< Yuhana 7 >

1 Kimal ni lenge imone Yesu uni wa wasu ucin udu u Galili, na awa di ninsu a dofin nanya Yahudiya, bara a Yahudawa wa din pizuru nwo imolughe.
After that Iesus wet about in Galile and wolde not go about in Iewry for the Iewes sought to kill him.
2 Kubin idi na Yahudawa, u idi na danga wa dak susut.
The Iewes tabernacle feast was at honde.
3 Nuana me woroghe, “suna kikane udo u Yahudiya, bara nono katwafe nan yene katwa kanga na udin sue.
His brethren therfore sayde vnto him: get ye hence and go into Iewry yt thy disciples maye se thy workes yt thou doest.
4 Na umong din su imonmong liyeshin ba, andi ame litime di nin su iyinin ghe. Andi udi su ile imone, durso litife nanya nyie”
For ther is no man yt doeth eny thing secretly and he him selfe seketh to be knowen. Yf thou do soche thinges shewe thy selfe to the worlde.
5 Bara inung nauna me wang wa yinin nighe ba.
For as yet his brethre beleved not in him.
6 Yesu uni wa belin nani, “Na kubi ninghe nsa da ba, anung dinin kubi ko kishi.
Then Iesus sayd vnto them: My tyme is not yet come youre tyme is all waye redy.
7 Na uyie was unari minu ba, ama unari meng ku bara nna ni ushaida liti nnin kitene lidu linanzang nnin.
The worlde canot hate you. Me it hateth: because I testify of it that the workes of it are evyll.
8 Anung can kitin ide; na meng ba du kiti idi ulele ba, bara na kubi nighe nsa kulo ba.”
Go ye vp vnto this feast. I will not go vp yet vnto this feast for my tyme is not yet full come.
9 KImal nbellu nani nleli ulirue, amini wa so in Galili.
These wordes he sayde vnto them and abode still in Galile.
10 Vat nani na nuane nya udu kitin ide, ame tutung nya na nin yiru nanit ba, likire.
But assone as his brethren were goone vp then went he also vp vnto the feast: not openly but as it were prevely.
11 A Yahudawa wa pizurughe kitin ide, i woro. “Adin nwe?”
Then sought him the Iewes at ye feast and sayde: Where is he?
12 Anit wa su uliru litime kan. Among woro. “Unit ucinari ame” Among woro “Nanere ba, adin wultunu nanitari.”
And moche murmurynge was ther of him amonge the people. Some sayde: He is good. Wother sayde naye but he deceaveth the people.
13 Vat nani na umong wa su uliru litime kanang ba, bara fiu na Yahudawa.
How be it no ma spake openly of him for feare of the Iewes
14 Na u idi wa dak susut nmalu, Yesu do nanya kutii nlira adin dursuzu nanit ku.
In ye middes of the feast Iesus went vp into the temple and taught.
15 A Yahudawa wa su umamaki i woro, “Ita iyizari unit ulele di nin yiru kang? Na asa do kutii ndursuzu, idursuzoghe ba.”
And the Iewes marveylled sayinge: How knoweth he ye scriptures seynge yt he never learned?
16 Yesu kawa nani aworo, “Imon ile na ndin dursuzue na inaghari ba, in lenge na a toyiari.
Iesus answered them and sayde: My doctrine is not myne: but his that sent me.
17 Andi umong dinin su asu imon kibinai nnit une, ama yinnu ubellen nlenge udursuzue, sa una dak unuzu kiti Kutelle, sa ndin su uliru bara lit ningahri.
If eny man will do his will he shall knowe of the doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speake of my selfe.
18 Ulenge na adin su uliru bara litime adin pizuru ngongon litime, ame ulenge na adin pizuru ngongong nlenge na ana tughe, unit une unan kidegenari, ana udiru katwa kacine dinghe ba.
He that speaketh of him selfe seketh his awne prayse. But he that seketh his prayse that sent him the same is true and no vnrightewesnes is in him.
19 Na Musari wa nimu uduke ba. Vat nani na umong mine din dortu uduke ba. Iyaghari nta idi nin su imoli?”
Dyd not Moses geve you a lawe and yet none of you kepeth ye lawe? Why goo ye aboute to kyll me?
20 Ligozin kawaghe, “Udi nin kugbergenu. Ghari dinin su amolufi?”
The people answered and sayde: thou hast the devyll: who goeth aboute to kyll the?
21 Yesu kawa nani a woro, “Nna su nkan katwa vat mine ani na lanza nzikiki kanin.
Iesus answered and sayde to them: I have done one worke and ye all marvayle.
22 Musa na niminu ukalzu nacuru (Na una nuzu kitin Musere ba, kiti na Cif nburnuari), inani asa kala unit kucuru liri na Sabbat.
Moses therfore gave vnto you circumcision: not because it is of Moses but of the fathers. And yet ye on the Saboth daye circumcise a man.
23 Asa ikala unit kucuru liri na Sabbat bara iwa patilin udukan Musa, iyaghari nta idin lanzu ayi ninmi kitene nwo nshino nin nit liri na Sabbat?
If a man on the Saboth daye receave circumcision without breakinge of the lawe of Moses: disdayne ye at me because I have made a man every whit whoale on the saboth daye?
24 Na iwa su ushara bara u yenju nmuro ba, sun usharawe nin fiu Kutelle.”
Iudge not after the vtter aperaunce: but iudge rightewes iudgement.
25 Among mine anan Urshalima woro, “Na amere ulengene na idin pizuru imolu ba?
Then sayd some of them of Ierusalem: Is not this he who they goo aboute to kyll?
26 Yeneng, adin liru kanang, ana iworoge iyang ba. Na umaso nafo adidya bite yiru amere Kriste, na nanere ba?
Beholde he speaketh boldly and they saye nothinge to him. Do the rulars knowe in dede that this is very Christ?
27 Arik yiru kikanga na unit ulele na nuzu ku, asa Kristi nda, na imong ma yinnu kikanga na ana nuzu ba.”
How be it we knowe this man whence he is: but when Christ cometh no man shall knowe whence he is.
28 Yesu uni wa ghatin liwui kan nanya kutii nlira, ndursuzu kiti a woro, “Anung vat yirue, iyuro kikanga nan nna nuzu ku; na nna dak bara litinin ba, ame ulenge na ana tuyi unan kidegenari, ulenge na iyirughe ba.
Then cryed Iesus in ye temple as he taught sayinge: ye knowe me and whence I am ye knowe. And yet I am not come of my selfe but he yt sent me is true whom ye knowe not.
29 Meng yirughe, bara nna dak unuzu kiti mere, amere na tuyi.
I knowe him: for I am of him and he hath sent me.
30 Icizina nworu i kifoghe, na umong nkifoghe ba bara na kubi me wadi kusa da ba.
Then they sought to take him: but no ma layde hondes on him because his tyme was not yet come.
31 Nani, among gbardang nanya ligozin wa yinin nighe. I woro “Asa Kristte nda, ama su imon izikiki ikata ilenge na unit ulele nsuwa?”
Many of the people beleved on him and sayde: when Christ cometh will he do moo miracles then this man hath done?
32 Afarisawa lanza ligozin nanite din belu ulenge ulirue litin Yesu, adidya na Yahudawe nin na Farisawa to a dugari idi kifoghe.
The pharises hearde that the people murmured suche thinges about him. Wherfore ye pharises and hye prestes sent ministres forthe to take him.
33 Yesu tunna a woro, “Ndu nin kubiri bat in yita ligowe nan ghinu, Nma nin du kitin lenge na ana tuyi.
Then sayde Iesus vnto the: Yet am I a lytell whyle with you and then goo I vnto him that sent me.
34 Ima pizirui na ima yeni ba, kiti kanga na nma du, na yinnu idak bak.”
Ye shall seke me and shall not fynde me: and where I am thyther can ye not come.
35 Ayahudawa tunna nbelu nati mine, “Unit ulengene madu weri ki kanga na arik ma yinnu upizirughe ba? Sa ama du kiti na Helenawari, alenge na isosin buu adi dursuzo nani ti Helenawa?
Then sayde the Iewes bitwene the selves: whyther will he goo that we shall not fynde him? Will he goo amonge the gentyls which are scattered all a broade and teache the gentyls?
36 Uyapin uliruiari ulele na a belle, 'ima piziri, ana ima yeni ba; kiti kanga na nma du, na anung ma yinnu udake ba.'?”
What maner of sayinge is this that he sayde: ye shall seke me and shall not fynde me: and where I am thyther can ye not come?
37 Nengene liri nimalin idi udya, Yesu wa fita asu uliru nin liwui kang, aworo,”Andi umong dinin kotu nayi na adak kitining ada sono.
In the last daye that great daye of the feaste Iesus stode and cryed sayinge: If eny man thyrst let him come vnto me and drinke.
38 Ulenge na ayinna nin mi nafo na uliru Kutelle na belli, unuzu nanya me, igawan nmyen nlai ma cun ku.”
He that beleveth on me as sayeth the scripture out of his belly shall flowe ryvers of water of lyfe.
39 Nani awa su uleli ulire litin Ruhu, ulenge na ale na iyinna ninghe ma seru; na iwadi isa na uruhe ba, bara na iwa di isa ta Yesu ku gongong ba.
This spak he of the sprete which they that beleved on him shuld receave. For the holy goost was not yet there because that Iesus was not yet glorifyed.
40 Among ligozin, na iwa lanza uleli ulirre, iworo, “Kidegene ulengene unan liru nin nu Kutelleari.”
Many of the people when they hearde this sayinge sayd: of a truth this is a prophet
41 Among woro, “Ulengenere Kristi.” Among tutung woro, “Iyangha, Kristi ma dak unuzun Galiliaria?
Other sayde: this is Christ. Some sayde: shall Christ come out of Galile?
42 Na uliru Kutelle na woro Kristi ma dak unuzu fimusun Dauda in Baitalami, ka gbiri kanga na Dauda wa duku?”
Sayeth not the scripture that Christ shall come of the seed of David: and out of the toune of Bethleem where David was?
43 Usalin yinnu nin nati fita nanya ligozighe bara ame.
So was ther dissencion amonge the people aboute him.
44 Among mine wa dinin su ikifoghe, a nan umong mine tardaghe ucara ba (na umong mine kifoghe ba.)
And some of them wolde have taken him: but no man layed hondes on him.
45 Adugare tunna i kpilla kiti na didya na Yahudawa nan na Farisawe, inung woro nani, “Iyaghari nta na ida ningheba?”
Then came ye ministres to ye hye prestes and pharises. And they sayde vnto the: why have ye not brought him?
46 Adugare kawa nani, iworo, “Na umong nsa su uliru nafo ulengene ba.”
The servautes answered never man spake as this man doeth.
47 Afarisawa kawa nani, iworo “Anung wang iwultun minua?
Then answered the the pharises: are ye also disceaved?
48 Umong nanya na Gowe sa Afarisawa nyinna ninghe?
Doth eny of the rulers or of the pharises beleve on him?
49 Linin ligozin longo na liyiru uduke ba, ita nani unuu.”
But the comen people whiche knowe not ye lawe are cursed.
50 Nikodimo woro nani, (Umong na awa mang dak kitin Yesu, ame wang ku Farisawari),
Nicodemus sayde vnto them: He that came to Iesus by nyght and was one of them.
51 “Uduka bite din suzu unit ushara a udutu sa ulanzu kitime iyinnin imong ilenge na adin sua?”
Doth oure lawe iudge eny man before it heare him and knowe what he hath done?
52 I kawage i woro, “Fe wang kunan Galiliaria? Piziran iyene na umong unan liru nin nuu Kutelle ma dak unuzun Galili ba.”
They answered and sayde vnto him: arte thou also of Galile? Searche and loke for out of Galile aryseth no Prophet.
53 Kogha mine nya udu kilari me.
And every man went vnto his awne housse.

< Yuhana 7 >