< 1 Timothawus 5 >

1 Na uwa boro ukune iyizi ba, fwanghe acara naco ucif, mino uzaman nafo nuana fin.
elder: old not to rebuke but to plead/comfort as/when father new as/when brother
2 Zazina awani akukune nafo annah, nuan nishono nafo nuan nishono, nin kibinayi kilau vat.
elder: old as/when mother new as/when sister in/on/among all purity
3 Zazina awani ale na ales mine namo kuzu, ale na imal kunju.
widow to honor the/this/who really widow
4 Andi uwani ulle na ules me na kú, dumun nono nin nayalang, na icizin udursuzu nlanzu fiu Kutellẹ nan nya lilari mine. Na ibiya acif mine, bara na Kutellẹ din lanzu nmang nani.
if then one widow child or descendant to have/be to learn first the/this/who one's own/private house: household to show piety and repayment to pay the/this/who parent/ancestor this/he/she/it for to be (good and *K*) pleasing before the/this/who God
5 Ame unan diru nles ulle na amẹ nkuno, na aceo kibinai me kiti Kutellẹ. Ashon liti nan nya nfo nacara kitik nin lirin.
the/this/who then really widow and to leave alone to hope/expect upon/to/against (the/this/who *ko*) God and to remain/persist the/this/who petition and the/this/who prayer night and day
6 Ame ulle na aceo kibanai me nlanzu nmang ame nkú, a ayita nin lai.
the/this/who then to indulge to live to die/be dead
7 Ta isu illẹ imone, bara iwa se imon nvurzu.
and this/he/she/it to order in order that/to irreproachable to be
8 Nanere ulle na amin kilari mẹ nin li uana ba, anari uyinnu sa uyenu, akanti kulumai nin nanzang.
if then one the/this/who one's own/private and especially (the/this/who *k*) of one’s household no (to care for *N(k)O*) the/this/who faith to deny and to be unbelieving worse than
9 Na iwa nyertin lissa nmon uwani unan dirun les, na akus me darni akut kutocin ba, uwani nles urum.
widow to enrol not lesser year sixty to be one man: husband woman: wife
10 Na iyininghe nin katuwa kacind, assa ana min nono gegeme, ayita washalang, asa ana kuzuzu abunu namara, asa ana buzuno nikimon, asa ana suzu imon vat nin likara.
in/on/among work good to testify if to raise children if to show hospitality if holy: saint foot to wash if to press on to help if all work good to follow after
11 Nanere alle na ales mine na kuzu ana isa kunjo ba, na iwa yertin tisa mine ba. Bara kubi ko na usu kidowon nkata likara minẹ, asa ipizira usu nilugma.
new then widow to refuse/excuse when(-ever) for to desire the/this/who Christ to marry to will/desire
12 Nan nya nlo libauwe, idinin shara natimine bara na inari uyinnu sa uyenu mine un burne.
to have/be judgment that/since: since the/this/who first: previous faith to reject
13 Bara nani asa iso agballa. Nin dortu nilari nilari. Na asa iso agballa cas ba, asa iso anan kubellum. Ibelle ile imon na icaun ibellu ba.
together then and idle to learn to go around the/this/who home no alone then idle but and gossipy and meddlesome/magic to speak the/this/who not be necessary
14 Bara nani ndinin su awani abebene ale na ales mine na kuzu isu ilugma, imacu nono, imin nilari, na iwa ni shitan ku nfwang nnanzu katuwa bit ba.
to plan therefore/then new to marry to have children to manage a house nothing opportunity to give the/this/who be an opponent reviling because of
15 Nene wang, among mine nlasina idofino shitan ku.
already for one to turn/wander away after the/this/who Satan
16 Assa uwani ule na adinin yinnu sa uyenu, adinin nawani ale na alles mine na kuzu, na abun nani, bara katawe wa ti kutyin lire kadiawe, bara ina buno anan diru nales alle na ikunjo.
if one (faithful or *K*) faithful to have/be widow (to help *NK(o)*) it/s/he and not to burden the/this/who assembly in order that/to the/this/who really widow to help
17 Na adidya ale na ina ghatin nani acara kutyin nlira, asa idin cinu nin nanit gegeme na ipatin uzazunu ulenge na iba ninani, umunu alenge na idin bellu idursuzo uliru Kutellẹ.
the/this/who well to set before elder: Elder double honor to deem worthy especially the/this/who to labor in/on/among word and teaching
18 Uliru Kutellẹ nworo, ''Na uwa nazu finafe nin nimoli kubi katwa ba,'' tutung ''Unan katuwa uwesu tinonto me.''
to say for the/this/who a writing ox to thresh no to muzzle and worthy the/this/who worker the/this/who wage it/s/he
19 Kpada anan su nalapi nbun nanit, ngisine nan lanza fiu.
according to elder: Elder accusation not to welcome outside/except if: not not upon/to/against two or Three witness
20 Asa na ulanza nnu nan waba sa awatat ba, na uwa yinnin nin vuru liti ndia kutyẹn lira ule na ina tarda ghe uchara ba.
the/this/who (then *o*) to sin before all to rebuke in order that/to and the/this/who remaining fear to have/be
21 Ntafi ubun Kutellẹ, nin Yisa Kristi, a nono kadura Kutellẹ allege na ina fere nani, su ille imone, na uwa feru ba, yenje uwa su imomon nin su liti.
to testify solemnly before the/this/who God and (lord: God *K*) Christ Jesus and the/this/who select angel in order that/to this/he/she/it to keep/guard: observe without prejudice nothing to do/make: do according to partiality
22 Na uwa tarda unit achara dsddei ba, bara uwa ti acara nan nya kulapin nmong, nafe litife so lau.
hand soon nothing to put/lay on nor to participate sin another’s you pure to keep: protect
23 Na uwa so nmyen cas ba, kpina kamyen kagbagbai bara ukonu liburi nin nyeneyi kidowo fe.
never again to drink water but wine little/few to use through/because of the/this/who stomach (you *K*) and the/this/who often you weakness: ill
24 Alapi na mong anit di kanang, idin cinu nbun udu kitin shara, among dorto kidung.
one a human the/this/who sin obvious to be to go/bring before toward judgment one then and to follow after
25 Nanere tutun nituwa nicine di kanang, ni nin nanẹ wang na ni nyeshi ba.
likewise and the/this/who work the/this/who good obvious (to be *k*) and the/this/who otherwise to have/be to hide no (be able *N(k)O*)

< 1 Timothawus 5 >