< Yuhana 16 >

1 Nbelin minu ile imone bara iwa ti minu itiro.
These have I spoken with you, that you may not be offended.
2 ima nutuzun minu nanya nilari nlira; kube din cinu kongo na alenge na ima molusu minu ma cissu idi su Kutelle katwa kacine.
They shall cast you out from their synagogues; and the hour cometh when every one who shall kill you will think that a sacrifice he offereth unto Aloha.
3 Ima su ileli imone bara na isa yinno Ucife sa menku ba.
And these will they do, because they have not known either my Father or me.
4 Ndin belu minu ile imone bara asa kube nda na ima se, ima lizinu inin nin woru iyiziari nna belin minu. Na nna belinminu ubellenghe nin cizunue ba bara nwa di ligowe na ghinu.
THESE have I spoken with you, that when their time hath come you may remember that I told you. But these at first I did not tell you, because with you I was.
5 Nene nba du kiti nlenge na ana tuyi; vat nani, na umong mine ntirini ba. 'Udin cinu udu weri'?
But now I go unto Him who sent me; and no man of you asketh me, Whither goest thou?
6 Bara na nna bellin minu ile imone, liburi lisirne nmal kulu nibinayi mine.
For I have told you these, and sorrow hath come and filled your hearts.
7 Vat nani, nbeling minu kidegene; uma caunu minu meng nya; bara asa na nya ba, na unan bunue ma dak kitimine ba; ama nwan nya nma tughe kiti mine.
But I the truth say to you, That it is needful for you that I go; for if I go not, the Paraclete cometh not to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.
8 Asa ada, unan bunue ma kpashulu uye nbeleng kulapi, nbeleng katwa kacine, nin beleng nshara.
And when he hath come, he will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.
9 Nbeleng kulapi bara na ina yinnin nimi ba,
Of sin, because they believe not in me;
10 nbeleng katwa kacine. Ndin cinu ucin du kitin Cif, na ima kuru iyene tutung ba.
but of righteousness, because unto my Father I go, and you see me not again;
11 a ubeleng nshara, ina malu usu ugo nyii ulele ushara.
but of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged.
12 Ndin nin nimon gbardang na nma belin minu, na ima yinnu inin nene ba.
I have yet much to tell you, but you cannot now apprehend;
13 Vat nani, asa ame Uruhu kidegene nda, ama dofunu ninghinu nanya kidegene vat; bara na ama su uliru unlitime ba, ama vat nimon ile na alanza, nanere ama belu, amaa nin pun minu imon ile na idin cinu.
but when the Spirit of Truth hath come, he will lead you into all the truth; for he will not speak of himself; but all that he shall hear he will speak, and the things to come will he make known to you.
14 Ama tii gongong, ama yiru imon ning a pun minu inin.
He will glorify me, because of mine he will take and will show you.
15 Vat ligang nimon ile na Uci dumun. inaghari, unnare nbelle, Uruhu ma yiru imon ning ada pun minu inin.
All whatever that the Father hath is mine: on this account I have said to you, That of mine he will take, and will show you.
16 Nin kubiri bat, ima kuru iyene ba; nin kubiri bat tutung, ima kuru iyenei.”
A LITTLE (time), and you will not see me; and again a little, and you shall see me, because I go to the Father.
17 Among nono katwa me woro nadon mine, “Uyapin uliruari ulele na aworo nari, 'nin kubiri bat, na ima kuru iyenei ba; aminin woro tutung nin kubiri bat tutung, ima yenei,' tutung, 'Bara nma du kitin Ncifa?'
And the disciples said one to another, What is this that he saith to us? A little (time), and you will not see me; and again a little (while), and you shall see me, and because I go to my Father.
18 Inin woro, “Iyaghari ilele a belle, 'Kubi cingiling'? Na tiyino iyaghari adin belu ba.”
And they said, What is this little (time of) which he hath spoken?
19 Yesu yene idin shotu itiringhe, ame woro nani, “Idin tiru atimine ubelen nileli imone, nworu 'Nin kubi bat, na ima kuru iyenei ba; kimal kubi bat tutung, ima yenei'?
We know not what he saith. But Jeshu knew that they sought to ask him; and he said to them, Concerning this do you inquire together that I told you, A little (time), and you will not see me; and again a little, and you shall see me?
20 Kidegenere, ndin belu minu, ima su kuculu nin lidurun, ama uye masu liburi libo, anung masu liburi lisirne, ama liburi lisirne mine ma kpinlu ayi aboo.
Amen, amen, I tell you, That you will weep and lament, and the world will rejoice; and to you shall be sorrow; but your sorrow shall become joy.
21 Uwani asa asu liburi lisirne andi adi nin konu liburi kumat bara kubin nlolu me nda; ama asa amara gone, asa a lizino uniu me ba bara ayi aboo nworu imara gono nanya in yii.
A woman, when she travaileth, hath sorrow, that the day hath come for her giving birth; but when she hath borne a son, she remembereth not her anguish, for joy that a child of man hath been born into the world.
22 Nanere anung wang, idi nin naburi asirne nene, ama meng ma kuru inyene minu tutung, ima ti ayi abo.
You also now have sorrow; but again I will see you, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.
23 Liri lole, ima sui umon utirinu ba, kidegenere, Ndin belu minu, asa itirino imonmong kitin Cif, ama ni minu inin nanya lissa ning.
And in that day you will ask me nothing. Amen, amen, I tell you, That whatsoever you shall ask my Father in my name, he will give you.
24 Udu da duru nene na isa tirrino imonimon nya lissa ning ba; tirinon, tutung ima seru, liburi libo mine manin kulu.
Hitherto you have not asked any thing in my name: ask, and receive, that your joy may be full.
25 Nsu minu ule ulire nin tinan tigoldo, ama kubi din cinu na nma kuru nsu minu uliru nin tinan tigoldo ba, ama nma na su minu kanang nbeleng Ncife.
These in parables I have spoken with you; but the hour cometh when I will not speak with you in parables, but manifestly; and I will announce to you concerning the Father.
26 Nloli lire, ima tirini nya lissa ning, a na nworo minu nba ti nlira kiti Ncif bara anung ba;
In that day you shall ask in my name; and I say not to you that I will ask of the Father for you;
27 ame Ucife di nin sumine, bara na anung di nin su nin, inani nyinna nin mi bara na nna dak unuzu kiti Ncife.
for the Father himself loveth you, because you have loved me, and have believed that from the Father I came forth.
28 Nna dak unuzu kiti Ncif, nmini na dak nanya yii ulele tutung, Nma sunu uyei nma kpilu ndo kiti Ncife.”
I came forth from the Father, and came into the world; and again I leave the world, and go unto the Father.
29 Nono katwa me woro, “Yene nene udin liru kanang; na udin liru nin tinan tigoldo ba.
His disciples say to him, Behold, now openly speakest thou, and not one parable hast thou spoken.
30 Nene ti yinno uyiru imon vat, ana udin pizuru umong tirifi umong uliru ba. Bara nani ti yinna una dak unuzu kiti Kutelle.
Now know we that every thing thou knowest, and thou needest not that any man should ask thee. By this we believe that from Aloha thou hast come forth.
31 Yesu kawa nani aworo, “Nene iyinna?”
JESHU saith to them, Believe!
32 Yenen kubi din cinu, nanere, nene kumal dak, na ima malu kiti, kogha mine udu kiti me, ima nin sunui Ussanii. Vat nani na nma yitu ussanin, bara Ucif ma yittu nin mi.
Behold, the hour shall come, and now cometh, that you will be dispersed (every) man to his place, and you will have left me alone. But I am not alone, because the Father is with me.
33 Nsu minu ulenge ulire bara nme inan se lissosin lisheu. Nanya nyie idi nin tinanayi, ama sen likara nibinayi, Meng na li likara nyie.”
These have I said to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you shall have distress; but be of heart, I have conquered the world.

< Yuhana 16 >