< Zǝbur 147 >

1 Ⱨǝmdusana! Yaⱨni mǝdⱨiyilǝnglar! Bǝrⱨǝⱪ, bundaⱪ ⱪilix xerindur; Hudayimizni küylǝnglar! Mǝdⱨiyǝ oⱪux insanƣa yarixidu.
Alleluya. Herie ye the Lord, for the salm is good; heriyng be myrie, and fair to oure God.
2 Pǝrwǝrdigar Yerusalemni bina ⱪilmaⱪta; Israilning sürgün ⱪilinƣanlirini U yiƣip kelidu;
The Lord schal bilde Jerusalem; and schal gadere togidere the scateryngis of Israel.
3 U kɵngli sunuⱪlarni dawalaydu; Ularning yarilirini tangidu.
Which Lord makith hool men contrit in herte; and byndith togidere the sorewes of hem.
4 U yultuzlarning sanini sanaydu; Ularning ⱨǝmmisigǝ bir-birlǝp isim ⱪoyidu.
Which noumbrith the multitude of sterris; and clepith names to alle tho.
5 Uluƣdur Rǝbbimiz, zor ⱪudrǝtliktur; Uning qüxinixi qǝksizdur.
Oure Lord is greet, and his vertu is greet; and of his wisdom is no noumbre.
6 Pǝrwǝrdigar yawax mɵminlǝrni yɵlǝp kɵtüridu; Rǝzillǝrni yǝrgiqǝ tɵwǝn ⱪilidu.
The Lord takith vp mylde men; forsothe he makith low synneris `til to the erthe.
7 Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa tǝxǝkkürlǝr bilǝn nahxa eytinglar; Küylǝrni qiltarƣa tǝngxǝp eytinglar!
Bifore synge ye to the Lord in knoulechyng; seye ye salm to oure God in an harpe.
8 U asmanni bulutlar bilǝn ⱪaplitidu, Zeminƣa yamƣurni bekitidu, Taƣlarda ot-qɵplǝrni ɵstüridu;
Which hilith heuene with cloudis; and makith redi reyn to the erthe. Which bryngith forth hei in hillis; and eerbe to the seruice of men.
9 Mallarƣa ozuⱪ, Taƣ ⱪaƣisining qüjiliri zarliƣanda, ularƣa ozuⱪ beridu;
Which yyueth mete to her werk beestis; and to the briddys of crowis clepinge hym.
10 At küqidin U zoⱪ almaydu; Adǝmning qǝbdǝs putlirini hursǝnlik dǝp bilmǝydu;
He schal not haue wille in the strengthe of an hors; nether it schal be wel plesaunt to hym in the leggis of a man.
11 Pǝrwǝrdigar bǝlki Ɵzidin ǝyminidiƣanlarni, Ɵzining ɵzgǝrmǝs muⱨǝbbitigǝ ümid baƣliƣanlarni hursǝnlik dǝp bilidu.
It is wel plesaunt to the Lord on men that dreden hym; and in hem that hopen on his mercy.
12 Pǝrwǝrdigarni mahtanglar, i Yerusalem; Hudayingni mǝdⱨiyilǝ, i Zion.
Jerusalem, herie thou the Lord; Syon, herie thou thi God.
13 Qünki U dǝrwaziliringning taⱪaⱪlirini mǝⱨkǝm ⱪilidu; Seningdǝ turuwatⱪan pǝrzǝntliringgǝ bǝht-bǝrikǝt bǝrdi.
For he hath coumfortid the lockis of thi yatis; he hath blessid thi sones in thee.
14 U qǝt-qegraliringda aram-tinqliⱪ yürgüzidu, Seni buƣdayning esili bilǝn ⱪanaǝtlǝndüridu.
Which hath set thi coostis pees; and fillith thee with the fatnesse of wheete.
15 U Ɵz ǝmr-bexarǝtlirini yǝr yüzigǝ ǝwǝtidu; Uning sɵz-kalami intayin tez yügüridu.
Which sendith out his speche to the erthe; his word renneth swiftli.
16 U aⱪ ⱪarni yungdǝk beridu, Ⱪirawni küllǝrdǝk tarⱪitidu.
Which yyueth snow as wolle; spredith abrood a cloude as aische.
17 Uning muzini nan uwaⱪliridǝk ⱪilip parqiliwetidu; Uning soƣuⱪi aldida kim turalisun?
He sendith his cristal as mussels; who schal suffre bifore the face of his cooldnesse?
18 U sɵzini ǝwǝtip, ularni eritidu; Uning xamilini qiⱪirip, sularni aⱪⱪuzidu.
He schal sende out his word, and schal melte tho; his spirit schal blowe, and watris schulen flowe.
19 U Ɵz sɵz-kalamini Yaⱪupⱪa, Bǝlgilimilirini ⱨǝm ⱨɵkümlirini Israilƣa ayan ⱪilidu;
Which tellith his word to Jacob; and hise riytfulnessis and domes to Israel.
20 U baxⱪa ⱨeqbir ǝlgǝ mundaⱪ muamilǝ ⱪilmiƣandur; Uning ⱨɵkümlirini bolsa, ular bilip baⱪⱪan ǝmǝs. Ⱨǝmdusana!
He dide not so to ech nacioun; and he schewide not hise domes to hem.

< Zǝbur 147 >