< Ibraniyawa 5 >

1 Nafo ko uyeme upirist udia, na ifere nanya nanit, ina ferenghe asu katuwa bara unughe nanya nimon ule na idi in Kutelle, ame vat nan nah ufilizirinu nin ngutanu nmyi bara alapi.
For every high priest who is from among men, on the behalf of men, standeth over those things which are of Aloha, to offer oblation and sacrifices for sins:
2 Ame nwansa adofino seng nin na nan ntanni, alle na ina lasin, bara ame wang litime kilin nin sali likara kidowo.
and (is one) who can humble himself, and suffer with those who know not and err, since he also himself with infirmity is clothed.
3 Bara ulele, ame tutun uso gbas a gutun nmyi bara kulapi me, nafo na ana su bara alapi nanit.
And on this account he is obligated as on the behalf of the people, so (also) for himself, to offer up for his sins.
4 Na umong unit nwansa a yauna mon ngongo nghe bara litime bna, ame ba seuyicilu kiti Kutelle, nafo na Haruna wan se.
Yet no man to himself taketh the honour, but he who is called by Aloha, as of Aharun.
5 Na ame Kristi wa ghantin litime upirist udiya ba, nin nani Kutelle wa bllinghe “fe gono nighari kitimone nda so ucif fe”.
Thus also the Meshiha glorified not himself to be a High Priest; but He who said to him, Thou art my Son, I to-day have begotten thee.
6 Udi nafo na ana kuru a belle nkan kiti “fe upirist sa ligan, nafo ubellun malkisadak”. (aiōn g165)
So, too, in another place he saith, Thou art the Priest for ever, after the likeness of Malki-Zedek. (aiōn g165)
7 kubi na ame wandi nanya kidowo, awa nizu nliran nin nfo nacara, kuculu nin nmyizin udu kiti Kutelle, ame ulle na awasa a tucu nghe nanya nkul, bara uni ngirma Kutelle nsa a latiza nghe.
When also with flesh he had been clothed, prayer and supplication, with a powerful cry, and with tears, he offered up unto Him who was able from death to revive him, and was heard.
8 Nin nworu ame gonari, awa matsu udortu Kutelle unuzu kiti nimon na awa neo mun.
And though he was the Son, yet from the fear and the sufferings which he sustained he learned obedience.
9 Ame wa batin unit, nanya nlo libau we, bara ko gha ullenge na adin dortu nghe, amere usen nlai unsali ligan. (aiōnios g166)
And so was he perfected, and became unto all them who obey him the Cause of eternal salvation; (aiōnios g166)
10 Nin feriu Kutelle nafo upirist udiya bara ubellun Malkisadak.
and was named by God, The High Priest after the likeness of Malki-Zedek.
11 Tidinin nimon gbardang in bellu kitene Yisa ubayitu nin nijasi nbellu, tunda na udin lanzu gegeme ba.
But concerning this Malki-Zedek himself, we have much discourse to utter, and hard to explain, because ye are infirm in your hearing.
12 Vat udak ko kebe, ucaun iso anan dursuzu nyiru, unin so gbas umon dursuzo anunku uyiru, tigbulang Kutelle, anug du ninsu nmazin, na imoli likara ba.
For ye ought to be teachers, on account of the time by you in learning; but now ye have need again to be taught those which are the first scriptures of the beginningwords of Aloha; and need have ye for milk, and not for solid food.
13 Bara ulenge na adu nmazinu, na adinin nyiru nanya kadura nfiue Kutelle ba, bara adu gono.
But every one whose food is milk is not versed in the doctrine of righteousness, because he is a babe.
14 nkon kusari, imonli likara, in nallenge na ikuno ari, inug allenge na bara uyiru mine iwasa ifere imon icine nanya ni nanzan, ina durso nani iyinin vat nimon icine nin ninanzang.
But for the perfect is solid food; those, (namely, ) who, because exercised, have trained their senses to distinguish the good and the evil.

< Ibraniyawa 5 >