< Katwa Nono Katwa 8 >

1 Bulus wayiru akuru ayinna nin molughe. Bara nani itunna ighanan tizung nono Kutelleuniu uniu udya lilole in Urushalima; tutungg vat nanan biye malakiti ukilunu nasarin Urdun nin Samariya, bannin nono katwa we.
But Saul was consentynge to his deth. And greet persecucioun was maad that dai in the chirche, that was in Jerusalem. And alle men weren scatered bi the cuntrees of Judee and Samarie, outakun the apostlis.
2 Anan lanzu fiu Kutelle yauna libin Istifanus idi kasu nin kucculu kang atiyom.
But good men birieden Steuene, and maden greet mornyng on hym.
3 Ama Shawulu wa lanza kilarin in lira Kutelle ukule kang; awa piccu nilari nilari in nutuzunun nalilime nin nawani, anin tiza nani nilari licin.
But Saul greetli distruyede the chirche, and entryde bi housis, and drowe men and wymmen, and bitook hem in to prisoun.
4 Anan yinu sa uyene na iwadi nanya Urshalima tinna choo udu nigbri-nigbri, inani wa lii ubun suu uwa-aze Yesu.
And thei that weren scaterid, passiden forth, prechynge the word of God.
5 Umong nanya nanan yinu sa uyenu ulena lisame wadi Philibus achino Urshalima udu u Samariya. kine atina belu nanitau Yesu amere Kristi.
And Filip cam doun in to a citee of Samarie, and prechide to hem Crist.
6 Anit gbardan kikane lanza Philibus liru nin yeneghe adisu kata kazikiki. Bara nani inin vat dandana kupopo kiti liru me.
And the puple yaf tent to thes thingis that weren seid of Filip, with o wille herynge and seynge the signes that he dide.
7 Nafo umisali, Philibus umurcha ufunu unanzan unuzu das kiti nanit gbardan, inani wa nuzu nin kuchulu tutun anit gbardan na iwa dinin agurgu na bunu ba.
For manye of hem that hadden vnclene spirits, crieden with a greet vois, and wenten out.
8 bara nani anit gbardan ka gbri kane lanza liburi liboo.
And manye sijk in the palsi, and crokid, weren heelid.
9 Kikane umong unit wadiku kagbri kane lisame wadi Simon. Ame wadin suzu nikulma uworsu. awa niza anit umamaki nin kat nikulma me nanya Samariya ''Simon udia une!''
Therfor greet ioye was maad in that citee. But there was a man in that citee, whos name was Symount, a witche, that hadde disseyued the folc of Samarie, seiynge, that him silf was sum greet man.
10 Vat anit kikane, vat anit ahem nin na chine ilatisza ghe. Inani wa beling, '' Ule unite likara lidiya kutelleri.''
Whom alle herkeneden, fro the leest to the moost, and seiden, This is the vertu of God, which is clepid greet.
11 Inani wali ubung latiszighe chaut, bara uworsu awa ninani umamki nin kata nikulma me.
And thei leueden hym, for long tyme he hadde maddid hem with his witche craftis.
12 Bara nani iwa yinin ni Philibus ku nin liru umang une kitene Kutelle na ana durso liti me ogo, nin kitene Yesu Kristi. Nanilime nin nawane alena yinna nin Yesu esuu nani nubaptizima.
But whanne thei hadden bileued to Filip, `that prechide of the kingdom of God, men and wymmen weren baptisid in the name of Jhesu Crist.
13 Simong litime yina nin liru Philibus amini wa sughe ubaptizima. Amini wa tini durtu philibus ku, amini walii ubung lazu umamaki nin kata kazikiki kana Philibus wa din sue, imong ine wa durso ulirin Philibus kidegenari.
And thanne also Symount him silf bileued; and whanne he was baptisid, he drouy to Filip; and he sai also that signes and grete vertues weren don, he was astonyed, and wondride.
14 Dana nono katwa nanya Urshalima lanza ani gbardan vat Samariyan yina nin liru Kutelle, inanio wa tuu an Bitrus ku nin Yohana kika ne.
But whanne the apostlis that weren at Jerusalem, hadden herd that Samarie hadde resseyued the word of God, thei senten to hem Petre and Joon.
15 Dana Bitrus ni Yohana da nanya Samariya, inani wa tin nlira kiti na lena iyina sa uyenu ina sere Ifip Milau.
And whanne thei camen, thei preieden for hem, that thei schulden resseyue the Hooli Goost;
16 Bara Ifip Milau wadi misa tolo atimine ba. Iwa suu nani ubaptizimari ma chas nanya lisa Ucif Yesu.
for he cam not yit in to ony of hem, but thei weren baptisid oonli in the name of the Lord Jhesu.
17 Nin nani Bitrus nin Yohana tarda achara mine kite mine ana sere Ifip Milau.
Thanne thei leiden hoondis on hem, and thei resseyueden the Hooli Goost.
18 Simon nin yene inaa anit Ifip Milau bara utardu nachara nono katwa kitene mine. Bara nani amini wa ni nono katwa we ikurfun,
And whanne Symount hadde seyn, that the Hooly Goost was youun bi leiyng on of the hoondis of the apostlis, and he proferide to hem money, and seide,
19 anin bele,''taani menma suu elemong na anin di suu, bara kogha na itaaghe achari nin ama seru Ifip Milau.''
Yyue ye also to me this power, that whom euere Y schal leye on myn hoondis, that he resseyue the Hooli Goost.
20 Bara nani Bitrus nin benlin ghe,''Fia nin nikubu fia nanah, bara udinin suu use ufilu Kutelle nin nikuba!
But Petir seide to hym, Thi money be with thee into perdicioun, for thou gessidist the yifte of God schulde be had for monei.
21 Uwangya usu katwa nan arik ba nanya suu nilemone, bara kibinai fia diligowe nin Kutelle ba!
Ther is no part, ne sort to thee, in this word, for thin herte is not riytful bifor God.
22 Bara nani chino kibinai kinanzan kane, uni roko ame Ucif, andi ama yinu, ashawa nin kulapi kunanzan kona udinsue nan kibinai!
Therfor do thou penaunce for this wickidnesse of thee, and preie God, if perauenture this thouyt of thin herte be foryouun to thee.
23 kpila uchin libau linazan lone bara yene udin kiyashi bi, bara fea we ubawa ri katwa ka nanza kane.
For Y se that thou art in the gall of bitternesse and in the boond of wickidnesse.
24 Simon ghe nin kwan, tai nlira kiti Chikilari bara asuu elemon na u bele!
And Symount answeride, and seide, Preie ye for me to the Lord, that no thing of these thingis that ye han seid, com on me.
25 Nin kidun Bitrus nin Yohana belle anit kikane elemong na idini suwe kitene Chikilari Yesu nin dursu nani usakkwe Chife ina tina ikpila udu Ushalima. Kitene libauwe, itina dursuzu anite uliru uchine kitene Yesu nanya Samariya.
And thei witnessiden, and spaken the word of the Lord, and yeden ayen to Jerusalem, and prechiden to many cuntrees of Samaritans.
26 Umong uwui unan kadura ulena Kutelle yuoghe kiti Philbus ''Fita uyisin nin duo kusari kudu unuzu Urshalima udu kagbirin Gaza.'' Liboiwe wadi kusari kushori.
And an aungel of the Lord spak to Filip, and seide, Ryse thou, and go ayens the south, to the weie that goith doun fro Jerusalem in to Gasa; this is desert.
27 Bara nani Pilibus fita agya udu liboiwe. Liboi lolere amini wa zuro nin umon unit mmin Etopia. Awadi unit udeawari ame awa di udia vat na sarauniya Etopia. Nanya lilemme anit wadi yicu ku sarauniya Kandence. Ele unite wadin cinu udu Urshalima usu ususaida,
And he roos, and wente forth. And lo! a man of Ethiopie, a myyti man seruaunt, a yelding of Candace, the queen of Ethiopiens, which was on alle her richessis, cam to worschipe in Jerusalem.
28 amini wacinu u kpili kilari awa sosin kitene kuchariot me. Amini wadi chin, amini wadi belu ni nyerta kutakarda unan lirin nuu Kutelle.
And he turnede ayen, sittinge on his chare, and redinge Isaie, the profete.
29 Ufunu ulau Kutelle woro Philibus ku, ''Can cana uzuro nin imon ngju.”
And the spirit seide to Filip, Neiye thou, and ioyne thee to this chare.
30 Filibus tunna a lalla i chum udu kiti me, a lanza nge adin nbellu ni nyerte nan liru nin nu Kutelle Ishaya, aworo,”uyinno ma nyertu mane?
And Filip `ran to, and herde hym redynge Ysaie, the prophete. And he seide, Gessist thou, whether thou vndirstondist, what thingis thou redist?
31 Unit Habasha woro, men mmatizari inyinin andi na umon belli ba!” Unitte woro Filibus, ngna uda so likot nighe.”
And he seide, How may Y, if no man schewe to me? And he preiede Filip, that he schulde come vp, and sitte with hym.
32 Uliru Kutelle na uittin Habsha wa di nbellu ni nyerte imoe ile awwo cino nafo ku kam uchindu kiti bo, nafo kukam na kumiin tikk na charan lenghe na ma bo nanere na puno unume ba.
And the place of the scripture that he redde, was this, As a scheep he was led to sleyng, and as a lomb bifor a man that scherith him is doumb with out vois, so he openyde not his mouth.
33 Nyanya ntolti litime itunna ibolo nghe ushara. Nga ri mabello imommon inanzang litime, inani wan yiru ulaime.
In mekenesse his dom was takun vp; who schal telle out the generacioun of hym? For his lijf schal be takun awei fro the erthe.
34 Unan salin masu tirunu Filibus ku, aworo, “ndin rizufi nacara, unan liru nin nu Kutelle din liru kitene ghari? Litimere sa kitene nmonghari?
And the gelding answeride to Filip, and seide, Y biseche thee, of `what profete seith he this thing? of him silf, ethir of ony othere?
35 Filibus tunna a cizina uliru, a cizina kutakarda kulau ng Ishaya atunna nnbellu ghe kitene Yesu.
And Filip openyde his mouth, and bigan at this scripture, and prechide to him Jhesu.
36 Kubi ko na iwa din ci libo ido kankitin mmyen unan salin macu wuro, “Yene, mmein mongo kikane; Iyanghari ma wantinura nyanyan mmein ishinti ni nyanya mmeine?”
And the while thei wenten bi the weie, thei camen to a water. And the gelding seide, Lo! watir; who forbedith me to be baptisid?
37 Filibus woronghe, uwan yinin nin kibinayi fe vat, iwanya ishintifi nan nyan mmeine.”
And Filip seide, If thou bileuest of al the herte, it is leueful. And he answeride, and seide, Y bileue that Jhesu Crist is the sone of God.
38 Unittin Habasha woroghe, yisina nin nimon an-njue. Itunna itolo na-bee ipira nan nya mmeine, a shintinghe ku.
And he comaundide the chare to stonde stille. And thei wenten doun bothe into the watir, Filip and the gelding, and Filip baptiside hym.
39 Kubi ko na inuzu nan nya mmeine, Uruhu Kutelle tunna a yira Filibus ku. Unit Habasha tunna a nya nin liburi libo.
And whanne thei weren come vp of the watir, the spirit of the Lord rauyschide Filip, and the gelding say hym no more.
40 Filibus tunna ayene Uruhu ulau yaughe udumu kaghirin Azotus. Akata a cin belle uliru umang itin Yesu, nighiri-nighiri. a do Ukaisariya.
And Filip was foundun in Azotus; and he passide forth, and prechide to alle citees, til he cam to Cesarie.

< Katwa Nono Katwa 8 >