< 2 Ukorintiyawa 6 >

1 nani katwa logow, idin foo minu nnacara na wa seruu ubolu Kutelle hen nani ba
But we helpynge monesten, that ye resseyuen not the grace of God in veyn.
2 Bara na abenle “Nanya kubi ku mang inwa lanza minu, ninwe liri intucu nwa bun minu “Yeneng nenere kubi kumanghe yeneng nenere lirin tucua.
For he seith, In tyme wel plesinge Y haue herd thee, and in the dai of heelthe Y haue helpid thee. Lo! now a tyme acceptable, lo! now a dai of heelthe.
3 Na arik na ceu litalan tirzu nbun mun b, bara na tidinin su katwa bite se ulazi ba.
Yyue we to no man ony offencioun, that oure seruyce be not repreued;
4 Nin yenu nani, ti duro atibite nin nitwa bite vat au arike acin Kutelleari nanya nteru nibinai umin ijasi.
but in alle thingis yyue we vs silf as the mynystris of God, in myche pacience, in tribulaciouns,
5 utecu, nannya kuti licin ufizu nayi nin katwa kagbagba, nin salin moroninkitik nin kukpon.
in nedis, in angwischis, in betyngis, in prisouns, in dissensiouns with ynne, in trauels, in wakyngis, in fastyngis,
6 Nin lau uyiru, kbinai ki shau nin washalang nin fip me al, nin su nanya kibinai.
in chastite, in kunnyng, in long abiding, in swetnesse, in the Hooli Goost,
7 Nin ligbulang kidegen, nin likara Kutelle nin ticilak nibinai nilau ncra ulime nin cara ugule.
in charite not feined, in the word of treuthe, in the vertu of God; bi armeris of riytwisnesse on the riythalf and on the lefthalf;
8 Ti di katwa nin ngongon nin salin ngongo, nin tizugo nin lir. I wa yicu nari anan kinu arik nin kidegene bite.
bi glorie and vnnoblei; bi yuel fame and good fame; as disseyueris, and trewe men; as thei that ben vnknowun, and knowun;
9 Tidin su katwa we nafon na iwa yiru nari ba a iyiro nari lau nafo tidin kul na tiyita nin lai nafo anan burn, bara nitwa bite na nafo anan caa ukul ba.
as men diynge, and lo! we lyuen; as chastisid, and not maad deed;
10 Tidi katwa nafo nin nibinai nisirne bara nani tidi nin nibinai nibo, nafo nan diru nimum tina yita mum. tina
as sorewful, euere more ioiynge; as hauynge nede, but makynge many men riche; as no thing hauynge, and weldynge alle thingis.
11 Tina me belin minu kidegene bite va, anan Korintiy, nibinai bite pun pas.
A! ye Corynthies, oure mouth is open to you, oure herte is alargid;
12 Nati wantin minu nibinai mine b, bara nani anughere wanting ukpilizu ni binai mine
ye ben not angwischid in vs, but ye ben anguischid in youre inwardnessis.
13 Nene nanya kpilizu ubarabara indi liru nan ghenu nafo nono punun nibinai mine pash
And Y seie as to sones, ye that han the same reward, be ye alargid.
14 Na iwa teru nibinai mine nin nanan salinyinu b, bara nanin iyanghari munu kibinai ki lau nin sali udoka? Sa iyanghari munu njana nin sirti?
Nyle ye bere the yok with vnfeithful men. For what parting of riytwisnes with wickidnesse? or what felouschipe of liyt to derknessis?
15 Iyapin iyinari di Kristi ku nin nin Beliyar [kudodoa]? Sa uyapi uladari di unanyinu sauyenu ninnan salin yinuri.
and what acording of Crist to Belial? or what part of a feithful with the vnfeithful?
16 Nin yapin uyenuari di kuti Kutelle nin Chill? Bara na arik ati alau Kutelle unan laiyar, nafo na ana belin “in ma so nanya mine in kuru cinu nanya mine inin yita Kutelle mine, anin wang yita aniti nin.
and what consent to the temple of God with mawmetis? And ye ben the temple of the lyuynge God, as the Lord seith, For Y schal dwelle in hem, and Y schal walke among hem; and Y schal be God of hem, and thei schulen be a puple to me.
17 nani Ucif nabelin”nuzun nanya mine iso kusari kurum.” Na iwa dudo imon inazan ile isali lau b, menbah ba timinu mahabi.''
For which thing go ye out of the myddil of hem, and be ye departid, seith the Lord, and touche ye not vnclene thing;
18 Menghe ma so Ucif kiti fer. Anunghe nin soo ason nin ni na shono nin “Ubenlun Ucif udia.
and Y schal resseyue you, and schal be to you in to a fadir, and ye schulen be to me in to sones and douytris, seith the Lord almyyti.

< 2 Ukorintiyawa 6 >