< Numbers 15:29 >

You shall have one law for him who does anything unwittingly, for him who is native-born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger who lives as a foreigner among them.
Si për ata që kanë lindur në vend midis bijve të Izraelit ose për një të huaj që banon midis jush, do të keni një ligj të vetëm për atë që mëkaton nga padituria.
لِلْوَطَنِيِّ فِي بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ وَلِلْغَرِيبِ ٱلنَّازِلِ بَيْنَهُمْ تَكُونُ شَرِيعَةٌ وَاحِدَةٌ لِلْعَامِلِ بِسَهْوٍ.
وَتَكُونُ هَذِهِ شَرِيعَةً وَاحِدَةً تُطَبَّقُ عَلَى كُلِّ مَنْ أَخْطَأَ سَهْواً سَوَاءٌ كَانَ مُواطِناً أَمْ غَرِيباً نَازِلاً بَيْنَكُمْ.
ইস্ৰায়েলৰ সন্তান সকলৰ স্বজাতীয় বা তেওঁলোকৰ মাজত প্ৰাবস কৰা বিদেশী হওঁক উভয়ৰে বাবে, ভূলক্ৰমে কোনো কাৰ্য কৰা লোকৰ অৰ্থে একেটা বিধি হ’ব।
İsrail övladları arasında yerli olsun ya da yadelli olsun, bilmədən günah edənlər üçün qoy qanun bir olsun.
Dunu huluanedafa, Isala: ili dunudafa o ga fi Isala: ili ganodini misi esala, e da mae dawa: le giadofasea, da amo sema hamomu.
ইস্রায়েল সন্তানরা হোক, কিংবা তাদের মধ্যে বসবাসী বিদেশী হোক, তোমাদের জন্য অনিচ্ছাকৃত পাপের একই ব্যবস্থা হবে।
যারা অনিচ্ছাকৃত পাপ করে, তাদের প্রত্যেকের জন্য সেই একই বিধি প্রযোজ্য হবে, সে স্বদেশি ইস্রায়েলী হোক, অথবা তাদের মধ্যে বসবাসকারী বিদেশি ব্যক্তি।
Един закон да има за вас, както за туземеца от израилтяните, така и за чужденеца, който е пришелец между тях, когато съгреши от незнание.
Kinahanglan nga mao lamang nga balaod alang sa usa ka tawo nga nagbuhat sa bisan unsa nga butang nga wala tuyoa, sama lamang nga balaod alang sa natawo nga lumad nga katawhan sa Israel ug alang sa mga langyaw nga nagpuyo taliwala kanila.
May usa lamang kamo ka kasugoan alang kaniya nga nagabuhat ug bisan unsang kasaypanan sa walay pagpanghibalo, alang kaniya nga natawo sa yutang pinuy-anan sa taliwala sa mga anak sa Israel, ug alang sa dumuloong nga nagapuyo sa taliwala nila.
Lamulo lomweli ligwiritsidwe ntchito kwa aliyense wochimwa mosadziwa, kaya ndi mbadwa ya mu Israeli kapena mlendo.
Poek ai pui hoi zaehaih sak o naah, Israel kami hoi nihcae salakah kaom angvin hanah doeh, daan maeto khue tawnh han oh.
Israel ca lamkah mupoe neh a khui kah aka bakuep yinlai ham khaw tohtamaeh la a saii vaengkah olkhueng he nangmih taengah pakhat la om saeh.
Israel ca lamkah mupoe neh a khui kah aka bakuep yinlai ham khaw tohtamaeh la a saii vaengkah olkhueng he nangmih taengah pakhat la om saeh.’
Hiche thuhil hin nangma ho Israel chilhah ho na hiuvin chule mi dang, chi dang nam dang nagam uva khopem ho jouse jong ahopsoh kei ahi.
Ceknoe e awm laipalah ka payonkung hanelah Isarel catounnaw thung dawk, amamanaw hoi ahnimouh koe kaawm imyin hanlah hai reikâvan lah kâlawk a tawn awh han.
Kada tko pogriješi nepažnjom, neka vam jedan zakon vrijedi i za domoroca i za stranca koji boravi među vama.
Domácímu mezi syny Izraelskými i příchozímu, kterýž pohostinu mezi nimi jest, zákon tento jednostejný bude vám, když by kdo zhřešil z poblouzení.
Domácímu mezi syny Izraelskými i příchozímu, kterýž pohostinu mezi nimi jest, zákon tento jednostejný bude vám, když by kdo zhřešil z poblouzení.
For den indfødte hos Israelitterne og den fremmede, der bor iblandt dem, for eder alle gælder en og samme Lov; når nogen synder af Vanvare.
For den indfødte blandt Israels Børn og for den fremmede, som opholder sig midt iblandt dem, hos eder skal være een Lov for den, som gør noget af Vanvare.
For den indfødte hos Israeliterne og den fremmede, der bor iblandt dem, for eder alle gælder en og samme Lov; naar nogen synder af Vanvare.
Chik achielno ema oket ne ngʼato angʼata motimo richo ka ok ongʼeyo, bed ni en jakanyo ma ja-Israel kata japiny moro.
Den inboorling der kinderen Israels, en den vreemdeling, die in hunlieder midden als vreemdeling verkeert, enerlei wet zal ulieden zijn, dengene, die het door afdwaling doet.
Dezelfde wet geldt voor u allen, die een vergissing begaat, voor den ingezetene onder de Israëlieten en voor den vreemdeling in uw midden.
Den inboorling der kinderen Israels, en den vreemdeling, die in hunlieder midden als vreemdeling verkeert, enerlei wet zal ulieden zijn, dengene, die het door afdwaling doet.
Ye shall have one law for him who does anything unwittingly, for him who is home-born among the sons of Israel, and for the stranger who sojourns among them.
You shall have one law for him who does anything unwittingly, for him who is native-born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger who lives as a foreigner among them.
Ye shall have one law for him that doeth aught unwittingly, for him that is home-born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourneth among them.
You shall have the same law for the one who acts in error, whether he is a native-born Israelite or a foreigner residing among you.
The law in connection with wrong done unconsciously is to be the same for him who is an Israelite by birth and for the man from another country who is living among them.
There shall be one law for the native among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that abides among them, whosoever shall commit a trespass unwillingly.
There shall be one law for the native amongst the children of Israel, and for the stranger that abides amongst them, whoever shall commit a trespass unwillingly.
One law shall be for all who sin by ignorance, as much for natives as for newcomers.
For him that is born in the land among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourneth among them — there shall be one law for you, for him who doeth anything through inadvertence.
The same law shall be for all that sin by ignorance, whether they be natives or strangers.
You shall apply the same law for the one who mistakenly sins to an Israelite or a foreigner living among you.
He that is borne among the children of Israel, and the stranger that dwelleth among them, shall haue both one lawe, who so doth sinne by ignorance.
both he that is home-born among the children of Israel, and the stranger that sojourneth among them: ye shall have one law for him that doeth aught in error.
Ye shall have one law for him that sinneth through ignorance, [both for] him that is born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourneth among them.
You shall have one law for him that sins through ignorance, both for him that is born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourns among them.
Ye shall have one law for him that sinneth through ignorance, both for him that is born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourneth among them.
Ye shall have one law for him that sinneth through ignorance, both for him that is born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourneth among them.
Ye shall have one law for him that sinneth through ignorance, both for him that is born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourneth among them.
All of you shall have one law for him that sins through ignorance, both for him that is born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourns among them.
There shall be one law for the native among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that abides among them, whoever shall commit a trespass unwillingly.
For the native born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourneth among them: —one law shall be for you, for him that acteth through ignorance.
one law is for yourselves—for the native among the sons of Israel and for the sojourner who is sojourning in their midst—for him who is doing [anything] through ignorance.
You shall have one law for him who does anything unwittingly, for him who is native-born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger who lives as a foreigner among them.
You shall have one law for him who does anything unwittingly, for him who is native-born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger who lives as a foreigner among them.
You shall have one law for him who does anything unwittingly, for him who is native-born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger who lives as a foreigner among them.
You shall have one law for him who does anything unwittingly, for him who is native-born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger who lives as a foreigner among them.
You shall have one law for him who does anything unwittingly, for him who is native-born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger who lives as a foreigner among them.
You shall have one law for him who does anything unwittingly, for him who is native-born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger who lives as a foreigner among them.
You shall have one Torah ·Teaching· for him who does anything unwittingly, for him who is native-born among the children of Israel [God prevails], and for the stranger who lives as a foreigner among them.
Ye shall have one law for him that doeth aught unwittingly, for him that is homeborn among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourneth among them.
For the native born among the sons of Israel, and for the sojourner that sojourneth in their midst, one law, shall there be unto you—for acting by mistake.
The native-born among [the] people of Israel and to the sojourner who sojourns in midst of them a law one it will belong to you for the [one who] acts by inadvertence.
[the] born in/on/with son: descendant/people Israel and to/for sojourner [the] to sojourn in/on/with midst their instruction one to be to/for you to/for to make: do in/on/with unintentionally
You Israelis and all the foreigners who live among you must obey these same instructions.
You must have the same law for the one who does anything unintentionally, the same law for the one who is native born among the people of Israel and for the foreigners who are staying among them.
Ye shall have one law for him that sinneth through ignorance, [both for] him that is born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourneth among them.
Ye shall have one law for him that sinneth through ignorance, both for him that is born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourneth among them.
You shall have one law for him who does anything unwittingly, for him who is native-born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger who lives as a foreigner among them.
You shall have one law for him who does anything unwittingly, for him who is native-born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger who lives as a foreigner among them.
You shall have one law for him who does anything unwittingly, for him who is native-born amongst the children of Israel, and for the stranger who lives as a foreigner amongst them.
You shall have one law for him who does anything unwittingly, for him who is native-born amongst the children of Israel, and for the stranger who lives as a foreigner amongst them.
You shall have one law for him who does anything unwittingly, for him who is native-born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger who lives as a foreigner among them.
You shall have one law for him who does anything unwittingly, for him who is native-born amongst the children of Israel, and for the stranger who lives as a foreigner amongst them.
As wel to men borun in the lond as to comelyngis, o lawe schal be of alle that synnen vnwityngli.
for the native among the sons of Israel, and for the sojourner who is sojourning in their midst — one law is to you, for him who is doing [anything] through ignorance.
Kiel por la indiĝeno el la Izraelidoj, tiel ankaŭ por la fremdulo, kiu loĝas inter ili, unu leĝo estu por vi por tiu, kiu eraris.
Se sia bla mi ame Israelvi dzɔleaƒeawo kple amedzro siwo le mia dome hã.
Ja sekä omaisille Israelin lasten seassa että muukalaisille, jotka heidän seassansa asuvat, pitää yhden lain oleman kuin teidän pitää tekemän tietämättömyyden edestä.
Sama laki olkoon sekä maassa syntyneillä israelilaisilla että muukalaisella, joka asuu heidän keskellänsä, kun joku rikkoo erehdyksestä.
Pour l'indigène d'entre les enfants d'Israël et pour l'étranger qui séjourne au milieu d'eux, vous aurez une même loi, si quelqu'un agit mal par erreur.
Vous aurez une seule loi pour celui qui fait quelque chose involontairement, pour celui qui est né parmi les enfants d'Israël et pour l'étranger qui vit au milieu d'eux.
Il y aura une même loi pour vous quant à celui qui a agi par erreur, tant pour celui qui est né dans le pays parmi les fils d’Israël, que pour l’étranger qui séjourne au milieu d’eux.
Il y aura une même loi pour celui qui aura fait quelque chose par erreur, tant pour celui qui est né au pays des enfants d'Israël, que pour l'étranger qui fait son séjour parmi eux.
Il n’y aura qu’une seule loi tant pour tous les indigènes que pour tous les étrangers qui auront péché par ignorance.
Pour l’indigène parmi les enfants d’Israël et pour l’étranger en séjour au milieu d’eux, il y aura pour vous une même loi, quand on péchera involontairement.
Pour l’indigène d’entre les enfants d’Israël et pour l’étranger qui séjourne au milieu d’eux, vous aurez une même loi, si quelqu’un agit mal par erreur.
Il y aura pour vous une même loi, quant à celui qui fait quelque chose par erreur, pour celui qui est né parmi les enfants d'Israël et pour l'étranger séjournant parmi eux.
Pour l'indigène Israélite et pour l'étranger séjournant parmi vous, vous aurez une seule loi pour celui qui manque par erreur.
Il n'y aura qu'une loi pour l'indigène des fils d'Israël, et pour le prosélyte demeurant avec eux, lorsqu'ils auront péché involontairement.
Indigène entre les enfants d’Israël ou étranger résidant parmi eux, une même règle sera la vôtre, si l’on a agi par erreur.
Für den Eingeborenen Israeliten und den Fremdling in eurer Mitte gilt ein Gesetz für euch, wenn jemand unvorsätzlich handelt.
Für den Eingeborenen unter den Kindern Israel und für den Fremdling, der in ihrer Mitte weilt, sollt ihr ein Gesetz haben, für den, der aus Versehen etwas tut.
Für den Eingeborenen unter den Kindern Israel und für den Fremdling, der in ihrer Mitte weilt, sollt ihr ein Gesetz haben, für den, der aus Versehen etwas tut.
Ein und dieselbe Bestimmung gilt für euch, - für den Landeseingebornen unter den Israeliten, wie für den Fremden, der sich unter ihnen aufhält, - wenn jemand unvorsätzlich etwas thut.
Und es soll ein Gesetz sein, das ihr für die Unwissenheit tun sollt, beide dem Einheimischen unter den Kindern Israel und dem Fremdlinge, der unter euch wohnet.
Und es soll ein Gesetz sein für die, so ein Versehen begehen, für den Einheimischen unter den Kindern Israel und für den Fremdling, der unter ihnen wohnt.
Für den Einheimischen unter den Israeliten und für den als Gast im Lande weilenden Fremdling soll die gleiche Bestimmung bei euch gelten, wenn sich jemand unvorsätzlich ein Vergehen zuschulden kommen läßt.
Es soll einerlei Gesetz gelten, wenn jemand aus Versehen etwas tut, sowohl für den Einheimischen unter den Kindern Israel als auch für den Fremdling, der unter euch wohnt.
Der Eingeborene unter den Söhnen Israels und der Fremdling, der in ihrer Mitte sich aufhält, ihr sollet ein Gesetz haben für den, der aus Versehen etwas tut.
Watho o ro ũmwe nĩguo ũrĩhũthagĩrwo harĩ mũndũ o wothe ũkehia atekwenda, arĩ Mũisiraeli ũciarĩirwo kwanyu kana arĩ mũgeni.
Εις νόμος θέλει είσθαι εις εσάς διά τον αυτόχθονα μεταξύ των υιών Ισραήλ και διά τον ξένον τον παροικούντα μεταξύ αυτών, όταν αμαρτήση εξ αγνοίας.
τῷ ἐγχωρίῳ ἐν υἱοῖς Ισραηλ καὶ τῷ προσηλύτῳ τῷ προσκειμένῳ ἐν αὐτοῖς νόμος εἷς ἔσται αὐτοῖς ὃς ἂν ποιήσῃ ἀκουσίως
અજાણતામાં પાપ કરનાર પ્રત્યેક માટે, એટલે કે ઇઝરાયલના વતની માટે અને તેઓ મધ્યે વસનાર વિદેશી માટે આ એક જ નિયમ રાખવો.
Se va menm regleman an pou tout moun ki fè bagay yo pa t' dwe fè san yo pa fè espre, kit se yon moun pèp Izrayèl la menm li ye, kit se yon moun lòt nasyon k'ap viv nan mitan yo a.
Nou va genyen yon sèl lwa pou sila ki fè yon bagay ki pa eksprè, pou sila ki natif pami fis Israël yo, e pou sila ki se yon etranje k ap demere pami yo.
Ƙa’ida dai za tă zama ɗaya ga duk wanda ya yi laifi ba da gangan ba, ko shi ɗan ƙasa ne, ko kuma baƙon da yake zama a cikinku.
I hookahi no kanawai o oukou no ka mea hana hewa naaupo, no ka mea i hanau iwaena o na mamo a Iseraela, a no ke kanaka e e noho ana me oukou.
האזרח בבני ישראל ולגר הגר בתוכם--תורה אחת יהיה לכם לעשה בשגגה
הָֽאֶזְרָח֙ בִּבְנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל וְלַגֵּ֖ר הַגָּ֣ר בְּתֹוכָ֑ם תֹּורָ֤ה אַחַת֙ יִהְיֶ֣ה לָכֶ֔ם לָעֹשֶׂ֖ה בִּשְׁגָגָֽה׃
הָֽאֶזְרָח֙ בִּבְנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל וְלַגֵּ֖ר הַגָּ֣ר בְּתוֹכָ֑ם תּוֹרָ֤ה אַחַת֙ יִהְיֶ֣ה לָכֶ֔ם לָעֹשֶׂ֖ה בִּשְׁגָגָֽה׃
הָֽאֶזְרָח בִּבְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל וְלַגֵּר הַגָּר בְּתוֹכָם תּוֹרָה אַחַת יִהְיֶה לָכֶם לָעֹשֶׂה בִּשְׁגָגָֽה׃
האזרח בבני ישראל ולגר הגר בתוכם תורה אחת יהיה לכם לעשה בשגגה׃
הָֽאֶזְרָח בִּבְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל וְלַגֵּר הַגָּר בְּתוֹכָם תּוֹרָה אַחַת יִהְיֶה לָכֶם לָעֹשֶׂה בִּשְׁגָגָֽה׃
הָֽאֶזְרָח֙ בִּבְנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל וְלַגֵּ֖ר הַגָּ֣ר בְּתוֹכָ֑ם תּוֹרָ֤ה אַחַת֙ יִהְיֶ֣ה לָכֶ֔ם לָעֹשֶׂ֖ה בִּשְׁגָגָֽה׃
जो कोई भूल से कुछ करे, चाहे वह इस्राएलियों में देशी हो, चाहे तुम्हारे बीच परदेशी होकर रहता हो, सब के लिये तुम्हारी एक ही व्यवस्था हो।
कोई भी व्यक्ति, जो भूल से कोई भी पाप कर बैठता है, उस पर एक ही नियम लागू किया जाए; वह, जो स्वदेशी है, और वह जो तुम्हारे बीच रह रहा विदेशी है.
A benszülöttnek Izráel fiai között és a jövevénynek, a ki közöttök tartózkodik: egy törvényetek legyen néktek a felől, a ki tévedésből cselekszik.
A bennszülöttek Izrael fiai közül és az idegennek, aki közöttük tartózkodik, egy törvény legyen nálatok a tévedésből cselekvőnek
Ọ bụ otu iwu a dịrị onye ọbụla mehiere na-amaghị ama, maọbụ nwa afọ Izrel, maọbụ onye ọbịa nke bi nʼetiti unu.
Masapul a maaddaankayo iti isu met laeng a linteg para iti agar-aramid iti banag a saan a naigagara, isu met laeng a linteg ti para iti puro nga Israelita kadagiti amin tattao ti Israel ken kadagiti ganggannaet a makipagnanaed kadakuada.
Peraturan itu berlaku juga untuk siapa saja yang berbuat dosa dengan tidak sengaja, baik dia itu orang Israel atau orang asing yang menetap di antara mereka.
Baik bagi orang Israel asli maupun bagi orang asing yang tinggal di tengah-tengah kamu, satu hukum saja berlaku bagi mereka berkenaan dengan orang yang berbuat dosa dengan tidak sengaja.
Siavi una medesima legge per chiunque avrà fatta [alcuna cosa] per errore, [così se sarà] de' figliuoli d'Israele, natio del paese, come [se sarà] forestiere, che dimori fra loro.
Si tratti di un nativo del paese tra gli Israeliti o di uno straniero che soggiorna in mezzo a voi, avrete un'unica legge per colui che pecca per inavvertenza.
Sia che si tratti d’un nativo del paese tra i figliuoli d’Israele o d’uno straniero che soggiorna fra voi, avrete un’unica legge per colui che pecca per errore.
Hagi ama'i tra kea maka Israeli vahe'motane rurega vahe'ma tamagranema enemaniza vahemo'zanena avaririgahaze.
ಸ್ಥಳೀಯ ಮೂಲದ ಇಸ್ರಾಯೇಲರಿಗೂ ಅವರಲ್ಲಿ ಪ್ರವಾಸಿಯಾಗಿರುವ ಪರಕೀಯನಿಗೂ ತಿಳಿಯದೆ ಪಾಪಮಾಡಿದವನಿಗೂ ಒಂದೇ ನಿಯಮ ಇರಬೇಕು.
ಈ ವಿಷಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಸ್ರಾಯೇಲರಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಸ್ವದೇಶದವರಿಗೂ, ಅನ್ಯದೇಶದವರಿಗೂ ಒಂದೇ ನಿಯಮವಿರಬೇಕು,
이스라엘 자손 중 본토 소생이든지 그들 중에 우거하는 타국인이든지 무릇 그릇 범죄한 자에게 대한 법이 동일하거니와
이스라엘 자손 중 본토 소생이든지 그들 중에 우거하는 타국인이든지 무릇 그릇 범죄한 자에게 대한 법이 동일하거니와
Oakwuk sefanna in orekmakinyuk nu sin kutena mwet su orala ma koluk ke tia nunku in oru, el fin sie mwet isusla mwet Israel, ku sie mwetsac su muta inmasrlowos.
بۆ هاوڵاتی لە نەوەی ئیسرائیل و بۆ ئەو نامۆیەش کە لەنێویان دەژیێت، یەک یاسا دەبێت بۆ ئەوەی بەبێ ئەنقەست گوناهی کردبێت.
Tam indigenis quam advenis una lex erit omnium, qui peccaverint ignorantes.
Tam indigenis quam advenis una lex erit omnium, qui peccaverint ignorantes.
Tam indigenis quam advenis una lex erit omnium, qui peccaverint ignorantes.
Tam indigenis quam advenis una lex erit omnium, qui peccaverint ignorantes.
tam indigenis quam advenis una lex erit omnium qui peccaverint ignorantes
Tam indigenis quam advenis una lex erit omnium, qui peccaverint ignorantes.
Tam, kas Israēla bērnu vidū ir dzimis, un tam svešiniekam, kas jūsu starpā piemīt, vienāda bauslība lai jums ir priekš tā, kas netīši apgrēkojās.
Bosengeli kosalela mobeko se moko, ezala mpo na mwana mboka kati na bana ya Isalaele to mpo na mopaya oyo azali kowumela kati na bino, oyo asali lisumu na nko te.
Munaabeeranga n’etteeka lye limu erinaakozesebwanga ku muntu yenna anaasobyanga nga tagenderedde, bw’anaabanga enzaalwa oba ne bw’anaabanga omugwira bulijjo abeera mu mmwe.
Lalàna iray ihany no hatao amin’ izay manota tsy nahy, na amin’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely rehetra, na amin’ ny vahiny eo aminareo.
Ho raike ty fetse mifehe ze mandilatse tsy satrie’e, ke tarira’ o ana’ Israeleo, he renetane mpitaveañe am’ iereo ao.
യിസ്രായേൽ മക്കളുടെ ഇടയിൽ അബദ്ധത്തിൽ പാപം ചെയ്യുന്നവൻ സ്വദേശിയോ വന്നുപാർക്കുന്ന പരദേശിയോ ആയാലും പ്രമാണം ഒന്നുതന്നെ ആയിരിക്കണം.
യിസ്രായേൽമക്കളുടെ ഇടയിൽ അബദ്ധവശാൽ പാപം ചെയ്യുന്നവൻ സ്വദേശിയോ വന്നു പാൎക്കുന്ന പരദേശിയോ ആയാലും പ്രമാണം ഒന്നുതന്നേ ആയിരിക്കേണം.
യിസ്രായേൽമക്കളുടെ ഇടയിൽ അബദ്ധവശാൽ പാപം ചെയ്യുന്നവൻ സ്വദേശിയോ വന്നു പാർക്കുന്ന പരദേശിയോ ആയാലും പ്രമാണം ഒന്നുതന്നേ ആയിരിക്കേണം.
സ്വദേശിയായ ഇസ്രായേല്യരോ പ്രവാസിയോ ആകട്ടെ, അബദ്ധവശാൽ പാപംചെയ്യുന്ന ഏവനും നിയമം ഒന്നുതന്നെ ആയിരിക്കും.
जो मनुष्य चुकून पाप करतो त्याच्यासाठी हा नियम आहे. इस्राएलच्या कुटुंबात जन्मलेल्या लोकांसाठी व तुमच्यात राहणाऱ्या परदेशी लोकांसाठी सारखेच नियम आहेत.
ဤ​ပ​ညတ်​သည်​အ​မှတ်​မ​ထင်​အ​ပြစ်​ပြု မိ​သော တိုင်း​ရင်း​ဖွား​ဣ​သ​ရေ​လ​အ​မျိုး သား​အ​တွက်​ဖြစ်​စေ၊ အ​တူ​တ​ကွ​နေ​ထိုင် သော​လူ​မျိုး​ခြား​အ​တွက်​ဖြစ်​စေ အ​ပြစ် ဖြေ​ရန်​လိုက်​နာ​ရ​မည့်​ပညတ်​ဖြစ်​သည်။
ဣသရေလအမျိုးသားဖြစ်သောသူ၊ တည်းခို သော တပါးအမျိုးသားဖြစ်သောသူတို့သည် သတိလစ်၍ ပြစ်မှားသောအခါ၊ တပါးတည်းသော တရားကို စောင့်ရ ကြမည်။
ဣသရေလ အမျိုးသား ဖြစ်သောသူ၊ တည်းခို သော တပါး အမျိုးသားဖြစ်သောသူတို့သည် သတိလစ် ၍ ပြစ်မှား သောအခါ၊ တပါးတည်း သော တရား ကို စောင့် ရကြမည်။
Kia kotahi ano ta koutou ture mo te tangata i hara pohehe, mo te tangata whenua o nga tama a Iharaira raua ko te manene e noho ana i a ratou.
Wonalo umthetho ngowomuntu wonke owonayo kungesikho ngabomo, kungakhathalekile ukuthi ungowako-Israyeli ozalelwe khonapha kumbe ngowezizweni.
Lizakuba lomlayo munye kwalowo owona ngokungazi, owokuzalwa elizweni phakathi kwabantwana bakoIsrayeli, lowemzini ohlala njengowezizwe phakathi kwabo.
अजानमा पाप गर्ने स्वदेशी इस्राएली मानिस र तिमीहरू माझ बसोबास गरेको परदेशीको निम्ति एउटै नियम हुनुपर्छ ।
For den innfødte blandt Israels barn og for den fremmede som holder til hos dem, skal det være én lov; den gjelder for eder alle når nogen gjør noget av vanvare.
Dette gjeld både for den som er fødd og boren millom Israels-folket og for den framande som bur millom deim. Det gjeld same retten for dykk alle, når de uviljande gjer noko gale.
ଇସ୍ରାଏଲ-ସନ୍ତାନଗଣ ମଧ୍ୟରେ ଗୃହଜାତ ଓ ସେମାନଙ୍କ ମଧ୍ୟରେ ପ୍ରବାସକାରୀ ବିଦେଶୀୟ ଲୋକମାନଙ୍କ ନିମନ୍ତେ ଭ୍ରାନ୍ତିରେ କୌଣସି କର୍ମକାରୀର ଏକ ବ୍ୟବସ୍ଥା ହେବ।
Dhalataa Israaʼeliifis taʼu yookaan alagaa isin gidduu jiraatuuf, nama utuu itti hin yaadin cubbuu hojjete hundaaf seerri tokkuma haa taʼu.
ਇਸਰਾਏਲੀਆਂ ਦੇ ਦੇਸੀ ਅਤੇ ਪਰਦੇਸੀ ਲਈ ਜਿਹੜਾ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਰਹਿ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਲਈ ਇੱਕੋ ਹੀ ਬਿਵਸਥਾ ਹੋਵੇ ਜੇ ਕੋਈ ਭੁੱਲ ਕੇ ਪਾਪ ਕਰੇ।
بجهت کسی‌که سهو خطا کند، خواه متوطنی از بنی‌اسرائیل و خواه غریبی که در میان ایشان ساکن باشد، یک قانون خواهدبود.
این قانون شامل حال غریبانی که در میان شما ساکنند نیز می‌شود.
Tak zrodzonemu między synami Izraelskimi, jako przychodniowi, który mieszka między nimi, zakon jeden będzie wam, gdyby kto zgrzeszył z niewiadomości.
Będzie jedno prawo dla tego, który grzeszy nieświadomie, zarówno dla rodowitego mieszkańca wśród synów Izraela, jak i dla przybysza, który mieszka pośród nich.
O natural entre os filhos de Israel, e o peregrino que habitar entre eles, uma mesma lei tereis para o que fizer algo por acidente.
Para o natural dos filhos de Israel, e para o estrangeiro que no meio d'elles peregrina, uma mesma lei vos será, para aquelle que isso fizer por erro.
Para o natural dos filhos de Israel, e para o estrangeiro que no meio deles peregrina, uma mesma lei vos será, para aquele que isso fizer por erro.
Tereis uma lei para aquele que faz qualquer coisa involuntariamente, para aquele que nasceu entre os filhos de Israel, e para o estrangeiro que vive como estrangeiro entre eles.
Атыт пентру бэштинашул динтре копиий луй Исраел, кыт ши пентру стрэинул каре локуеште ын мижлокул лор, сэ фие ачеяшь леӂе, кынд ва пэкэтуи фэрэ вое.
Să aveți o singură lege pentru cel ce păcătuiește prin ignoranță, deopotrivă pentru cel născut printre copiii lui Israel și pentru străinul ce locuiește temporar printre ei.
один закон да будет для вас, как для природного жителя из сынов Израилевых, так и для пришельца, живущего у вас, если кто сделает что по ошибке.
И за рођеног у земљи синова Израиљевих и за дошљака, који се бави међу вама, један закон нека буде кад ко згреши не знајући.
I za roðenoga u zemlji sinova Izrailjevijeh i za došljaka, koji se bavi meðu vama, jedan zakon da bude kad ko zgriješi ne znajuæi.
Murayiro mumwe chete iwoyu unoshanda kuna vose vanotadza vasingazivi, angava akaberekerwa muIsraeri kana mutorwa.
Населнику (земли) сынов Израилевых и пришелцу прилежащему в них, закон един да будет им, иже аще сотворит не хотящь.
Imeli boste eno postavo za tistega, ki greši zaradi nevednosti, tako za tistega, ki je rojen med Izraelovimi otroki, kot za tujca, ki začasno biva med njimi.
Waa inaad isku sharci keliya u yeeshaan kii kama' u qaldama ha ahaadee waddanigii reer binu Israa'iil ku dhex dhashay ama shisheeyihii iyaga dhex degganba.
El natural entre los hijos de Israel, y el extranjero que habitare entre ellos, una misma ley tendréis para el que hiciere algo por yerro.
Aplicarás la misma ley para el que peca por error a un israelita o a un extranjero que viva entre ustedes.
Tendrás una sola ley para el que hace algo involuntariamente, para el nativo entre los hijos de Israel y para el extranjero que vive como forastero entre ellos.
Una misma Ley tendrán para el que cometa error por ignorancia, tanto para el nativo entre los hijos de Israel como para el extranjero que está entre ustedes.
En cuanto a los pecados por ignorancia regirá una misma ley para el natural entre los hijos de Israel y para el extranjero que habita en medio de vosotros.
El natural, entre los hijos de Israel, y el peregrino que peregrinare entre ellos, una misma ley tendréis para el que hiciere por yerro.
El natural entre los hijos de Israel, y el peregrino que habitare entre ellos, una misma ley tendréis para el que hiciere [algo] por yerro.
La ley relacionada con el mal que se hace inconscientemente debe ser la misma para el que es israelita de nacimiento y para el hombre de otro país que vive entre ellos.
Mtakuwa na sheria hiyohiyo kwa mtu yeyote anayefanya dhambi hiyo pasipo kukusudia, sheria hiyohiyo hata kwa mzawa wa Isreli na kwa wageni wanaoishi kati yao.
Sheria hiyo moja itamhusu kila mmoja ambaye ametenda dhambi pasipo kukusudia, awe Mwisraeli mzawa ama mgeni.
För infödingen bland Israels barn och för främlingen som bor ibland dem, för eder alla skall gälla en och samma lag, när någon begår synd ouppsåtligen.
Och det skall vara allt en lag, som I för ovetenhet göra skolen, både dem som inländske äro ibland Israels barn, ock så främlingomen, som bo ibland eder.
För infödingen bland Israels barn och för främlingen som bor ibland dem, för eder alla skall gälla en och samma lag, när någon begår synd ouppsåtligen.
Kayo'y magkakaroon ng isang kautusan sa kaniya na nagkasala ng walang malay, sa kaniya na ipinanganak sa gitna ng mga anak ni Israel, at sa taga ibang bayan na nakikipamayan sa kanila.
Dapat magkaroon kayo ng parehong batas para sa isang nakagawa ng anumang bagay nang hindi sinasadya, ang parehong batas para sa taong katutubo sa mga tao ng Israel at para sa mga dayuhang naninirahan sa kanila.
இஸ்ரவேல் மக்களாகிய உங்களில் பிறந்தவனுக்கும் உங்களுக்குள்ளே தங்கும் அந்நியனுக்கும், அறியாமையினால் பாவம்செய்தவனுக்கும், ஒரே பிரமாணம் இருக்கவேண்டும்.
ஊரில் பிறந்த இஸ்ரயேலனோ அல்லது அந்நியனோ தற்செயலாகப் பாவம் செய்கிற எவனுக்கும் இந்த ஒரேவிதமான சட்டத்தின்படியே செய்யப்படவேண்டும்.
ఇశ్రాయేలీయుల్లో పుట్టినవాడు గాని వారి మధ్య నివాసం ఉంటున్న పరదేశి గాని పొరపాటున ఎవరైనా పాపం చేస్తే, అతనికీ, మీకూ ఒక్కటే చట్టం ఉండాలి.
Ko e fono pe taha te mou maʻu kiate ia ʻoku angahala ʻi he taʻeʻilo, kiate ia kuo fanauʻi ʻi he fānau ʻa ʻIsileli, pea mo e muli ʻoku ʻāunofo kiate kinautolu.
Bilmeden günah işleyen İsrail yerlisi için de aranızda yaşayan yabancı için de aynı yasayı uygulayacaksınız.
Saa mmara yi wɔ hɔ ma Israelfo ne ananafo a wɔte mo mu no nyinaa.
Saa mmara yi wɔ hɔ ma Israelfoɔ ne ananafoɔ a wɔte mu mu no.
Тубі́льцеві серед Ізраїлевих синів та прихо́дькові, що мешкає тимчасово серед них, — зако́н один буде вам для того, хто зробить гріх помилково.
जिस शख़्स ने अनजाने में ख़ता की हो, उसके लिए तुम एक ही शरा' रखना चाहे वह बनी — इस्राईल में से देसी हो या परदेसी जो उनमें रहता हो।
بىلمەي بىرەر سەۋەنلىك ئۆتكۈزۈپ قويغان بارلىق كىشىلەرگە، مەيلى شۇ زېمىندا تۇغۇلغان ئىسرائ‍ىللار بولسۇن ياكى ئۇلارنىڭ ئارىسىدا تۇرۇۋاتقان مۇساپىرلارغا بولسۇن، — سىلەرنىڭ ھەممىڭلارغا ئوخشاش بىر قانۇن-بەلگىلىمە تەتبىقلىنىدۇ.
Билмәй бирәр сәһвәнлик өткүзүп қойған барлиқ кишиләргә, мәйли шу зиминда туғулған Исраиллар болсун яки уларниң арисида туруватқан мусапирларға болсун, — силәрниң һәммиңларға охшаш бир қанун-бәлгүлимә тәтбиқлиниду.
Bilmey birer sewenlik ötküzüp qoyghan barliq kishilerge, meyli shu zéminda tughulghan Israillar bolsun yaki ularning arisida turuwatqan musapirlargha bolsun, — silerning hemminglargha oxshash bir qanun-belgilime tetbiqlinidu.
Bilmǝy birǝr sǝwǝnlik ɵtküzüp ⱪoyƣan barliⱪ kixilǝrgǝ, mǝyli xu zeminda tuƣulƣan Israillar bolsun yaki ularning arisida turuwatⱪan musapirlarƣa bolsun, — silǝrning ⱨǝmminglarƣa ohxax bir ⱪanun-bǝlgilimǝ tǝtbiⱪlinidu.
Khi lầm lỡ mà phạm tội, thì sẽ có đồng một luật lệ cho các ngươi, hoặc là người sanh giữa dân Y-sơ-ra-ên hay là khách kiều ngụ trong dân đó.
Khi lầm lỡ mà phạm tội, thì sẽ có đồng một luật lệ cho các ngươi, hoặc là sanh giữa dân Y-sơ-ra-ên hay là khách kiều ngụ trong dân đó.
Luật về cá nhân lầm lỡ này áp dụng chung cho người Ít-ra-ên và ngoại kiều.
Òfin kan kí ẹ̀yin kí ó ní fún ẹnikẹ́ni tó bá ṣẹ̀ ní àìmọ̀, àti fún àwọn ẹni tí a bí nínú àwọn ọmọ Israẹli, àti fún àlejò tí ń ṣe àtìpó.
Verse Count = 212

< Numbers 15:29 >