< Ibraniyawa 4 >

1 Bara nani, uso tiba su seng, nworu na umong bite wa dira uduru nli nbun nalikawali npiru nshinu Kuttelle ba.
Therefore let us be on our guard lest perhaps, while He still leaves us a promise of being admitted to His rest, some one of you should be found to have fallen short of it.
2 Bara tina se uliru ucine kitene nshinu Kutelle ulle na iwa bellin nari nafo na an Isiraila wandi, nin nani na kani kadure wan kpin imomon kiti nale na ina lanza, sa uwuro imuni uyinnu sa uyenu ku ba.
For Good News has been brought to us as truly as to them; but the message they heard failed to benefit them, because they were not one in faith with those who gave heed to it.
3 Bara arike, allenge na tiwa yinin - arikere alenge na tiba piru ushinu une, nafo na ina bellin “nafo na nna sillo nanya tinana nayi nighe, na inu nghe ba piru nshinu ni nghe, ba”. Awa bellin nani ko nin nworu makeke katuwa me nmalla unuzu ncizinu nnyi.
We who have believed are soon to be admitted to the true rest; as He has said, "As I swore in My anger, they shall not be admitted to My rest," although God's works had been going on ever since the creation of the world.
4 Bara ana bellin nkan kiti, ubellen liyiri nasabar “Kutelle wa shin vat katuwa me liyiri nasabar”.
For, as we know, when speaking of the seventh day He has used the words, "And God rested on the seventh day from all His works;"
5 Tutun amini wa woro “na inug ba piru ushinu nighe ba.
and He has also declared, "They shall not be admitted to My rest."
6 Bara nani, tunda na iwa ceo ushinu Kutelle, among nan pira, tunda na an Isiraila gbardang na lanza uliru ucine, kitene nshinu una ipira ba bara usalin ndortu Kutelle:
Since, then, it is still true that some will be admitted to that rest, and that because of disobedience those who formerly had Good News proclaimed to them were not admitted,
7 Kutelle nakuru nlon liyiri na idin yicu “kitomone” ana kele liyiri lole kubi na awa liru kiti Dauda, ulenge na awa bellin uworsu kube na iwadi imal bellu”. “Kitimone asa ulanza liwui me, na uwa ti gbas nin kibinayi fe ba”.
He again definitely mentions a certain day, "To-day," saying long afterwards, by David's lips, in the words already quoted, "To-day, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts."
8 Bara andi Joshuwa wa ni nani ushinu, na Kutelle wasu uliru kitene nlon liyiri ba.
For if Joshua had given them the true rest, we should not afterwards hear God speaking of another still future day.
9 Bara nani, udak nene nlon liyiri na sabar duku na ina ceo bara annit Kutelle.
It follows that there still remains a sabbath rest for the people of God.
10 Ame ulenge na apira nshinu Kutelle, ata litime tutun ashino nanya nadadu me, nafo Kutelle nanya kan me.
For He who has been admitted to His rest, has rested from His works as God did from His.
11 Bari nani, na tiyita nin nayi npiru nshinu une, bara umong wa dira nanya nsalin dortu Kutelle na idin su.
Let it then be our earnest endeavour to be admitted to that rest, so that no one may perish through following the same example of unbelief.
12 Tigbullang Kutelle ti duku, nin likara akatin litan kileou, asa a wuso nin kosu kidowo nanya nruhu, anin munu gbolgbok, amini nwansa a yinno ukpilizu kibinayi nin nniya.
For God's Message is full of life and power, and is keener than the sharpest two-edged sword. It pierces even to the severance of soul from spirit, and penetrates between the joints and the marrow, and it can discern the secret thoughts and purposes of the heart.
13 na imon makeke nyeshin nyenju Kutelle ba, bara nani, imon vat di fisere nin fong kiti niyizi ame ulle na tiba ni kibatiza kitime.
And no created thing is able to escape its scrutiny; but everything lies bare and completely exposed before the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.
14 Tidi mun npirist udia, ulenge na ana katah udu kitene, Yisa gono Kutelle, na ti min uyinnu bite nin likara gangang.
Inasmuch, then, as we have in Jesus, the Son of God, a great High Priest who has passed into Heaven itself, let us hold firmly to our profession of faith.
15 Na tidimun npirist udia ulenge na a sali sa ulanzu nkunekune bite bara usali likara ba, ame ulenge nanya vat tibau ina dumun nghe nafo arike, ame cas di sa kulapi.
For we have not a High Priest who is unable to feel for us in our weaknesses, but one who was tempted in every respect just as we are tempted, and yet did not sin.
16 Na arike kuru ti dak nin yinnu kibinayi, kiti kutet tigo naliheri, tinan sere ntop nin se naliheri udu nbunu kubi ndamuwa.
Therefore let us come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our times of need.

< Ibraniyawa 4 >