyitik kane nba seru ulaife, ile imone na uceu iba lawu inghari?'
Said then to him God; Fool! On this night the soul of you (is required *NK(o)*) of you. what now you did prepare — to whom will [it] be?
21 Nanere umon ba yitu, ulenge na a ceo imon, a na ayita nin nimon kiti Kutelle ba.”
So [is] the [one] treasuring up for himself and not toward God being rich.
22 Yesu woro non Katuwa mye, “Bara nani meng nbelling munu, yenje iwa dama nin nlai-sa imon nli, sa imon nshonu kidowo mine.
He said then to the disciples of Him; Because of this I say to you: not do be anxious for the life (of you *k*) what you may eat, nor [be anxious] for the body (of you *o*) what you may put on.
23 Bara ulai katin imon nlii, kidowo tutun katin imon nshonu.
The (for *no*) life more is than the food, and the body than the clothing.
24 Yenjen agoron, na idin su tibli sa ugirbi ba. Na idinin kiti kaciso sa filai ba, Kutelle din nli ninghinu. Na anun katin anyine ba!
do consider the ravens that not they sow nor they reap to them not there is a storehouse nor [is] barn — and God feeds them; How much more you yourselves are valuable than the birds?
25 Nin ghari nanya minne nwasa akpina ngbardanag nayiri mye?
Which now of you being anxious is able to the lifespan of him to add hour (one? *ko*)
26 Andi na iwasu isu ile imon icinghe ba, iyari inta idama nin kagisine?
If then (not even *N(k)O*) [the] least you are able [to do], why about the rest are you anxious?
27 Yenjen amamu kusho inda na idin kunju. Na idin su katuwa sa fiyari. Nin nani meng nbelling munu ko Solomon nin ngongon mye wa shon imon nafo umong mine ba.
do consider the lilies how they grow: Not do they labor nor do they spin. I say however to you; not even Solomon in all the glory of him was arrayed as one of these.
28 Andi Kutelle din tizu ukpi kusho kuyok, uleng na idiku kitimone, udu nkui ina to nani nlah, iyaghari bati na aba su anunku kuyok ba, anan cing nyinnu sa uyenu!
If however in [the] (*ko*) field the grass being [here] today and tomorrow into [the] furnace being thrown God thus (dresses, *N(k)O*) how much more you, O [you] of little faith?
29 Na iwa dama kitene nimonli sa ile imon na iba sonu, na iwa so nin damuwa ba.
And you yourselves not do seek what you may eat (and *N(k)O*) what you may drink, and not do worry yourself.
30 Bara vat nigbir inye din piziru, ile imone, ame Ucif mine yiru au idinin su nile imone.
these things for all the nations of the world (seek for; *N(k)O*) of you now the Father knows that you have need of these.
31 Piziran kipin tigo mye, kagisin nimone iba kpin munu ku.
But do seek the kingdom (*k*) (of Him *N(K)O*) and these things (all things *K*) will be added to you.
32 Na iwa lanza fiu, bara na idi kago kabene ba, bara ucif mine din lanzu nmang ani munu kipin tigowe.
Not do fear, O little flock, for took delight the Father of you to give you the kingdom.
33 Lessen ile imon na idumun Inii anan diru, keen tikka to nati ba jarzu ba, ceon imus kitene kani kika ukiri duku, sa kiyoro ba.
do sell the possessions of you and do give alms; do make to yourselves purses not growing old, a treasure unfailing in the heavens where thief not does draw near nor moth destroy;
34 Kiti kanga na Imus fe duku, kinere kibinaife ba yitu ku.
Where for is the treasure of you, there also the heart of you will be.
35 Tern alutuk ajangarang mine gangang, na tipilila mine yita nkasu,
should be your waist girded and the lamps burning,
36 soon nafo annit alenge na idin ncaa Nchikilari mine, ule na aba sa unuzu kitin buki nilugma, asa ada ariyo kibulun ima punghe mun dedei.
and you yourselves like to men waiting for the master of themselves whenever (he may return *N(k)O*) from the wedding feasts, that having come and having knocked immediately they may open to him.
37 Kucin kone unan nmariari ale na Cikilare mine ba dase nani ncaa, kidegen nworo munu, aba bunku kulutuk ku kujangarang mye, ati nani iso, a ni nani imonli.
Blessed [are] the servants those whom having come the master will find watching; Amen I say to you that he will gird himself and he will make recline them, and having come up he will serve them.
38 Cikilari une nwandak nin lijii kiyitik, sa udu shantu kiti idi se nani idin ncaa, acin ane anan nmariari.
And if And if (he may come *k*) in the second (watch *k*) (and if and if *N(k)O*) in the third watch he may come and he may find [them] thus, blessed are (*ko*) (servants *KO*) those!
39 Udu Ubune yinno, asa Cikilari Kilare yiru kubi ko na akiri ba dak, na aba yinnu ipuru ghe kilari ba.
This however do know that if had known the master of the house in what hour the thief is coming, not (he watched *KO*) (maybe *K*) (and *KO*) maybe he have allowed (to be broken into *N(k)O*) the house of him.
40 Soon nin yiru, na iyiru kubi ko na gono nnite ba dak ba.”
Also you yourselves (therefore *K*) do be ready, for in the hour not you expect the Son of Man comes.
41 Bitrus woroghe “Cikilari, udin bellu to tinan tigoldo bara arika, sa anite vat?”
Said then (to him *k*) Peter; Lord, to us parable this speak You or also to all?
42 Cikilare woro, “Ghara unan nginu sa uyenu, ujinjin ule na Cikilare ba nighe acin mye, ani nani imonli kube dedei ya?
(And *no*) said (now *k*) the Lord; Who then is the faithful manager (the *N(k)O*) wise whom will set the master over the care [of servants] of him to give [them] in season the measure of food?
43 Unan nmariari kucin kone, ule na Cikilare ba da seghe nsu nile imon na ataghe in suwe?
Blessed [is] the servant that [one] whom having come the master of him will find doing thus.
44 Kidegene nworo munu, aba nighe imon mye vat.
Of a truth I say to you that over all the possessions of him he will set him.
45 Kucin kone nwa woro kibnei, 'Cikilari ndandauna sa udak,' acizina ufo nacin mye nilime nan nishono, atunna ncii nin nso atah hem,
If however shall say the servant that [one] in the heart of him; Delays the master of Me to come, and shall begin to beat the men-servants and the maid-servants to eat also and to drink and to get drunk,
46 cikilari kucin kone ba dak liri lo na adin ncawe ba, sa kubi ko na ayiru ba, aba kezughe agir, a ceoghe kiti na na salin yinnu.
will come the master of the servant that [one] in a day in which not he does expect and in an hour that not he knows and he will cut in two him and the place of him with the unbelievers will appoint.
47 Kucin kone nin tanni npilizu ncikilare, nin salin nke ncin nye sa asu nafo na Cikilare na bellin, iba foghe nin likuntung.
That [very] now servant the [one] having known the will of the master (of him *N(k)O*) and not having prepared (or *N(k)O*) having done according to the will of him will be beaten with many [blows].
48 Ame ule na ayiru ba, idinsu ile imon na ibatin ikpizighe, iba kutughe baat bara utanni mye, vat ile na inaghe gbadang, iba piziru gbardan kiti mye, ule na iyinna ninghe, iba tirinu gbardang kiti mye.
the [one] however not having known having done however [things] worthy of stripes will be beaten with few. Everyone now to whom has been given much, much will be required from him; and to whom has been committed much, more excessive will they ask of him.
49 Nnna dak nda tii ulah inye, nda usu nigheri iwadi ita ula ku.
Fire I came to cast (upon *N(k)O*) the earth and how I wish if already it be kindled!
50 Meng dinin nshintinu ule na nba shintinu munu mun, ndi shotu iwadi imala!
Baptism however I have to be baptized [with] and how I am distressed until (while *N(k)O*) it may be accomplished!
51 Idin kpilizu nafo nna dak, nda ni munu nshau inye? Nani ba, nna dak nda wuso munuari.
Think you that peace I came to give on the earth? No, I say to you, but rather division.
52 Nene nbellin munu nanya kilari awatua ba yitu ku, anit na tatt ba su ivira nin na nanit natat.
There will be for from now five in one house divided, three against two and two against three
53 Iba kosu kidowo, ucif nivira nin nsaune, usaune nivira nin ncif; unna nivira nin nshono, ushon nivira nin nnah; nan nles nivira nin nwul, uwul nivira nin nan nles.”
(They will be divided *N(k)O*) father against son and son against father, mother against (*no*) (daughter *N(k)O*) and daughter against (*no*) (mother, *N(k)O*) mother-in-law against the daughter-in-law of her and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law (of her. *k*)
54 Yesu wadi nbellu ligoze, tutun, “Asa iyene awut kusari kitene, asa woro, 'Na nin dandaunu,' ba uwauri ba juuy nanere udi.
He was saying now also to the crowds; When you may see a cloud rising up (from *N(k)O*) [the] west, immediately you say (that *no*) A shower is coming, and it happens so.
55 Asa iyene ufunu nuzu kadas, asa iworo, 'Kiti ba yitu puu kang,' nanere ba yitu.
And when a south wind is blowing, you say that Heat there will be, and it happens.
56 Anun anan rusuzu natiminne, iyiru ubellu nimon inyi nin kitene, ani iyaghari nta na iyiru ubellu kube ko na tidi nanye ba?
Hypocrites! The appearance of the earth and of the sky you know [how] to discern, the time however this how not (do you know *no*) (to discern? *N(k)O*)
57 Iyaghari ntah na idin wucu kidegen nati mine ba?
Why now even for yourselves not judge you what [is] right?
58 Asa uda nin nan nivira kitingo kubi na idi libau udowe keelin uliru baba iwa do idi teru munu kilari tigo.
As for you are going with the adversary of you before a magistrate, in the way do give earnestness to have been set free from him otherwise otherwise he may drag away you to the judge, and the judge you (will deliver *N(k)O*) to the officer, and the officer you (will cast *N(k)(o)*) into prison.
59 Meng bellin munu, na uba nuzu nacara mine ba, se una nari fikubu na udumun vat.”
I say to you; certainly not shall you come out from there until (of which *k*) even (the *N(k)O*) last lepton you may have paid.

< Luka 12 >