< 2 e Korintasve 3 >

1 A fillojmë përsëri të rekomandojmë veten tonë? Apo mos kemi nevojë, si disa, për letra rekomandimi për ju ose për rekomandime nga ana juaj?
[As I write these things about myself], I am [RHQ] not [doing it] to boast about how good I am, [as some of you say I do]. Some people always carry letters with them that tell how well they work, [that other people] have [written]. But I do not [RHQ] need [to bring] letters like that [when I come to you]. Nor do I need to ask you [to write] letters like that [for me when I go to other congregations].
2 Ju jeni letra jonë, e shkruar në zemrat tona, e njohur dhe e lexuar nga të gjithë njerëzit,
You yourselves are [MET] [like a] letter that recommends my work [for God to everyone]. People see [how Christ changed] your [lives when you believed the message that I taught you]. Everyone [who knows you] can see [the result of my work for God].
3 duke qenë manifestuar se jeni një letër e Krishtit, e hartuar me anë të shërbesës sonë, dhe e shkruar jo me bojë, por me Frymën e Perëndisë së gjallë, dhe jo mbi rrasa guri, por mbi rrasa të një zemre mishi.
You are [MET] [like] a letter that Christ himself [has written] that says good things about [my work for God in your lives]. You show [people by the way you now conduct your lives that God has changed your lives] as a result of my work [among you. People did] not [find out about you by] reading [a letter that was written to them on paper] with [pen and] ink. Instead, [they saw how] the Spirit of the all-powerful God [has changed your lives]. Nor [did people find out about you by reading] a letter that was carved on stone slabs [like the stone slabs that God gave to Moses]. Instead, [it was the change that God’s Spirit made in] your lives [MET] [that they saw].
4 Dhe këtë besim ne e kemi në Perëndinë me anë të Krishtit;
I [can very] confidently [write these things about the work that Silas, Timothy, and I did among you, because God knows that what I write is true. We(exc) are true workers] for God [because of what] Christ [has done for us].
5 jo se jemi të aftë prej vetiu të kuptojmë ndonjë gjë sikur vjen nga vetja jonë, por aftësia jonë vjen nga Perëndia,
We [(exc)], by ourselves, do not have the ability [to do this work]. None of us [apostles] can say, “[I have changed the lives of these people].” God is the one [who has given us this ability].
6 i cili na bëri të aftë të jemi shërbëtorë të besëlidhjes së re, jo të shkronjës, por të Frymës, sepse shkronja vret, por Fryma jep jetë.
He is the one who enables us [(exc)] to be his messengers. [He has enabled us to tell people the message] about the new agreement [that he is making with them]. This is not a [message about obeying all the] written laws [of his old agreement that he made with the Jewish people]. Instead, [it is a message about God giving us his] Spirit. [Previously, God condemned people to be] separated from him forever [if they did not obey his laws]. But by [God’s new agreement] his Spirit enables people to live [eternally].
7 Dhe, në qoftë se shërbimi i vdekjes, që ishte gdhendur me shkronja mbi gurë, qe i lavdishëm aq sa bijtë e Izraelit nuk mund të vështronin me sy fytyrën e Moisiut, për shkak të lavdisë së pamjes së tij, që duhet të anullohej,
[Moses] taught [the people that if they did not obey God’s laws completely they would be] separated from God forever. [God] wrote [his laws] on stone [slabs. Then he gave them to Moses to teach them to the people. Although God’s laws condemned the people] to die, [when Moses brought those laws down from Sinai Mountain, God caused Moses’ face to shine] Moses’ face to shine radiantly [to show the people that these laws were God’s laws. It shone]. so brightly that the people of Israel could not keep looking at Moses’ face. [They had to look away]. But the brightness was slowly fading away.
8 sa më i lavdishëm do të jetë shërbimi i Frymës?
[So], [since God showed in such a wonderful way that those laws that condemned the people to die were from him], surely when we [(exc)] teach [people about how God’s] Spirit will [change their lives], [God will show] in an even more wonderful way [that] it is [his message.] [RHQ]
9 Sepse, nëse shërbimi i dënimit qe rrethuar me lavdi, shumë më tepër do të teprojë në lavdi shërbimi i drejtësisë.
The message [that Moses taught them was wonderful, but when people heard] that message, [they realized that they were sinners and that God] would punish them. But God’s message that we [(exc) teach is a] much more wonderful message. We teach people that God will (erase the record of/declare people no longer guilty for) [the sinful things that they have done].
10 Sepse ç’ka është lavdëruar nuk është lavdëruar nga kjo pikëpamje, për shkak të asaj lavdie që e kapërcen çdo masë.
[The truth is that, although the work of teaching the people to obey God’s laws] was once important, it is not as important now, because [the work of teaching people that God will forgive them and] enable them to live to please him is far more important.
11 Sepse, në qoftë se ajo që duhet të anullohej u rrethua me lavdi, ajo që mbetet do të jetë shumë më e lavdishme.
Furthermore, [the message that Moses taught was not a lasting message, just like] the brightness on his face was not lasting and soon faded away. But [when God gives his Spirit to people], the wonderful work that [God’s Spirit does in their lives] is much greater [because] it lasts forever.
12 Duke pasur, pra, një shpresë të tillë, flasim me shumë guxim,
We [(exc)] know that the message that we teach is a [much more wonderful message than the message that Moses taught]. So we [can preach] boldly.
13 dhe jo si Moisiu, i cili vinte një vel mbi fytyrën e vet, që bijtë e Izraelit të mos vështronin me sy fundin e asaj që duhej të anullohej.
We do not [need to put a veil over our faces when we teach people], as Moses did. Moses put a veil over his face so that the Israelites would not see that the radiance [on his face] soon faded away. [Similarly, the glory of the old agreement has also faded away].
14 Por mendjet e tyre u errën; sepse, në leximin e besëlidhjes së vjetër, po ky vel mbetet pa u hequr, sepse veli anullohet në Krishtin.
But the Israelis stubbornly refused to [understand that the old agreement would end]. Even now, when they read the old agreement, [they still do not realize that it has ended. It is as if] [MET] that same veil [that Moses put on his face] is now over their [minds, keeping them from understanding God’s true message]. They will [understand that message] only when [they come to trust] in Christ. Then [it will be as though God] has removed the veil.
15 Por deri më sot, kur lexohet Moisiu, një vel mbetet mbi zemrat e tyre.
[Throughout all these years], even until now, when [the Israelis] read what Moses [write, it is as though] a veil is covering their minds.
16 Por kur Izraeli të kthehet te Zoti, veli do të hiqet.
But when any of them believes in the Lord [Jesus], [God] removes that veil from them.
17 Sepse Zoti është Fryma, dhe atje ku është Fryma e Zotit, atje është liria.
[It is by the power of his] Spirit that the Lord [works in our lives], and the Lord’s Spirit has set us free [from trying to obey all the rules and rituals that God gave Moses].
18 Dhe ne të gjithë, duke soditur fytyrëzbuluar lavdinë e Zotit si në pasqyrë, transformohemi në të njëjtën shëmbëllim nga lavdia në lavdi, posi prej Frymës së Zotit.
[It is as though God] has removed the veil from our faces [MET]. We realize how awesome Jesus is. As we realize that, we are continually being changed {[the Holy Spirit is] continually changing us} to become more and more like Jesus, [so that people can see], more and more, how awesome [Jesus is]. It is the Spirit of the Lord who does [this].

< 2 e Korintasve 3 >