< Yuhana 20 >

1 Nin kwui dindin nwui un cizinu nayiri kuzor, a kiti dutu kalum kalum, Maryamu Magdalin da kiti kissekke; ayenne iyilino litala nnu kissekke.
Now on the first [day] of the week Mary Magdalene comes early when dark still it being to the tomb and she sees the stone removed from the tomb.
2 A co ada kitin Simon Bitrus nin kanin gono katwawe na Yesu wa di nin suwe, a woro nani nenge, “Ina da yiru Cikilare ku nanya kissekke i nya mun, na tiyiru sa ina di nonkoghe nweri ba.”
She runs therefore and she comes to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom was loving Jesus and she says to them; They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb, and not we know where they have laid Him.
3 Bitrus nin kani gono katwawe nuzu udas, ido kiti kissekke.
Went forth therefore Peter and the other disciple and were coming to the tomb;
4 I tunna ncum ligowe, kani gono katwawe katiza Bitrus ku nin cum a yaringhe ndi duru kiti kissekke.
Were running now the two together; and the other disciple ran ahead quicker than Peter and came first to the tomb,
5 A tumuno a gbino nanye; a yene ugudun ubome non kitene, ama na awdi asa pira nanye ba.
And having stooped down he sees lying [there] the linen cloths, not however he entered.
6 Simon Bitrus da kidun me a pira nanya kissekke. A yene ugudun ubowe non nanye,
Comes then (also *no*) Simon Peter following after him and he entered into the tomb and sees the linen cloths lying [there]
7 nin nimon ile na iwa di litime, na iwa non kiti kirume nin nileli imone ba, inin wa jinkpilin ussanme ugan.
and the soudarion which was upon the head of Him not with the linen cloths lying but by itself folded up in a place.
8 Ame kani gono katwa we wang pira, ule na awa tu a duru kiti kissekke; ayene ayinna.
Then therefore entered also the other disciple having come first to the tomb and he saw and believed;
9 Uduru koni kube na iwa yiru uliru Kutelle nworu, gbas Yesu ma fitu nanya nanan kul.
not yet for they knew the Scripture that it is necessary for Him out from [the] dead to rise.
10 Nono katwa tutung nya ucin du nilari mine.
Went away therefore again to (their [homes] *N(k)O*) the disciples.
11 Maryamu wa yissin ndas kisseske kuculu, na awa di kucule, a tumuno a gbino nanya kissekke.
Mary however had stood at (the tomb *N(k)O*) outside weeping. As therefore she was weeping, she stooped down into the tomb,
12 A yene anan Kadura naba sossin nin nimon ibo, umong kusari lite a umong kusari nabune, kiti kanga na kidowon Yesu wa non ku.
and she sees two angels in white sitting one at the head and one at the feet, where was laying the body of Jesus.
13 I woroghe, “Uwani, iyaghari nta udi kuculu?” A woro nani, bara ina yiru Cikilari ning a nan yiru kiti ka na ina ceoghe ku ba.”
And say to her they; Woman, why weep you? She says to them; Because they have taken away the Lord of mine, and not I know where they have laid Him.
14 Na a belle nani, a gitirno ayene Yesu ku yissin kitene, ama na ame wa yinnin nworu Yesuere ba.
(and *k*) These things having said she turned to the back and she sees Jesus already standing [there] and not knew that (*k*) Jesus it is.
15 Yesu woroghe, “Uwani iyaghari udi kuculu mun? Udin pizuru ghari ku? Awa kpiliza nafo unan kye kunenari, a woroghe, “Cikilari andi ukalaghe kite, belli kika na uceoghe ku, Meng ma di yirughe in nya mun.”
Says to her (*k*) Jesus; Woman, why do you weep? Whom do you seek? She thinking that the gardener He is she says to Him; Sir, if you yourself carried off him, do tell me where you have laid Him, and I myself and I myself him will take away.
16 Yesu woroghe, “Maryamu” A kpila kidowo me a woroghe nin ti Yahudanci, “Rabboni” Unare, “Unan dursuzu niyerti.”
Says to her (*k*) Jesus; (Mary. *N(k)O*) Having turned around she says to Him (in Hebrew; *NO*) Rabboni, that is to say, Teacher.
17 Yesu woroghe, “Na uwa dudai ba, bara na nsa ghana udu kiti Ncif ba; ama can kitin nnuwna nighe u woro nani, nma ghanu udu kitin Ncif ning nin Cif mine, Kutelle ning nin Kutelle mine.
Says to her (*k*) Jesus: Not Me do yourself touch; not yet for have I ascended to the Father (of mine. *ko*) do go however to the brothers of Mine and do say to them; I am ascending to the Father of Mine and Father of you and [to] God of Mine and God of you.
18 Maryamu Magdalin uni wa da bellin nono katwa we, a woro, “Inyene Cikilare” amini nbelleghe ile imone.
Comes Mary Magdalene (reporting *N(k)O*) to the disciples that (I have seen *N(K)O*) the Lord, and [that] these things He had said to her.
19 Na kulelen nta nwui une, lirin ncizunu nayiri kuzor a nibulun tursuzuno vat, kiti kanga na nono katwa we wa sossin ku bara fiu na Yahudawa, Yesu da ada yissina kitik mine a woro nani, “Sen lissosin lisheu.”
When is being therefore evening of the day same the first (*k*) of [the] week and the doors shut where were the disciples (assembled *K*) through the fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst and He says to them; Peace to you.
20 Na a belle nani, a durso nani ucara me nin likot me. Na nono katwa we yene Cikilare, ayi poa nani.
And this having said He showed (also *O*) the hands and the side (of him *k*) to them. Rejoiced then the disciples having seen the Lord.
21 Yesu kuru a woro nani, “Na lissosin lisheu yita nanghinu. Nafo na Ucife na tuyi, nanere meng to minu.”
Said therefore to them Jesus again; Peace to you; even as has has sent forth me the Father I myself also I myself also send you.
22 Na Yesu belle nani, a pene nani a woro nani, “Seren uruhu ulau.
And this having said He breathed on [them] and He says to them; do receive [the] Spirit Holy.
23 Alenge na ishawa nin kulapi mine, ishawari une; alenge na anung ceo alapi mine, alapi ane nsowa une.”
If of any you may forgive the sins, (they have been forgiven *N(k)O*) to them; If any you may retain, they have been retained.
24 Tuma umong nanya likure, ulenge na idin yiccughe fibari, na awa di ligowe nanghinu kubin dakin Yesu ba.
Thomas however one of the Twelve who is being named Didymus not was with them when came (*k*) Jesus.
25 Ngisin nono katwa we d woroghe, “tiyene Cikilare.”A woro nani, “Andi na meng yene nacara me kitin kottunu nikuse nceo licin ning ku, ikuru ceo ucara ning likot me ba, na meng ma yinnu ba.”
Were saying therefore to him the other disciples; We have seen the Lord. But he said to them; Only unless I shall see in the hands of Him the mark of the nails and shall put the finger of mine into the mark of the nails and shall put my hand into the side of Him, certainly not shall I believe.
26 Kimal nayiri kulir, nono katwa me wadi kutii, a Tuma yita ligowe nanghinu. Yesu da pira a kibulune tursuno, a yissina kiyitik mine, a woro, “Na lissosin lisheu yita nanghinu.”
And after days eight again were inside the disciples of Him and Thomas with them. Comes Jesus when the doors shut And He stood in the midst and said; Peace to you.
27 A woro Toma ku, “Nakpa licinfe ududo kikane, yene ucara nin tutung; nakpa ucarafe, dudo likot nighe; na uwa yita nin salin yinnu sa uyenu ba, yinna.”
Then He says to Thomas; do bring the finger of you here and do see the hands of Me, and do bring the hand of you and do put [it] into the side of Me, and not do be unbelieving but believing.
28 Toma kpana a worogeh, “Cikilari ning ni Kutelle ning.”
(and *k*) Answered (*k*) Thomas and said to Him; O Lord of Mine and O God of mine!
29 Yesu woroghe, “Bara na uyenei, umini in yinna. Anan mariari ale na i yene ba, inani nyinna.”
Says to him Jesus; Because you have seen Me (Thomas *k*) you have believed; blessed [are] those not having seen yet having believed.
30 Nene Yesu wa su imon izikiki gbardang nbun nnono katwa me. Imon izikiki gbardang, ilenge na iwa yertin nanya kubaga nliru ba;
Many indeed therefore also other signs did Jesus in the presence of the disciples of Him which not are written in book this.
31 Ilengene na ina yertin bara anung nan yinna Yesu amere Kristi, Usaun Kutelle, bara asa iyinna, nmoti ise ulai nanya lissame.
these however have been written that (you may believe *NK(o)*) that (*k*) Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing life you may have in the name of Him.

< Yuhana 20 >