< Ibraniyawa 7 >

1 Amere Malkisadak une, Ugon Salem, upirist udiya Kutelle unan kitine kani, ulenge na awa zurro nin Ibrahim mme na awa kpillin unuzu nmolusu nagowe, atina ata nghe nmari.
This Melchisedech kynge of Salem (which beinge prest of ye most hye god met Abraham as he returned agayne from the slaughter of the kynges and blessed him:
2 Ibrahim wa nighe likure nanya nimon ilenge na awa bollu, lisame “Malkisadak” nnufi “ugu usheu.
to whom also Abraham gave tythes of all thynges) fyrst is by interpretacion kynge of rightewesnes: after yt he is kynge of Sale yt is to saye kynge of peace
3 A wandi sa ucif, sa unah, na awa dinin nankah ba, na awadi nin nayirin ncizinu ba, sa ayiri nimalin, nin nanere awa lawa upirist sa ligan nafo gono Kutelle.
with out father wt out mother with out kynne and hath nether begynnynge of his tyme nether yet ende of his lyfe: but is lykened vnto the sonne of god and cotinueth a preste for ever.
4 Nene yenen imusin ngbardang na unit une di, ame kah bite Ibrahim was ni likure nanyan nimon icine na awa yiru kiti likume.
Consyder what a man this was vnto who the patriarke Abraham gave tythes of the spoyles.
5 Nin kidegenere, likuran Levi wa seru kutyin npirist iwa ni uduke kiti nanit, kiti nadon mine ana Isiraila, nin nani inug wang likura ri unuzun Ibrahim.
And verely those children of levy which receave the office of the prestes have a commaundement to take a cordyng to the lawe tythes of the people that is to saye of their brethren yee though they spronge out of the loynes of Abraham.
6 Bara Malkisadak, ame na a wandi likura unuzu Levi ba, wa seru uzakka kiti Ibrahim, awa tinghe nmari, ame ulenge na adinin likawale.
But he whose kynred is not counted amonge them receaved tythes of Abraham and blessed him that had the promyses.
7 na nari duku ba, nworu unit ubene nase nmari kiti nnit udiya.
And no man denyeth but that which is lesse receaveth blessinge of yt which is greater.
8 Nanya nanere annit alenge na idin sesu uzukka iba kuzu nlonliri, nanya nkon kusari inug alenge na ina seru uzakka Ibrahim in woro inunghere anan nlai.
And here men that dye receave tythes. But there he receaveth tythes of whom it is witnessed that he liveth.
9 nin nanya umon uliru, Levi, ame wa seru uzakka tutung awa biya kiti Ibrahim.
And to saye the trueth Levy him silfe also which receaveth tythes payed tythes in Abraham.
10 Bara Levi wandi kidowon nkah mere Ibrahim, kubi na Malkisadak wa zurro Ibrahim Ku.
For he was yet in the loynes of his father Abraham when Melchisech met him.
11 Nene andi ndedei nso nani, unuzu likuran Levi upirist (bara kadas nin unit nsere uduka) iyaghari nin du nbun upiziru nmon upirist fita kimal nbellun Malkisadak, a na iba ninghe lissan Haruna ba.
Yf now therfore perfeccion came by the presthod of the levites (for vnder that presthod the people recaved the lawe) what neded it furthermore that an other prest shuld ryse after the order of Melchisedech and not after the order of Aaron?
12 Bara kubi na iba saku upirist, uduke wang ba saku tutun.
Now no dout yf the presthod be translated then of necessitie must the lawe be translated also.
13 Bara ame ulenge na iwa bellin kitene me, ame di nlon lukara ugan, na umon mine na su katuwa nprist ba,
For he of whom these thynges are spoken pertayneth vnto another trybe of which never man served at the aultre.
14 nene ushaidari nworu ciklari bite, na nuzu likuran Yahuda, likura longo na Musa wa bellin imomon kiti mmine nbellen npirist ba.
For it is evidet that oure lorde spronge of the trybe of Iuda of which trybe spake Moses nothynge concernynge presthod.
15 Bara ille imon na tibelle idi fong, nene asa umon upirist nfita nanya nkama Malkisadak.
And it is yet a more evydent thinge yf after the similitude of Melchisedech ther aryse a nother prest
16 Ame ulenge upirist upese, na amere ulle na abada so upirist nnuzu nduka na udi nniit ba, bara nani unuzu nanya likara nanya nlai unsalin nnanu.
which is not made after the lawe of the carnall commaundmet: but after the power of the endlesse lyfe
17 Bara iyerte wa shaida kitene me “fe upirist ari sa ligan nin nbellu Malisadak.” (aiōn g165)
(For he testifieth: Thou arte a prest forever after the order of Melchysedech) (aiōn g165)
18 Bara uduka unkatuwe ina ceo unin kusari, bara usali likara nin diru ampani.
Then the commaundmet that went a fore is disanulled because of hir weaknes and vnproffitablenes.
19 Na uduka nsa uta imon dedei ba, bara nani, tidi nin nciu kibinayi bara ubun, unuzu nle na ti din dasu kupo Kutelle.
For the lawe made nothynge parfecte: but was an introduccion of a better hope by which hope we drawe nye vnto god.
20 Bara na ulenge uti kibinai nse sa usu nisilin ba, na alenge apirist na su isilin ba.
And for this cause it is a better hope that it was not promysed with out an othe.
21 Ame Kutelle wa su isillin kubi na awa bellin kitene Kristi “cikilari wa sillo na aba saki kibinai me ba, fe upiristari sa ligan.” (aiōn g165)
Those prestes were made wt out an oth: but this prest with an oth by him that saide vnto him The lorde sware and will not repent: Thou arte a prest for ever after the order of Melchisedech. (aiōn g165)
22 Nind nanere Yisa na da so uyinnu nin likawali acine.
And for that cause was Iesus a stablyssher of a better testament.
23 Vat nani ukul na wanti upirist usu katuwa sa ligan, unere nta tidinin na pirist gbardang, ulle udu nalenge.
And amonge them many were made prestes because they were not suffred to endure by the reason of deeth.
24 Vat bara Yisa sosin sa ligan, ti pirist me wansa ti sake ba. (aiōn g165)
But this man because he endureth ever hath an everlastinge presthod. (aiōn g165)
25 Bara nani awasa amalizina utucu nalenge na ida kupo Kutelle unuzu kitime, bara ame sosin ko kome kubi ana fo acara bara inughe.
Wherfore he is able also ever to save them that come vnto god by him seynge he ever lyveth to make intercession for vs.
26 Bara imusin nleli upirist idia tidi nin suwe bara arike, na adinin kulapi ba, usali nimon inanzan, ulau ina kosoghe na nan kulapi, amini na da so unan nbun kitene kani.
Soche an hye prest it became vs to have which is wholy harmlesse vndefyled separat from synners and made hyar then heven.
27 Ame ndira imomon ba, nafo among apirist adidiawe na iba ni ugutunu nmyi ko lome liri, asa atu ana bara kulapi me, anin na bara aalipi nanite, Ame wa su nani urume cas, kubi na awa ni litime.
Which nedeth not dayly (as yonder hie prestes) to offer vp sacrifice fyrst for his awne synnes and then for the peoples synnes. For that did he at once for all when he offered vp him silfe.
28 Bara uduka wa fere annit anan nsali nagang iso apirist, bara ligbulang nisilin, longo na liwa dak kimal nduka, ifere gono, ulenge na awa di dedei sa ligan. (aiōn g165)
For the lawe maketh men prestes which have infirmitie: but the worde of the othe that came fence ye lawe maketh the sonne prest which is parfecte for ever more. (aiōn g165)

< Ibraniyawa 7 >