< Ibraniyawa 3 >

1 Bara nani nuwana nilau, anan munu nati nanya nyicillu kitene, yenen Yisa ku, unan kadura nin pirist ule na tiba diu nghe kutyin.
Therefore, my Christian friends, you who, all alike, have received the call from heaven, fix your attention on Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our religion.
2 A wandi nin kirki, kiti Kutelle, ulenge na awa ferenghe, Musa wandi nin kirki kilari Kutelle vat,
See how faithful he was to the God who appointed him, as Moses was in the whole house of God.
3 bara iwa yene Yisa katin Musa ku nin ngongon, bara ulengye na ke kilari, akatin kilaree litime.
He has been deemed worthy of far higher honour than Moses, just as the founder of the house is held in greater regard than the house itself.
4 Ko kiyeme kilari unitari na ke kinin, vat ulengye na ana ke imon Kutelle ari.
For every house has its founder, and the founder of the universe is God.
5 Musa fa wadinin kirki nafo kucin kilari Kutelle, vat, a niza uluru umang nimon ulle na iba bellu nin du nbun.
While the faithful service of Moses in the whole house of God was that of a servant, whose duty was to bear testimony to a message still to come,
6 Bara Kristi ari udina wari kilari Kutelle, assa timono nin likara uciu kibinayi nin nfo figiri bite kitime.
the faithfulness of Christ was that of a son set over the house of God. And we are his house – if only we retain, unshaken to the end, the courage and confidence inspired by our hope.
7 Bara nani, una so nafo na uruhu ulau na bellin “kitimone asa ulanza liwui me,
Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says – “If today you hear God’s voice,
8 na uwa ti gbas nin nibinayi mine ba, nafo na an Isiraila nanyan kugbas mine, kubi na iwa dumun nani nanya kusho”.
harden not your hearts, as when Israel provoked me on the day when they tried my patience in the desert,
9 Nanere wandi, kubi na ankah mine wa dumuni kubi na kus akut anas, iwa yene adadu ni nghe,
Where your ancestors tried my forbearance, and saw my mighty deeds for forty years.
10 Bara nani na nwa lanza nmang kuji kone ba, 'nmini wa bellin, ko kome kubi idin lasuzunu nanya ibinai mine, na inug yiru tibau nighe ba.
Therefore I was sorely vexed with that generation, and I said – ‘Their hearts are always straying; they have never learned my ways’;
11 Udi nafo na nwansu isilin nanya tinana nayi nighe, na iba piru nanya nshinu nighe ba”.
While in my wrath I swore – ‘They will never enter upon my rest.’”
12 Sun seng, linuana, bara iwa lawa nin nayi ananzang an salin yinnu nanya mine, kibinayi ka naki ba kpilliu minu kiti Kuttele nlai.
Be careful, friends, that there is never found in anyone of you a wicked and faithless heart, shown by that person separating themselves from the living God.
13 Nin nani tan atimine agang nibinayi ko lome liri, nin ndandaunu nafo na idin yicu kitimone, bara na warum mine was yita gbas bara karusuzo kulapi.
Rather encourage one another daily – while there is a today – to prevent anyone among you from being hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
14 Bara arike tiso anan munu nati in Kristi, tiwa min uciu nibinayi bite gangang. kiti me unuzun nburne udu imalline.
For we now all share in the Christ, if indeed we retain, unshaken to the end, the confidence that we had at the first.
15 Kitene nilele, ina bellin, “kitimone, assa ulatisa liwui me yenje uwati kugbas nin kibinayi fe, nafo na an Isirala was nanya kugbullu”.
To use the words of scripture – “If today you hear God’s voice, harden not your hearts, as when Israel provoked me.”
16 Ame ghari ule na awa latiza Kutelle asu Kugbullu? na inughere alenge na Musa wa nutun nani nanya Masare?
Who were they who heard God speak and yet provoked him? Were not they all those who left Egypt under the leadership of Moses?
17 Nin naya ghari Kutelle wa nana ayi udu akus akut anase? Na nin nalelere na iwa su alapi, inughe na abi mine wa nnon nanya kushoe?
And with whom was it that God was sorely vexed for forty years? Was not it with those who had sinned, and who fell dead in the desert?
18 Udu kiti naya ghari Kutelle wa sillo, na inghe ba piru nanya nnshinu me ba, andi na alenge na isalin ndortu nghe ba?
And who were they to whom God swore that they should not enter upon his rest, if not those who had proved faithless?
19 Tina yene nworu na iwase upiru nanya nshinu me bara usalin nyinnu mine.
We see, then, that they failed to enter upon it because of their want of faith.

< Ibraniyawa 3 >