< Ugalantiyawa 4 >

1 Ndin bellu nenge andi unan gadue gonari, na adi ugan nin kucin ba, andi amere unan nimone vat.
NOW I affirm, that as long as the heir is an infant, he differeth nothing from a servant, though he be master of all;
2 Vat nani adi nacara na nan yenju nin na nan dortu ninghe uduru kubi kongo na ucife na ceo.
but is under tutors and trustees until the time fixed by his father.
3 Arike wang nanere kubi kongo na tiwadi infitu, iwa min nari nan nya licin nadu in yï.
So we also, when we were infants, were in bondage under the first elementary principles of the world:
4 Nani na kubi wa dak dert Kutellẹ tọ Gono me, unuzu kitin wanni, kumatt nan nyan duka.
but when the fulness of time was come, God sent forth his Son born of a woman, born under the law,
5 Anan se utucu nale na iwa di nan nyan duka, tinan se useru lisosin nafo nono.
that he might redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.
6 Bara na anung nonari, Kutellẹ na tü nin Ruhunin Gono me nan nya nibinayi bite, ule na udin yicu ''Abba Ucif.''
But because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father!
7 Bari nani, na udi kucin ba, uso gono, andi udi gono, uso fe unan gaduari unuzu Kutellẹ.
Therefore thou art no more a slave, but a son, and if a son, an heir also of God through Christ.
8 A idutu, na iwadi isa yinno Kutellẹ ba, iwa din licin na lenge na iwa di atellẹ ba sam. Nene na iyinno Kutellẹ.
But at that time when ye knew not God, ye served those who by nature are not gods.
9 Nene na iyinno Kutellẹ, sa negene na Kutellẹ yiru minu, in yaghari nta idin kpilzunu tuyung kiti nimon ile na idi (anfaniba) ba? Idi nin su ikuru i kpilin licin tutungha?
But now after having known God, or rather being known of God, how turn ye back again to those weak and beggarly elements, to which again a second time ye desire to be in bondage?
10 Idin dortu among ayiri na ina fere, iceo likot tipui tipese, kubi, nin nakus.
Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years.
11 In din lanzu fiu nin ghinu, in din lanzu nfong fiu bara uwa da so nafo ndi su katuwa nan ghinu hem.
I am afraid for you, lest haply I have bestowed on you labour in vain.
12 Ndi minu kucukus linuana, yitan nafo meng, nafo nameng wang nso nafo anughe. Na ina tanni ba,
Be as I am, for I also am as ye are, brethren―this is my request to you: ye have not injured me in the least.
13 iyiru bara udiru kayiri kidowo nwa su minu ulirun tucu nin kubie na nwa cizin.
Ye know that with infirmity of flesh I preached to you the gospel at the first.
14 Ile imon nan ina so ujaraba kiti mine unuzu liti ning na ina yassu ba, ana ina niari ba, vat nin nani ina na serui nafo gono kadura Kutellẹ, sa nafo ima seru Kristi Yisa ku.
And my temptation, which was in my flesh, ye despised not, nor rejected with disgust; but as an angel of God ye received me, even as Christ Jesus himself.
15 Ani, nene liburi libo mine din we? Bara meng bellin minu fo useri iwa kaluzu ijiji mine wang inayi.
What then was your blessedness, for I bear witness to you that, if it were possible, ye would have plucked out your eyes, and given them to me.
16 Ani nene in ni so udon nivira mins bara na in bellin minu kidegengha?
Am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?
17 Inughe na pizuru minu kang a na nimon icine ba. Idi nin su ikosu minu nan mi inan dofino nani.
They affect zeal for you, not honourably; but they wish to exclude us, that you may be zealously attached to them.
18 Ucaun iyita nin nayi asheu nin likaea kiti nimon icine ko kome kubi na macas meng wa di kiti mine ba.
It is good indeed to be zealously affected in a good cause always, and not only when I am present with you.
19 Nono nin nibebene, ndin niu nin piu nin pazaza bara anughe tutung, sei Kristi nse lisosin nan nya mine!
My little children of whom I travail in birth again, until Christ be formed in you,
20 Ndi nin su nwa yitu ku ligowe nan ghinu kikane nene nkpilla liwui nighe, bara kibinayi nighe non ni ghinu ba.
I wish I could be with you now, and change my address; for I am in doubt about you.
21 Bellen ni anung na idin pizuru uyitu nan nya nduka, na ilanza imon ile na uduken belle ba?
Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?
22 Nafo na iyerte di au Ibrahim wadi nin nono niba, kirum kitin wani katuwa ngame a kirum kitin wani nilugma.
For it is written that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondwoman, and the other by a free.
23 Vat nin woro kin wani kata kilare iwa maru kinin nan nya kidowo, a kinin kin qani nilugme iwa maru kinin unuzu likawali.
Now the son of the bond-maid was born after the flesh, but that by the free woman was by promise.
24 Ullenge ulirue kuyeli nimon ibari na iwasa ipuno ining kanang. Awani alele abe masin uchiwu nliru ubari, kirum unuzu likup in Sinai. Ulele mara nono licin. ule na amere Hajaratu.
Which things are allegorical; for these are the two covenants, the one from mount Sinai, gendering unto bondage, which is represented by Agar.
25 Nengene Hajaratu likup in Sinai yari in Arabiya linnare so nafo Urshalime kitimone, adi nan nya licin nin nono me.
For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and corresponds with Jerusalem that now is, and is in bondage with her children.
26 Nani uni Urshalima ulenge na udi kitene kani na udi licin ba, unnare una bite.
But the Jerusalem above is free, which is the mother of us all.
27 Nafo na iyerte di, ''Ta ayi abo, fe uwani in sali kumat, fe ulenge na una maru ba; Suna kibinayi usanfi uti ntet nayi abo, fe ulenge na uyiru ukonu liburi kumat ba; Bara na nono nnan sali kumate din gbardang, ni katin nin le na adi nin less.
For it is written, “Rejoice, thou barren who bearest not, cry out and shout for joy, thou that travailest not, for more are the children of her that was desolate, than of her which had an husband.”
28 Arik nene, nuwana, nafo Ishaku, nono likawaliari.
So we, brethren, as Isaac, are the children of the promise.
29 Nafo na uwadi, ulenge na iwa marughe nan nya kidowo din ti ulenge na ina marughe nan nya Ruhu Kutellẹ aneo, nanere udi wang nene.
But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so is it now.
30 Uliru Kutellẹ nworo iyaghari? Kọ uwani licine nin gono me. Bara na gono in wani licin bali ugadu ligowe nin wani nilugma ba.
But what saith the scripture? “Cast out the bond-woman and her son for the son of the bond-maid shall in no wise inherit with the son of the free woman.”
31 Bara nani nuwana, na arik nono nwani licinari ba, nani arik na di nonon nwani nilugmari.
So then, brethren, we are not the children of the bondwoman, but of the free.

< Ugalantiyawa 4 >