< 1 Ukorintiyawa 14 >

1 Cheo ayi npiziru nsu nin filizunu Kutellẹ, bara inan se usu anaba.
to pursue the/this/who love be eager then the/this/who spiritual more: rather then in order that/to to prophesy
2 Bara ulenge na adin su uliru nin long lilen na adin su uliru nin nanutari ba nin Kutelleari, na umon wasa ayininghe ba bara na adin bellu nan nya Nfip milau imon ile na inyesin.
the/this/who for to speak tongue no a human to speak but (the/this/who *k*) God none for to hear spirit/breath: spirit then to speak mystery
3 Ulenge na adin su annabci, din liru nin nanitari atizanani ikunjo, atizanani likara, anin tizanani ayi asheu.
the/this/who then to prophesy a human to speak building and encouragement and comfort
4 Ulenge na adin su uliru nin tilem din zazinu litimere, a unan sun annabci kpizina tukunan kilari Kutellẹ.
the/this/who to speak tongue themself to build the/this/who then to prophesy assembly to build
5 In di nin su vat mine iwa din su uliru nin tong tilem, nin likati nane wang, usu nighari isu anabci. Ulenge na adinsuzu anabci katin unan liru nin tilem adi na unan kpilizu tileme duku ba, bara kilari nlire nan se ukunu.
to will/desire then all you to speak tongue more then in order that/to to prophesy great (then *N(k)O*) the/this/who to prophesy or the/this/who to speak tongue outside/except if: not not (to interpret *NK(o)*) in order that/to the/this/who assembly building to take
6 Nene nuana nilime nin nishono, nwa dak kitimine nnin liru nin tong tilem, iyaghari ima se kitinighe, se de ntunun minu nliru fwang, sa uyiru, sa anabci, sa udursuzu kiti?
(now *N(k)O*) then brother if to come/go to/with you tongue to speak which? you to help if not you to speak or in/on/among revelation or in/on/among knowledge or in/on/among prophecy or in/on/among teaching
7 Andi adadu nsali tilai nafo ishirya sa abengbeng na tiwuyi mine di ngangang ba, ima ti iyinzari umon yinin iyaghari idin wulusue?
just as the/this/who lifeless voice/sound: noise to give whether flute whether harp if distinction the/this/who sound not (to give *NK(O)*) how! to know the/this/who to play the flute or the/this/who to play the harp
8 Asa ipene kulantun ghe nin lon li wuyi ugan na lin likumba, umon ba ti iyinzari ayinin kubin kelu ndu likume?
and for if unclear trumpet voice/sound: noise to give which? to prepare toward war
9 Nanere di ni ghinue wang; asa idin su uliru nin ti gbulang tongo nati di kanan ba, iyizari imati umong yining imon ile na ibelle, iba liru, na umon ba yinu ba.
thus(-ly) and you through/because of the/this/who tongue if not intelligible word to give how! to know the/this/who to speak to be for toward air to speak
10 Tilem duku gbardang nyi, na nlong duku sa uma'na ba.
so great if: if only to obtain/happen family: kind voice/sound: voice (to be *N(k)O*) in/on/among world and none (it/s/he *k*) mute
11 Bara nani andi na nyinno imong ile na idin belẹ nin long lilem ba, nmaso kumara kiti nnan lirẹ, ame unan lirẹ wang so kumara kitining.
if therefore/then not to know the/this/who power the/this/who voice/sound: voice to be the/this/who to speak barbarian and the/this/who to speak in/on/among I/we barbarian
12 Anung wang andi idin yalinu nworu iyene Nfip micine in nan nya mine yitan yakyak n kelu kutin nlira.
thus(-ly) and you since zealot to be spirit/breath: spirit to/with the/this/who building the/this/who assembly to seek in order that/to to exceed
13 Ame ule na adin liru nin long lilem na asu nlira ase ukpiliuwe.
(therefore *N(k)O*) the/this/who to speak tongue to pray in order that/to to interpret
14 Bara nwa ti nlira nin long lilem, uruhu nghari di nlire a na kibinayi ni nnin mara imon icine ba.
if for to pray tongue the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit me to pray the/this/who then mind me unfruitful to be
15 Nyaghari meng basu? Mba su nlira nin ruhu ning, nkquru nsu nlira nin kibinayi ning tutung. Mba su avu nin ruhu nin, nkuru su avu nin kibinayi nin tutung.
which? therefore/then to be to pray the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit to pray then and the/this/who mind to sing praise the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit to sing praise then and the/this/who mind
16 Andi na nani ba, uwa su liru Kutellẹ nin ruhu ame ule na adin lanzu timap feba ti inyizari aworo ''usonani'' andi udin nakpu ngudiya, a na ame yiro imon ilenge na fe din belue ba?
since if (to praise/bless in/on/among *N(k)O*) spirit/breath: spirit the/this/who to fulfil the/this/who place the/this/who unlearned how! to say the/this/who amen upon/to/against the/this/who you thankfulness since which? to say no to know
17 Fe nnaKpa ugudiyẹ fe gegeme kang, na ulele in nin setikunang nan nya ba.
you on the other hand for well to thank but the/this/who other no to build
18 Ngode Kutellẹ nworu nkatin minu vat nin su nliru nin tilem ngangang.
to thank the/this/who God (me *k*) all you more (tongue *NK(O)*) (to speak *N(k)O*)
19 Ukatin mengku nworu nbelin agbulang ataun nan nya kuti Nlira nin yinnu ning nnan kele among, nnin woru nenge nbelin agbulang amui nin tilem likure a na umong lanza ba.
but in/on/among assembly to will/desire five word (through/because of *k*) (the/this/who mind *N(k)O*) me to speak in order that/to and another to instruct or myriad word in/on/among tongue
20 Nuana nilime ni nishono, na iwa su ukpilizu tinonoba. Kitene nimon inanzang, son nafo nono, nan nya kpilizu mine yitan awasara.
brother not child to be the/this/who thinking but the/this/who evil be childlike the/this/who then thinking perfect to be
21 Nan nya sharawe ina yertin, “Kiti nanit tilem tilem nin tinu namarari nma liru nin nanit alele; vat nin nani na ima lanzui ba,” Ubellun Ncikilari.
in/on/among the/this/who law to write that/since: that in/on/among in another language and in/on/among lip (other *N(K)O*) to speak the/this/who a people this/he/she/it and nor thus(-ly) to listen to me to say lord: God
22 Bara nani tileme alamar, na kiti na nan dortu Kutellẹ ba, se kiti na nan salin dortu Kutellẹ. U anabci na kulapari kiti na nan ṣali dortu Kutellẹ ba se kiti na nan dortu Kutellẹ.
so the/this/who tongue toward sign to be no the/this/who to trust (in) but the/this/who unbelieving the/this/who then prophecy no the/this/who unbelieving but the/this/who to trust (in)
23 Andi bara nanere, vat anan dortu Kutellẹ nwa dazuro isu uliru nin tilem, anan das nin nanan salin dortu Kutellẹ nin da pira, na iba woru tidi nin nilazaba? ag,
if therefore/then to assemble the/this/who assembly all upon/to/against the/this/who it/s/he and all to speak tongue to enter then unlearned or unbelieving no to say that/since: that to rave
24 Iwa din woru vat mine di nan nya annabci kunan das sa unan salin dortu Kutellẹ nin da pira, amase uyinnu vat nile imon na alanza, ame kpilizu nin litime imon irika na alanza idin belue.
if then all to prophesy to enter then one unbelieving or unlearned to rebuke by/under: by all to investigate by/under: by all
25 Imon liyeshin kibinayi me ba nuzu kanang anin diu nin muro me a su Kutellẹ usujada a durso kanang Kutellẹ nan nya mine.
(and thus(-ly) *K*) the/this/who hidden the/this/who heart it/s/he clear to be and thus(-ly) to collapse upon/to/against face to worship the/this/who God to announce that/since: that really the/this/who God in/on/among you to be
26 N'yaghari tutung nuana nilime nin nishono? Iwa da zuro ligowe, umon dinin na sem, umon udursuzu kiti, umon upuzunu nimon, umon uliru nin tilem, sa ukpilizu tilem. Na tisu imon vat ti nan se tikunant kuti Nlira.
which? therefore/then to be brother when(-ever) to assemble each (you *K*) psalm to have/be teaching to have/be revelation to have/be tongue to have/be interpretation to have/be all to/with building (to be *N(k)O*)
27 Asa umon lira nin lon lilem, na ise anit naba sa natat, nan nya mine, ise umon unan kpilizu nimon ile na ibelle.
whether tongue one to speak according to two or the/this/who most Three and each part and one to interpret
28 Asa na unan kpiliu dukuba, kogha mine min tik nan nya kilari nlire, na ana su uliru nin litime usanme a Kutellẹ.
if then not to be interpreter be silent in/on/among assembly themself then to speak and the/this/who God
29 Na a annabawa naba sa natat su uliru, na among anan lanzẹ nin dumun ulire na ibelle.
prophet then two or Three to speak and the/this/who another to judge/doubt
30 Andi ujinjin duku nan nya lissosin mine na ayinno, na ame ulenge na ayita nlire ti tik.
if then another to reveal to sit the/this/who first be silent
31 Andi kogha mine nsu u annabnaci nalalarum bara kogha mine nan se likara nibinayi.
be able for according to one all to prophesy in order that/to all to learn and all to plead/comfort
32 Bara ti ruhu na anabawa, inung a anabawere nin nati mine din dortu mun.
and spirit/breath: spirit prophet prophet to subject
33 Bara na Kutellẹ. di Kutellẹ. ku shogolog ba, kun lisosin limanghari. Nafo na nitin nlira nanit alauwe di.
no for to be disorder the/this/who God but peace as/when in/on/among all the/this/who assembly the/this/who holy: saint
34 Na awani mizin tik nan nya niti nlira. Bara na iyina nani isu uwiliru ba, na inughe yita nin ni nati, nanere uduke din belu.
the/this/who woman (you *K*) in/on/among the/this/who assembly be silent no for (to permit *N(k)O*) it/s/he to speak but (to subject *N(k)O*) as/just as and the/this/who law to say
35 Andi imoimon duku ile na idin konu nani ayi inyinnuẹ na itirin ales mine nilari. Bara imon ncinghari uwani su uliru nan nya kilari nlira.
if then one (to learn *NK(o)*) to will/desire in/on/among house: home the/this/who one's own/private man: husband to question shameful for to be (woman *N(K)O*) to speak in/on/among assembly
36 Uliru Kutellẹ na nuzu kiti minere? Anughere una duru kiti mine cassa?
or away from you the/this/who word the/this/who God to go out or toward you alone to come to
37 Asa umon din pillu ame annabiari sa unit unan ruhu, na a belu nenge imon ile na ina nyertin minu uduka Ncikilariari.
if one to think prophet to exist or spiritual to come to know which to write you that/since: that (the/this/who *k*) lord: God (to be commandment *N(K)O*)
38 Asa umon nari ule ulire na iwa yinin ninghe. ba.
if then one be ignorant (be ignorant *N(k)O*)
39 Bara nani linuana, piziran usu nworu isu u ananbci, nani na iwa wanting uliru nin tilem ba.
so brother (me *no*) be eager the/this/who to prophesy and the/this/who to speak not to prevent tongue
40 Bara nani na tisu imon vat nan nyan kanang nin libau dert licine gegeme.
all (then *no*) properly and according to order to be

< 1 Ukorintiyawa 14 >