< Ibraniyawa 2 >

1 Bara nani tiba kpinu uni nati bite, kiti nile imon nati lanza, bara usali kulla wati imon nya pit nanghirik.
Wherfore we ought to geve ye more hede to ye thinges we have herde lest we perysshe.
2 Andi kadura na iwa bellin kti nan maleku wanso hem, ko kome kulapi nin salin dortu Kutelle iba seru ushara,
For yf the worde which was spoke by angels was stedfast: so yt every trasgressio and disobediece receaved a iust recopece to rewarde:
3 tiba tyiziyari tise usortu, riwa kiyale ule utucu udiawe? Utucu ulle na iwa bellin nari nin nburne, kiti ncikilari na awa tabbata nari mun kiti nale na iwa latiza.
how shall we escape yf we despyse so great saluacio which at ye fyrst bega to be preached of ye lorde him silfe and afterwarde was cofermed vnto vs warde by the ye hearde it
4 Kutelle tutun wa sheda unin nin nti kulapi nin nadadu nakara ngangang, a ufillu nruhu ulau ulenge na iwa kosu nin nyinnu me.
god bearynge witnes therto bothe with sygnes and wonders also and with divers miracles and gyftes of the holy gooste accordynge to his awne will.
5 Kutelle wa ceou uyi cin dak ba, kitene nle na tidi nliru kadas nan malaku,
He hath not vnto the angels put in subieccion the worlde to come where of we speake.
6 bara nani umon na adi nkan kiti awa sheda aworo “ngyanri unit na uta kibinai kiti me? sa usaun nnit na uminghe?
But one in a certayne place witnessed sayinge. What is man that thou arte myndfull of him?
7 Una ke unit amini darni nan maleku, uwa ti ngye litapa ngongon nin ghantinu, umini wa ceu nghe kitene katuwa nacara fe”.
After thou haddest for a season made him lower then the angels: thou crounedst him with honour and glory and hast set him above the workes of thy hondes.
8 'Unci ceo imon vat kiti nnit kadas na bunu me, Kutelle na ni imon vat kiti nnit usurne, na iwa cin imon vat sa uni kiti me ba, vat udak nene tisa yeni imon na ina ceo kiti me ba.
Thou hast put all thynges in subieccion vnder his fete. In that he put all thynges vnder him he left nothynge that is not put vnder him.
9 Vat nin nani, ti yene ulenge na iwa ke nghe nin kubi bat, kadas nin nan maleku, Yesu, ulle bara uniu nin nkul me, iwa terughe litapa nzazinu a ngongon; bara nene ubolu Kutelle, Yisa wa dudo ukul bara ko cuyemu unit.
Neverthelesse we yet se not all thynges subdued but him yt was made lesse the ye angelles: we se that it was Iesus which is crouned with glory and honour for the sofferinge of death: that he by the grace of god shulde tast of deeth for all men.
10 uwa di dert, nworo Kutelle, imon vat wandi nme tutun kiti me, nono ba dak gbardang kiti ngongong, nin nworu aba ti udia nanya nse ntucu ukullo itine nniu me.
For it becam him for whom are all thynges and by whom are all thynges after that he had brought many sonnes vnto glory that he shuld make the lorde of their saluacion parfect thorow sofferynge.
11 Bara vat nale na ina kusu nani lau nin nale ina kusu nani, ina dak unuzu kiti kuru mere, Kutelle, bara nanere ulenge na ana kusu nani lau, na ana lanza incin yicilu nani nuwana me ba.
For he that sanctifieth and they which are sanctified are all of one. For which causes sake he is not ashamde to call the brethren
12 Ame woro “meng ba su ushele lisafe kiti nuwana nin, meng ba su asem bra fe nanya uzuru”.
sayinge: I will declare thy name vnto my brethren and in the myddes of the congregacio will I prayse the.
13 Nin tutun aworo “meng ba yinnu nin fi, a tutun “yene mmile nin nono nanga na Kutelle wa nie”,
And agayne: I will put my trust in him. And agayne. beholde here am I and the children which god hath geven me.
14 bara nani, tunda na nono Kutelle din kosu finawa nin nmyi mirume, Yesu wang din Kosu imon irum me, bara kitene nkul aba ti ulle na adinin likrara nkul hem, iba woru shetan.
For as moche then as the children were parte takers of flesshe and bloud he also him silfe lyke wyse toke parte with them for to put doune thorow deth him that had lordshippe over deeth that is to saye the devyll
15 Uso nani, anan buku vat nale na idin lanzu fiu nkul lisosin mine vat nanya licin.
and yt he myght delyver the which thorow feare of deeth were all their lyfetyme in dauger of bondage.
16 Kidegen nari, na an maleku ari adin buzunu nani ba, likruran Ibrahim mari.
For he in no place taketh on him the angels: but the seede of Abraham taketh he on him.
17 Bara nani, uwa so kiden kiti me aso nafo nuwana me nanya tibau vat, bara unaso unan nkune-kune ule na iyinna ninghe uso udia kitene nimon Kutelle, anan se unasara nshwu nin nalapi nanit.
Wherfore in all thynges it became him to be made lyke vnto his brethre that he myght be mercifull and a faythfull hye preste in thynges concernynge god for to pourge the peoples synnes.
18 Bara Yisa litime na neou, ina ni wa dumunghe amini wa yinin ubunu nale na ina dumun nani.
For in that he him silfe suffered and was tempted he is able to sucker them that are tempted.

< Ibraniyawa 2 >