< Yakubu 4 >

1 Nweri kabung nin diru yinnu nin nati ku nanya mine? na kudin fitizu nan nya mine unucu nlip nibinai ni nanzang na udin su likum nan nya mine ba, linuwa anan yinnu nin kutellẹ ba?
From where [are] wars and fightings among you? [Is it] not from here, out of your passions warring in your members?
2 Idin nlip nimon ille na idumun ba, idin molsu ikuru ipizira imon ile na i wasa ise ba. Idin su nnun.
You desire, and do not have, [so] you murder; and you are zealous, and are not able to attain, [so] you fight and war; and you do not have, because of your not asking;
3 Isu kabung ku, vat nani na isebabura na itirino kutellẹ ba. Idin tiru a na i sare ba, bara idin ntiru imon inanzang, inan moluso libau nsu nibinai mine.
you ask, and you do not receive, because you ask badly, that you may spend [it] in your pleasures.
4 Anung anam zina! akilaki, Na iyiru nwoni lidondong nin yih ulele nshinari nin kutellẹ ba? Bara nani ulle na ayinna asu lidondon nin yih a durso litime unan shina Kutellẹ.
Adulterers and adulteresses! Have you not known that friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whoever, then, may intend to be a friend of the world, he is designated [as] an enemy of God.
5 Sa idin cissu uliru Kutellẹ naso lem na unaworo uruhu Kutellẹ na ina ti nan nyo bite ukulun nin lip liyarin na?
Or, do you think that the Writing says emptily, “The Spirit that has dwelt in us yearns with envy,”
6 Nan nya nani Kutellẹ na nani ubolu me gbardang, bara na uliru Kutellẹ na woro, “Kutellẹ nari anan tikunang liti, ana niza ubelu me kiti nale na itoltuno uti mine”.
but [God] gives greater grace, for this reason it says, “God sets Himself up against proud ones, and He gives grace to lowly ones.”
7 Bara nani, nan ati mine kiti Kutellẹ, taan shakk nin nshaitan, a nan nya pit nan ghinu.
Be subject, then, to God; stand up against the Devil, and he will flee from you;
8 Dan susut nin Kutellẹ, amac wang ma daksusul nan ghinu, kusun achare mine lau anung anan nalapi, wesen nibincu mine, anung anan nibinayi nibaba.
draw near to God, and He will draw near to you; cleanse hands, you sinners! And purify hearts, you split-souled!
9 Sun liburi lisirne a tiyom nin kuculu. Kpilliyan tisina mine ti tinana nayi, so ulanzun nmang mine lawa liburi lisirne.
Be exceedingly afflicted, and mourn, and weep, let your laughter be turned to mourning, and the joy to heaviness;
10 Toltunon atimine nbun Ncikilari Ame ma ghantin minu.
be made low before the LORD, and He will exalt you.
11 Na iwansu kubellum natimine ba, linuana, unit ulle na asu kubellum ngwana sa ushariya ngwana, adin su ushara nan nyan nshara Kutellẹ. Asa usu uduka ushara fe wang na una dortu nsharawere ba, fe nso sharan nin nari.
Do not speak against one another, brothers; he who is speaking against a brother, and is judging his brother, speaks against law, and judges law, and if you judge law, you are not a doer of law but a judge.
12 Unit urumari cas unan nizun duka nin shariyawe, ame Kutellẹ, ulle na amere wasa asu utucu nin molsu, fe ghari, unan su ndọ lissan fe ushara?
One is the lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy; you—who are you that judges the other?
13 Lanza fe ulle na udin bellu, “Kitimone sa udun kwoi tiba du nanya kipin, ti duru likus kikans, ti di su kujauna tise uriba”.
Go, now, you who are saying, “Today and tomorrow we will go on to such a city, and will pass there one year, and traffic, and make gain,”
14 Ghari yiru imon ille na ina se ninkwui, iyaghari ulai mine? Idi nafo ulonna3i na sas unuzu nin kubiri bat umala kiti.
who does not know the thing of tomorrow; for what is your life? For it is a vapor that is appearing for a little [while], and then is vanishing;
15 Bara nani mbara iworo nengbe “asa cikilari inyinna tiba yitu nin lai tisu ilenge sa ileli.
instead, you [ought] to say, “If the LORD may will, we will live, and do this or that”;
16 Nene idin fo figiri nin zkpilizu mine, vat ulle ufo figire unanzanghari.
but now you glory in your pride; all such glorying is evil;
17 Bara nani kitin nle na ayiru usu nimon icine amini nari usue, kitime kulapiyari.
to him, then, knowing to do good, and not doing [it], it is sin to him.

< Yakubu 4 >