< Katwa Nono Katwa 28 >

1 Na idaa nin ghirik cancam, tiyinno idin yicu usibire Umalta.
And when they were scaped then they knewe that the yle was called Milete.
2 Anan kipine nama iwa seru nari nin nilip cas ba, ama iwa susuari ula isere nari vat, bara uwuru nin tituwui nat kubi.
And the people of the countre shewed vs no lytell kyndnes: for they kyndled a fyre and receaved vs every one because of the present rayne and because of colde.
3 Na Bulus npitirino aca ataa ulaku, bara npuu nle, kubuni nuzu ku kantilaghe ucara.
And when Paul had gaddered a boundle of stickes and put them into the fyre ther came a viper out of the heet and lept on his honde.
4 Na anan kipine nyene finawa kushoe ncaran Bulus, iworo atimme, “Unit ulele fa unan molsu na nit ari na a surto na nya kuli, na ne na kidegene nsuunghe a taa ulai ba.”
When the men of the contre sawe the worme hange on his honde they sayde amonge the selves: this man must nedes be a mortherer. Whome (though he have escaped the see) yet vengeaunce suffreth not to lyve.
5 Ama a zalina finawe na nya nla na imon nseeghe ba.
But he shouke of the vermen into the fyre and felt no harme.
6 Iwa din caa iyene ukonu kidowo kikang nkifoghe nworu itene udiu me libi, ama na I dandauna na iyene imon nseghe ba, ikpilya nibinei mine iworo ame unan ncillari.
Howbeit they wayted when he shuld have swolne or fallen doune deed sodenly. But after they had loked a greate whyle and sawe no harme come to him they chaunged their myndes and sayde that he was a God.
7 Nane ku popo kitene anen waa duku an Go lidan kuli, nin lisa Bublius. A sereari anin leo nin ghirik ayiri atat.
In the same quarters the chefe man of the yle whose name was Publius had a lordshippe: the same receaved vs and lodged vs thre dayes courteously.
8 Uda soo na upiu nin nyrzunu nkifo ucifin Bublius, na Bulus ndoo kitine, ataa ghe nlira, atarda ghe acara anin shino ninghe.
And it fortuned that the father of Publius laye sicke of a fiever and of a bluddy flixe. To who Paul entred in and prayde and layde his hondes on him and healed him.
9 Nwufu ni le imoonne, ngisin nanit lidan kuli alenge na iwa di a cine ba daa kitime, a shino nin ghinu.
When this was done other also which had diseases in the yle came and were healed.
10 Anite tutung taa nari gongong nin likara. Kubi koo natiwa din pitiru kutura ti nyaa, inaa nari ile imon na dinin suu we.
And they dyd vs gret honoure. And when we departed they laded vs with thinges necessary.
11 Na tipui titat nkata, tipiran nzirgin myen n Iskandariya kubi tituwui lidan kuli, na ana koo nzirge waa di ibari.
After thre monethes we departed in a ship of Alexandry which had wyntred in the yle whose badge was Castor and Pollux.
12 Na ti tolon na nya kipin Sirakus, ti soo kikane ayiri atot.
And whe we came to Cyracusa we taryed there. iii. dayes.
13 Ti nuzu kikane ti doo kipin kipin Regiyom. Na lilirum kata, ufunu kadas fita, na nya na yiri aba, ti doo nya kipin Putiyoli.
And from thence we set a compasse and came to Regium. And after one daye the south wynde blewe and we came the next daye to Putiolus:
14 Kikane ti see long linuwana iyicilari ti soo nanghinu udu ayiri kuzoor. Na nya na nere tiwa dak Uroma.
where we founde brethren and were desyred to tary with them seven dayes and so came to Rome.
15 Unuzu kikane linuwa na ilanza ubeleng bite, daa piit ida se nari nkasaun Apiyos nin na Danga atat. Na Balus nyene linuwana, a godo Kutelle anin yira akara kibinei.
And from thence when ye brethren hearde of vs they came agaynst vs to Apiphorum and to ye thre taverns. When Paul sawe the he thanked God and wexed bolde.
16 Kubi koo nati pira Uroma, icino Bulus se ku a soo nin litime nin ku soje na awa din yenjughe.
And when he came to Rome ye vnder captayne delyvered ye presoners to ye chefe captayne of ye host: but Paul was suffered to dwell by him selfe with one soudier that kept him.
17 Na ayiri atat nkata Bulus yicila anit nalimine ale na iwadi anan buun na nya na Yahudawa. Na ida ligowe, aworo ani, “Nuwana, ko nane na taa imon ile na inanza atanda nan kaa bite ba, iwa nakpai nafo kucin n Urshalima nacara na nan Uroma.
And it fortuned after thre dayes that Paul called ye chefe of ye Iewes together. And whe they were come he sayde vnto the: Men and brethren though I have comitted nothinge agaynst the people or lawes of oure fathers: yet was I delyvered presoner from Ierusalem in to the hondes of ye Romayns.
18 Na itirini, usuu minere wa di iciini, bara na iwa se imon woru imolui ba.
Which when they had examined me wolde have let me goo because they founde no cause of deeth in me.
19 Ama na Ayahudawa lirina kitene ni le imon na idinin suu weba, utaayi nfo acara kitin Kaisar, ko nane ne uwa soo fo ndin liru unanzang kitinen min nin.
But when ye Iewes cryed cotrary I was constrayned to appeale vnto Cesar: not because I had ought to accuse my people of.
20 Bara ufo nacara ni, nwaa tirin nyene fi nnin kuru liru nin fi. Bara uyinnu n Israila ntaa inani na teri nin ninyan.”
For this cause have I called for you eve to se you and to speake with you: because that for the hope of Israel I am bounde with this chayne.
21 Inun woro ghe, “Na tina seru mayerte nnuzu Judiya nbelen fe sa iworo nkan gbana bite na da woro sa ana belin imong imon nanzan litife ba.
And they sayde vnto him: We nether receaved letters out of Iewry pertayninge vnto ye nether came eny of the brethren that shewed or spake eny harme of the.
22 Ama ti dinin suu tilanza kitife inyanghari ukpliliu fe kiti na lele, bara na arik yiru uliru ulele di litife koweari.
But we will heare of the what thou thynkest. For we have hearde of this secte that every wheare it is spoken agaynst.
23 Na ice ghe lisi lirum, anit gbardang daa kiti lisosin me A belin nani ulirue, anin kuru a belle nani ubelen kilari Kutelle. A tenizine nworu ase nibinei mine nbe len Yesu, nnuzu ndukan Musa nin una nin liru nin nuu Kutelle, ucizinu kuidinding udu kuleleng.
And when they had apoynted him a daye ther came many vnto him into his lodgynge. To whom he expounded and testifyed the kyngdome of God and preached vnto the of Iesu: both out of the lawe of Moses and also out of the prophetes even from mornynge to nyght.
24 Among mine wa yinin nin nile imon na abelle nani, na among yinna ba.
And some beleved ye thinges which were spoken and some beleved not.
25 Na iyinna nin natimine ba, inyaa kubi koo na Bulus se mbelle ligbulang lirum, “Uruhu Ulau wa liru gegeme na nya unan liru nin nuu Kutelle udu an kaa mine.
When they agreed not amonge the selves they departed after that Paul had spoken one worde. Well spake the holy goost by Esay ye prophet vnto oure fathers
26 Aworo, 'Can kiti nanit alele inin belin iworo, “Na nyan lanzu ima lanzu, ama na iba yinnu ba; na nyan yenju ima yenju, ama na iba yenu ba.
sayinge: Goo vnto this people and saye: with youre eares shall ye heare and shall not vnderstonde: and with youre eyes shall ye se and shall not perceave.
27 Kibinei na nit alele ntaa alalang. Atuf mine nlanza nin timang ghe ba, itursu iyizi mine, bara iwa yene nin niyizi mine, inin lanza nin natuf mine, inintutung yinin nin nibinei mine, inin kpilin, meng baa nin shiinu nin ghinu.”'
For the hert of this people is wexed grosse and their eares were thycke of hearynge and their eyes have they closed: lest they shuld se with their eyes and heare with their eares and vnderstonde with their hertes and shuld be converted and I shulde heale them.
28 Bara nani, usoo uyinin ina tuu nin tuce nnuzu Kutelle cin di Awurmi, tuting iba dinu atuf.”
Be it knowen therfore vnto you that this salvacion of God is sent to the gentyls and they shall heare it.
29 Na ilanza ile imone, Ayahuduwa nyaa, na nyan salin nyinnu na nya mine.
And when he had sayde that the Iewes departed and had grete despicios amonge them selves.
30 Na nya nakus aba cip, Bulus soo na nya kilari me na awa kifo adin biizu, anin seru ale vat na idaa kitime.
And Paul dwelt two yeares full in his lodgynge and receaved all that came to him
31 Awa din sun waazi kilari Kutelle anin dursuzo ile imon nbelen Cikilari Yesu Kristi sa fiu. Na umong wantinghe ba.
preachyng the kyngdome of God and teachynge those thinges which concerned the lorde Iesus with all confidence vnforboden.

< Katwa Nono Katwa 28 >