< Yakubu 2 >

1 Nuwana ning, na iwa dortu uyinnu sa uyenu un Cikilari bite Yisa Kristi, Cikilari ngongon, nin su liti sa maferu feru ba.
My Brothers, are you really trying to combine faith in Jesus Christ, our glorified Lord, with the worship of rank?
2 Asa umong npira ada se minu nan nya lisosin mine nin ficancan fin zinariya nin nimon igegeme, umong tutun pira kikimon unan diru nimon nacara nin nimọn ndinong,
Suppose a man should enter your Synagogue, with gold rings and in grand clothes, and suppose a poor man should come in also, in shabby clothes,
3 anung ani nceo ayi mine kiti nnit unan nimon igegeme, inin woroghe ''cikusu da so kiti kigegeme'' inin woro unan diru nimon nacare, ''Yisina kikani'' sa ''So nabunu ning,''
and you are deferential to the man who is wearing grand clothes, and say — “There is a good seat for you here,” but to the poor man — “You must stand; or sit down there by my footstool,”
4 na anughe din su ushara nan nya nati mine, iso anan shara nin kpilizu unanzan ba?
Is not that to make distinctions among yourselves, and show yourselves prejudiced judges?
5 Lanzan nuwana nayi ningh, na Kutellẹ na fere anan sali nimon nacara in yih ulele iso anan nimon nan nya yinnu sa uyenu nin sen gadu tigoh na awasu likawali udu kiti nale na idumun su me ba?
Listen, my dear Brothers. Has not God chosen those who are poor in the things of this world to be rich through their faith, and to possess the Kingdom which he has promised to those who love him?
6 Anunghe nin di yassu anan diru nimon nacara! Na anan nimon nacarere din yoh minu bå, na inunghere din cin ninghinu kutẹin nsharawe bå?
But you — you insult the poor man! Is not it the rich who oppress you? Is not it they who drag you into law-courts?
7 Na anan nimon nacarere din nanzu lisa ligegeme longo na iwa yicila minu mun ba?
Is not it they who malign that honourable Name which has been bestowed upon you?
8 Vat nin nani asa ukulo uduka tigowe nafo na ina yertu nan nya liru Kutellẹ, ''Uma su usü nnan lisosin kupofe nafo litife,'' usu gegeme.
Yet, if you keep the royal law which runs — ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thou dost thyself,’ you are doing right;
9 Nin nani asa ufere among usu nani imon icine, udin su kulapi, ushara nkifofi ina nin so anan nalapi.
but, if you worship rank, you commit a sin, and stand convicted by that same law of being offenders against it.
10 Ulenge na adoffino uduka vat, aminin tana nan nya nrum cas, aso unan tanu nan nyan duke vat.
For a man who has laid the Law, as a whole, to heart, but has failed in one particular, is liable for breaking all its provisions.
11 Ame Kutellẹ na ana woro “Na uwa su uzina ba,'' amere kuru aworo ''na uwa molsu anit ba,'' andi na usu uzina, umini na molo unit, uso unan kalin duka Kutellẹ.
He who said ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery’ also said ‘Thou shalt not murder.’ If, then, you commit murder but not adultery, you are still an offender against the Law.
12 Nani imon ile na idin bellẹ na iso innare idin sue, nafo na ale na iba sunani ushara nbuntu.
Therefore, speak and act as men who are to be judged by the ‘Law of Freedom.’
13 Bara ushara din dasu sa nkune-kune kiti nalenge na idin dursu nkune- kune ba. Nkune-kune din li likaran shara.
For there will be justice without mercy for him who has not acted mercifully. Mercy triumphs over Justice.
14 Iyaghari gegeme nuwana nin assa umonn nworo adumun nin yinnu sa uyenu a na ayita nin katwa kacine ba, uleli u yinnu sa uyene wasa utuchu-ghe?
My Brothers, what is the good of a man’s saying that he has faith, if he does not prove it by actions? Can such faith save him?
15 Asa gwana kilime sa kishono din pizuru nimon shonu kidowo nin nimonli liyirin,
Suppose some Brother or Sister should be in want of clothes and of daily bread,
16 umaong nan nya mine woro nani ''cang idi so mang, ilanza momo illi ishito, a na anung in nin nani imonle na idin pizure bara kidowo ba, iyaghari ngegeme?
and one of you were to say to them — “Go, and peace be with you; find warmth and food for yourselves,” and yet you were not to give them the necessaries of life, what good would it be to them?
17 Nanere wang unin uyinnu sa uyenu andi na katwa kacine duku ba, libiari.
In just the same way faith, if not followed by actions, is, by itself, a lifeless thing.
18 Vat nani asa umong woro, ''Fe dumun yinnu sa uyenu, a meng yita nin katuwa kacine,'' dursai uyinnu sa uyenu fe sa katuwa, meng ba dursu fi uyinnu sa yenu ninghe nan nya katwa nighe.
Some one, indeed, may say — “You are a man of faith, and I am a man of action.” “Then show me your faith,” I reply, “apart from any actions, and I will show you my faith by my actions.”
19 Uyinna Kutellẹ kurumari nanere. Agbergenu wang in yinna nani ketuzu.
It is a part of your Faith, is it not, that there is one God? Good; yet even the demons have that faith, and tremble at the thought.
20 Udi nin su uyinin wangha unit ulala, nworu uyinnu sa uyenu sa katuwa uso hem.
Now do you really want to understand, you foolish man, how it is that faith without actions leads to nothing?
21 Ndunsu ame Ibrahimẹ, uciff in yinnu sa uyenu bite wa se useru kiti Kutellẹ bara katuwa kacine na awa nakpa gono me Ishaku kiti Kutellẹ?
Look at our ancestor, Abraham. Was not it the result of his actions that he was pronounced righteous after he had offered his son, Isaac, on the altar?
22 Uyene uyinnu sa uyenu me na cinu nin katuwa me, nanere wang katuwa me na kulo nan nya yinnu sa uyenu me.
You see how, in his case, faith and actions went together; that his faith was perfected as the result of his actions;
23 Nanere uliru Kutellẹ wa kulo na uwa woro “Ibrahim wa yinnin nin Kutellẹ, unnere iwa bataghe unan fiu Kutellẹ.” Bara nani iwa yicughe udondon Kutellẹ.
and that in this way the words of Scripture came true — “Abraham believed God, and that was regarded by God as righteousness,” and “He was called the friend of God.”
24 Uyenẹ, kiti katuwari unit nse usurtu, na kitenen yinnu sa uyenu chas ba.
You see, then, that it is as the result of his actions that a man is pronounced righteous, and not of his faith only.
25 Nanere wang Rahap ukilaki wase usurtu bara katwa kacine, kubẹ na awa seru anan kadura, a duro nani long libau ugang?
Was not it the same with the prostitute, Rahab? Was not it as the result of her actions that she was pronounced righteous, after she had welcomed the messengers and hastened them away by a different road?
26 Nafo kidowa sa nfip libbiari, Nanere wang uyinnu sa uyeni sa katuwa libbiari.
Exactly as a body is dead without a spirit, so faith is dead without actions.

< Yakubu 2 >