< Marku 4 >

1 Pastaj nisi përsëri të mësojë në breg të detit; dhe rreth tij u mblodh një turmë aq e madhe, sa që ai hyri në barkë dhe rrinte ulur në det, ndërsa gjithë turma ishte në tokë pranë detit.
Another time Jesus began to teach [people] alongside Lake [Galilee. As he was doing that, a very large crowd gathered around him. Because people were jostling him], he got into a boat in the lake [so that he could speak to the crowd better. Then he sat in it and began to teach the crowd from the boat]. At the same time, the crowd was on the shore close to the lake.
2 Dhe ai u mësonte atyre shumë gjëra në shëmbëlltyra, dhe u thoshte atyre në mësimin e tij:
Then he taught them many parables. While he was teaching them, he told them [this]:
3 “Dëgjoni! Ja, doli mbjellësi të mbjellë.
“Consider [well the meaning of this illustration]: A man/farmer went out [to his field] to sow [some seeds].
4 Dhe ndodhi që kur hidhte farën, një pjesë e farës ra gjatë rrugës dhe zogjtë e qiellit erdhën dhe e hëngrën.
As he was scattering them [over the soil], some [of the] seeds fell on the path. Then some birds came and ate those seeds.
5 Një pjesë tjetër ra në gurishte, ku nuk kishte shumë dhe dhe mbiu menjëherë, sepse s’kishte një tokë të thellë.
Other [seeds] fell on ground where there was not much soil [on top of] rock. Very soon the [seeds] sprouted because [the sun warmed] the moist soil quickly where it was not deep.
6 Por, kur doli dielli, u dogj; dhe me që nuk kishte rrënjë, u tha.
But after the sun shone [on those young plants], they became scorched. Then they withered because they did not have [deep] roots.
7 Një pjesë tjetër ra midis ferrave; ferrat u rritën, e mbyten dhe nuk dha fryt.
As the farmer sowed, other [seeds] fell on [ground that contained roots of] thorny plants. [The] seeds [grew, but] the thorny plants also grew up and crowded out [the] good [plants. So the plants] produced no grain.
8 Një pjesë tjetër ra në tokë të mirë, dhe solli frut që rritej, dhe u zhvillua për të dhënë njëra tridhjetë, tjetra gjashtëdhjetë dhe tjetra njëqind”.
But as the farmer sowed, other [seeds] fell on good soil. As a result, they sprouted, they grew well, and then they produced [plenty of] grain. [Some] plants bore 30 [grains]. [Some] bore 60 [grains]. [Some] bore 100 [grains].”
9 Pastaj ai u tha atyre: “Kush ka veshë për të dëgjuar, le të dëgjojë!”.
Then Jesus said, “If you want to understand this [MTY], you should consider [carefully what I have just said].”
10 Tani kur ishte vetëm, ata që i rrinin përreth bashkë me të dymbëdhjetët e pyetën për shëmbëlltyrën.
[Later], when only the twelve [disciples] and a few [other] people were with him, they asked him about the parables.
11 Dhe ai u tha atyre: “Juve u është dhënë të njihni misterin e mbretërisë së Perëndisë; kurse atyre që janë përjashta të gjitha këto jepen me shëmbëlltyra,
He said to them, “People have not understood before [the new message] about how God wants to rule people’s lives. It is to you that this is being made known {that I am making this known}. But I tell about this [only] (in parables/figuratively) to those who have not [yet invited God to rule their lives].
12 që: “Duke parë, të shohin, por të mos vën re; edhe duke dëgjuar, të dëgjojnë, por të mos kuptojnë, se mos pendohen dhe mëkatet u falen””.
As a result [it is true what a prophet has written], Although they see [what I do], they do not perceive [what it means] [DOU]. Although they hear [what I say], they do not understand [what it means] [DOU]. So they do not (repent/turn away from their sinful behavior) in order that they would be forgiven {[God] would forgive them}.”
13 Pastaj u tha atyre: “Nuk e kuptoni këtë shëmbëlltyrë? Po atëhere si do t’i kuptoni të gjitha shëmbëlltyrat e tjera?
He also said to them, “([I am disappointed that] you do not understand this illustration!/Can you not understand this illustration?) [RHQ] [If you do not understand] this, (you will certainly not understand any of the [other] illustrations!/how will you understand any of the [other] illustrations?) [RHQ] [Nevertheless, I will explain it to you].
14 Mbjellësi mbjell fjalën.
[In the illustration that I told you], the man who sows [seeds represents someone who] declares God’s message [DOU].
15 Ata gjatë rrugës janë ata në të cilët mbillet fjala; por pasi e kanë dëgjuar atë, vjen menjëherë Satanai dhe ua heq fjalën e mbjellë në zemrat e tyre.
[Some people are like] the path on which [some of] the seeds fell. When they hear [the message], Satan comes at once and causes them to forget what they have heard.
16 Po ashtu ata që e marrin farën mbi nje gurishte janë ata që, kur e kanë dëgjuar fjalën, e pranojnë menjëherë me gëzim;
[Some people are like the ground where the soil was not very deep over] rock. When they hear [God’s] message, they immediately accept it with joy.
17 por nuk kanë rrënjë në vetvete, dhe janë të përkohshëm; dhe kur vjen mundimi ose përndjekja për shkak të fjalës, skandalizohen menjëherë.
But, because [the message does not penetrate deeply] [MET] [into their hearts/inner beings, they] believe it for [only a short time. They are like the plants that] did not have deep roots. When others treat such people badly or cause them to suffer because [they believe], those people [who are suffering] soon stop believing God’s message.
18 Ata përkundrazi të cilët e marrin farën midis ferrave, janë ata që e dëgjojnë fjalën,
[Some people are like] the [soil that had roots of] thorny weeds in it. [Although] those people hear [God’s] message,
19 por shqetësimet e kësaj bote, mashtrimet e pasurisë dhe lakmitë për gjëra të tjera që hynë, e mbyten fjalën dhe ajo bëhet e pafrytshme. (aiōn g165)
they desire to be rich, and they desire to own many other things. So they worry [only] about material things. The result is that they forget [God’s] message and they do not do [the things that God wants them to do]. (aiōn g165)
20 Kurse ata që e morën farën në tokë të mirë, janë ata që e dëgjojnë fjalën, e pranojnë dhe japin fryt: një tridhjetë, tjetri gjashtëdhjetë dhe tjetri njëqind”.
[But some people] are like the good soil. They hear [God’s] message and they accept it [and they believe] it. [Then they do the things that God wants them to do. They are like the good plants that produced] 30, 60 or 100 [grains].”
21 Pastaj u tha atyre: “A merret vallë llamba për ta vënë nën babunë ose nën shtrat? A nuk vihet mbi dritëmbajtësen?
He also told them [another parable], saying, “(People certainly do not [light] an oil lamp and then bring it [in the house] in order that it may be put {someone may put it} under a container or under a bed./Would anyone [light] an oil lamp and then bring it [in the house] in order that it may be put {someone may put it} under a container or under a bed?) [RHQ] (No, [they light it] in order that it may be put {someone may put it} in a place [where it lights the house].[/Wouldn’t they light it] in order that it may be put {someone may put it} in a place [where it lights the house]?) [RHQ]
22 Sepse nuk ka asgjë të fshehtë që të mos zbulohet, as kurrgjë sekrete që të mos dalin në dritë.
[Similarly], there are some [parts of God’s message] that people do not know. [But he intends that] people will understand all the things that they do not know [now].
23 Kush ka veshë për të dëgjuar, le të dëgjojë!”
If you want to understand this, you should consider [carefully] what you [have just heard].”
24 Dhe u tha atyre: “Vini re atë që dëgjoni. Me atë masë që ju matni, do t’iu matet juve; edhe juve që dëgjoni do t’iu jepet edhe më.
Then he said to them, “Consider carefully what you hear [me say to you], for [God] will let you [understand] to the same degree that you [consider what I say]. [He] will let you [understand] even more than that.
25 Sepse atij që ka, do t’i jepet, por atij që s’ka, do t’i merret edhe ajo që ka.
Those who [consider what I say] and understand it, [God] will enable them to understand more. But those who do not [consider carefully what I say], they will forget even what they already know.”
26 Tha akoma: “Mbretëria e Perëndisë është si një njeri që hedh farën në dhe.
Jesus also said, “God [has the power to change] people who let him rule their lives. I [will illustrate how that can happen] [MET]. A man planted seeds in the ground.
27 Dhe natën dhe ditën, ndërsa ai fle dhe çohet, fara mbin dhe rritet, pa e ditur ai se si.
Afterwards he slept each night and rose each day [without worrying about the seeds]. [During that time] the seeds sprouted and grew in a way that he did not understand, because by itself the soil [caused the plants to grow and produce grain].
28 Sepse dheu prodhon vetvetiu më parë kërcellin, pastaj kallirin, dhe më në fund kallirin plot me kokrra.
First the stalks [appeared]. Then the heads [appeared]. Then the full kernels in the heads [appeared].
29 Dhe kur fryti piqet, menjëherë korrësi i vë drapërin, sepse erdhi koha e korrjes.
As soon as the grain was ripe he sent [people] [MTY] to harvest it because it was time to harvest [the grain].”
30 Edhe tha: Me se ta krahasojmë mbretërinë e Perëndisë? Ose me çfarë shëmbëlltyre ta paraqesim?
[Jesus told them] another [parable. He] said, “I will tell you [RHQ] how the [number of people] whose lives God rules in a new way [will continue to grow] (OR, each continue to have more and more influence in this world). I hope [RHQ] that this illustration will show this [to you].
31 Ajo i ngjan farës së sinapit, që, kur është mbjellë në dhe, është më e vogla nga të gjitha farërat që janë mbi dhe;
[You know what happens to] mustard seeds when we plant them. Though mustard seeds are among the smallest of seeds, [here in Israel] they become large plants.
32 por, pasi mbillet, rritet dhe bëhet më e madhe se të gjitha barishtet; dhe lëshon degë aq të mëdha, sa zogjtë e qiellit mund të gjejnë strehë nën hijen e saj”.
After they are planted, they grow up and become larger than the other garden plants. They put out big branches so that birds are able to make nests in their shade.”
33 Dhe me shumë shëmbëlltyra të tilla, u shpallte atyre fjalën, ashtu si ata ishin në gjendje ta kuptojnë.
Jesus used many such illustrations when he talked to the people about God. If they were able to understand [some, he kept telling them more].
34 Dhe nuk u fliste atyre pa shëmbëlltyra, ndërsa dishepujve të tij, veçmas, u shpjegonte çdo gjë.
He always used parables when he spoke to them. But he explained all [the illustrations] to his own disciples when he was alone with them.
35 Tani po atë ditë, si u ngrys, u tha atyre: “Kalojmë te bregu matanë!
On that same day, when the sun was setting, Jesus said to [his disciples], “Let’s cross over to the opposite side of [Lake Galilee in the boat].”
36 Dhe dishepujt, si e nisën popullin, e morrën me vete Jezusin, ashtu si ishte, në barkë. Me të ishin edhe disa barka të tjera të vogla.
So they left the crowd, [got in] the boat where Jesus [already] was, and left. [Other people] went with them in other boats.
37 Ndërkaq shpërtheu një furtunë e madhe dhe valët përplaseshin mbi barkë aq shumë sa ajo po mbushej.
A strong wind came up and the waves started coming into the boat! The boat was soon nearly full [of water]!
38 Ai ndërkaq po flinte në kiç mbi një jastëk. Ata e zgjuan dhe i thanë: “Mësues, a nuk merakosesh që ne po marrim fund?”.
Jesus was in the back part of the boat. He was sleeping, [with his head] on a cushion. So they woke him up and said to him, “Teacher! (You ought to be concerned that we are about to die!/Are you not concerned that we are about to die?) [RHQ]”
39 Dhe ai si u zgjua, e qortoi erën dhe i foli detit: “Pusho dhe fashitu!”. Dhe era pushoi dhe u bë qetësi e madhe.
So Jesus got up and rebuked the wind. Then he said to the lake, “Be quiet! Be still! [DOU]” The wind [immediately] blowing and then [the lake] became very calm.
40 Atëherë u tha atyre: “Pse jeni ju aq frikacakë? Vallë, si nuk keni besim?”.
He said to the disciples, “([I am disappointed that] you are afraid [like that]!/Why are you afraid [like that]?) [RHQ] Do you not yet believe [that I can protect you]?”
41 Dhe ata i zuri një frikë e madhe dhe i thoshnin njëritjetrit: “Vallë, kush është ky, që po i binden edhe era edhe deti?”.
They were very awestruck. They said to one another, “[Not only do the demons obey this man, but] even the wind and the waves obey him! “(What kind of man is he?/This man is [not like ordinary] people!) [RHQ]”

< Marku 4 >