< 2 Ukorintiyawa 1 >

1 Bulus unan kadura Yesu Kristi nin su Kutelle, nin Timintawus gwana bit, udu kutii kulau korintiyawe, nin vat nanit alau nigbirin na ikilin acaiya.
Paul apostle Christ Jesus through/because of will/desire God and Timothy the/this/who brother the/this/who assembly the/this/who God the/this/who to be in/on/among Corinth with the/this/who holy: saint all the/this/who to be in/on/among all the/this/who Achaia
2 Ubolu Kutelle na uda kiti mine kibinayi kisheu unuzu KutelleUcif bite nin Cikilari Yesu Kristi.
grace you and peace away from God father me and lord: God Jesus Christ
3 Na mmari Kutelle nin Cif ncikilari Yesu Kristi soo, ule na amereUcif ukunekune nin Kutelle nonko nibinayi,
praiseworthy the/this/who God and father the/this/who lord: God me Jesus Christ the/this/who father the/this/who compassion and God all encouragement
4 Ulena adin nonkuzu nibinaiyi bite nanya piwu nibinaiyi bite arik nonko among ale na nibinaiyi mine piya nin nonku nibinai na Kutelle na ma nonku nari mun nibinaibit.
the/this/who to plead/comfort me upon/to/against all the/this/who pressure me toward the/this/who be able me to plead/comfort the/this/who in/on/among all pressure through/because of the/this/who encouragement which to plead/comfort it/s/he by/under: by the/this/who God
5 Bara nafo uniyu Kristi karin bara arik nenere ununkuzu nibinayi bite karin nanya Kristi.
that/since: since as/just as to exceed the/this/who suffering the/this/who Christ toward me thus(-ly) through/because of the/this/who Christ to exceed and the/this/who encouragement me
6 Bara nanin tiwa se upiwu nibinaiyi usuu utucunin nin nonku nibinayi nenere. Sa i wa nonku nibinayi bite unfe unon ku nibinayari, ulena udi na uwa da lanza uniuwe nannarik.
whether then to press on above/for the/this/who you encouragement and salvation whether to plead/comfort above/for the/this/who you encouragement (and salvation *KO*) the/this/who be active in/on/among perseverance the/this/who it/s/he suffering which and me to suffer
7 Nin nayi akone bite kitife nyisina nin yiru nafo na una neu nan narik tutung nenere unonku nibinaye.
and the/this/who hope me firm above/for you to know that/since: that (as/when *N(k)O*) participant to be the/this/who suffering thus(-ly) and the/this/who encouragement
8 Bara na ti dinin su tiso sa uyiru ba linwana mbeleng na tiwase nanya Asiya; iwa naulin nari nafo na ti wasa ti tere nibinai ba kan har tiwa nutun nibinai sa tim ati ulai.
no for to will/desire you be ignorant brother (above/for *NK(o)*) the/this/who pressure me the/this/who to be (me *k*) in/on/among the/this/who Asia that/since: that according to surpassing above/for power to burden so to despair me and the/this/who to live
9 Nin nene iwa tinari tishot inkul nati bite bara nanin i wadin yenju nati mase likara kibinai nati bite ba inmaimako kiti Kutelle ulena ana fiya abi.
but it/s/he in/on/among themself the/this/who verdict the/this/who death to have/be in order that/to not to persuade to be upon/to/against themself but upon/to/against the/this/who God the/this/who to arise the/this/who dead
10 Awa tucu nari nanyang kul nijas, ama kuru atucu nari tutun. Ti kotina ayibit kitene me tutung ama nutu nari
which out from so great death to rescue me and (to rescue *N(k)O*) toward which to hope/expect that/since: that and still to rescue
11 Ama su nari nani i wa bun nari nanya nlira anit gbardan ba daduru liburi liboo iyisunu bite bara ubolsu Kutelle na ana ninari nanya nlira na nit gbardan.
to join in helping and you above/for me the/this/who petition in order that/to out from much face the/this/who toward me gift through/because of much to thank above/for (me *NK(O)*)
12 Nene ilelere ti din fo figiri mung ushaida yiru bite ule na arik wa su nin nati bite nanya yi. Tiwa su nanin bara kata yinu nin lau nin kidegere na wa nuzu kiti Kutelle na nafo kujinjin yii ulele bara nanin inuzu ballu Kutelle.
the/this/who for pride me this/he/she/it to be the/this/who testimony the/this/who conscience me that/since: that in/on/among (openness *NK(O)*) and sincerity (the/this/who *no*) God (and *no*) no in/on/among wisdom fleshly but in/on/among grace God to live/return in/on/among the/this/who world more excessively then to/with you
13 Na tidin yarti minu imonile na iwa sa ibele sa uyinin ba indi nin likara kibinai tutung.
no for another to write you but or which to read or and to come to know to hope/expect then that/since: that (and *k*) until goal/tax to come to know
14 Nafo na ina malin yinu nari likot, lirum au lirin Cilkilari bite Yesu tina yite udalilin fizu nabanda mine nafo na anung ba yitu unbit.
as/just as and to come to know me away from part that/since: that pride you to be just as and you me in/on/among the/this/who day the/this/who lord: God (me *NO*) Jesus
15 Bara nan wadi nin likara kibinai nilele iwa din nin su indak kitefe nin burnu, au unan sere mbang inse na mara aba.
and this/he/she/it the/this/who confidence to plan (the/this/who *o*) before to/with you to come/go in order that/to secondly (grace *NK(O)*) (to have/be *N(k)O*)
16 Iwa di woru inlasin kit fe cindu Umakidaniya inkueu mda yene fi cin sa Unuzu Makidoniya nani fe nin tiyi ndina udu Ujudia.
and through/because of you to pass through toward Macedonia and again away from Macedonia to come/go to/with you and by/under: by you to help on the way toward the/this/who Judea
17 Kubi kona iwa din kpilzu nan, iwa belin kibinai fe? sa uwa yinan miu nin kibinai unitan, bara in woro fi ''ee ee” nin “babu babu”kube kurume?
this/he/she/it therefore/then (to plan *N(k)O*) surely not therefore the/this/who lightness to use or which to plan according to flesh to plan in order that/to to be from/with/beside I/we the/this/who yes yes and the/this/who no no
18 Bara nanin nafo na Kutelle unan yinnu sa uyenu nati wasa ti woro “ee” nin “babu” ba.
faithful then the/this/who God that/since: that the/this/who word me the/this/who to/with you no (to be *N(k)O*) yes and no
19 Bara gono Kutelle Yesu Kirst, ule na Silvanus Timitawus nin mi na beling naya min, na ame “ee “nin ''babu” ba bara nani ame ee wari vat kubi.
the/this/who the/this/who God for son Jesus Christ the/this/who in/on/among you through/because of me to preach through/because of I/we and Silvanus and Timothy no to be yes and no but yes in/on/among it/s/he to be
20 Bara vat nalikawali Kutelle ''ee' wari nanya me baranani nanya me asa ti wuru uso nani udu uzazu Kutelle.
just as/how much for promise God in/on/among it/s/he the/this/who yes (therefore *NO*) and (through/because of it/s/he *N(k)O*) the/this/who amen the/this/who God to/with glory through/because of me
21 Nene Kutelleri munu nari nanya Kristi nin narik.
the/this/who then to confirm me with you toward Christ and to anoint me God
22 Ana tursu nari nin na gilet me na ni nari Ifip nanya nibinai bite minin so kulap ni mele na ama da ninari nin dandaunu.
the/this/who and to seal me and to give the/this/who guarantee the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit in/on/among the/this/who heart me
23 Nin nanin ina yicila Kutelle aso unan nizi iba ning bara imele na inati nan daa u Kurintiya ba bara inan unan tucu fiari.
I/we then witness the/this/who God to call (on)/name upon/to/against the/this/who I/we soul that/since: that to spare you no still to come/go toward Corinth
24 Na bara ti di nin su wuru timiin uyenu sa uyenu b, bara na tidi katwa nin yenu sa uyenu miner, bara mmag min, nayinsin nanya yinnu sa uyenu
no that/since: since to lord over you the/this/who faith but co-worker to be the/this/who joy you the/this/who for faith to stand

< 2 Ukorintiyawa 1 >