< मार्क 14:38 >

38 “तुम्हीन परिक्षामा पडाले नको म्हणीन जागा ऱ्हा, अनी प्रार्थना करा. आत्मा कितला बी उतावळा व्हई, पण शरीर अशक्त शे.”
do watch
Next word
to keep watch
Verb Present Active Imperative 2nd Plural
an ACTION that certainly happens - by persons being spoken or written to
Identical in all sources
to keep watch
Greek Verb
γρηγορέω, -ῶ, = Attic ἐργήγορα, pf. of ἐγείρω, which see, [in LXX (later bks. only) chiefly for שׁקד;] 1) to be awake; metaphorically, of being alive, 1Th.5:10. 2) to watch: Mat.24:43 26:38, 40 Mrk.13:34 14:34, 37 Luk.12:37, 39; metaphorically, Mat.24:42 25:13 26:41, Mrk.13:35, 37 14:38, Act.20:31, 1Co.16:13, 1Th.5:6, 1Pe.5:8, Rev.3:2, 3 16:15; before ἐν, Col.4:2. (Cf. δια-γρηγορέω). SYN.: see: ἀγρθπνέω. (AS)
to keep watch
Greek Verb
γρηγορ-έω, late present, formed from perfect ἐγρήγορα (which see), to be or become fully awake, watch, [LXX+NT+3rd c.AD+]; ἐπὶ τὰς πόλεις[LXX]passive, ἐγρηγορήθη ἐπὶ τὰ ἀσεβήματά μου[LXX]; opposed to καθεύδω, of life opposed to death, [NT]
to keep awake, i.e. watch (literally or figuratively); be vigilant, wake, (be) watch(-ful); from g1453 (ἐγείρω)

Next word
Identical in all sources
Greek Conjunction
καί, conj., and I. Copulative. 1) Connecting single words; (a) in general: Mat.2:18, 16:1, Mrk.2:15, Luk.8:15, Heb.1:1, al. mult; repeated before each of the terms in a series, Mat.23:23, Luk.14:21, Rom.7:12, 9:4, al. (b) connecting numerals (WM, §37, 4): Jhn.2:20, Act.13:20; (with) joining terms which are not mutually exclusive, as the part with the whole: Mat.8:33, 26:59, Mrk.16:17, Act.5:29, al. 2) Connecting clauses and sentences: Mat.3:12, Act.5:21, al. mult; esp. (a) where, after the simplicity of the popular language, sentences are paratactically joined (WM, §60, 3; M, Pr., 12; Deiss, LAE, 128ff.): Mat.1:21, 7:25, Mrk.9:5, Jhn.10:3, al; (b) joining affirmative to negative sentences: Luk.3:14, Jhn.4:11, IIIJhn.10; (with) consecutive, and so: Mat.5:1, 23:32, Heb.3:19, al; after imperatives, Mat.4:19, Luk.7:7, al; (d) = καίτοι, and yet: Mat.3:14, 6:26, Mrk.12:12, Luk.18:7 (Field, Notes, 72), 1Co.5:2, al; (e) beginning an apodosis (= Heb. וְ; so sometimes δέ in cl.), then: Luk.2:21, 7:12, Act.1:10; beginning a question (WM, §53, 3a): Mrk.10:26, Luk.10:29, Jhn.9:36. 3) Epexegetic, and, and indeed, namely (WM, §53, 3c): Luk.3:18, Jhn.1:16, Act.23:6, Rom.1:5, 1Co.3:5, al. 4) In transition: Mat.4:23, Mrk.5:1, 21, Jhn.1:19, al; so, Hebraistically, καὶ ἐγένετο (וַי:הִי; also ἐγένετο δέ), Mrk.1:9 (cf. Luk.5:1; V. Burton, §§357-60; M, Pr., 14, 16). 5) καὶ. καί, both. and (for τε. καί, see: τε); (a) connecting single words: Mat.10:28, Mrk.4:41, Rom.11:33, al; (b) clauses and sentences: Mrk.9:13, Jhn.7:28, 1Co.1:22, al. II. Adjunctive, also, even, still: Mat.5:39, 40; Mrk.2:28, al. mult; esp. with pron, adv, etc, Mat.20:4, Jhn.7:47, al; ὡς κ, Act.11:17; καθὼς κ, Rom.15:7; οὑτω κ, Rom.6:11; διὸ κ, Luk.1:35; ὁ κ. (Deiss, BS, 313ff.), Act.13:9; pleonastically, μετὰ κ. (Bl, §77, 7; Deiss, BS, 265f,), Php.4:3; τί κ, 1 Co 15:29; ἀλλὰ κ, Luk.14:22, Jhn.5:18, al; καίγε (M, Pr., 230; Burton, §437), Act.17:27; καίπερ, Heb.5:8; κ. ἐάν, see: ἐάν. ἐάν, contr. fr. εἰ ἄν, conditional particle, representing something as "under certain circumstances actual or liable to happen," but not so definitely expected as in the case of εἰ with ind. (Bl, §65, 4; cf. Jhn.13:17, 1Co.7:36), if haply, if; 1) with subjc. (cl.); (a) pres: Mat.6:22, Luk.10:6, Jhn.7:17, Rom.2:25, 26 al; { (b) aor. (= Lat. fut. pf.): Mat.4:9 16:26 (cf. ptcp. in Luk.9:25; M, Pr., 230), Mrk.3:24, Luk.14:34, Jhn.5:43, Rom.7:2, al; = cl. εἰ, with opt, Jhn.9:22 11:57, Act.9:2; as Heb. אִם = ὅταν, Jhn.12:32 14:3, I Jhn.2:28 3:2, Heb.3:7 " (LXX). 2) C. indic, (as in late writers, fr. Arist. on; see WH, App., 171; VD, MGr. 2, App., §77; Deiss, BS, 201f, LAE, 155, 254; M, Pr., 168, 187; Bl, §65, 4); (a) fut: Mat.18:19 T, Luk.19:40, Act.7:7; (b) pres: 1Th.3:8 (see Milligan, in l.). 3) With other particles: ἐ. καί (Bl, §65, 6), Gal.6:1; ἐ. μή (M, Pr., 185, 187; Bl, l.with), with subjc. pres, Mat.10:13, 1Co.8:8, Jas.2:17, 1Jn.3:21; aor, Mat.6:15, Mrk.3:27, Jhn.3:3, Rom.10:15, Gal.1:8 2:16 (see Lft, Ellic, in ll.); ἐ. τε. ἐ. τε, [in LXX for אִם. אִם, Est.19:13, al,] Rom.14:8. 4) = cl. ἄν (which see) after relat. pronouns and adverbs (Tdf, Pr., 96; WH, App., 173; M, Pr., 42f; Bl, §26, 4; Mayser, 152f; Deiss, BS, 202ff.): ὃς ἐ, Mat.5:19, Mrk.6:22, 23 Luk.17:32, 1Co.6:18, al; ὅπου ἐ, Mat.8:19; ὁσάκις ἐ, Rev.11:6; οὗ ἐ, 1Co.16:6; καθὸ ἐ, 2Co.8:12; ὅστις ἐ, Gal.5:10. (AS)
Greek Conjunction
καί, conjunction, copulative, joining words and sentences, A) and; also adverb, even, also, just, frequently expressing emphatic assertion or assent, corresponding as positive to the negative οὐ (μή) or οὐδέ (μηδέ). copulative, and, A.I) joining words or sentences to those preceding, ἦ, καὶ κυανέῃσιν ἐπ᾽ ὀφρύσινεῦσε Κρονίων [Refs 8th c.BC+]: repeated with two or more Nouns, αἱ δὲ ἔλαφοι κ. δορκάδες κ. οἱ ἄγριοι οἶες κ. οἱ ὄνοι οἱ ἄγριοι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; joining only the last pair, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ ὄχλος πλείων κ. πλείων ἐπέρρει more and more, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; to add epithets after πολύς, πολλὰ κ. ἐσθλά [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.I.2) to addalimiting or defining expression, πρὸς μακρὸν ὄρος κ. Κύνθιον ὄχθον to the mountain and specially to, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (sometimes in reverse order, πρὸς δῶμα Διὸς κ. μακρὸν Ὄλυμπον [Refs 8th c.BC+]; to add by way of climax, θεῶν. κ. Ποσειδῶνος all the gods, and above all. , [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently ἄλλοι τε καί, ἄλλως τε καί, see at {ἄλλος} [Refs]; ὀλίγου τινὸς ἄξια κ. οὐδενός little or nothing, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. ταῦτα and this too. , γελᾶν ἀναπείθειν, κ. ταῦθ᾽ οὕτω πολέμιον ὄντα τῷ γέλωτι [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II) at the beginning of a sentence, A.II.1) in appeals or requests, καί μοι δὸς τὴν Χεῖρα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; καί μοι λέγε, καί μοι ἀπόκριναι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently in Oratt, καί μοι λέγε. τὸ ψήφισμα, καί μοι ἀνάγνωθι, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.2) in questions, to introduce an objection or express surprise, κ. τίς τόδ᾽ ἐξίκοιτ᾽ ἂν ἀγγέλων τάχο; [Refs 4th c.BC+]; κ. πῶς; pray how? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. δὴ τί; but then what? [Refs]; κ. ποῖον; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. τίς εἶδε πώποτε βοῦς κριβανίτα; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κἄπειτ᾽ ἔκανε; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. τίς πώποτε Χαριζόμενος ἑτέρῳ τοῦτο εἰργάσατ; [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.3) ={καίτοι}, and yet, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.4) at the beginning of a speech, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III) after words implying sameness or like ness, as, γνώμῃσι ἐχρέωντο ὁμοίῃσι κ. σύ they had the same opinion as you, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἴσον or ἴσα κ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν ἴσῳ (i.e. ἐστὶ) κ. εἰ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.2) after words implying comparison or opposition, αἱ δαπάναι οὐχ ὁμοίως κ. πρίν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.3) to express simultaneity, ἦν ἦμαρ δεύτερον, κἀγὼ κατηγόμην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; παρέρχονταί τε μέσαι νύκτες κ. ψύχεται [τὸ ὕδωρ] [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [οἱ Λακεδαιμόνιοι] οὐκ ἔφθασαν τὴν ἀρχὴν κατασχόντες κ. Θηβαίοις εὐθὺς ἐπεβούλευσαν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.IV) joining an affirmative clause with a negative, ἀλλ᾽ ὥς τι δράσων εἷρπε κοὐ θανούμενος [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.V) καί, καί. correlative, not only, but also. , κ. ἀεὶ κ. νῦν, κ. τότε κ. νῦν, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI) by anacoluthon, ὣς φαμένη κ. κερδοσύνῃ ἡγήσατ᾽ Ἀθήνη, for ὣς ἔφη κ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔρχεται δὲ αὐτή τε. κ. τὸν υἱὸν ἔχουσα, for κ. ὁ υἱός, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B) even, also, just, B.1) τάχα κεν κ. ἀναίτιον αἰτιόῳτο even the innocent, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; δόμεναι κ. μεῖζον ἄεθλον an even greater prize, [Refs]full five,[Refs 5th c.BC+] two or three, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2) also, κ. ἐγώ I also, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. αὐτοί they also, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Ἀγίας καὶ Σωκράτης κ. τούτω ἀπεθανέτην likewise died, [Refs]; in adding surnames, etc, Ὦχος ὁ κ. Δαρειαῖος [Refs 5th c.BC+]; nominative ὁ κ. first in [Refs 1st c.BC+], frequently later, [Refs 2nd c.AD+], etc; Ἰούδας ὁ κ. Μακκαβαῖος [NT+8th c.BC+]; εἴπερ τι κ. ἄλλο, ὥς τις κ. ἄλλος, [Refs 5th c.BC+], not only, but also. , see at {μόνος}; οὐδὲν μᾶλλον. ἢ οὐ καὶ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2.b) frequently used both in the antecedent and relative clause, where we put also in the antecedent only, εἰ μὲν κ. σὺ εἶ τῶν ἀνθρώπων ὧνπερ κ. ἐγώ [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.3) frequently in apodosi, after temporal Conjs, ἀλλ᾽ ὅτε δή ῥα, κ. τότε δή. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also after εἰ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: as a Hebraism, κ. ἐγένετο. κ. [LXX+NT] B.4) with Advs, to give emphasis, κ. κάρτα [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. λίην full surely, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. πάλαι, κ. πάνυ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. μάλα, κ. σφόδρα, in answers, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.5) with words expressing a minimum, even so much as, were it but, just, ἱέμενος κ. καπνὸν ἀποθρῴσκοντα νοῆσαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οἷς ἡδὺ κ. λέγειν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τίς δὲ κ. προσβλέψετα; who will so much as look at you? [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.6) just, τοῦτ᾽ αὐτὸ κ. νοσοῦμεν 'tis just that that ails me, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: frequently with a relative, τὸ κ. κλαίουσα τέτηκα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; and how long ago was the city sacked? [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ποῦ καί σφε θάπτε; where is he burying her? [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.7) even, just, implying assent, ἔπειτά με κ. λίποι αἰών thereafter let life e'en leave me, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.8) κ. εἰ even if, of a whole condition represented as an extreme case, opposed to εἰ κ. although, notwithstanding that, of a condition represented as immaterial even if fulfilled,[Refs 8th c.BC+]; εἰ κ. ἠπιστάμην if I had been able, [Refs 5th c.BC+] each exert their force separtely, as εἴ περ ἀδειής τ᾽ ἐστί, καὶ εἰ. and if. [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.9) before a Participle, to represent either καὶ εἰ, or εἰ καί, although, albeit, Ἕκτορα κ. μεμαῶτα μάχης σχήσεσθαι ὀΐω, for ἢν κ. μεμάῃ, how much soever he rage, although he rage, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C) Position: καί and, is by Poets sometimes put after another word, ἔγνωκα, τοῖσδε κοὐδὲν ἀντειπεῖν ἔχω, for καὶ τοῖσδε οὐδέν [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.2) καί also, sometimes goes between a preposition and its case, ἐν κ. θαλάσσᾳ [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.3) very seldom at the end of a verse, [Refs 5th c.BC+] D) crasis: with ᾰ, as κἄν, κἀγαθοί, etc; with ε, as κἀγώ, κἄπειτα, etc, Doric dialect κἠγώ, κἤπειτα, etc; with η, as Χἠ, Χἠμέρη, Χἠμεῖς, etc; with ῐ in Χἰκετεύετε, Χἰλαρ; with ο, as Χὠ, Χὤστις, etc; with υ in Χὐμεῖς, Χὐποχείριον, etc; with ω in the pronoun ᾧ, Χ; with αι, as κᾀσχρῶ; with αυ, as καὐτό; with ει, as κεἰ, κεἰς (but also κἀς), κᾆτ; with εὐ, as κεὐγένεια, κεὐσταλή; with οι in Χοἰ (Χᾠ [Refs]; with ου in Χοὖτος, κοὐ, κοὐδέ, and the like.
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words; and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet; apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force

do pray
Next word
to pray
Verb Present Middle or Passive Deponent Imperative 2nd Plural
an ACTION that certainly happens - by persons being spoken or written to
Identical in all sources
to pray
Greek Verb
προσ-εύχομαι [in LXX chiefly for פָּלַל hith;] to pray (always of prayer to God, or in cl, to gods): absol, Mat.6:5-7, 9 14:23 19:13 26:36, 39 26:41, 44, Mrk.1:35 6:46 11:24-25 13:33 (WH, E, txt, om.) Mrk.14:32, 38-39 Luk.1:10 3:21 5:16 6:12 9:18, 28-29 11:1-2 18:1, 10 22:44 (WH, E, mg, om.), Act.1:24 6:6 9:11 10:9, 30 11:5 12:12 13:3 14:23 16:25 20:36 21:5 22:17 28:8, 1Co.11:4-5 14:14, 1Th.5:17, 1Ti.2:8, Jas.5:13, 18; before λέγων, Mat.26:39, 42, Luk.22:41; with dative instr, 1Co.11:5 14:14-15; μακρά, Mat.23:14 (WH, R, txt, om.), Mrk.12:40, Luk.20:47; ἐν πνεύματι (ἁγίῳ), Eph.6:18, Ju 20; προσευχῇ π. (a Hebraism, see: προσευχή), Jas.5:17; with accusative of thing(s), Luk.18:11, Rom.8:26; before ἐπί, with accusative of person(s), Jas.5:14; with dative of person(s), Mat.6:6, 1Co.11:13; before περί, with genitive, Act.8:15, Col.1:3 4:3, 1Th.5:25, 2Th.1:11 3:1, Heb.13:18; ὑπέρ, Mat.5:44 Luk.6:28, Col.1:9, Jas.5:16; before ἵνα, Mat.24:20, Mrk.13:18 14:35, Luk.22:46, 1Co.14:13; τοῦτο ἵνα, Php.1:9; with inf, Luk.22:46; before τοῦ, with inf. (Bl, § 71, 3), Jas.5:17. (AS)
to pray
Greek Verb
προσεύχομαι, future -ξομαι[Refs 4th c.BC+]:—offer prayers or vows, θεοῖς [Refs 5th c.BC+] 2) with accusative, π. τὸν θεόν address him in prayer, [Refs 5th c.BC+] 3) absolutely, offer prayers, worship, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. γλώσσῃ, πνεύματι, νοΐ, [NT] II) with accusative of things, pray for a thing, νίκην πολέμου [Refs 5th c.BC+]: c.infinitive, ἕλκειν τὸ βέδυ π. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ζῆσαι προσεύχου pray for life, [Refs] with infinitive, [NT]; π. ἵνα, περί τινων ὅπως, [NT]
to pray to God, i.e. supplicate, worship; pray (X earnestly, for), make prayer; from g4314 (πρός) and g2172 (εὔχομαι)

so that
Next word
in order that/to
Identical in all sources
in order that/to
Greek Conjunction
ἵνα, I. adverb (poët, Hom, al.), 1) of place, where, whither. 2) of circumstance, when. II. Conjunction, 1) prop, final, denoting purpose or end (cl.), that, in order that, usually the first word in the clause, but sometimes (cl. also) preceded by an emphatic word (Act.19:4, Rom.11:31, Gal.2:10, al.); (a) with optative (so in cl. after historic tenses): after a pres, Eph.1:17 (but WH, mg, subjc; see Burton, §225, Rem, 2); (b) with subjc: after a pres, Mrk.4:21, Luk.6:34, Jhn.3:15, Act.2:25, Rom.1:11, al; after a pf, Mat.1:22, Jhn.5:23 1Co.9:22, al; after an imperat. (present or aor.), Mat.7:1, Mrk.11:25, Jhn.10:38, 1Co.7:5, al; after a delib. subjc, Mrk.1:38, al; after a fut, Luk.16:4, Jhn.14:3, 1Co.15:28, al; after historic tenses (where optative in cl; WM, 359f; M, Pr., 196f.), Mrk.6:41 (impf.), Jhn.4:8 (plpf.), Mrk.3:14 (aor.), al; (with) in late writers (M, Pr., 35; Burton, §§198, 199), with indic, fut: Luk.20:10, 1Pe.3:1, al; (d) as often in eccl. writers (Thayer, see word), with indic. pres: 1Co.4:6, Gal.4:17, al. (; but V. Burton, §198, Rem.); (e) εἰς (διὰ) τοῦτο, ἵνα: Jhn.18:37, 1Ti.1:16, al; τούτου χάριν, Tit.1:5; (f) elliptical constructions: omission of the principal verb, Jhn.1:8, 2Th.3:9, 1Jn.2:19, al; of the final verb, Rom.4:16, 2Co.8:13, al. 2) In late writers, definitive, = inf. (WM, 420; Bl, §69, 1), that; (a) after verbs of wishing, caring, striving, etc: θέλω, Mat.7:12, al; ζητῶ, 1Co.4:2 14:12; ζηλόω, 1Co.14:1, al; (b) after verbs of saying, asking, exhorting: εἰπεῖν, Mat.4:3, al; ἐρωτῶ, Mrk.7:26, al; παρακαλῶ, Mat.14:36, 1Co.1:10, al, etc; (with) after words expressing expediency, etc: συμφέρει, Mat.18:6, Jhn.11:50, al; ἱκανός, Mat.8:8, Luk.7:6; χρείαν ἔχω, Jhn.2:25, al, etc; (d) after substantives, adding further definition: ὥρα, Jhn.12:23 13:1; χρόνος, Rev.2:21; συνήθεια, Jhn.18:39; μισθός, 1Co.9:18. 3) In late writers, ecbatic, denoting the result, = ὥστε, that, so that (M, Pr., 206ff; WM, 572; Bl, §69, 3; Burton, §223): Rom.11:11, 1Co.7:29, 1Th.5:4, al. (but see Thayer, see word); so with the formula referring to the fulfilment of prophecy, ἵνα πληρωθῇ, Mat.1:22 2:14, Jhn.13:18, al. (AS)
in order that/to
Greek Conjunction
ἵνα, adverb, I) of Place, I.1) in that place, there, once in [Refs 8th c.BC+] I.2) elsewhere relative, in which place, where,[Refs 8th c.BC+]: rarely in Attic dialect Prose, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἵ. ἡ Νίκη (i.e. ἐστίν) [Refs 8th c.BC+] [same place]; ἵν᾽ ἄν with subjunctive, wherever, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; as indirect interrogative, [Refs 5th c.BC+] I.2.b) after [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔμαθε ἵ. ἦν κακοῦ in what a calamity, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἵν᾽ ἕσταμεν χρείας[Refs 5th c.BC+] I.2.c) with Verbs of motion, whither, [Refs 8th c.BC+] II) of circumstance, γάμος, ἵ. χρή at which, when, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἵ. μὲν ἐξῆν αὐτοῖς, ἐνταῦθα. when it was in their power, [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.2) ={ἐάν}, uncertain in [Refs 8th c.BC+] B) Final conjunction, that, in order that, from [Refs 8th c.BC+] downwards, mostly first word in the clause, but sometimes preceded by an emphatic word, [Refs 8th c.BC+] or κε (if found, these particles belong to the Verb, as in [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I) general usage: B.I.1) with subjunctive, B.I.1.a) after primary tenses of indicative, also subjunctive and imperative: present indicative, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: perfect indicative, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: future, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; subjunctive, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.1.b) after historical tenses, in similes, where the aorist is gnomic, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; where aorist is treated as equivalent to perfect, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: when the purpose is regarded from the point of view of the speaker's present, σὲ παῖδα ποιεύμην ἵ. μοι. λοιγὸν ἀμύνῃς [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.1.c) after optative and ἄν, when optative with οὐκ ἄν is used with sense of imperative, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; after βουλοίμην ἄν, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.1.d) after imperfect with ἄν, [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.2) with optative, B.I.2.a) after historical tenses, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: after the historical present, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: sometimes both moods, subjunctive and optative, follow in consecutive clauses, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.2.b) after optative, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.2.c) rarely after primary tenses, by a shifting of the point of view, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.3) with past tenses of indicative, B.I.3.a) after unfulfilled wishes, [Refs] B.I.3.b) after indicative with ἄν, to express a consequence which has not followed or cannot follow, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.3.c) after such Verbs as ἐχρῆν, ἔδει, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἀντὶ τοῦ κοσμεῖν (={δέον κοσμεῖν}). ἵ. [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.3.d) after present indicative in general statements (including the past), οὐδὲ γὰρ τὸ εἶναι ἔχει ἡ ὕλη, ἱ. ἀγαθοῦ ταύτῃ μετεῖχεν [Refs 3rd c.AD+] B.I.4) ἵ. μή as the negative of ἵνα, that not, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.II) special usages: B.II.1) like{ὅπως}, after Verbs of command and entreaty, is common only in later Gr. (but[NT+8th c.BC+]; also for ὥστε, [LXX+1st c.AD+] B.II.2) because, ἵ. ἀναγνῶ ἐτιμήθην I was honoured because I read, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; not found in literature. B.II.3) elliptical usages, B.II.3.a) where the purpose of the utterance is stated, Ζεὺς ἔσθ᾽, ἵν᾽ εἰδῇς 'tis Zeus,— [I tell thee this] that thou may'st know it, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἵ. δῶμεν. granted that. , [Refs 2nd c.AD+] B.II.3.b) in commands, introducing a principal sentence, ἵ. συντάξῃς order him, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; ἵ. λαλήσῃς [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; ἵ. ἐλθὼν ἐπιθῇς τὰς χεῖρας αὐτῇ [LXX+NT+5th c.BC+] B.II.3.c) ἵ. τί (i.e. γένηται); to what end? either absolutely or as a question, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; or with a Verb following, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἵ. δὴ τ; [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II.3.d) in indignant exclamations, to think that! Σωκράτης ἵ. πάθῃ ταῦτα [Refs 2nd c.AD+] B.III) in later Gr. with indicative, [LXX+NT]
compare g3588 (ὁ)); in order that (denoting the purpose or the result); albeit, because, to the intent (that), lest, so as, (so) that, (for) to; probably from the same as the former part of g1438 (ἑαυτοῦ) (through the demonstrative idea

Next word
Negative Particle Negative Negative
introducing a negative
Identical in all sources
Greek Particle Neuter
μή, subjective negative particle, used where the negation depends on a condition or hypothesis, expressed or understood, as distinct from οὐ, which denies absolutely. μή is used where one thinks a thing is not, as distinct from an absolute negation. As a general rule, οὐ negatives the indic, μή the other moods, incl, ptcp. [In LXX for אֵין,אַיִן,אַל] I. As a neg. adv, not; 1) with ref. to thought or opinion: Jhn.3:18, Tit.1:11, 2Pe.1:9. 2) In delib. questions, with subjc. (M, Pr., 185): Mrk.12:14, Rom.3:8. 3) In conditional and final sentences, after εἰ, ἐάν, ἄν, ἵνα, ὅπως: Mat.10:14, Mrk.6:11 12:19, Luk.9:5, Jhn.6:50, Rom.11:25, al. 4) C. inf. (see M, Pr., 234f, 239, 255), (a) after verbs of saying, etc: Mat.2:12 5:34, Mrk.12:18, Act.15:38, Rom.2:21, al; (b) with artic. inf: after a prep, Mat.13:5, Mrk.4:5, Act.7:19, 1Co.10:6, al; without a prep, Rom.14:13, 2Co.2:1, 13 1Th 4:6; (with) in sentences expressing consequence, after ὥστε: Mat.8:28, Mrk.3:20, 1Co.1:7, 2Co.3:7, al. 5) C. ptcp. (see M, Pr., 231f, 239), in hypothetical references to persons of a certain character or description: Mat.10:28 12:30, Luk.6:49, Jhn.3:18, Rom.4:5, 1Co.7:38, 1Jn.3:10, al; where the person or thing being definite, the denial is a matter of opinion: Jhn.6:64, 1Co.1:28 4:7, 18, 2Co.5:21, al; where the ptcp. has a concessive, causal or conditional force, if, though, because not: Mat.18:25, Luk.2:45, Jhn.7:49, Act.9:26, Rom.2:14 5:13, 2Co.3:14, Gal.6:9, Ju 5; where the ptcp. has a descriptive force (being such as), not: Act.9:9, Rom.1:28, 1Co.10:33, Gal.4:8, Heb.12:27, al. 6) μή prohibitive, in indep. sentences, (a) with subjc. praes, 1 of person(s) pl: Gal.5:26 6:9, 1Th.5:6, 1Jn.3:18; (b) with imperat. praes, usually where one is bidden to desist from what has already begun (cf. M, Pr., 122ff.): Mat.7:1, Mrk.5:36, Luk.6:30, Jhn.2:16 5:45, Act.10:15, Rom.11:18, Jas.2:1, Rev.5:5, al; (with) forbidding that which is still future: with imperat. aor, 3 of person(s), Mat.24:18, Mrk.13:15, Luk.17:31, al; with subjc. aor, 2 of person(s), Mat.3:9 10:26, Mrk.5:7, Luk.6:29, Jhn.3:7, Rom.10:6, al; (d) with optative, in wishes: 2Ti.4:16 (LXX); μὴ γένοιτο (see M, Pr., 194; Bl, §66, 1), Luk.20:16, Rom.3:3, al; μή τις, Mrk.13:5, al. II. As a conj, 1) after verbs of fearing, caution, etc, that, lest, perhaps (M, Pr., 192f.): with subjc. praes, Heb.12:15; with subjc. aor, Mat.24:4, Mrk.13:5, Luk.21:8, Act.13:40, Gal.5:15, al; ὅρα μή (see M, Pr., 124, 178), elliptically, Rev.19:10 22:9; with indic, fut. (M, Pr., l.with), Col.2:8. 2) in order that not: with subjc. aor, Mrk.13:36, 2Co.8:20 12:6. III. Interrogative, in hesitant questions (M, Pr., 170), or where a negative answer is expected: Mat.7:9, 10, Mrk.2:19, Jhn.3:4, Rom.3:3 10:18, 19, 1Co.1:13, al; μή τις, Luk.22:35, al; before οὐ (Rom.10:17, al. in Pl.), expecting an affirm, ans; οὐ μή, Luk.18:7, Jhn.18:11. IV. οὐ μή as emphatic negation (cf. M, Pr., 188, 190ff; Bl. §64, 5), not at all, by no means: with indic, fut, Mat.16:22, Jhn.6:35, Heb.10:17, al; with subjc. aor, Mat.24:2, Mrk.13:2, Luk.6:37, Jhn.13:8, 1Co.8:13, al. (AS)
Greek Particle Neuter
μή, Elean μά [ᾱ] [Refs 6th c.BC+]. (Cf. Sanskrit mā´, Armenian mi [from I.-[Refs 5th c.BC+] mē´], negative used in prohibitions):—not, the negative of the will and thought, as οὐ of fact and statement; μή rejects, οὐ denies; μή is relative, οὐ absolute; μή subjective, οὐ objective. (A few examples of μηδέ and μηδείς have been included.) A) in INDEPENDENT sentences, used in expressions of will or wish, command, entreaty, warning, A.1) with present imperative, 2 person, μή μ᾽ ἐρέθιζε [Refs 8th c.BC+]: rarely with aorist imperative, μὴ. ἔνθεο τιμῇ [Refs 8th c.BC+]; in Attic dialect, μὴ ψεῦσον, ὦ Ζεῦ, τῆς. ἐλπίδος [Refs 8th c.BC+]perfect imperative [Refs 8th c.BC+] person when perfect = present, μὴ κεκράγετε [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.2) with subjunctive (usually [Refs], in prohibitions, μὴ δή με. ἐάσῃς [Refs 8th c.BC+]; μή τοί με κρύψῃς τοῦτο[Refs 5th c.BC+]: coupled with present imperative, μὴ βοηθήσητε τῷ πεπονθότι δεινά, μὴ εὐορκεῖτε [Refs 8th c.BC+] person present subjunctive, μὴ κάμνῃς [Refs 5th c.BC+]: also with the hortative subjunctive used to supply the [Refs] person of the imperative, present μὴ ἴομεν [Refs 8th c.BC+]: aorist μὴ πάθωμεν [Refs 5th c.BC+]: rarely with 1st pers. singular, μή σε. κιχείω [Refs 8th c.BC+] (anapaest meter). A.2.b) with present or aorist subjunctive in a warning or statement of fear, μὴ. γένησθε take care you do not become, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; μὴ. ὑφαίνῃσιν I fear. may prove to be weaving, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: in Attic dialect Prose, to make a polite suggestion of apprehension or hesitation, perhaps, μὴ ἀγροικότερον ᾖ τὸ ἀληθὲς εἰπεῖν [Refs 5th c.BC+]: in later Greek the indicative is found, μὴ ἡ ἔννοια ἡμῶν. ἀντιλαμβάνεται [Refs 5th c.AD+] A.3) with future indicative, a uncertain usage (νεμεσήσετ᾽ is subjunctive in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; μὴ βουλήσεσθε (Papyrus βούλη[σθ]ε) [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.4) with past tenses of indicative to express an unfulfilled wish, μὴ ὄφελες λίσσεσθαι [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.5) with optative to express a negative wish, with present, ἃ μὴ κραίνοι τύχη [Refs 4th c.BC+]: more frequently with aorist, μὴ σέ γ᾽ ἐν ἀμφιάλῳ Ἰθάκῃ βασιλῆα Κρονίων ποιήσειεν [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.6) in oaths and asseverations, ἴστω Ζεὺς, μὴ μὲν τοῖς ἵπποισιν ἀνὴρ ἐποχήσεται ἄλλος [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.7) with infinitive, when used as imperative, μὴ δή μοι ἀπόπροθεν ἰσχέμεν ἵππους [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.8) frequently without a Verb, εἰ χρή, θανοῦμαι. Answ. μὴ σύ γε (i.e. θάνῃς) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἄπελθε νῦν. Answ. μὴ (i.e. γενέσθω) ἀλλά nay but, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; in curt expressions, μὴ τριβὰς ἔτι (i.e. ποιεῖσθε) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; μή μοι σύ none of that to me! [Refs 5th c.BC+]; μή μοι πρόφασιν no excuses! [Refs 5th c.BC+] B) in DEPENDENT clauses: B.1) with Final Conjs, ἵνα μή [Refs 8th c.BC+], that so, ὅπως ἂν. μηδέ [Refs 8th c.BC+]; but B.1.b) μή alone, ={ἵνα μή}, lest, ἀπόστιχε μή τινοήσῃ Ἥρη [Refs 8th c.BC+]: future indicative and aorist subjunctive in consecutive clauses, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2) in the protasis of conditional sentences, see at {εἰ} (for the exceptions see at {οὐ}), and with temporal conjunctions used conditionally, see at {ἐπειδάν, ὅταν, ὅτε}, etc. B.2.b) ὅτι μή except, ὅτι μὴ Χῖοι μοῦνοι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὅσα μὴ ἀποβαίνοντες provided only that they did not disembark, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.3) in later Gr, with causal Conjs, ὁ μὴ πιστεύων ἤδη κέκριται, ὅτι μὴ πεπίστευκεν [NT+2nd c.AD+] that, ὅτι μὴ ἐστὶν ἐπίπεδος οὕτως ἂν καταμάθοιμεν [Refs 2nd c.AD+] B.4) in relative clauses, which imply a condition or generality, ὃς δὲ μὴ εἶδέ κω τὴν κανναβίδα whoever, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὃ μὴ κελεύσει (perhaps κελεύσαι) Ζεύς such a thing as, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; λέγονθ᾽ ἃ μὴ δεῖ such things as one ought not, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: frequently with subjunctive, ᾧ μὴ ἄλλοι ἀοσσητῆρες ἔωσιν [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.5) with infinitive, B.5.a) regularlyfrom Homer on, except after Verbs of saying and thinking (but see below c): after ὥστε or ὡς, ὥστε μὴ φρονεῖν [Refs 4th c.BC+]: always when the infinitive takes the Article, τὸ μὴ προμαθεῖν [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.5.b) by an apparent pleonasm after Verbs of negative result signifying to forbid, deny, and the like, ὁ δ᾽ ἀναίνετο μηδὲν ἑλέσθαι [Refs 8th c.BC+] (μηδέν); ἀντιλέγειν [Refs 5th c.BC+] (μηδέ); ἀπαγορεύειν [Refs 5th c.BC+] (μηδέ); ἀποτρέπεσθαι [Refs] (μηδέν); ἀρνεῖσθαι, ἔξαρνος εἶναι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; παύειν (where the participle is more frequently) [Refs 5th c.BC+]: in these cases the Article frequently precedes μή, τὸ δὲ μὴ λεηλατῆσαι. ἔσχε τόδε [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐξομῇ τὸ μὴ εἰδένα; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἴργειν τὸ μή. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐμποδὼν γίγνεσθαι τοῦ μή. [Refs] B.5.c) after Verbs of saying and thinking which involve an action of will, as in those signifying to swear, aver, believe, and the like; so after ὄμνυμι, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: occasionally with other Verbs, φημί [Refs 5th c.BC+]; λέγω, προλέγω, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πάντες ἐροῦσι μή. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; νομίζω[Refs 5th c.BC+]: very frequently in later Gr, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.6) with the participle, when it can be resolved into a conditional clause, μὴ ἐνείκας, = {εἰ μὴ ἤνεικε}, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; μὴ θέλων, ={εἰ μὴ θέλεις}, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; μὴ δολώσαντος θεοῦ, ={εἰ μὴ ἐδόλωσε}, [Refs]; μὴ δρῶν, ={εἰ μὴ δρῴην}, [Refs 5th c.BC+], = ut qui nihil sciam, [Refs]; τίς πρὸς ἀνδρὸς μὴ βλέποντος ἄρκεσι; one who sees not, [Refs]: in this signification frequently with the Article, ὁ μὴ λεύσσων [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with causal significance, μὴ παρὼν θαυμάζεται [Refs 5th c.BC+]: very frequently in later Greek, [Refs 1st c.AD+]: occasionally after Verbs of knowing and showing, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.7) with Substantives, adjectives, and adverbs used generically, with or without Article, τὰ μὴ δίκαια [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἡ μὴ 'μπειρία, ={τὸ μὴ ἔχειν ἐμπειρίαν}, want of experience, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; δῆμον καὶ μὴ δῆμον[Refs 4th c.BC+] B.8) after Verbs expressing fear or apprehension (compare μὴ οὐ): B.8.a) when the thing feared is future, mostly with subjunctive: with present subjunctive, δεινῶς ἀθυμῶ μὴ βλέπων ὁ μάντις ᾖ shall proveto be, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: more frequently with aorist, δείδοικα. μή σε παρείπῃ [Refs 8th c.BC+]: with perfect, shall prove to have been, δέδοικα μὴ περαιτέρω πεπραγμέν᾽ ᾖ μοι [Refs 5th c.BC+]: less frequently with future indicative, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with optative according to the sequence of moods and tenses: present optative, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: aorist, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: perfect, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with future optative in oratio obliqua, [Refs 5th c.BC+]vect.4.41. B.8.b) when the action is present or past, the indicative is used, εἰσόρα μὴ σκῆψιν οὐκ οὖσαν τίθης [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.8.c) with indicative and subjunctive in consecutive clauses, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C) in QUESTIONS: C.I) direct questions, C.I.1) with indicative, where aneg. answer is anticipated (but more generally in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; μή σοι δοκοῦμεν; [Refs 5th c.BC+] (μηδέ) follows οὐ, see at {οὐ μή}. C.I.1.b) in other questions, τί μὴ ποιήσ; what am I not to do? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τί μ; why not? [Refs]; compare μήν C.I.2) with subjunctive, when the speaker deliberates about a negative action, μὴ οὕτω φῶμε; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ τοιοῦτος μὴ δῷ δίκη; [Refs 4th c.BC+]; πῶς μὴ φῶμε; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; how can a man help being excited when he speaks? [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II) indirect questions, frequently with Verbs implying fear and apprehension [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also σκοπεῖσθαι πῶς ἂν μή. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; later in simple indirect questions, ἐπυνθάνετο μὴ ἔγνω [Refs 2nd c.AD+] C.II.2) in questions introduced by εἰ, ἤρετό με. εἰ μὴ μέμνημαι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἴτε. εἴτε μή, εἰ. ἢ οὔ, εἰ. ἢ μή without difference of meaning between μή and οὐ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] D) POSITION of μή. When the negative extends its power over the whole clause, μή properly precedes the Verb. When its force is limited to single words, it precedes those words. But Poets sometimes put μή after the Verb, ὄλοιο μή πω [Refs 5th c.BC+]; φράσῃς. μὴ πέρα[Refs] D.2) μή is sometimes repeated, μή, μή καλέσῃς [Refs 5th c.BC+] E) PROSODY: in Trag. μή may be joined by synizesis with a following ει or ου, μὴ οὐ, μὴ εἰδέναι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: initial ε after μή is cut off by aphaeresis, μὴ 'πὁθουν [Refs] followed by α is sometimes written μἀ. (see. μὴ ἀλλά, etc.); sometimes separately, μὴ ἀδικεῖν [Refs 4th c.BC+] F) μή in COMPOSITION (joined with other words), as μὴ ἀλλά, μὴ γάρ, μὴ οὐ, μὴ ὅπως or ὅτι, μή ποτε, etc, will be found in alphabetical order.
(adverb) not, (conjunction) lest; also (as an interrogative implying a negative answer (whereas g3756 (οὐ) expects an affirmative one)) whether; any but (that), X forbear, + God forbid, + lack, lest, neither, never, no (X wise in), none, nor, (can-)not, nothing, that not, un(-taken), without; a primary particle of qualified negation (whereas g3756 (οὐ) expresses an absolute denial)

you may enter
Next word
to come/go
Verb 2nd Aorist Active Subjunctive 2nd Plural
an ACTION that maybe happened - by persons being spoken or written to
Identical in Nestle/Aland and other source, minor difference in King James sources
εἰσέλθητε (t=eiselthēte) you may enter in - g1525=V-2AAS-2P in: Treg, TR, Byz
to go
to come/go
Greek Verb
ἔρχομαι, [in LXX very frequently for בּוֹא, also for הלךְ ni, אתה, etc, 34 words in all;] 1) to come; (a) of persons, either as arriving or returning from elsewhere: Mat.8:9, Mrk.6:31, Luk.7:8, Jhn.4:27, Rom.9:9, al; before ἀπό, Mrk.5:35 7:1, Jhn.3:2, al; ἐκ, Luk.5:17, Jhn.3:31, al; εἰς, Mrk.1:29, al; διά before εἰς, Mrk.7:31; ἐν (Cremer, 263f, but see: ἐν), Rom.15:29, 1Co.4:21; ἐπί, with accusative, Mrk.6:53 11:13, Jhn.19:33, al; κατά, with accusative, Luk.10:33 Act.16:7; παρά, with genitive, Luk.8:49; with accusative, Mat.15:29, Mrk.9:14, al; with dative comm, incomm. (M, Pr., 75, 245), Mat.21:5, Rev.2:5, 16; with adverbs: πόθεν, Jhn.3:8, al; ἄνωθεν, Jhn.3:31; ὄπισθεν, Mrk.5:27; ὧδε, Mat.8:29; ἐκεῖ, Jhn.18:3; ποῦ, Heb.11:8; before ἕως, Luk.4:42; ἄχρι, Act.11:5; with purpose expressed by inf, Mrk.5:14, Luk.1:59, al; by fut. ptcp, Mat.27:49; ἵνα, Jhn.12:9; εἰς τοῦτο, ἵνα, Act.9:21; διά, with accusative, Jhn.12:9; before verbs of action, ἔρχεται καί, ἦλθε καί, etc: Mrk.2:18, Jhn.6:15, al; ἔρχου καὶ ἴδε, Jhn.1:47 11:34; ἐλθών (redundant; Dalman, Words, 20 f.), Mat.2:8 8:7, Mrk.7:25, Act.16:39, al; similarly ἐρχόμενος, Luk.15:25, al; of coming into public view: esp. of the Messiah (ὁ ἐρχόμενος, Mat.11:3, al; see Cremer, 264), Luk.3:16, Jhn.4:25; hence, of Jesus, Mat.11:19, Luk.7:34, Jhn.5:43, al; of the second coming, Mat.10:23, Act.1:11, 1Co.4:5, 1Th.5:2, al; (b) of time: ἔρξονται ἡμέραι (present for fut: Bl, §56, 8), Luk.23:29, Heb.8:8 " (LXX); fut, Mat.9:15, Mrk.2:20, al; ἔρξεται ὥρα, ὅτε, Jhn.4:21, 23. al; ἦλθεν, ἐλήλυθε ἡ ὥρα, Jhn.13:1 16:32 17:1; ἡ ἡμέρα τ. κυρίου, 1Th.5:2; καιροί, Act.3:19; (with) of things and events: κατακλυσμός, Luk.17:27; λιμός, Act.7:11; ἡ ὀργή, 1Th.1:10; ὁ λύχνος, Mrk.4:21 (see Swete, in l.). Metaphorical, τ. ἀγαθά, Rom.3:8; τ. τέλειον, 1Co.13:10; ἡ πίστις, Gal.3:23, 25; ἡ ἐντολή, Rom.7:9; with prepositions: ἐκ τ. θλίψεως, Rev.7:14; ἐις τ. χεῖρον, Mrk.5:26; εἰς πειρασμόν, ib. 14:38, al. 2) to go: ὀπίσω, with genitive (Heb. הָלַךְ אַחֲרֵי), Mat.16:24, Mrk.8:34, Luk.9:23; σύν, Jhn.21:3; ὁδόν, Luk.2:44. (Cf. ἀν, ἐπ-αν, ἀπ, δι, εἰς, ἐπ-εἰσ, συν-εἰσ, ἐξ, δι-εξ, ἐπ, κατ, παρ, ἀντι-παρ, περι, προ, προσ, συν-έρχομαι.) SYN.: πορεύομαι, χωρέω (v, Thayer, see word ἔρξομαι). (AS)
to come/go
Greek Verb
ἔρχομαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]: imperfect ἠρχόμην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently in later Prose, [LXX+NT+2nd c.AD+]; in Attic dialect rare even in compounds, ἐπ-ηρχόμην [Refs 5th c.BC+]future ἐλεύσομαι, [Refs 8th c.BC+], Ionic dialect, Trag. [Refs 5th c.BC+], in Attic dialect Prose only in [Refs 5th c.BC+]: aorist, Epic dialect and Lyric poetry ἤλῠθον [Refs 8th c.BC+]; but ἦλθον is more frequently even in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Epic dialect infinitive ἐλθέμεναι, -έμεν, [Refs 8th c.BC+] unaugmented unless ἐξ-ελύθη [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Doric dialect ἦνθον [Refs 5th c.BC+]; participle ἐνθών [Refs 6th c.BC+]; subjunctive ἔνθῃ [Refs]; Laconian dialect ἔλσῃ, ἔλσοιμι, ἐλσών, [NT+5th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. plural ἤλθοσαν [LXX+2nd c.BC+]; ἤλυθα [Refs 4th c.AD+]perfect ἐλήλῠθα (not in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; syncopated. plural ἐλήλῠμεν, -υτε, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Epic dialect εἰλήλουθα, whence I plural εἰλήλουθμεν [Refs 8th c.BC+], participle εἰληλουθώς [Refs 8th c.BC+], participle κατ-εληλευθυῖα [Refs]; Cretan dialect perfect infinitive ἀμφ-εληλεύθεν, see at {ἀμφέρχομαι}: Boeotian dialect perfect διεσσ-είλθεικε[Refs 3rd c.BC+]participle κατηνθηκότι[Refs 4th c.BC+]: pluperfect ἐληλύθειν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Ionic dialect ἐληλύθεε [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Epic dialect εἰληλούθει [Refs 8th c.BC+] —In _Attic dialect_ the oblative moods of present, as well as the imperfect and future were replaced by forms of εἶμι ibo (which see): in [Refs]future, aorist, and perfect being supplied as before by ἐλυθ- (ἐλθ-): I) start, set out, ἦ μέν μοι μάλα πολλὰ.Λυκάων ἐρχομένῳ ἐπέτελλε when I was setting out, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τύχησε γὰρ ἐρχομένη νηῦς a ship was just starting, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐς πλόον ἐρχομένοις (variant{ἀρχ-}) [Refs 5th c.BC+] I.2) walk,= περιπατέω, χαμαὶ ἐρχομένων ἀνθρώπων [Refs 8th c.BC+]; σὲ δ᾽ ἐρχόμενον ἐν δίκᾳ πολὺς ὄλβος ἀμφινέμεται walking in justice, [Refs 5th c.BC+]present ἔρχομαι. II) (much more frequently) come or go (the latter especially in Epic dialect and Lyric poetry), ἦλθες thou art come, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; χαίροισ᾽ ἔρχεο go and fare thee well, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οἶκον ἐλεύσεται[Refs 4th c.BC+]: as a hortatory exclamation, ἀλλ᾽ ἔρχευ, λέκτρονδ᾽ ἴομεν [Refs 8th c.BC+] III) with accusative cognate, ὁδὸν ἐλθέμεναι to go a journey, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; νόστιμον ἐλθεῖν πόδα (variant{δόμον}) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἀγγε- λίην, ἐξεσίην ἐλθεῖν, go on an embassy, [Refs 8th c.BC+] III.2) with accusative loci, come to, arrive at, rare in [Refs 8th c.BC+]: frequently in later Poets, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; traverse, ὁ ἥλιος ἔρχεται τῆς Λιβύης τὰ ἄνω [Refs 8th c.BC+] III.3) with genitive loci, ἔρχονται πεδίοιο through or across the plain, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; but also, from a place, γῆς τινος [Refs 5th c.BC+] III.4) with dative person, come to, i.e. come to aid or relieve one, rare in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also in hostile sense, ἔρχομαί σοι [NT] IV) with future participle, to denote the object, ἔρχομαι ἔγχος οίσόμενος I go to fetch, [Refs 8th c.BC+] IV.2) in [Refs 5th c.BC+] I am going to tell, [Refs]; σημανέων [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἔρχομαι ἐπιχειρῶν -σοι ἐπιδείξασθαι, for ἔ. σοι ἐπιδειξόμενος, [Refs 5th c.BC+] IV.3) with participle present, aorist, or perfect, in [Refs 8th c.BC+] she came running, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; μὴ πεφοβημένος ἔλθῃς lest thou come thither in full flight,[Refs]; ἦλθε φθάμενος he came first,[Refs]; κεχαρισμένος ἔλθυι [Refs 8th c.BC+] IV.4) aor, participle ἐλθών added to Verbs, οὐ δύναμαι.μάχεσθαι ἐλθών go and fight, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κάθηρον ἐλθών come and cleanse,[Refs 5th c.BC+] V) of any kind of motion, ἐξ ἁλὸς ἐλθεῖν to rise out of the sea, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐπὶ πόντον to go over it, [Refs]; with qualifying phrase, πόδεσσιν ἔ. to go on foot, [Refs]have come as a foot-soldier, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; of birds, [Refs]; of ships, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; of spears or javelins, frequently in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; of natural phenomena, as rivers, [Refs]; wind and storm, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; stars, rise, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; of events and conditions, είς ὅ κε γῆρας ἔλθῃ καὶ θάνατος [Refs]; of feelings, go, ἦ κέ μοι αίνὸν ἀπὸ πραπίδων ἄχος ἔλθοι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; of sounds, etc, τὸν.περὶ φρένας ἤλυθ᾽ ίωή [Refs 8th c.BC+]; without φρένας, περὶ δέ σφεας ἤλυθ᾽ ι>ωή [Refs]; of battle, ὁμόσ᾽ ἦλθε μάχη [Refs 8th c.BC+]; of things sent or taken, ὄφρα κε δῶρα ἐκ κλισίης ἔλθῃσι [Refs]; so later, especially of danger or evil, with dative, εἰ πάλιν ἔλθοι τῇ Ἑλλάδι κίνδυνος ὑπὸ βαρβάρων [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of reports, commands, etc, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοῖς Ἀθηναίοις ὡς ἦλθε τὰ γεγενημένα came to their ears, [Refs]; τὰ ἐρχόμενα ἐπ᾽ αὐτόν that which was about to happen to him, [NT]; of property, which comes or passes to a person by bequest, conveyance, gift, etc, τὰ ἐληλυθότα εἴς με ἀπὸ κληρονομίας [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; ἐ. εἴς τινα ἀπὸ παραχωρήσεως, κατὰ δωρεάν, [Refs 3rd c.AD+]: —Geometry texts, pass, fall, ἔ. ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτὸ σαμεῖον pass through the same point, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; ὅπου ἂν ἔρχηται τὸ ἕτερον σαμεῖον wherever the other point falls, [Refs] B) Post-Homeric phrases: B.1) ἐς λόγους ἔρχεσθαί τινι come to speech with, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2) εἰς χεῖρας ἐλθεῖν τινι (see. χείρ); so ἐς μάχην ἐλθεῖν τινι [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.3) ἐπὶ μεῖζον ἔ. increase, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐπὶ πᾶν ἐλθεῖν try everything, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.4) ἐς τὸ δεινόν, ἐς τὰ ἀλγεινὰ ἐλθεῖν, come into danger, etc, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ ἔσχατον ἐλθεῖν ἀηδίας Id [Refs]; ὅσοι ἐνταῦθα ἦλθον ἡλικίας arrived at that time of life, [Refs]; ἐς ἀσθενὲς ἔ. come to an impotent conclusion, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐς ἀριθμὸν ἐλθεῖν to be numbered, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἰς ἑαυτὸν ἐλθεῖν come to oneself, [NT+2nd c.AD+] B.5) παρὰ μικρὸν ἐλθεῖν with infinitive, come within a little of, be near a thing, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; παρὰ τοσοῦτον ἡ Μυτιλήνη ἦλθε κινδύνου so narrow was her escape, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.6) with διά and genitive, periphrastic for a Verb, e.g. διὰ μάχης τινὶ ἐλθεῖν for μάχεσθαί τινι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; διὰ πυρὸς ἐλθεῖν τινι rage furiously against, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but οί διὰ πάντων τῶν καλῶν ἐληλυθότες who have gone through the whole circle of duties, have fulfilled them all, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.7) ἔ. παρὰ τὴν γυναῖκα, παρὰ Ἀρίστωνα, of sexual intercourse, go in to her, to him, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πρός τινα, of marriage, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.8) ἔ. ἐπὶ πόλιν attack, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.9) ἔ. ἐς depend upon or be concerned with, τό γ᾽ εἰς ἀνθρώπους ἐλθόν [Refs 1st c.BC+]
to come or go (in a great variety of applications, literally and figuratively); accompany, appear, bring, come, enter, fall out, go, grow, X light, X next, pass, resort, be set; middle voice of a primary verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the others being supplied by a kindred (middle voice) , or (active) , which do not otherwise occur)

Next word
relating it to another person or thing
Identical in all sources
Greek Preposition
εἰς, prep. with accusative, expressing entrance, direction, limit, into, unto, to, upon, towards, for, among (Lat. in, with accusative). I. Of place. 1) After verbs of motion; (a) of entrance into: Mat.8:23, 9:7, Mrk.1:45, Luk.2:15, 8:31, al; (b) of approach, to or towards: Mrk.11:1, Luk.6:8, 19:28, Jhn.11:31, 21:6, al; (with) before pl. and collective nouns, among: Mrk.4:7, 8:19, 20, Luk.11:49, Jhn.21:23, al; (d) Of a limit reached, unto, on, upon: Mat.8:18, 21:1, Mrk.11:1, 13:16, Luk.14:10, Jhn.6:3, 11:32, al; with accusative of person(s) (as in Ep. and Ion.), Act.23:15, Rom.5:12, 16:19, 2Co.10:14; (e) elliptical: ἐπιστολαὶ εἰς Δαμασκόν, Act.9:2; ἡ διακονία μου ἡ εἰς Ἱ, Rom.15:31; metaphorically, of entrance into a certain state or condition, or of approach or direction towards some end (Thayer, B, i, 1; ii, 1), εἰς τ. ὄνομα, M, Pr., 200. 2) Of direction; (a) after verbs of seeing: Mat.6:26, Mrk.6:41, Luk.9:16, 62, Jhn.13:22, al; metaphorically, of the mind, Heb.11:26, 12:2, al; (b) after verbs of speaking: Mat.13:10, 14:9, 1Th.2:9, al. 3) After verbs of rest; (a) in "pregnant" construction, implying previous motion (cl; see WM, 516; Bl, §39, 3; M, Pr., 234f.): Mat.2:23, 4:13, 2Th.2:4, 2Ti.1:11, Heb.11:9, al; (b) by an assimilation general in late Gk (see Bl, M, Pr., ll. with) = ἐν: Luk.1:44, 4:23, Act.20:16, 21:17, Jhn.1:18 (but see Westc, in l.), al. II. Of time, for, unto; 1) accentuating the duration expressed by the accusative: εἰς τ. αἰῶνα, Mat.21:19; εἰς γενεὰς καὶ γ, Luk.1:50; εἰς τ. διηνεκές, Heb.7:3, al. 2) Of a point or limit of time, unto, up to, until: Mat.6:34, Act.4:3, 25:21, Php.1:10, 2:16, 1Th.4:15, 2Ti.1:12; of entrance into a future period, σεις τὸ μέλλον (see: μέλλω), next (year), Luk.13:9 (but with ICC, in l.); εἰς τ. μεταξὺ σάββατον, on the next Sabbath, Act.13:42; εἰς τὸ πάλιν (see: πάλιν, 2Co.13:2. III. Of result, after verbs of changing, joining, dividing, etc: στρέφειν εἰς, Rev.11:6; μετας, Act.2:20, Jas.4:9; μεταλλάσσειν, Rom.1:26; σχίζειν εἰς δύο, Mat.27:51, al; predicatively with εἴναι, Act.8:23. IV. Of relation, to, towards, for, in regard to (so in cl, but more frequently in late Gk, εἰς encroaching on the simple dative, which it has wholly displaced in MGr; Jannaris, Gr., §1541; Robertson, Gr., 594; Deiss, BS, 117f.): Luk.7:30, Rom.4:20, 15:2, 26, 1Co.16:1, Eph.3:16, al; ἀγάπη εἰς, Rom.5:8, al; χρηστός, Eph.4:32; φρονεῖν εἰς, Rom.12:16; θαρρεῖν, 2Co.10:1. V. Of the end or object: εὔθετος εἰς, Luk.14:34; σόφος, Rom.16:19; ἰσχύειν, Mat.5:13; εἰς τοῦτο, Mrk.1:38, al; ἀφορίζειν εἰς, Rom.1:1; indicating purpose, εἰς φόβον, Rom.8:15; εἰς ἔνδειξιν, Rom.3:25; εἰς τό, with inf. (= ἵνα or ὥστε; Bl, §71, 5; M, Pr., 218ff.): Mat.20:19, Rom.1:11, 1Co.9:18, al. VI. Adverbial phrases: εἰς τέλος, εἰς τὸ πάλιν, etc (see: τέλος, πάλιν, etc.). (AS)
Greek Preposition
ἐν εἰς or ἐς, PREP. WITH ACC. ONLY:—both forms are found in [Refs 8th c.BC+], Ionic dialect poets, and early metrical Inscrr; ἐς is best attested in [Refs 5th c.BC+], and is found in nearly all early Ionic dialect Inscrr. (except [Refs 5th c.BC+]; and usually in Attic dialect Prose (except [Refs 5th c.BC+] is used before vowels for the sake of meter; ἐς was retained in the phrases ἐς κόρακας (whence the Verb σκορακίζω), ἐς μακαρίαν. Aeolic dialect poets have εἰς before vowels, ἐς before consonants, and this is given as the rule in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; compare ἐν, ἰν. The diphthong is genuine in Aeolic dialect εἰς, but spurious in Attic dialect-Ionic dialect) Radical sense into, and then more loosely, to: I) OF PLACE, the oldest and commonest usage, εἰς ἅλα into or to the sea, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; frequently of places, to, εἰς Εὔβοιαν [Refs]; ἐς Αἴγυπτον, etc, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐς Μίλητον into the territory of Miletus,[Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἰς ἅρματα βαίνειν to step into, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; opposed to ἐκ, in such phrases as ἐς σφυρὸν ἐκ πτέρνης, ἐς πόδας ἐκ κεφαλῆς, from heel to ankle-joint, from head to foot, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κἠς ἔτος ἐξ ἔτεος from year to year, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]: with Verbs implying motion or direction, as of looking, ἰδεῖν εἰς οὐρανόν [Refs 8th c.BC+]; εἰς ὦπα ἰδέσθαι to look in the face, [Refs], etc; εἰς ὦπα ἔοικεν he is like in face (i.e. ἰδόντι), [Refs], etc; ἐς ὀφθαλμούς τινος ἐλθεῖν to come before another's eyes,[Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐς ταὐτὸν ἥκειν come to the same point, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: less frequently after a substantive, ὁδὸς ἐς λαύρην [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τὸ ἐς Παλλήνην τεῖχος facing Pallene, [Refs 5th c.BC+] I.b) Epic dialect and Ionic dialect, also with accusative person (Attic dialect ὡς, πρός, παρά), [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also in Attic dialect with collective Nouns, ἐς τὸν δῆμον παρελθόντες [Refs 5th c.BC+]; especially of consulting an oracle, ἐς θεὸν ἐλθεῖν [Refs 5th c.BC+] I.2) with Verbs expressing restin a place, when a previous motion into or to it is implied, ἐς μέγαρον κατέθηκεν ἐπὶ θρόνου he put it in the house (i.e. he brought it into the house, and put it there), [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐς θρόνους ἕζοντο they sat them down upon the seats, [Refs]; ἐφάνη λὶς εἰς ὁδόν the lion appeared in the path, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἀπόβασιν ποιήσασθαι ἐς. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; later used like{ἐν}, τὴν γῆν εἰς ἣν ὑμεῖς κατοικεῖτε [LXX+1st c.BC+]: generally, τοὔνομα εἰς τὴν Ἑλλάδα, φασίν, Ἱππομιγὴς δύναται [Refs 2nd c.AD+] I.3) with Verbs of saying or speaking, εἰς relates to the persons to or before whom one speaks, εἰπεῖν ἐς πάντας, ἐς πάντας αὔδα, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with other Verbs, εἰς τοὺς Ἕλληνας σαυτὸν σοφιστὴν παρέχων [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐπαχθὴς ἦν ἐς τοὺς πολλούς [Refs 5th c.BC+] I.4) elliptical usages, I.4.a) after Verbs which have no sense of motion to or into a place, τὴν πόλιν ἐξέλιπον εἰς χωρίον ὀχυρόν they quitted the city for a strong position, i.e. to seek a strong position, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; γράμματα ἑάλωσαν εἰς Ἀθήνας letters were captured [and sent] to Athens, [Refs 5th c.BC+] I.4.b) participles signifying motion are frequently omitted with εἰς, τοῖς στρατηγοῖς τοῖς εἰς Σικελίαν (i.e. ἀποδειχθεῖσιν) [Refs 5th c.BC+] I.4.c) with genitive, mostly of proper names, as εἰς Ἀΐδαο, Attic dialect εἰς Ἅιδου [δόμους], [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐς Ἀθηναίης [ἱερόν] to the temple of Athena, [Refs]; εἰς Αἰγύπτοιο [ῥόον] [Refs 8th c.BC+] to a rich man's house, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; πέμπειν εἰς διδασκάλων send to school, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐς σεωυτοῦ, ἑωυτοῦ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] II) OF TIME, II.1) to denote a certain point or limit of time, up to, until, ἐς ἠῶ [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐς ἠέλιον καταδύντα till sunset, [Refs]towards or near sunset,[Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐς ἐμέ up to my time, [Refs 5th c.BC+] against the time when, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; εἰς πότ; until when? how long? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐς τ; ={εἰς πότε}; [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐς ὅ until, [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.2) to determine a period, εἰς ἐνιαυτόν for a year, i.e. a whole year, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; within the year,[Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐς θέρος ἢ ἐς ὀπώρην for the summer, i.e. throughout it, [Refs]; ἡ εἰς ἐνιαυτὸν κειμένη δαπάνη εἰς τὸν μῆνα δαπανᾶται the expenditure for a year is expended in the month, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἰς ἑσπέραν ἥκειν to come at even, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἰς τρίτην ἡμέραν or εἰς τρίτην alone, on the third day, in two days, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐς τέλος at last, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐς καιρόν in season, [Refs]; οὐκ ἐς ἀναβολάς, ἀμβολάς, with no delay, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐς τότε at this time, variant in [Refs 8th c.BC+] at that time (in the future), [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐς ὕστερον or τὸ ὕστερον, [Refs 8th c.BC+] (; ἐς αὐτίκα μάλ᾽ [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἰς ἔπειτα (see. εἰσέπειτα (; ἐς τὸ ἔ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἰς ἅπαξ, see at {εἰσάπα; εἰς ἔτι}, see at {εἰσέτι}. III) to express MEASURE OR LIMIT, without reference to Time, ἐς δίσκουρα λέλειπτο was left behind as far as a quoit's throw, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐς δραχμὴν διέδωκε paid them as much as a drachma, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; so ἐς τὰ μάλιστα to the greatest degree, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐς ὅ ἐμέμνηντο so far as they remembered, [Refs 5th c.BC+] III.2) frequently with Numerals, ἐς τριακάδας δέκα ναῶν [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ναῦς ἐς τὰς τετρακοσίας, διακοσίας, to the number of [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἰς ἕνα, εἰς δύο, εἰς τέσσαρας, one, two, four deep, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but εἰς τέσσαρας four abreast, [Refs 4th c.BC+] thrice, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of round numbers, about, [Refs 5th c.BC+] III.3) distributive, εἰς φυλάς by tribes, [LXX] III.4) IV) to express RELATION, towards, in regard to, ἐξαμαρτεῖν εἰς θεούς [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἁμάρτημα εἴς τινα, αἰτίαι ἐς ἀλλήλους, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; λέγειν ἐς. [Refs 5th c.BC+] IV.b) of the subject of a work, especially in titles, e.g. τὰ ἐς Ἀπολλώνιον [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; of the object of a dedication, as in titles of hymns, ἐπινίκια, etc. IV.2) in regard to, πρῶτος εἰς εὐψυχίαν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; in respect of, εὐτυχεῖν ἐς τέκνα [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐς τὰ ἄλλα Th.I.I; εἰς ἄπαντα [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τό γ᾽ εἰς ἑαυτόν, τὸ εἰς ἐμέ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; for τελεῖν ἐς Ἕλληνας, Βοιωτούς, ἄνδρας, etc, see at {τελέω}. IV.3) of Manner, ἐς τὸν νῦν τρόπον [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐς τὸ πᾶν, ={πάντως}, [Refs]; ἐς τάχος, ={ταχέως}, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐς εὐτέλειαν, ={εὐτελῶς}, [Refs 5th c.BC+] V) ofan end or limit, ἔρχεσθαι, τελευτᾶν, λήγειν ἐς, to end in, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; καταξαίνειν ἐς φοινικίδα to cut into red rags, [NT+5th c.BC+]; εἰς ἄνδρας ἐκ μειρακίων τελευτᾶν, εἰς ἄνδρα γενειᾶν, [Refs 5th c.BC+] to form a predicate, ἔσται εἰς ἔθνη [LXX]; πιστὸς (i.e. ἦν) εἰς προφήτην [LXX+NT] V.2) of Purpose or Object, εἰπεῖν εἰς ἀγαθόν, πείσεται εἰς ἀγαθόν, for good, for his good, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐς φόβον to cause fear, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; εἰς κάλλος ζῆν to live for show, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἰς τὸ πρᾶγμα εἶναι to be pertinent, to the purpose, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; frequently of expenditure on an object, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B) POSITION: εἰς is sometimes parted from its accusative by several words, εἰς ἀμφοτέρω Διομήδεος ἅρματα βήτην [Refs 8th c.BC+] put after its case, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: after an adverb, αὔριον ἔς· τῆμος δὲ. [Refs 8th c.BC+]
to or into (indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or (figuratively) purpose (result, etc.); also in adverbial phrases; (abundant-)ly, against, among, as, at, (back-)ward, before, by, concerning, + continual, + far more exceeding, for (intent, purpose), fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so much that, -to), to the intent that, + of one mind, + never, of, (up-)on, + perish, + set at one again, (so) that, therefore(-unto), throughout, til, to (be, the end, -ward), (here-)until(-to), …ward, (where-)fore, with; a primary preposition

Strongs extended:
Next word
Noun Accusative Singular Masculine
a male PERSON OR THING that is having something done to them
Identical in all sources
temptation/testing, temptation
temptation/testing: temptation
Greek Noun Male
πειρασμός, -οῦ, ὁ (πειράζω), [in LXX for מַסָּה, עִנְיָן;] 1) = πεῖρα, an experiment Diosc.). 2) a trial, of ethical purpose and effect, whether good or evil (see Hort on Jas.1:13) (a) in good or neutral sense: Gal.4:14, Jas.1:12, 1Pe.4:12; esp. of afflictions sent by God (Deu.7:19, Sir.21:1-28, al.): 2Pe.2:9, Rev.3:10; pl, Luk.22:28, Act.20:19, Jas.1:2, 1Pe.1:6; (b) of trial regarded as leading to sin, temptation: Luk.8:13, 1Co.10:13, 1Ti.6:9; of the temptation of Jesus by the devil, Luk.4:13; εἰσφέρειν (ἔρχεσθαι, εἰσέρχ-) εἰς π, Mat.6:13 26:41, Mrk.14:38, Luk.11:4 22:40, 46; (with) of the testing or challenge of God by man (see: πειράζω, 3, with): Heb.3:8 (LXX: Psa.95:9, where κατα τ. ἡμέραν πειρασμοῦ = מַסָּה the day of Massah). SYN.: δοκίμιον (AS)
temptation/testing: temptation
Greek Noun Male
πειρ-ασμός, ὁ, trial, [LXX+NT]; οἱ ἐπὶ τῶν παθῶν π. [Refs 1st c.AD+] 2) worry, [LXX] II) temptation,[LXX+NT]
Strongs > g3986
Noun Masculine
a putting to proof (by experiment (of good), experience (of evil), solicitation, discipline or provocation); by implication, adversity; temptation, X try; from g3985 (πειράζω)

Next word
Definite article Nominative Singular Neuter
a SPECIFIC neuter person or thing that is doing something
Identical in all sources
Greek Article
, ἡ, τό, the prepositive article (ἄρθρον προτακτικόν), originally a demonstr. pron. (so usually in Hom.), in general corresponding to the Eng. definite article. I. As demonstr. pron. 1) As frequently in Hom, absol, he (she, it), his (etc.): Act.17:28 (quoted from the poet Aratus). 2) Distributive, ὁ μὲν. ὁ δέ, the one. the other: 1Co.7:7, Gal.4:22; pl, Act.14:4, 17:32, Php.1:16, al; οἱ μὲν. ἄλλοι δέ, Mat.16:14, Jhn.7:12; οἱ μεν̀. ὁδέ, Heb.7:21, 23. 3) In narration (without ὁ μὲν preceding), ὁ δέ, but he: Mat.2:14, Mrk.1:45, Luk.8:21, Jhn.9:38, al. mult. II. As prepositive article, the, prefixed, 1) to nouns unmodified: ὁ θεός, τὸ φῶς, etc; to abstract nouns, ἡ σοφία, etc, to pl. nouns which indicate a class, οἱ ἀλώπεκες, foxes, Mat.8:20, al; to an individual as representing a class, ὁ ἐργάτης, Luk.10:7; with nom. = voc. in addresses, Mat.11:26, Jhn.19:3, Jas.5:1, al; to things which pertain to one, ἡ χεῖρ, his hand, Mrk.3:1; to names of persons well known or already mentioned; usually to names of countries (originally adjectives), ἡ Ἰουδαία, etc. 2) To modified nouns: with of person(s) pron. genitive, μοῦ, σοῦ, etc; with poss. pron, ἐμός, σός, etc; with adj. between the art. and the noun, ὁ ἀγαθὸς ἄνθρωπος, Mat.12:35; the noun foll, by adj, both with art, ὁ ποιμὴν ὁ καλός, Jhn.10:11 (on ὁ ὄχλος πολύς, Jhn.12:9, see M, Pr., 84); before adjectival phrases, ἡ κατ᾽ ἐκλογὴν πρόθεσις, Rom.9:11. 3) To Other parts of speech used as substantives; (a) neuter adjectives: τ. ἀγαθόν, etc; (b) cardinal numerals: ὁ εἶς, οἷ δύο, etc; (with) participles: ὁ βαπτίζων (= ὁ Βαπτιστής, Mat.14:2), Mrk.6:14; πᾶς ὁ, with ptcp, every one who, etc; (d) adverbs: τὸ πέραν, τὰ νῦν, ὁ ἔσω ἄνθρωπος; (e) infinitives: nom, τὸ θέλειν, Rom.7:18, al; genitive, τοῦ, after adjectives, ἄξιον τοῦ πορεύεσθαι, 1Co.16:4; verbs, ἐλαχεν τοῦ θυμιᾶσαι, Luk.1:9; and frequently in a final sense, ἐξῆλθεν ὁ σπείρειν, Mat.13:3 (on the artic. inf, see Bl, §71). 4) In the neut. to sentences, phrases or single words treated as a quotation: τὸ Ἐι δύνῃ, Mrk.9:23; τὸ ἔτι ἅπαξ, Heb.12:27; τὸ ἀνέβη, Eph.4:9, al. 5) To prepositional phrases: οἱ ἀπὸ Ἰταλίας, Heb.13:24; οἱ ἐκ νόμου, Rom.4:14; neut. accusative absol, in adverbial phrases, τὸ καθ᾽ ἡμέραν, daily, Luk.11:3; τὸ κατὰ σάρκα, as regards the flesh, Rom.9:5. 6) To nouns in the genitive, denoting kinship, association, etc: ὁ τοῦ, the son of (unless context indicates a different relationship), Mat.10:2, al; τὰ τοῦ θεοῦ, the things that pertain to God, Mat.16:23; τὰ τῆς εἰρήνης, Rom.14:19 (cf. M, Pr., 81ff; Bl, §§46, 47). (AS)
Greek Article
, , τό, is, when thus written, A) demonstrative Pronoun. B ) in Attic dialect, definite or prepositive Article. C ) in Epic dialect, the so-called postpositive Article, = relative Pronoun, ὅς, ἥ, ὅ.—The nominative masculine and feminine singular and plural, ὁ, ἡ, οἱ, αἱ, have no accent in codices and most printed books, except when used as the relative; but ὁ, ἡ, οἱ, αἱ differ only in writing from ὃ, ἣ, οἳ, α; the nominative forms of the article are said by Hdn.Gr.1.474 to be oxytone, and by [Refs 2nd c.AD+] in Aeolic dialect accusative to [Refs 8th c.BC+] genitive and dative dual τοῖιν [Refs 8th c.BC+]— In Doric dialect and all other dialects except Attic dialect and Ionic dialect the feminine forms preserve the old ᾱ instead of changing it to η, hence Doric dialect etc. ἁ, τάν, τᾶ; the genitive plural τάων contracts in many dialects to τᾶ; the genitive singular is in many places τῶ, accusative plural τώς, but Cretan dialect, etc, τόνς [Refs]; in Lesbian Aeolic dialect the accusative plural forms are τοὶς, ταὶς, [Refs]; dative plural τοῖς, ταῖς (or τοὶς, ταὶς, see above), [Refs]; ταῖσι as demonstrative, [Refs 7th c.BC+] Poets also used the Ionic dialect and _Epic dialect_ forms τοῖσι, ταῖσ; and in Trag. we find τοὶ μέν, τοὶ δέ, for οἱ μέν, οἱ δέ, not only in Lyric poetry, as [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but even in a trimeter, [Refs 5th c.BC+] {ὅ}; τὼ πόλεε Foed. cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; in [Refs 4th c.AD+] functions as genitive dual feminine, μεσακόθεν τοῖς κράναιυν [Refs 4th c.BC+] —in Elean and _Boeotian dialect_ ὁ, ἡ (ἁ), τό, with the addition of -ί, ={ὅδε}, ἥδε, τόδε, _nominative_ _plural_ _masculine_ τυΐ the following men, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] cf. Sanskrit demonstrative pronoun sa, sā, Gothic sa, sō, ONorse sá, sú, Old Latin accusative sum, sam (Enn.): —with τό [from *τόδ] cf. Sanskrit tat (tad), Latin is-tud, Gothic pata: —with τοί cf. Sanskrit te, Lithuanian tĩe, O[Refs 5th c.BC+] pá, etc:—with τάων cf. Sanskrit tāsām, Latin is-tarum:— the origin of the relative ὅς, ἥ, ὅ (which see) is different.) A) ὁ, ἡ, τό, DEMONSTR. PRONOUN, that, the oldest and in [Refs 8th c.BC+] the commonest sense: frequently also in [Refs 5th c.BC+], and sometimes in Trag. (mostly in Lyric poetry, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τῶν γάρ, τῆς γάρ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; seldom in Attic dialect Prose, except in special phrases, see infr. VI, VII): A.I) joined with a substantive, to call attention to it, ὁ Τυδεΐδης he—Tydeus' famous son, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τὸν Χρύσην that venerable man Chryses, I.II: and so with appellative, Νέστωρ ὁ γέρων N.—thataged man, [Refs]; αἰετοῦ. τοῦ θηρητῆρος the eagle, that which is called hunter, [Refs]; also to define and give emphasis, τιμῆς τῆς Πριάμου for honour, namely that of Priam, [Refs]; οἴχετ᾽ ἀνὴρ ὤριστος a man is gone, and he the best, [Refs]:—different from this are cases [Refs 8th c.BC+] if he would help the Trojans, but drive those back to the ships—I mean the Achaeans, where Ἀχ. is only added to explain τούς, compare [Refs] A.II) frequently without a substantive, he, she, it, ὁ γὰρ ἦλθε [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.III) placed after its Noun, before the Relat. Prons, ἐφάμην σὲ περὶ φρένας ἔμμεναι ἄλλων, τῶν ὅσσοι Λυκίην ναιετάουσι far above the rest, above those to wit who, etc, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οἷ᾽ οὔ πώ τιν᾽ ἀκούομεν οὐδὲ παλαιῶν, τάων αἳ πάρος ἦσαν. Ἀχαιαί such as we have not heard tell of yet even among the women of old, those women to wit who, [Refs 8th c.BC+] —for the _Attic dialect_ usage see below A.IV) before a Possessive pronoun its demonstrative force is sometimes very manifest, φθίσει σε τὸ σὸν μένος that spirit of thine, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.V) for cases in which the Homeric usage approaches most nearly to the Attic, see below [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI) ὁ μέν, ὁ δέ. without a substantive, in all cases, genders, and numbers, [Refs 8th c.BC+] properly refers to the former, ὁ δέ to the latter; more rarely ὁ μέν the latter, ὁ δέ the former, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: sometimes in Partition, the one, the other, etc.—The Noun with it is regularly in genitive plural, being divided by the ὁ μέν, ὁ δέ, into parts, ἠΐθεοι καὶ παρθένοι, τῶν δ᾽ αἱ μὲν λεπτὰς ὀθόνας ἔχον, οἱ δὲ χιτῶνας εἵατο [Refs 8th c.BC+]: but frequently the Noun is in the same case, by a kind of apposition, ἴδον υἷε Δάρητος, τὸν μὲν ἀλευάμενον τὸν δὲ κτάμενον [Refs 8th c.BC+]: so in Trag. and Attic dialect, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; if the Noun be collective, it is in the genitive singular, ὁ μὲν πεπραμένος ἦν τοῦ σίτου, ὁ δὲ ἔνδον ἀποκείμενος [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.2) when a negative accompanies ὁ δέ, it follows δέ, e.g. τὰς γοῦν Ἀθήνας οἶδα τὸν δὲ χῶρον οὔ [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.3) ὁ μέν τις, ὁ δέ τις. is used in Prose, when the Noun to which ὁ refers is left indefinite, ἔλεγον ὁ μέν τις τὴν σοφίαν, ὁ δὲ τὴν καρτερίαν, ὁ δέ τις καὶ τὸ κάλλος [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.4) on τὸ μέν, τὸ δέ, or τὰ μέν, τὰ δέ, [Refs] A.VI.5) ὁ μέν is frequently used without a corresponding ὁ δέ, οἱ μὲν ἄρ᾽ ἐσκίδναντο, Μυρμιδόνας δ᾽ οὐκ εἴα ἀποσκίδνασθαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; by ἄλλος δέ, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.6) ὁ δέ following μέν sometimes refers to the subject of the preceding clause, τοῦ μὲν ἅμαρθ᾽, ὁ δὲ Λεῦκον. βεβλήκει [Refs 8th c.BC+]: rare in Attic dialect Prose, ἐπεψήφιζεν αὐτὸς ἔφορος ὤν· ὁ δὲ οὐκ ἔφη διαγιγνώσκειν τὴν βοήν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.7) ὁ δέ is frequently used simply in continuing a narrative, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also used by [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.8) the opposition may be expressed otherwise than by μέν and δέ, οὔθ᾽ ὁ. οὔθ᾽ ὁ [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VII) the following usages prevailed in Attic dialect Prose, A.VII.1) in dialogue, after καί, it was usual to say in nominative singular masculine καὶ ὅ; in the other cases the usual forms of the Article were used (see. ὅς [Refs 4th c.BC+] II.I and cf. Sanskrit sas, alternatative form of sa); so, in accusative, καὶ τὸν εἰπεῖν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VII.2) ὁ καὶ ὁ such and such, τῇ καὶ τῇ ἀτιμίᾳ [Refs 5th c.BC+]: but mostly in accusative, καί μοι κάλει τὸν καὶ τόν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἀνάγκη ἄρα τὸ καὶ τό it must then be so and so, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; but τὰ καὶ τά now one thing, now another, of good and bad, τὸν δ᾽ ἀγαθὸν τολμᾶν χρὴ τά τε καὶ τὰ φέρειν [Refs 6th c.BC+]; so πάντα τοῦ μετρίου μεταβαλλόμενα ἐπὶ τὰ καὶ ἐπὶ τά, of excess and defect, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII) absolutely usages of single cases, A.VIII.1) feminine dative τῇ, of Place, there, on that spot, here, this way, that way, [Refs 8th c.BC+], etc: also in Prose, τὸ μὲν τῇ, τὸ δὲ τῇ [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.b) with a notion of motion towards, that way, in that direction, [Refs 8th c.BC+] —only poetry A.VIII.1.c) of Manner, τῇ περ τελευτήσεσθαι ἔμελλεν in this way, thus, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.d) repeated, τῇ μέν, τῇ δέ, in one way, in another, or partly, partly, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.e) relative, where, by which way, only Epic dialect, as [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.2) neuter dative τῷ, therefore, on this account, frequently in [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.2.b) thus, so, [Refs 8th c.BC+] precedes, be translated, then, if this be so, on this condition, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.3) neuter accusative τό, wherefore, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also τὸ δέ absolutely, but the fact is, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; even when the τό refers to what precedes, the contrast may lie not in the thing referred to, but in another part of the sentence (compare above[Refs 5th c.BC+]; φασὶ δέ τινες αὐτὸν καὶ τῶν ἑπτὰ σοφῶν γεγονέναι· τὸ δὲ οὐκ ἦν but he was not, [Refs 1st c.BC+] A.VIII.4) τὸ μέν, τὸ δέ, partly, partly, or on the one hand, on the other, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; more frequently τὰ μέν, τὰ δέ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] in the first clause, τὸ δέ τι [Refs] several times. and finally, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.5) of Time, sometimes that time, sometimes this (present) time, συνμαχία κ᾽ ἔα ἑκατὸν ϝέτεα, ἄρχοι δέ κα τοΐ (where it is possible, but not necessary, to supply ϝέτος) [Refs 6th c.BC+] from that time, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.5.b) πρὸ τοῦ, sometimes written προτοῦ, before this, aforetime, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.5.c) in Thess. Prose, ὑππρὸ τᾶς yesterday, τὰ ψαφίσματα τό τε ὑππρὸ τᾶς γενόμενον καὶ τὸ τᾶμον the decree which was passed yesterday (literal before this [day]), and to-day's, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] A.VIII.6) ἐν τοῖς is frequently used in Prose with Superlatives, ἐν τοῖσι θειότατον a most marvellous thing, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν τοῖς πρῶτοι the very first, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν τοῖσι πρῶτος (πρώτοις codices) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [Ζεὺς] Ἔρωτά τε καὶ Ἀνάγκην ἐν τοῖς πρῶτα ἐγέννησεν first of all, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] the greatest number of ships, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: also with adverbs, ἐν τοῖς μάλιστα [Refs 5th c.BC+]: in late Prose, also with Positives, ἐν τοῖς παράδοξον [Refs 1st c.BC+] B) ὁ, ἡ, τό, THE DEFINITE ARTICLE, the, to specify individuals: rare in this signification in the earliest Gr, becoming commoner later. In [Refs 8th c.BC+] the demonstrative force can generally be traced, [Refs 4th c.BC+] I, but the definite Article must be recognized in places [Refs 8th c.BC+]: also when joined to an adjective to make it a substantive, αἰὲν ἀποκτείνων τὸν ὀπίστατον the hindmost man, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also in τῶν ἄλλων [Refs]; also τὸ τρίτον[Refs]; τὸ μὲν ἄλλο for the rest,[Refs]—The true Article, however, is first fully established in 5th C Attic dialect, whilst the demonstrative usage disappears, except in a few cases, V. [Refs 4th c.BC+] —Chief usages, especially in _Attic dialect_ B.I) not only with common Appellats, adjectives, and Parts, to specify them as present to sense or mind, but also frequently where we use the Possessive pronoun, τὸ κέαρ ηὐφράνθην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὴν κεφαλὴν κατεάγην my head was broken, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοὺς φίλους ποιούμεθα we make our friends, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰς πόλεις ἔκτιζον they began founding their cities, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.b) omitted with proper nounsand frequently with Appellats. which require no specification, as θεός, βασιλεύς, see at {θεός} [Refs] III; ἐμ πόλει in the Acropolis, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; compare Θράσυλος in [Refs]; or when the person spoken of is to be specially distinguished, Ζεύς, ὅστις ὁ Ζεύς whoever this Zeus is, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; and therefore properly omitted when a special designation follows, as Σωκράτης ὁ φιλόσοφος: seldom in Trag. with proper nouns, save to give peculiar emphasis, like Latin ille, ὁ Λάϊος, ὁ Φοῖβος, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.c) Aristotle says Σωκράτης meaning the historical Socrates, as in [Refs] when he means the Platonic Socrates, as [Refs] B.I.d) for Σαῦλος ὁ καὶ Παῦλος, etc, see at {καί} [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.2) in a generic sense, where the individual is treated as a type, οἷς ὁ γέρων μετέῃσιν. λεύσσει [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.2.b) frequently with abstract Nouns, ἥ τε ἐλπὶς καὶ ὁ ἔρως [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.3) of outstanding members of a class, ὁ γεωγράφος, ὁ κωμικός, ὁ ποιητής, ὁ τεχνικός, see at {γεωγράφος}, κωμικός, ποιητής, τεχνικός. B.I.4) with infinitives, which thereby become Substantives, τὸ εἴργειν prevention, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ φρονεῖν good sense, [Refs 5th c.BC+]infinitive, τὸ θεοὺς εἶναι the existence of gods, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ μηδένα εἶναι ὄλβιον the fact or statement that no one is happy, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.5) in neuter before any word or expression which itself is made the object of thought, τὸ ἄνθρωπος the word or notion man; τὸ λέγω the word λέγ; τὸ μηδὲν ἄγαν the sentiment 'ne quid nimis', [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ τῇ αὐτῇ the phrase τῇ αὐτῇ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] the opinion about the question 'who ought to rule', [Refs]; τὸ ἐὰν μένητε παρ᾽ ἐμοί, ἀποδώσω the phrase 'I will give back, if. ', [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ ὀλίγοι the term few, [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.6) before relative clauses, when the Article serves to combine the whole relative clause into one notion, τῇ ᾗ φὴς σὺ σκληρότητι the harshness you speak of, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν ἥμερον καρπόν, καὶ τὸν ὅσος ξύλινος (i.e. καὶ τὸν καρπὸν ὅσος ἂν ᾖ ξύλινος) [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.7) before Prons, B.I.7.a) before the person Prons, giving them greater emphasis, but only in accusative, τὸν ἐμέ [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν. σὲ καὶ ἐμέ[Refs] B.I.7.b) before the interrogative pronoun (both τίς and ποῖος), referring to something before, which needs to be more distinctly specified, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τῆς ποίας μερίδο; [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τοῖς ποίοις; [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.7.c) with τοιοῦτος, τοιόσδε, τηλικοῦτος, etc, the Article either makes the pronoun into a substantive, ὁ τοιοῦτος that sort of person, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; or subjoins it to a substantive which already has an Article, τὴν ἀπολογίαν τὴν τοιαύτην [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.8) before ἅπας, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τὸν ἕνα, τὸν ἕνα τοῦτον, [Refs 4th c.BC+] see entry; and on οἱ ἄλλοι, οἱ πολλοί, etc, see at {ἄλλος} [Refs] B.I.9) the Article with the comparative is rare, if ἤ follows, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II) elliptic expressions: B.II.1) before the genitive of a proper name, to express descent, son or daughter, Θουκυδίδης ὁ Ὀλόρου (i.e. υἱός) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Ἑλένη ἡ τοῦ Διός (i.e. θυγάτηρ) [Refs 5th c.BC+]: also to denote other relationships, e.g. brother, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἡ Σμικυθίωνος Μελιστίχη M.the wife of [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Κλέαρχος καὶ οἱ ἐκείνου Cl. and his men, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ τοῦ Ἀντιγένεος the slave of [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II.2) generally, before a genitive it indicates a wider relation, as τὸ τῶν νεῶν, τὸ τῶν Ἑρμῶν, the matter of the ships, the affair of the Hermae, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ τοῦ Ἀρριβαίου πράσσειν to promote the interests of Arrhibaeus, [Refs]; τὸ τῆς τύχης,=ἡ τύχη, [Refs]; τὰ τῆς τύχης accidents, chance events, [Refs]; τὰ γὰρ φθιτῶν τοῖς ὁρῶσι κόσμος performance of the rites due to the dead befits the living, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ τῶν θεῶν that which is destined by the gods, [Refs 5th c.BC+] what regards me or thee, my or thy business or interests, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: and with genitive of [Refs 5th c.BC+] is frequently also, a man's word or saying, as τὸ τοῦ Σόλωνος [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ τοῦ Ὁμήρου as Homer says, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τά τινος so-and-so's house, [NT+5th c.BC+] B.II.3) very frequently with cases governed by Preps. αἱ ἐκ τῆς Ζακύνθου νῆες the ships from Zacynthus, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τὰ ἐπὶ Θρᾴκης the Thrace-ward district, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ ἀπὸ τοῦ καταστρώματος matters on deck, [Refs]; τὰ ἀπ᾽ Ἀλκιβιάδου the proposals of Alcibiades, [Refs]; τὰ ἀπὸ τῆς τύχης the incidents of fortune, [Refs] B.II.4) on μὰ τόν, μὰ τήν, etc, see at {μά} IV. B.II.5) in elliptical phrases, ἐπορευόμην τὴν ἔξω τείχους (i.e. ὁδόν) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἡ αὔριον (i.e. ἡμέρα), see at {αὔριον}; ἡ Λυδιστί (i.e. ἁρμονία) [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ οἴκαδε πλοῦς [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc; but τό stands absolutely with Advs. of time and place, when one cannot (as in the preceding instances) supply a substantive, as κἀκεῖσε καὶ τὸ δεῦρο [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ μὲν τὸ κεῖθεν, ὁ δὲ τὸ κεῖθεν [Refs 5th c.BC+] C) as RELATIVE PRONOUN in many dialects; both in nominative singular masculine ὅ, as κλῦθί μοι, ὃ χθιζὸς θεὸς ἤλυθες [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὃ ἐξορύξη he who banishes him, [Refs]; and in the forms beginning with τ, especially in [Refs 8th c.BC+]: also in Ionic dialect Poets, ἐν τῷ κάθημαι [Refs 7th c.BC+]; τό [Refs]; τῶν[Refs]—Never in Comedy texts or Attic dialect Prose:—Epic dialect genitive singular τεῦ [Refs 8th c.BC+] D) CRASIS OF ARTICLE: D.a) Attic dialect ὁ, ἡ, τό, with ᾰ make ᾱ, as ἁνήρ, ἁλήθεια, τἀγαθόν, τᾄτιο; so οἱ, αἱ, τά, as ἅνδρες, τἀγαθ; also τοῦ, τῷ, as τἀγαθοῦ, τἀγαθῷ: ὁ, τό, οἱ, before e gives ου, οὑξ, οὑπί, οὑμός, τοὔργον, οὑπιχώριοι, etc; also τοῦ, as τοὐμοῦ, τοὐπιόντο; but ἅτερος, θάτερον ([musical notation]), Ionic dialect οὕτερος, τοὔτερον (see. ἕτερος), Attic dialect feminine ἡτέρα, dative θητέρᾳ (see. ἕτερος); τῷ loses the iota, τὠμῷ, τὠπιόντι: ὁ, τό, before ο gives ου, as Οὁδυσσεύς, Οὑλύμπιος, τοὔνομα: ὁ, τό, etc, before αυ gives ᾱυ, αὑτός, ταὐτό, ταὐτῷ (frequently written ἁτός, etc. in Inscrr. and Papyrus); so τὰ αὐτά=ταὐτά, αἱ αὐταί=αὑταί: ἡ before εὐ gives ηὑ, as ηὑλάβεια: τῇ before ἡ gives θη, as θἠμέρᾳ: τὸ before ὑ gives θου, as θοὔδωρ for τὸ ὕδωρ. D.b) other dialects: in their treatment of crasis these follow the local laws of contraction, hence, e.g, Doric dialect ὡξ from ὁ ἐξ [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; Ionic dialect ᾡσυμνήτης from ὁ αἰς-[Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὡυτή from ἡ αὐτή [Refs 1st c.AD+]
the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom); the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc; the definite article

Next word
on one hand
Particle or Disjunctive Particle
introducing an alternative
Identical in all sources
on the other hand
Greek Particle
μέν, conjunctive particle (originally a form of μήν), usually related to a following δέ or other adversative conjunction, and distinguishing the word or clause with which it stands from that which follows. It is generally untranslatable and is not nearly so frequent in NT as in cl. Like δέ, it never stands first in a clause. 1) Answered by δέ or some other particle: μὲν. δέ, indeed. but, Mat.3:11, Luk.3:16, al; with pronouns, ὃς μὲν. ὃς δέ, one. another, Mat.21:35, al; pl, Php.1:16, 17; ὃ μὲν. ὃ δὲ. ὃ δέ, some. some. some, Mat.13:8; τοῦτο μὲν. τοῦτο δέ, partly. partly, Heb.10:33; μὲν. ἔπειτα, Jhn.11:6; μὲν. καί, Luk.8:5. 2) μέν solitarium, answered by no other particle: πρῶτον μέν (Bl, l.with), Rom.1:8 3:2, 1Co.11:18; μὲν οὖν in narrative, summing up what precedes or introducing something further (Bl, §78, 5), so then, rather, nay rather: Luk.11:28 (WH, μενοῦν), Act.1:6 9:31, al; μὲν οὖν γε (Php.3:8, WH): see: μενοῦνγε. (AS)
on the other hand
Greek Particle
μέν, Particle, used partly to express certainty on the part of the speaker or writer; partly, and more commonly, to point out that the word or clause with which it stands is correlative to another word or clause that is to follow, the latter word or clause being introduced by δέ. A) A.I) μέν used absolutely to express certainty, not followed by correlative δέ, indeed, of a truth, synonymous with μήν, as appears from the Epic dialect and Ionic dialect form ἦ μέν in protestations and oaths (where Attic dialect used ἦ μήν), καί μοι ὄμοσσον, ἦ μ. μοι πρόφρων ἔπεσιν καὶ χερσὶν ἀρήξειν [Refs 8th c.BC+]: also in Trag, ἀκτὴ μὲν ἥδε τῆς περιρρύτου χθονός [Refs 8th c.BC+]; γε μέν, compare γε [Refs] A.I.2) an answering clause with δέ is sometimes implied, τὴν μὲν ἐγὼ σπουδῇ δάμνημ᾽ ἐπέεσσι her can I hardly subdue, [but all others easily], [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὡς μὲν λέγουσι as indeed they say, [but as I believe not], [Refs 5th c.BC+]; καὶ πρῶτον μὲν ἦν αὐτῷ πόλεμος (with no ἔπειτα δέ to follow), [Refs 5th c.BC+]; so νῦν μέν σ᾽ ἀφήσω I will let you go this time, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]: to give force to assertions made by a person respecting himself, wherein opposition to other persons is implied, ὡς μὲν ἐμῷ θυμῷ δοκεῖ [Refs 8th c.BC+]; δοκεῖν μέν μοι ἥξει τήμερον [τὸ πλοῖον] [Refs 5th c.BC+]: hence with the person pronoun, ἐγὼ μέν νυν θεοῖσι ἔχω χάριν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐγὼ μὲν οὐδέν (i.e. θέλω) [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with the demonstrative pronoun, τούτου μὲν τοῦ ἀνθρώπου ἐγὼ σοφώτερός εἰμι [Refs 5th c.BC+] great indeed has been the change, [Refs 4th c.BC+] A.I.3) μέν is used alone in questions, when the answer is assumed, I take it, θέμις μὲν ἡμᾶς χρησμὸν εἰδέναι θεο; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Ἕλλην μέν ἐστι καὶ Ἑλληνίζε; [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II) μέν followed by δέ in the correlative clause or clauses, on the one hand, on the other hand; commonly in Classical Gr, less frequently in later Gr. (rare in NT A.II.1) μέν, δέ. (or when the correlative clause is negative, μέν, οὐδέ, [Refs 8th c.BC+], to mark opposition, [Refs 8th c.BC+]—The opposed clauses commonly stand together, but are frequently separated by clauses, parenthetic or explanatory; e.g. μέν in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; in [Refs 5th c.BC+] in <[Refs] A.II.2) to connect a series of clauses containing different matter, though with no opposition, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τότε μέν, τότε δέ, at one time, at another, [Refs] ὁ μέν, ὁ δέ; τὸ μέν, τὸ δέ, etc. A.II.3) the principal word is frequently repeated, οἳ περὶ μὲν βουλὴν Δαναῶν, περὶ δ᾽ ἐστὲ μάχεσθαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; χαλεπαίνει μὲν πρῳρεύς, χαλεπαίνει δὲ κυβερνήτης [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.4) one of the correlative clauses is sometimes independent, while the other takes the participle or some other dependent form, ἐβλασφήμει κατ᾽ ἐμοῦ, μάρτυρα μὲν. οὐδένα παρασχόμενος, παρεκελεύετο δέ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] b. A.II.5) μέν and δέ frequently oppose two clauses, whereof one is subordinate to the other in meaning or emphasis, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: so in an anacoluthon, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.II.6) μέν is not always answered by δέ, but frequently by other equivalent Particles, as ἀλλά, Refs 8th c.BC+] in Epic dialect, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; πρῶτον μέν, μετὰ τοῦτο. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; μάλιστα μὲν δὴ, ἔπειτα μέντοι. [Refs 5th c.BC+] —rarely by μήν with negative, οὐδὲν μὴν κωλύει [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.6.b) when the opposition is emphatic, δέ is sometimes strengthened, as ὅμως δέ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; δ᾽ αὖ. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; δ᾽ ἔμπης. [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.II.6.c) μέν is sometimes answered by a copulative Particle, κάρτιστοι μὲν ἔσαν καὶ καρτίστοις ἐμάχοντο[Refs 8th c.BC+], etc: rarely in Prose, τρία μὲν ἔτη ἀντεῖχον, καὶ οὐ πρότερον ἐνέδοσαν [Refs 5th c.BC+] B) μέν before other Particles: B.I) where each Particle retains its force, B.I.1) μὲν ἄρα, in [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.2) μὲν γάρ [Refs 8th c.BC+] there is frequently no second clause, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.3) μέν γε, when a general statement is explained in detail, Κορινθίοις μέν γε ἔνσπονδοί ἐστε [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.4) μὲν δή [Refs 8th c.BC+]: frequently used to express positive certainty, ἀλλ᾽ οἶσθα μὲν δή [Refs 5th c.BC+]; especially as a conclusion, τοῦτο μὲν δὴ. ὁμολογεῖται [Refs 5th c.BC+]: in closing a statement, τοιαῦτα μὲν δὴ ταῦτα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οὐ μὲν δή, to deny positively, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἀλλ᾽ οὔ τι μὲν δή. [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.5) μὲν οὖν, see below 11.2. B.II) where the Particles combine so as to form a new sense, B.II.1) μέν γε at all events, at any rate (not in Trag.), τοῦτο μέν γ᾽ ἤδη σαφές [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II.2) μὲν οὖν is frequently used with a corresponding δέ, so that each Particle retains its force, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: but frequently also absolutely, so then, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; especially in replies, sometimes in strong affirmation, παντάπασι μὲν οὖν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also to substitute a new statement so as to correct a preceding statement, nay rather, κακοδαίμω; Answ. βαρυδαίμων μὲν οὖν! [Refs 5th c.BC+]; μου πρὸς τὴν κεφαλὴν ἀποψῶ wipe your nose on my head: Answ. ἐμοῦ μὲν οὖν. nay on mine, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; compare οὐμενοῦν: in “NT” μενοῦν and μενοῦνγε", to begin a sentence, yea rather, [NT+5th c.BC+] B.II.3) by μέν τε, if δέ τε follows, the two clauses are more closely combined than by τε, τε, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; by ἀλλά, αὐτάρ,[Refs 8th c.BC+]; perhaps by ἠδέ, [Refs 8th c.BC+] absolutely, when τε loses its force, as after ἦ, τίς, etc, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.II.4) μέν τοι in [Refs 8th c.BC+] always occurs in speeches, where τοι can be regarded as the dative of the pronoun: later, μέντοι is written as a single word, and is used: B.II.4.a) with a conjunctive force, yet, nevertheless, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; and sometimes stands for δέ, answering to μέν, see above [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.II.4.b) as an adverb, in strong protestations, οὐ μέντοι μὰ Δία[Refs 4th c.BC+]; in eager or positive assent, of course, φαμέν τι εἶναι; Answ. φαμὲν μέντοι νὴ Δία [Refs 5th c.BC+]; why, are you not? [Refs]; τί μ. πρῶτον ἦν, τί πρῶτον ἦ; nay what was the first? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; σὺ μέντοι. [Refs 2nd c.AD+] only take heed, [Refs 5th c.BC+] nay it would be absurd, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; summing up a long temporal clause, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II.4.c) μέντοι γε [Refs 5th c.BC+] stands first in the sentence, μ. οὐ θέλω [Refs 1st c.AD+]; also γε μέντοι [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II.4.d) καὶ μ. καί is used to add a point to be noted, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also καί. μ, νῦν σοι καιρός ἐστιν ἐπιδείξασθαι τὴν παιδείαν, καὶ φυλάξασθαι μέντοι. and of course to take care, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II.4.e) ἀλλὰ μέντοι well, if it comes to that, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; well, of course, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; compare μέντον. C) for μέν after other Particles, see each Particle. D) Position of μέν. Like δέ, it usually stands as the second word in a sentence. But when a sentence begins with words common to its subordinate clauses, μέν stands second in the first of these clauses, as ἥδε γὰρ γυνὴ δούλη μέν, εἴρηκεν δ᾽ ἐλεύθερον λόγον [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ Ἀθηναῖοι ἐτάξαντο μέν, ἡσύχαζον δέ. [Refs 5th c.BC+], even when these do not stand first: sometimes however it precedes them, ὡς μὲν ἐγὼ οἶμαι [Refs 5th c.BC+]. It generally stands between the Article and Noun, or the preposition and its Case: but if special stress is laid on the Noun, this is sometimes neglected, as οἱ Τεγεᾶται μὲν ἐπηυλίσαντο, Μαντινῆς δὲ ἀπεχώρησαν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἀνὰ τὸ σκοτεινὸν μέν. [Refs 5th c.BC+]. D.II) μέν is frequently repeated: D.II.1) when, besides the opposition of two main clauses, a subordinate opposition is introduced into the first, ὁ μὲν ἀνὴρ τοιαῦτα μὲν πεποίηκε τοιαῦτα δὲ λέγει, ὑμῶν δέ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] D.II.2) in apodosi with the demonstrative pronoun or adverb, τὸν μὲν καλέουσι θέρος, τοῦτον μὲν προσκυνέουσι, τὸν δὲ χειμῶνα[Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὅτε μέν με οἱ ἄρχοντες ἔταττον, τότε μὲν ἔμενον, τοῦ δὲ θεοῦ τάττοντος. ἐνταῦθα δέ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] D.II.3) μέν used absolutely is frequently followed by a correlative μέν, εἰ μὲν οὖν ἡμεῖς μὲν. ποιοῦμεν [Refs] D.III) μέν is sometimes omitted (especially in Poetry) where it is implied in the following δέ, φεύγων, ὁ δ᾽ ὄπισθε διώκων [Refs 8th c.BC+]
properly, indicative of affirmation or concession (in fact); usually followed by a contrasted clause with g1161 (δέ) (this one, the former, etc.); even, indeed, so, some, truly, verily; a primary particle

Strongs extended:
Next word
Noun Nominative Singular Neuter
a neuter PERSON OR THING that is doing something
Identical in all sources
spirit/breath, spirit
spirit/breath: spirit
Greek Noun Neuter
πνεῦμα, -τος, τό, [in LXX chiefly and very frequently for רוּחַ;] 1) of air in motion; (a) wind: Jhn.3:8; pl, Heb.1:7 (LXX); (b) breath: π. ζωῆς, Rev.11:11; π. τοῦ στόματος, figuratively, 2Th.2:8 (cf. Ps 32 (33)6). 2) Of the vital principle, the spirit (Arist, Polyb, al.): Luk.8:55, Jhn.19:30, Act.7:59, al; opposite to σάρξ, Mat.26:41, Mrk.14:38, 1Co.5:5, al; to σῶμα, Rom.8:10, 1Co.6:17 7:34, 1Pe.4:6; to ψυχή, Php.1:27, Heb.4:12; τὸ π. καὶ ἡ ψ. καὶ τ. σῶμα, 1Th.5:23 (M, Th., in l.); dative, τῷ π, in spirit, Mrk.2:8 8:12, Jhn.11:33 13:21, Act.18:25, Rom.12:11, 1Co.7:34, 1Pe.3:18, al; of the human spirit of Christ, Rom.1:4, 1Ti.3:16. 3) spirit, i.e. frame of mind, disposition, influence: Luk.1:17, Rom.8:15, 1Co.4:21, Gal 6:1, Eph.2:2, 2Ti.1:7, 1Jn.4:6, al. 4) An incorporeal being, a spirit: Luk.24:37, 39 Act.23:8; π. ὁ θεός, God is spirit, Jhn.4:24; πατὴρ τῶν π, Heb.12:9; of disembodied human beings, Heb.12:23, 1Pe.3:19 (ICC, in l; DB, iii, 795); of angels. Heb.1:14; of demons or evil spirits, Mat.8:16, Mrk.9:20, Luk.9:39, al; π. πύθυωνα, Act.16:16; πνεύματα δαιμονίων, Rev.16:14; π. δαιμονίου ἀκαθάρτου, Luk.4:33; π. ἀσθενείας (Bl, §35, 5), Luk.13:11; π. ἀκάθαρτον, Mat.10:1, Mrk.1:23, Luk.4:36, Act.5:16; π. ἄλαλον (καὶ κωφόν), Mrk.9:17, 25; πονηρόν, Luk.7:21, Act.19:12, al. 5) Of the Holy Spirit, π. ἅγιον, τὸ ἅ. π, τὸ π. τὸ ἅ. τὸ π, π. (the article as a rule being used when the Spirit is regarded as a Person or a Divine Power, and omitted when the reference is to an operation, influence or gift of the Spirit; see WM, 151:5; Bl, §46, 7): anarth, Mat.1:18 3:11, 16 4:1, Mrk.1:8 (Swete, in l.), ib.10, Luk.1:15, Jhn.7:39, Act.19:2, Rom.5:5, 1Co.2:4, al; with art, Mat.4:1 12:31, 32 Mrk.1:10 3:29, Luk.2:26, Jhn.7:36 14:26, Act.4:31 5:3, Rom.8:16, al; (τὸ) π. (τοῦ) θεοῦ, Mat.3:16, Rom.8:9, Eph.3:16, 1Jn.4:2, al; τὸ π. τ. πατρός, Mat.10:20; π. θεοῦ ζῶντος, 2Co.3:3; (τὸ) π. τοῦ κυρίου, Luk.4:18, Act.5:9 8:39; τὸ π. Ἰησοῦ, Act.16:7; Χριστοῦ, Rom.8:9; Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ, Php.1:19; τὸ π. τ. ἀληθείας, Jhn.15:26 16:13, 1Jn.4:6; λείγει (μαρτυρεῖ) τὸ π. (τὸ ἅγιον), Act.21:11 28:25, 1Ti.4:1, Heb.3:7 10:15, Rev.14:13; before τ. ἐκκλησίαις, Rev.2:7, 11 17, 29, 3:6, 12, 22; ἐν τ. π, Luk.2:27; κατὰ πνεῦμα, Rom.8:4, 5; ἐξ ὕδατος καὶ π, Jhn.3:5, διὰ πνεύματος αἰωνίου, Heb.9:14; ἐν ἁγιασμῷ πνεύματος, 2Th.2:13, 1Pe.1:2; ἓν π, 1Co.12:13, Eph.2:18 4:4; ὁ δὲ κύριος τὸ π. ἐστιν, 2Co.3:17; of that which is effected or governed by the Spirit, opposite to γράμμα, Rom.2:29 7:6, 2Co.3:6. SYN.: νοῦς, which in NT is contrasted with π. as "the action of the understanding in man with that of the spiritual or ecstatic impulse" (DB, iv, 612); ψυχή — the usual term in cl. psychology—in NT, "expresses man as apart from God, a separate individual, π. expresses man as drawing his life from God" (DB, 1-vol, 872). (AS)
spirit/breath: spirit
Greek Noun Neuter
πνεῦμα, ατος, τό, (πνέω) blast, wind, first in [Refs 6th c.BC+]: frequently in Trag, etc, ἀνέμων πνεύματα πάντων [Refs 4th c.BC+]; θαλάσσας. πνεύματι λάβρῳ [Refs 5th c.BC+] is commoner in Poets; [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κατὰ πρύμναν ἵσταται τὸ π.[Refs 5th c.BC+]; κατὰ πνεῦμα στῆναι τοῦ ἄρρενος to leeward of him, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; but κατὰ π. προσιόντες down wind, [Refs]; πνεύματος ἀνείλησις, ἐκπύρωσις, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; as an element, air, [Refs 3rd c.AD+] 2) metaphorically, θαλερωτέρῳ π. with more genial breeze or influence, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; αἰδοίῳ π. χώρας with air or spirit of respect on the part of the country, [Refs]; π. ταὐτὸν οὔποτ᾽. ἐν ἀνδράσιν φίλοις βέβηκεν the wind is constantly changing even among friends, [Refs 5th c.BC+] II) breathed air, breath, σάλπιγξ βροτείου πνεύματος πληρουμένη [Refs 4th c.BC+]; αὐλῶν, λωτοῦ π, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. ἀπέρρηξεν βίου the breath of life, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; π. ἄθροισον collect breath, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. ἀφεῖναι, ἀνεῖναι, μεθεῖναι, to give up the ghost, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πνεύματος διαρροαί the wind-pipe, [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.2) breathing, respiration, frequently in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. προσκόπτον checked, difficult breathing, Aph.[Refs]; π. ἄσημον indistinct, feeble breathing, Epid.[Refs]; π. βηχῶδες [Refs]; π. μετέωρον shallow breathing, Epid.[Refs]; τὸ π. ἔχειν ἄνω to be out of breath, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τὸ π. ἀνήνεγκαν recovered their breath, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but ἀναφέρουσιν. κλαίοντά τε καὶ ἐς τὰς ῥῖνας ἀνέλκοντα τὸ π. they sob, [Refs] II.2.b) plural, of the air imagined as filling the veins, πνευμάτων ἀπολήψιες ἀνὰ φλέβας [Refs]Acut.(Sp.)[Refs] II.3) flatulence, in plural, [Refs 4th c.BC+] II.4) breath of life, π. ζωῆς [LXX+1st c.AD+]; π. ἔχειν retain life, [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; living being, ἐγὼ Νίνος πάλαι ποτ᾽ ἐγενόμην π. [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; οὐ π. πάντα βρότεια σοὶ (i.e. Πλούτωνι) νέμετα; [Refs] II.5) that which is breathed forth or exhaled, odour, ὦ θεῖον ὀδμῆς π. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. βαρὺ ἀφιεῖσα, of a tree, [Refs 1st c.AD+] II.6) Grammars, breathing with which a vowel is pronounced, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; π. δασύ, ψιλόν, [Refs] III) divine inspiration, ἄγρια. πνεύματα θευφορίης [Refs 5th c.BC+] IV) the spirit of God, π. θεοῦ [LXX]: frequently in NT, τὸ π. τὸ ἅγιον [NT] IV.2) spirit of man, εἴτ᾽ ἐστὶ τοῦτο π. θεῖον εἴτε νοῦς [Refs 4th c.BC+]: in NT, opposed to ψυχή, [NT]; τῷ π, opposed to τῷ σώματι, [NT]; also, opposed to γράμμα, [NT] V) spiritual or immaterial being, angel, [NT]; τὰ ἄχραντα π, τὰ κακὰ π, [Refs 4th c.AD+]; π. πονηρόν, ψευδές, [LXX+NT+3rd c.AD+]; ἀλάλου καὶ κακοῦ π. οὖσα πλήρης (i.e. ἡ Πυθία) [Refs 1st c.AD+] VI) Rhet, sentence declaimed in one breath, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]
Strongs > g4151
Noun Neuter
a current of air, i.e. breath (blast) or a breeze; by analogy or figuratively, a spirit, i.e. (human) the rational soul, (by implication) vital principle, mental disposition, etc., or (superhuman) an angel, demon, or (divine) God, Christ's spirit, the Holy Spirit; ghost, life, spirit(-ual, -ually), mind; from g4154 (πνέω)

[is] willing,
Next word
Adjective Nominative Singular Neuter
DESCRIBING a neuter person or thing that is doing something
Identical in all sources
Greek Adjective
πρόθυμος, -ον [in LXX: 1Ch.28:21, 2Ch.29:31 (נָדִיב), Hab.1:8 (חוּשׁ), al;] willing, ready: Mat.26:41, Mrk.14:38; neut, τὸ π. = ἡ προθυμία (Thuc, al, 3Ma.5:26), οὕτως τὸ κατ᾽ ἐμὲ (= cl. τὸ ἐμὸν) π, Rom.1:15 (but see ICC, in l). (AS)
Greek Adjective
πρόθῡμος, ον, ready, willing, eager, π. εἰμι, with infinitive, ={προθυμέομαι}, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. ἔα πυθέσθαι I was eager to learn, [Refs 5th c.BC+] 2) with genitive objecti, eager for, ὧν π. ἦσθ᾽ ἀεί [Refs 5th c.BC+] 3) with Preps, ἐὰν γένῃ π. ἐς τὰ πράγματα [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πρὸς τὸν πόλεμον[Refs 5th c.BC+] 4) absolutely, [Refs 5th c.BC+] II) bearing goodwill, wishing well, devoted, φύλαξ. τῇ σῇ π. εἰς ὁδὸν κυναγία [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἴς τινας[Refs 5th c.BC+] III) adverb -μως readily, zealously, actively, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. υᾶλλον ἢ φίλως with more zeal than kindness, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; μάχεσθαι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; π. ἔχειν πρός τι [Refs 5th c.BC+]: comparative -ότερον[Refs 5th c.BC+]: superlative -ότατα[Refs 5th c.BC+]
forward in spirit, i.e. predisposed; neuter (as noun) alacrity; ready, willing; from g4253 (πρό) and g2372 (θυμός)

Next word
Definite article Nominative Singular Feminine
a SPECIFIC female person or thing that is doing something
Identical in all sources
Greek Article
, ἡ, τό, the prepositive article (ἄρθρον προτακτικόν), originally a demonstr. pron. (so usually in Hom.), in general corresponding to the Eng. definite article. I. As demonstr. pron. 1) As frequently in Hom, absol, he (she, it), his (etc.): Act.17:28 (quoted from the poet Aratus). 2) Distributive, ὁ μὲν. ὁ δέ, the one. the other: 1Co.7:7, Gal.4:22; pl, Act.14:4, 17:32, Php.1:16, al; οἱ μὲν. ἄλλοι δέ, Mat.16:14, Jhn.7:12; οἱ μεν̀. ὁδέ, Heb.7:21, 23. 3) In narration (without ὁ μὲν preceding), ὁ δέ, but he: Mat.2:14, Mrk.1:45, Luk.8:21, Jhn.9:38, al. mult. II. As prepositive article, the, prefixed, 1) to nouns unmodified: ὁ θεός, τὸ φῶς, etc; to abstract nouns, ἡ σοφία, etc, to pl. nouns which indicate a class, οἱ ἀλώπεκες, foxes, Mat.8:20, al; to an individual as representing a class, ὁ ἐργάτης, Luk.10:7; with nom. = voc. in addresses, Mat.11:26, Jhn.19:3, Jas.5:1, al; to things which pertain to one, ἡ χεῖρ, his hand, Mrk.3:1; to names of persons well known or already mentioned; usually to names of countries (originally adjectives), ἡ Ἰουδαία, etc. 2) To modified nouns: with of person(s) pron. genitive, μοῦ, σοῦ, etc; with poss. pron, ἐμός, σός, etc; with adj. between the art. and the noun, ὁ ἀγαθὸς ἄνθρωπος, Mat.12:35; the noun foll, by adj, both with art, ὁ ποιμὴν ὁ καλός, Jhn.10:11 (on ὁ ὄχλος πολύς, Jhn.12:9, see M, Pr., 84); before adjectival phrases, ἡ κατ᾽ ἐκλογὴν πρόθεσις, Rom.9:11. 3) To Other parts of speech used as substantives; (a) neuter adjectives: τ. ἀγαθόν, etc; (b) cardinal numerals: ὁ εἶς, οἷ δύο, etc; (with) participles: ὁ βαπτίζων (= ὁ Βαπτιστής, Mat.14:2), Mrk.6:14; πᾶς ὁ, with ptcp, every one who, etc; (d) adverbs: τὸ πέραν, τὰ νῦν, ὁ ἔσω ἄνθρωπος; (e) infinitives: nom, τὸ θέλειν, Rom.7:18, al; genitive, τοῦ, after adjectives, ἄξιον τοῦ πορεύεσθαι, 1Co.16:4; verbs, ἐλαχεν τοῦ θυμιᾶσαι, Luk.1:9; and frequently in a final sense, ἐξῆλθεν ὁ σπείρειν, Mat.13:3 (on the artic. inf, see Bl, §71). 4) In the neut. to sentences, phrases or single words treated as a quotation: τὸ Ἐι δύνῃ, Mrk.9:23; τὸ ἔτι ἅπαξ, Heb.12:27; τὸ ἀνέβη, Eph.4:9, al. 5) To prepositional phrases: οἱ ἀπὸ Ἰταλίας, Heb.13:24; οἱ ἐκ νόμου, Rom.4:14; neut. accusative absol, in adverbial phrases, τὸ καθ᾽ ἡμέραν, daily, Luk.11:3; τὸ κατὰ σάρκα, as regards the flesh, Rom.9:5. 6) To nouns in the genitive, denoting kinship, association, etc: ὁ τοῦ, the son of (unless context indicates a different relationship), Mat.10:2, al; τὰ τοῦ θεοῦ, the things that pertain to God, Mat.16:23; τὰ τῆς εἰρήνης, Rom.14:19 (cf. M, Pr., 81ff; Bl, §§46, 47). (AS)
Greek Article
, , τό, is, when thus written, A) demonstrative Pronoun. B ) in Attic dialect, definite or prepositive Article. C ) in Epic dialect, the so-called postpositive Article, = relative Pronoun, ὅς, ἥ, ὅ.—The nominative masculine and feminine singular and plural, ὁ, ἡ, οἱ, αἱ, have no accent in codices and most printed books, except when used as the relative; but ὁ, ἡ, οἱ, αἱ differ only in writing from ὃ, ἣ, οἳ, α; the nominative forms of the article are said by Hdn.Gr.1.474 to be oxytone, and by [Refs 2nd c.AD+] in Aeolic dialect accusative to [Refs 8th c.BC+] genitive and dative dual τοῖιν [Refs 8th c.BC+]— In Doric dialect and all other dialects except Attic dialect and Ionic dialect the feminine forms preserve the old ᾱ instead of changing it to η, hence Doric dialect etc. ἁ, τάν, τᾶ; the genitive plural τάων contracts in many dialects to τᾶ; the genitive singular is in many places τῶ, accusative plural τώς, but Cretan dialect, etc, τόνς [Refs]; in Lesbian Aeolic dialect the accusative plural forms are τοὶς, ταὶς, [Refs]; dative plural τοῖς, ταῖς (or τοὶς, ταὶς, see above), [Refs]; ταῖσι as demonstrative, [Refs 7th c.BC+] Poets also used the Ionic dialect and _Epic dialect_ forms τοῖσι, ταῖσ; and in Trag. we find τοὶ μέν, τοὶ δέ, for οἱ μέν, οἱ δέ, not only in Lyric poetry, as [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but even in a trimeter, [Refs 5th c.BC+] {ὅ}; τὼ πόλεε Foed. cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; in [Refs 4th c.AD+] functions as genitive dual feminine, μεσακόθεν τοῖς κράναιυν [Refs 4th c.BC+] —in Elean and _Boeotian dialect_ ὁ, ἡ (ἁ), τό, with the addition of -ί, ={ὅδε}, ἥδε, τόδε, _nominative_ _plural_ _masculine_ τυΐ the following men, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] cf. Sanskrit demonstrative pronoun sa, sā, Gothic sa, sō, ONorse sá, sú, Old Latin accusative sum, sam (Enn.): —with τό [from *τόδ] cf. Sanskrit tat (tad), Latin is-tud, Gothic pata: —with τοί cf. Sanskrit te, Lithuanian tĩe, O[Refs 5th c.BC+] pá, etc:—with τάων cf. Sanskrit tāsām, Latin is-tarum:— the origin of the relative ὅς, ἥ, ὅ (which see) is different.) A) ὁ, ἡ, τό, DEMONSTR. PRONOUN, that, the oldest and in [Refs 8th c.BC+] the commonest sense: frequently also in [Refs 5th c.BC+], and sometimes in Trag. (mostly in Lyric poetry, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τῶν γάρ, τῆς γάρ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; seldom in Attic dialect Prose, except in special phrases, see infr. VI, VII): A.I) joined with a substantive, to call attention to it, ὁ Τυδεΐδης he—Tydeus' famous son, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τὸν Χρύσην that venerable man Chryses, I.II: and so with appellative, Νέστωρ ὁ γέρων N.—thataged man, [Refs]; αἰετοῦ. τοῦ θηρητῆρος the eagle, that which is called hunter, [Refs]; also to define and give emphasis, τιμῆς τῆς Πριάμου for honour, namely that of Priam, [Refs]; οἴχετ᾽ ἀνὴρ ὤριστος a man is gone, and he the best, [Refs]:—different from this are cases [Refs 8th c.BC+] if he would help the Trojans, but drive those back to the ships—I mean the Achaeans, where Ἀχ. is only added to explain τούς, compare [Refs] A.II) frequently without a substantive, he, she, it, ὁ γὰρ ἦλθε [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.III) placed after its Noun, before the Relat. Prons, ἐφάμην σὲ περὶ φρένας ἔμμεναι ἄλλων, τῶν ὅσσοι Λυκίην ναιετάουσι far above the rest, above those to wit who, etc, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οἷ᾽ οὔ πώ τιν᾽ ἀκούομεν οὐδὲ παλαιῶν, τάων αἳ πάρος ἦσαν. Ἀχαιαί such as we have not heard tell of yet even among the women of old, those women to wit who, [Refs 8th c.BC+] —for the _Attic dialect_ usage see below A.IV) before a Possessive pronoun its demonstrative force is sometimes very manifest, φθίσει σε τὸ σὸν μένος that spirit of thine, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.V) for cases in which the Homeric usage approaches most nearly to the Attic, see below [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI) ὁ μέν, ὁ δέ. without a substantive, in all cases, genders, and numbers, [Refs 8th c.BC+] properly refers to the former, ὁ δέ to the latter; more rarely ὁ μέν the latter, ὁ δέ the former, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: sometimes in Partition, the one, the other, etc.—The Noun with it is regularly in genitive plural, being divided by the ὁ μέν, ὁ δέ, into parts, ἠΐθεοι καὶ παρθένοι, τῶν δ᾽ αἱ μὲν λεπτὰς ὀθόνας ἔχον, οἱ δὲ χιτῶνας εἵατο [Refs 8th c.BC+]: but frequently the Noun is in the same case, by a kind of apposition, ἴδον υἷε Δάρητος, τὸν μὲν ἀλευάμενον τὸν δὲ κτάμενον [Refs 8th c.BC+]: so in Trag. and Attic dialect, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; if the Noun be collective, it is in the genitive singular, ὁ μὲν πεπραμένος ἦν τοῦ σίτου, ὁ δὲ ἔνδον ἀποκείμενος [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.2) when a negative accompanies ὁ δέ, it follows δέ, e.g. τὰς γοῦν Ἀθήνας οἶδα τὸν δὲ χῶρον οὔ [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.3) ὁ μέν τις, ὁ δέ τις. is used in Prose, when the Noun to which ὁ refers is left indefinite, ἔλεγον ὁ μέν τις τὴν σοφίαν, ὁ δὲ τὴν καρτερίαν, ὁ δέ τις καὶ τὸ κάλλος [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.4) on τὸ μέν, τὸ δέ, or τὰ μέν, τὰ δέ, [Refs] A.VI.5) ὁ μέν is frequently used without a corresponding ὁ δέ, οἱ μὲν ἄρ᾽ ἐσκίδναντο, Μυρμιδόνας δ᾽ οὐκ εἴα ἀποσκίδνασθαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; by ἄλλος δέ, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.6) ὁ δέ following μέν sometimes refers to the subject of the preceding clause, τοῦ μὲν ἅμαρθ᾽, ὁ δὲ Λεῦκον. βεβλήκει [Refs 8th c.BC+]: rare in Attic dialect Prose, ἐπεψήφιζεν αὐτὸς ἔφορος ὤν· ὁ δὲ οὐκ ἔφη διαγιγνώσκειν τὴν βοήν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI.7) ὁ δέ is frequently used simply in continuing a narrative, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also used by [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VI.8) the opposition may be expressed otherwise than by μέν and δέ, οὔθ᾽ ὁ. οὔθ᾽ ὁ [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VII) the following usages prevailed in Attic dialect Prose, A.VII.1) in dialogue, after καί, it was usual to say in nominative singular masculine καὶ ὅ; in the other cases the usual forms of the Article were used (see. ὅς [Refs 4th c.BC+] II.I and cf. Sanskrit sas, alternatative form of sa); so, in accusative, καὶ τὸν εἰπεῖν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VII.2) ὁ καὶ ὁ such and such, τῇ καὶ τῇ ἀτιμίᾳ [Refs 5th c.BC+]: but mostly in accusative, καί μοι κάλει τὸν καὶ τόν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἀνάγκη ἄρα τὸ καὶ τό it must then be so and so, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; but τὰ καὶ τά now one thing, now another, of good and bad, τὸν δ᾽ ἀγαθὸν τολμᾶν χρὴ τά τε καὶ τὰ φέρειν [Refs 6th c.BC+]; so πάντα τοῦ μετρίου μεταβαλλόμενα ἐπὶ τὰ καὶ ἐπὶ τά, of excess and defect, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII) absolutely usages of single cases, A.VIII.1) feminine dative τῇ, of Place, there, on that spot, here, this way, that way, [Refs 8th c.BC+], etc: also in Prose, τὸ μὲν τῇ, τὸ δὲ τῇ [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.b) with a notion of motion towards, that way, in that direction, [Refs 8th c.BC+] —only poetry A.VIII.1.c) of Manner, τῇ περ τελευτήσεσθαι ἔμελλεν in this way, thus, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.d) repeated, τῇ μέν, τῇ δέ, in one way, in another, or partly, partly, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.1.e) relative, where, by which way, only Epic dialect, as [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.2) neuter dative τῷ, therefore, on this account, frequently in [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.2.b) thus, so, [Refs 8th c.BC+] precedes, be translated, then, if this be so, on this condition, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.3) neuter accusative τό, wherefore, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also τὸ δέ absolutely, but the fact is, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; even when the τό refers to what precedes, the contrast may lie not in the thing referred to, but in another part of the sentence (compare above[Refs 5th c.BC+]; φασὶ δέ τινες αὐτὸν καὶ τῶν ἑπτὰ σοφῶν γεγονέναι· τὸ δὲ οὐκ ἦν but he was not, [Refs 1st c.BC+] A.VIII.4) τὸ μέν, τὸ δέ, partly, partly, or on the one hand, on the other, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; more frequently τὰ μέν, τὰ δέ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] in the first clause, τὸ δέ τι [Refs] several times. and finally, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.5) of Time, sometimes that time, sometimes this (present) time, συνμαχία κ᾽ ἔα ἑκατὸν ϝέτεα, ἄρχοι δέ κα τοΐ (where it is possible, but not necessary, to supply ϝέτος) [Refs 6th c.BC+] from that time, [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.VIII.5.b) πρὸ τοῦ, sometimes written προτοῦ, before this, aforetime, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VIII.5.c) in Thess. Prose, ὑππρὸ τᾶς yesterday, τὰ ψαφίσματα τό τε ὑππρὸ τᾶς γενόμενον καὶ τὸ τᾶμον the decree which was passed yesterday (literal before this [day]), and to-day's, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] A.VIII.6) ἐν τοῖς is frequently used in Prose with Superlatives, ἐν τοῖσι θειότατον a most marvellous thing, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν τοῖς πρῶτοι the very first, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν τοῖσι πρῶτος (πρώτοις codices) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [Ζεὺς] Ἔρωτά τε καὶ Ἀνάγκην ἐν τοῖς πρῶτα ἐγέννησεν first of all, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] the greatest number of ships, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: also with adverbs, ἐν τοῖς μάλιστα [Refs 5th c.BC+]: in late Prose, also with Positives, ἐν τοῖς παράδοξον [Refs 1st c.BC+] B) ὁ, ἡ, τό, THE DEFINITE ARTICLE, the, to specify individuals: rare in this signification in the earliest Gr, becoming commoner later. In [Refs 8th c.BC+] the demonstrative force can generally be traced, [Refs 4th c.BC+] I, but the definite Article must be recognized in places [Refs 8th c.BC+]: also when joined to an adjective to make it a substantive, αἰὲν ἀποκτείνων τὸν ὀπίστατον the hindmost man, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also in τῶν ἄλλων [Refs]; also τὸ τρίτον[Refs]; τὸ μὲν ἄλλο for the rest,[Refs]—The true Article, however, is first fully established in 5th C Attic dialect, whilst the demonstrative usage disappears, except in a few cases, V. [Refs 4th c.BC+] —Chief usages, especially in _Attic dialect_ B.I) not only with common Appellats, adjectives, and Parts, to specify them as present to sense or mind, but also frequently where we use the Possessive pronoun, τὸ κέαρ ηὐφράνθην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὴν κεφαλὴν κατεάγην my head was broken, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοὺς φίλους ποιούμεθα we make our friends, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰς πόλεις ἔκτιζον they began founding their cities, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.b) omitted with proper nounsand frequently with Appellats. which require no specification, as θεός, βασιλεύς, see at {θεός} [Refs] III; ἐμ πόλει in the Acropolis, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; compare Θράσυλος in [Refs]; or when the person spoken of is to be specially distinguished, Ζεύς, ὅστις ὁ Ζεύς whoever this Zeus is, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; and therefore properly omitted when a special designation follows, as Σωκράτης ὁ φιλόσοφος: seldom in Trag. with proper nouns, save to give peculiar emphasis, like Latin ille, ὁ Λάϊος, ὁ Φοῖβος, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.c) Aristotle says Σωκράτης meaning the historical Socrates, as in [Refs] when he means the Platonic Socrates, as [Refs] B.I.d) for Σαῦλος ὁ καὶ Παῦλος, etc, see at {καί} [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.2) in a generic sense, where the individual is treated as a type, οἷς ὁ γέρων μετέῃσιν. λεύσσει [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.2.b) frequently with abstract Nouns, ἥ τε ἐλπὶς καὶ ὁ ἔρως [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.3) of outstanding members of a class, ὁ γεωγράφος, ὁ κωμικός, ὁ ποιητής, ὁ τεχνικός, see at {γεωγράφος}, κωμικός, ποιητής, τεχνικός. B.I.4) with infinitives, which thereby become Substantives, τὸ εἴργειν prevention, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ φρονεῖν good sense, [Refs 5th c.BC+]infinitive, τὸ θεοὺς εἶναι the existence of gods, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ μηδένα εἶναι ὄλβιον the fact or statement that no one is happy, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.5) in neuter before any word or expression which itself is made the object of thought, τὸ ἄνθρωπος the word or notion man; τὸ λέγω the word λέγ; τὸ μηδὲν ἄγαν the sentiment 'ne quid nimis', [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ τῇ αὐτῇ the phrase τῇ αὐτῇ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] the opinion about the question 'who ought to rule', [Refs]; τὸ ἐὰν μένητε παρ᾽ ἐμοί, ἀποδώσω the phrase 'I will give back, if. ', [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ ὀλίγοι the term few, [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.6) before relative clauses, when the Article serves to combine the whole relative clause into one notion, τῇ ᾗ φὴς σὺ σκληρότητι the harshness you speak of, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν ἥμερον καρπόν, καὶ τὸν ὅσος ξύλινος (i.e. καὶ τὸν καρπὸν ὅσος ἂν ᾖ ξύλινος) [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.7) before Prons, B.I.7.a) before the person Prons, giving them greater emphasis, but only in accusative, τὸν ἐμέ [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸν. σὲ καὶ ἐμέ[Refs] B.I.7.b) before the interrogative pronoun (both τίς and ποῖος), referring to something before, which needs to be more distinctly specified, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τῆς ποίας μερίδο; [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τοῖς ποίοις; [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.7.c) with τοιοῦτος, τοιόσδε, τηλικοῦτος, etc, the Article either makes the pronoun into a substantive, ὁ τοιοῦτος that sort of person, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; or subjoins it to a substantive which already has an Article, τὴν ἀπολογίαν τὴν τοιαύτην [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.8) before ἅπας, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τὸν ἕνα, τὸν ἕνα τοῦτον, [Refs 4th c.BC+] see entry; and on οἱ ἄλλοι, οἱ πολλοί, etc, see at {ἄλλος} [Refs] B.I.9) the Article with the comparative is rare, if ἤ follows, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II) elliptic expressions: B.II.1) before the genitive of a proper name, to express descent, son or daughter, Θουκυδίδης ὁ Ὀλόρου (i.e. υἱός) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Ἑλένη ἡ τοῦ Διός (i.e. θυγάτηρ) [Refs 5th c.BC+]: also to denote other relationships, e.g. brother, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἡ Σμικυθίωνος Μελιστίχη M.the wife of [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Κλέαρχος καὶ οἱ ἐκείνου Cl. and his men, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ τοῦ Ἀντιγένεος the slave of [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.II.2) generally, before a genitive it indicates a wider relation, as τὸ τῶν νεῶν, τὸ τῶν Ἑρμῶν, the matter of the ships, the affair of the Hermae, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ τοῦ Ἀρριβαίου πράσσειν to promote the interests of Arrhibaeus, [Refs]; τὸ τῆς τύχης,=ἡ τύχη, [Refs]; τὰ τῆς τύχης accidents, chance events, [Refs]; τὰ γὰρ φθιτῶν τοῖς ὁρῶσι κόσμος performance of the rites due to the dead befits the living, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ τῶν θεῶν that which is destined by the gods, [Refs 5th c.BC+] what regards me or thee, my or thy business or interests, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: and with genitive of [Refs 5th c.BC+] is frequently also, a man's word or saying, as τὸ τοῦ Σόλωνος [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ τοῦ Ὁμήρου as Homer says, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τά τινος so-and-so's house, [NT+5th c.BC+] B.II.3) very frequently with cases governed by Preps. αἱ ἐκ τῆς Ζακύνθου νῆες the ships from Zacynthus, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also τὰ ἐπὶ Θρᾴκης the Thrace-ward district, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ ἀπὸ τοῦ καταστρώματος matters on deck, [Refs]; τὰ ἀπ᾽ Ἀλκιβιάδου the proposals of Alcibiades, [Refs]; τὰ ἀπὸ τῆς τύχης the incidents of fortune, [Refs] B.II.4) on μὰ τόν, μὰ τήν, etc, see at {μά} IV. B.II.5) in elliptical phrases, ἐπορευόμην τὴν ἔξω τείχους (i.e. ὁδόν) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἡ αὔριον (i.e. ἡμέρα), see at {αὔριον}; ἡ Λυδιστί (i.e. ἁρμονία) [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ οἴκαδε πλοῦς [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc; but τό stands absolutely with Advs. of time and place, when one cannot (as in the preceding instances) supply a substantive, as κἀκεῖσε καὶ τὸ δεῦρο [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ μὲν τὸ κεῖθεν, ὁ δὲ τὸ κεῖθεν [Refs 5th c.BC+] C) as RELATIVE PRONOUN in many dialects; both in nominative singular masculine ὅ, as κλῦθί μοι, ὃ χθιζὸς θεὸς ἤλυθες [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὃ ἐξορύξη he who banishes him, [Refs]; and in the forms beginning with τ, especially in [Refs 8th c.BC+]: also in Ionic dialect Poets, ἐν τῷ κάθημαι [Refs 7th c.BC+]; τό [Refs]; τῶν[Refs]—Never in Comedy texts or Attic dialect Prose:—Epic dialect genitive singular τεῦ [Refs 8th c.BC+] D) CRASIS OF ARTICLE: D.a) Attic dialect ὁ, ἡ, τό, with ᾰ make ᾱ, as ἁνήρ, ἁλήθεια, τἀγαθόν, τᾄτιο; so οἱ, αἱ, τά, as ἅνδρες, τἀγαθ; also τοῦ, τῷ, as τἀγαθοῦ, τἀγαθῷ: ὁ, τό, οἱ, before e gives ου, οὑξ, οὑπί, οὑμός, τοὔργον, οὑπιχώριοι, etc; also τοῦ, as τοὐμοῦ, τοὐπιόντο; but ἅτερος, θάτερον ([musical notation]), Ionic dialect οὕτερος, τοὔτερον (see. ἕτερος), Attic dialect feminine ἡτέρα, dative θητέρᾳ (see. ἕτερος); τῷ loses the iota, τὠμῷ, τὠπιόντι: ὁ, τό, before ο gives ου, as Οὁδυσσεύς, Οὑλύμπιος, τοὔνομα: ὁ, τό, etc, before αυ gives ᾱυ, αὑτός, ταὐτό, ταὐτῷ (frequently written ἁτός, etc. in Inscrr. and Papyrus); so τὰ αὐτά=ταὐτά, αἱ αὐταί=αὑταί: ἡ before εὐ gives ηὑ, as ηὑλάβεια: τῇ before ἡ gives θη, as θἠμέρᾳ: τὸ before ὑ gives θου, as θοὔδωρ for τὸ ὕδωρ. D.b) other dialects: in their treatment of crasis these follow the local laws of contraction, hence, e.g, Doric dialect ὡξ from ὁ ἐξ [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; Ionic dialect ᾡσυμνήτης from ὁ αἰς-[Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὡυτή from ἡ αὐτή [Refs 1st c.AD+]
the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom); the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc; the definite article

Next word
Identical in all sources
Greek Conjunction
δέ (before vowels δ᾽; on the general neglect of the elision in NT, see WH, App., 146; Tdf, Pr., 96), post-positive conjunctive particle; 1) copulative, but, in the next place, and, now (Abbott, JG, 104): Mat.1:2 ff, 2Co.6:15, 16, 2Pe.1:5-7; in repetition for emphasis, Rom.3:21, 22, 9:30, 1Co.2:6, Gal.2:2, Php.2:8; in transition to something new, Mat.1:18, 2:19, Luk.13:1, Jhn.7:14, Act.6:1, Rom.8:28, 1Co.7:1 8:1, al; in explanatory parenthesis or addition, Jhn.3:19, Rom.5:8, 1Co.1:12, Eph.2:4, 5:32, al; ὡς δέ, Jhn.2:9; καὶ. δέ, but also, Mat.10:18, Luk.1:76, Jhn.6:51, Rom.11:23, al; καὶ ἐὰν δέ, yea even if, Jhn.8:16. 2) Adversative, but, on the other hand, prop, answering to a foregoing μέν (which see), and distinguishing a word or clause from one preceding (in NT most frequently without μέν; Bl, §77, 12): ἐὰν δέ, Mat.6:14, 23, al; ἐγὼ (σὺ, etc.) δέ, Mat.5:22, 6:6, Mrk.8:29, al; ὁ δέ, αὐτὸς δέ, Mrk.1:45, Luk.4:40, al; after a negation, Mat.6:19, 20, Rom.3:4, 1Th.5:21, al. (AS)
Greek Conjunction
δέ, but: adversative and copulative Particle, I) answering to μέν (which see), τὴν νῦν μὲν Βοιωτίαν, πρότερον δὲ Καδμηίδα γῆν καλουμένην [Refs 5th c.BC+] II) without preceding μέν, II.1) adversative, expressing distinct opposition, αἰεί τοι τὰ κάκ᾽ ἐστὶ φίλα. μαντεύεσθαι, ἐσθλὸν δ᾽ οὔτε τί πω εἶπας[Refs 5th c.BC+]; so in Prose, οὐκ ἐπὶ κακῷ, ἐλευθερώσει δέ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.2) copulative, II.2.a) in explanatory clauses, ξυνέβησαν. τὰ μακρὰ τείχη ἑλεῖν (ἦν δὲ σταδίων μάλιστα ὀκτώ) [Refs 8th c.BC+]: when a substantive is followed by words in apposition, Ἀρισταγόρῃ τῷ Μιλησίῳ, δούλῳ δὲ ἡμετέρῳ [Refs 5th c.BC+]; so in answers, διπλᾶ λέγειν. —Answ. διπλᾶδ᾽ ὁρᾶν [Refs] II.2.b) in enumerations or transitions, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; with repetition of a word in different relations, ὣς Ἀχιλεὺς θάμβησεν, θάμβησαν δὲ καὶ ἄλλοι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; in rhetorical outbursts, οὐκ ἂν εὐθέως εἴποιεν· τὸν δὲ βάσκανον, τὸν δὲ ὄλεθρον, τοῦτον δὲ ὑβρίζειν,—ἀναπνεῖν δέ. [Refs 4th c.BC+]; in a climax, πᾶν γύναιον καὶ παιδίον καὶ θηρίον δέ nay even beast, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; in the combination καὶ δέ [Refs 8th c.BC+] II.2.c) answering to τε (which see), ἃ τῶν τε ἀποβαινόντων ἕνεκα ἄξια κεκτῆσθαι, πολὺ δὲ μᾶλλον αὐτὰ αὑτῶν [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.3) implying causal connexion, less direct than γάρ, [Refs 8th c.BC+] II.4) in questions, with implied opposition, ἑόρακας δ᾽, ἔφη, τὴν γυναῖκ; [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.4.b) τί δ; what then? to mark a transition in dialogue; see at {τίς}. II) in apodosi: II.1) after hypothetical clauses, εἰ δέ κε μὴ δώωσιν, ἐγὼ δέ κεν αὐτὸς ἕλωμαι if they will not give it, then I, [Refs 8th c.BC+] II.1.b) after temporal or relative clauses, with ἐπεί, ἕως, etc, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; with demonstrative Pronouns or adverbs answering to a preceding relative, οἵηπερ φύλλων γενεή, τοίη δὲ καὶ ἀνδρῶν [Refs 8th c.BC+]: sometimes after a participle, οἰόμενοι. τιμῆς τεύξεσθαι, ἀντὶ δὲ τούτων οὐδ᾽ ὅμοιοι. ἐσόμεθα [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.2) to resume after an interruption or parenthesis, χρόνου δὲ ἐπιγινομένου καὶ κατεστραμμένων σχεδὸν πάντων,—κατεστραμμένων δὲ τούτων. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; with an anacoluthon, ἡ δὲ ψυχὴ ἄρα,—οἷ ἂν θεὸς θέλῃ. τῇ ἐμῇ ψυχῇ ἰτέον, αὕτη δὲ δή. [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.3) to begin a story, ἦμος δ᾽ ἠέλιος. well, when the sun, [Refs 8th c.BC+] II.4) to introduce a proof, τεκμήριον δέ, σημεῖον δέ, (see entry). B) POSITION of δέ. It usually stands second: hence frequently between Article and substantive or preposition and case; but also after substantive, or words forming a connected notion, hence it may stand third, γυναῖκα πιστὴν δ᾽ ἐν δόμοις εὕροι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; so in Prose after a negative, οὐχ ὑπ᾽ ἐραστοῦ δέ, to avoid confusion between οὐ δέ and οὐδέ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]
but, and, etc.; also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English); a primary particle (adversative or continuative)

the flesh
Next word
Noun Nominative Singular Feminine
a female PERSON OR THING that is doing something
Identical in all sources
Greek Noun Female
σάρξ, σαρκός, ἡ [in LXX chiefly for בָּשָׂר;] flesh; 1) as in cl. generally, (a) prop, of the soft substance of the animal body: 1Co.15:39, 2Co.12:7, Gal.6:13, al; σ. καὶ αἷμα, 1Co.5:50; σ. καὶ ὀστέα, Luk.24:39; pl, of the flesh of many or parts of the flesh of one (cl.), Rev.17:16 19:18; φαγεῖν, Re, ll. with (cf. κατεσθίειν, 4Ki.9:36, al, and βιβρώσκειν, frequently in l.); metaphorically, Jas.5:3; mystically, φ. (τρώγειν) τὴν σ. τοῦ υἱοῦ τ. ἀνθρώπου, Jhn.6:52-56; (b) Of the whole substance of the body, = σῶμα: Act.2:26 (LXX), 31, 2Co.12:7, Gal.4:14, Eph.5:29; μία σ, Mrk.10:8; εἰς σ. μίαν (Gen.2:24), Mat.19:5, Mrk.10:8, 1Co.6:16, Eph.5:31; hence, of the material as opposite to the immaterial part of man (cf. Lft, Notes, 88): opposite to πνεῦμα, 1Co.5:5, 2Co.7:1, Col.2:5, 1Pe.3:18, 4:6; to ψύχη, Act.2:31, Rec; of the present life, ἐν (τῇ) σ, Rom.7:5, Gal.2:20, Php.1:22, 24 1Pe.4:2; of Christ's life on earth, αἱ ἡμέραι τ. σαρκὸς αὐτοῦ, Heb.5:7; of things pertaining to the body, ἐν (τῇ) σ, Gal.6:12, 13 Php.3:3, 4. 2) As in Heb. idiom, (a) of a living creature: πᾶσα σ. (Heb. כָּל־בָּשָׂר; cf. Bl, §47, 9), Mat.24:22, Mrk.13:20, 1Pe.1:24; esp. of man and his mortality (Psa.55 (56):5, Sir.28:5, al.), Jhn.1:14; πᾶσα σ. (see supr.), Luk.3:6, Jhn.17:2, Act.2:17, ἐν σ, 1Jo.4:2, 1Ti.3:16; (b) of natural origin and relationship (Gen.2:24, Isa.58:7, al.): τέκνα τῆς σ, Rom.9:8; κατὰ σάρκα, ib. 3, 5, 1Co.10:18, Gal.4:23, 29; ἡ σ. μου, Rom.11:14 (cf. Jdg.9:2, 2Ki.5:1, al.). 3) Of the physical nature as subject to sensation and desire (Plut.), (a) without any ethical disparagement: Rom.7:18 13:14; opposite to πνεῦμα, Mat.26:41, Mrk.14:38; τ. θέλημα τῆς σ, Jhn.1:13; ἡ ἐπιθυμία τῆς σ, 1Jn.2:16; pl, 2Pe.2:18; παθεῖν σαρκί, 1Pe.4:1; (b) in ethical sense, esp. in Pauline Epp, of the flesh as the seat and vehicle of sinful desires: opposite to νοῦς, Rom.7:25; to πνεῦμα, Rom.8:4-9, 12, 13, Gal.5:16, 17 19 6:8 (cf. DB, ii, 14f; iv, 165f; Cremer, 844ff.). (AS)
Greek Noun Female
σάρξ, genitive σαρκός, ἡ, Aeolic dialect σύρξ [Refs]:— flesh, [Refs 8th c.BC+] always in plural, except [Refs 8th c.BC+]; sometimes to represent the whole body, μήτε γῆ δέξαιτό μου σάρκας θανόντος [Refs 5th c.BC+]: also collectively, of the body, γέροντα τὸν νοῦν, σάρκα δ᾽ ἡβῶσαν φέρει [Refs 4th c.BC+]; σαρκὸς περιβόλαια, ἐνδυτά, [Refs 5th c.BC+] uses singular and plural in much the same manner, ταῖς σαρξὶ σάρκες προσγένωνται [Refs], etc: portions of meat, usually in plural, σάρκας τρεῖς [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; but, pieces of flesh or membrane, βήσσοντα. ὥστε σάρκας ἐνπύους. ἀποβάλλειν [Refs] b) εἰς σάρκα πημαίνειν to the quick, [Refs 1st c.BC+] 2) ἡ σ. τοῦ σκύτεος the inner or flesh-side of leather, [Refs 5th c.BC+] 3) fleshy, pulpy substance of fruit, [Refs 4th c.BC+] II) the flesh, as the seat of the affections and lusts, fleshly nature, ἐν τῇ σ. ἡ ἡδονή [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἀδούλωτον (probable reading) τῇ σαρκὶ καὶ τοῖς ταύτης πάθεσι [Refs 1st c.AD+], compare 101b; frequently in NT, [NT] II.2) in “NT” also, the body, τῆς σαρκὸς πρόνοια [NT], = every-body, [LXX+NT]; οὐ. πᾶσα σάρξ nobody, [NT] II.3) the physical or natural order of things, opposed to the spiritual or supernatural, σοφοὶ κατὰ σάρκα [NT]; τὸν κύριον τῶν πνευμάτων καὶ πάσης σ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] twr[kcirc]- 'portion', cf. Avest. θwar[schwa]s- 'cut'.)
Noun Feminine
flesh (as stripped of the skin), i.e. (strictly) the meat of an animal (as food), or (by extension) the body (as opposed to the soul (or spirit), or as the symbol of what is external, or as the means of kindred), or (by implication) human nature (with its frailties (physically or morally) and passions), or (specially), a human being (as such); carnal(-ly, + -ly minded), flesh(-ly); probably from the base of g4563 (σαρόω)

Strongs extended:
Next word
Adjective Nominative Singular Feminine
DESCRIBING a female person or thing that is doing something
Identical in all sources
weak, weak/disabled
Greek Adjective
ἀσθενής -ές (ἀ- neg, σθένος, strength), [in LXX for עָנִי, etc;] without strength, weak, feeble: 1Co.1:27 4:10 12:22, 2Co.10:10, Gal.4:9, 1Th.5:14, Heb.7:18, 1Pe.3:7. Rhetorically, τό ἀ. τ. θεοῦ, God's action of apparent weakness: 1Co.1:25; of bodily debility, sick, sickly: Mat.25:39 (Rec.) Mat.25:43-44, Luk.9:2 (Rec.) Luk.10:9, Act.4:9 5:15-16 In moral and spiritual sense (MM, see word; Cremer, 526), Mat.26:41, Mrk.14:38, Rom.5:6, 1Co.8:7 8:9-10 9:22 11:30. (AS)
Greek Adjective
ἀσθεν-ής, ές, without strength, weak, 1) in body, feeble, sickly, τοὺς ἀσθενέας τῆς στρατιῆς[Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοὺς ἀσθενεστάτους ἐς τὰς ταλαιπωρίας least able to bear hardship, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἀσθενέστερος πόνον ἐνεγκεῖν too weak to, [Refs 4th c.BC+]. adverb ἀσθενῶς, ἴσχειν[Refs 5th c.BC+] 2) in mind, and the like, τὸ ἀ. τῆς γνώμης the weakness, [Refs 5th c.BC+] 3) in power, weak, feeble, ἀ. δύναμις[Refs 5th c.BC+] 4) in property, weak, poor, οἱ χρήμασιν ἀσθενέστεροι[Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ ἀσθενέστεροι the weaker sort, i.e. the poor, [Refs 5th c.BC+] 5) insignificant, οὐκ ἀσθενέστατος σοφιστὴς Ἑλλήνων[Refs 5th c.BC+]; paltry, ἀ. σόφισμα[Refs 4th c.BC+]; of streams, petty, small, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of fluids, of small specific gravity, [Refs]; ἐς ἀσθενὲς ἔρχεται comes to nothing, [Refs]. adverb -νῶς feebly, without energy, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; on slight evidence, ἀπαγγέλλεσθαι[Refs 1st c.AD+]Praef: comparative ἀσθενεστέρως, ἐπιθυμεῖν[Refs 5th c.BC+] -έστερον [Refs] -έστερα [Refs 5th c.BC+]
Strongs > g772
strengthless (in various applications, literal, figurative and moral); more feeble, impotent, sick, without strength, weak(-er, -ness, thing); from g1 (Α) (as a negative particle) and the base of g4599 (σθενόω)

< मार्क 14:38 >