< 2 Bitrus 3 >

1 Nene, In nyerten minu, anan su nayi ning, kongo kubaga ni nyerte kun ba kunan ghantina nibinai nicine mine,
Lo! ye moost dereworth britheren, Y write to you this secounde epistle, in which Y stire youre clere soule bi monesting togidere,
2 bara inan lizino ulirue na iwa belin minu uworsu tinuu na nan nliru nin nuu Kutelle mbeleng ndukan Cikilari nin nan tucu unuzun nono kadura fe.
that ye be myndeful of tho wordis, that Y biforseide of the hooli prophetis, and of the maundementis of the hooli apostlis of the Lord and sauyour.
3 Tun yinnon ilele, anan rusuzu kiti ma dak ida rusuzu minu nan nya nayiru nimalin, ima dortu imon ntok nibinai mine,
First wite ye this thing, that in the laste daies disseyueris schulen come in disseit, goynge aftir her owne coueityngis,
4 ima woru, “Ani uciu nliru nkuru nkpillu me din we? A cif bite na kuzu, ama imon du nafo ubur nu nkye in yie.”
seiynge, Where is the biheest, or the comyng of hym? for sithen the fadris dieden, alle thingis lasten fro the bigynnyng of creature.
5 Ina shawa ilele nin su nibinai mine, nworu i wa kye kitene kane nin kutyin ne unuzu nan nya nmyenari nin myen, uworsu, nin liri nnuu Kutelle,
But it is hid fro hem willynge this thing, that heuenes were bifore, and the erthe of water was stondynge bi watir, of Goddis word;
6 a ubellu nnuu me nin myen uyie kubi kone, nmyen wa hiru, uwa nana.
bi which that ilke world clensid, thanne bi watir perischide.
7 Kitene kane urume, ina ceo bara ula unuzuri bellun nliru urume, ina ceo bara lirin shara nin molu na nan salin dortu Kutelle.
But the heuenes that now ben, and the erthe, ben kept bi the same word, and ben reseruyd to fier in to the dai of doom and perdicioun of wickid men.
8 Na ulele nwa nuzu nibinai mine ba, anan su nayi ning, liri lirun kiti Ncikilare masin akus limui yari, a akus limui nafo liri lirun mari.
But, ye moost dere, this o thing be not hid to you, that o dai anentis God is as a thousynde yeeris, and a thousynde yeeris ben as o dai.
9 Na Cikilare di shankalong nbelen nciu nliri me ba, nafo na among din su adi shankalong, ama adi nin kune kuneari nin ghinu. Na adi nin su umon mine nana ba, ama adi nin su ani kubi nwooru vat sun alapi mine.
The Lord tarieth not his biheest, as summe gessen, but he doith pacientli for you, and wole not that ony men perische, but that alle turne ayen to penaunce.
10 Vat nani, liri Ncikilare din cinu na udak nkiri. Kiitene Kutelle ma katu nin liwui ligberere. Imon vat ima juju nin la, uyie nin nitwa nnin ima su unin ushara.
For the dai of the Lord schal come as a theef, in which heuenes with greet bire schulen passe, and elementis schulen be dissoluyd bi heete, and the erthe, and alle the werkis that ben in it, schulen be brent.
11 Andi ima musuzu imon ilele vat nane, imus na yapin anitari i kamata i yita? bara lissosin lilau nin katwa kacine.
Therfor whanne alle these thingis schulen be dissolued, what manner men bihoueth it you to be in hooli lyuyngis and pitees,
12 Tizan mas nan nya nca liri Kutelle, na kitene Kutelle ima juju nin la a vat nimon ile na idiku ma nutuzu nin piu nle.
abidinge and hiyynge in to the comyng of the dai of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, bi whom heuenes brennynge schulen be dissoluyd, and elementis schulen faile bi brennyng of fier.
13 Vat nani, nan tissu uca Kutelle kupesse nin yii upesse na ana ceo nari uliru mun, ulenge na anan katwa kacine ma so ku.
Also we abiden bi hise biheestis newe heuenes and newe erthe, in which riytwisnesse dwellith.
14 Bara nani, anan su kibinai ning, tun da na idin ca nile imone, yitan nin kanyir kang ise minu na nin na lap sa ndinong ba, inin se minu issosin mang nan ghe.
For which thing, ye moost dere, abidynge these thingis, be ye bisye to be foundun to hym in pees vnspottid and vndefoulid.
15 Yiran ayi asheu Ncikilari bite, unan kadura Kutelle Bulus na nyerten minu, nan nya kujinjing ko na iwa nighe.
And deme ye long abiding of oure Lord Jhesu Crist youre heelthe, as also oure moost dere brother Poul wroot to you, bi wisdom youun to hym.
16 Bulus nasu uliru nilenge imone nan nya ninyerte me vat, nan nya imong imon na yitu nin likara nworu iyining. Ale na nono katwa wari ba a na nibinai mine di kiti kirum ba ma shogulu ile imone, nafo na ina su umong uliru Kutelle udu ukul mine.
As and in alle epistlis he spekith `in hem of these thingis; in which ben summe hard thingis to vndurstonde, whiche vnwise and vnstable men deprauen, as also thei don othere scripturis, to her owne perdicioun.
17 Bara nani, anan su kibinai ning, tun da na iyiru ile imone, minon ati mine gegeme bara iwa wulttun minu nin liru kinu na nan salin lanzu fiu kutelle i fillo un min uyinnu sa nyenue.
Therfor ye, britheren, bifor witynge kepe you silf, lest ye be disseyued bi errour of vnwise men, and falle awei fro youre owne sadnesse.
18 Ama kunjon nan nya nbolu Kutelle nin yirun Ncikilari bite a unan tucu biite Yisa Kristi. Na ngongong so min me nene udi duru saligang. Uso nani! (aiōn g165)
But wexe ye in the grace and the knowyng of oure Lord Jhesu Crist and oure Sauyour; to hym be glorie now and in to the dai of euerlastyngnesse. Amen. (aiōn g165)

< 2 Bitrus 3 >

The World is Destroyed by Water
The World is Destroyed by Water