< Samu'il 1 30 >

1 Xundaⱪ boldiki, Dawut wǝ adǝmliri üqinqi küni Ziklagⱪa yetip kǝldi; mana, Amalǝklǝr jǝnub tǝrǝpkǝ wǝ Ziklagⱪa ⱨujum ⱪilip, Ziklagni wǝyran ⱪilip ot ⱪoyup kɵydürgǝnidi.
Now when David and his men were come to Siceleg on the third day, the Amalecites had made an invasion on the south side upon Siceleg, and had smitten Siceleg, and burnt it with fire.
2 Ular xǝⱨǝrdiki ⱪiz-ayallarni, qong bolsun, kiqik bolsun, ularning ⱨǝmmisini ǝsirgǝ aldi. Ulardin ⱨeqkimni ɵltürmǝy, ⱨǝmmisini elip, yoliƣa qiⱪⱪanidi.
And had taken the women captives that were in it, both little and great: and they had not killed any person, but had carried them with them, and went on their way.
3 Dawut ɵz adǝmliri bilǝn xǝⱨǝrgǝ kǝlgǝndǝ, mana, xǝⱨǝr alliⱪaqan kɵyüp tügigǝnidi; ularning ayalliri wǝ oƣul-ⱪizliri ǝsirgǝ elinƣanidi.
So when David and his men came to the city, and found it burnt with fire, and that their wives and their sons, and their daughters were taken captives,
4 Əmdi Dawut wǝ uning bilǝn billǝ bolƣan hǝlⱪ ⱪattiⱪ yiƣa-zar kɵtürüxti, taki maƣduri ⱪalmiƣuqǝ yiƣlaxti.
David and the people that were with him, lifted up their voices, and wept till they had no more tears.
5 Dawutning ikki ayali, Yizrǝǝllik Aⱨinoam bilǝn Karmǝllik Nabaldin tul ⱪalƣan Abigailmu ǝsirgǝ elinƣanidi.
For the two wives also of David were taken captives, Achinoam the Jezrahelitess, and Abigail the wife of Nabal of Carmel.
6 Dawut ⱪattiⱪ azablandi; qünki barliⱪ halayiⱪ, ⱨǝrbiri ɵz oƣul-ⱪizliri üqün ⱪayƣurup ƣǝzǝplinip uni qalma-kesǝk ⱪilip ɵltürǝyli, deyixiwatatti. Əmma Dawut ɵzini Hudasi Pǝrwǝrdigardin küq-ⱪuwwǝtlǝndürdi.
And David was greatly afflicted: for the people had a mind to stone him, for the soul of every man was bitterly grieved for his sons, and daughters: but David took courage in the Lord his God.
7 Dawut Ahimǝlǝkning oƣli kaⱨin Abiyatarƣa: — Əfodni yenimƣa elip kǝlgin, dedi.
And he said to Abiathar the priest the son of Achimelech: Bring me hither the ephod. And Abiathar brought the ephod to David.
8 Dawut Pǝrwǝrdigardin: — Bu ⱪoxunni ⱪoƣlaymu? Ularƣa yetixǝlǝrmǝnmu? — dǝp soridi. U: — Ⱪoƣla; sǝn jǝzmǝn ularƣa yetixiwalisǝn ⱨǝm ⱨǝmmisini ⱪayturup kelǝlǝysǝn, dedi.
And David consulted the Lord, saying: Shall I pursue after these robbers, and shall I overtake them, or not? And the Lord said to him: Pursue after them: for thou shalt surely overtake them and recover the prey.
9 Dawut wǝ uning bilǝn billǝ bolƣan altǝ yüz adǝm berip Besor wadisiƣa yetip kǝlgǝndǝ, kǝynidǝ sɵrülüp ⱪalƣanlar xu yǝrdǝ ⱪaldi.
So David went, he and the six hundred men that were with him, and they came to the torrent Besor: and some being weary stayed there.
10 Dawut ɵzi tɵt yüz adǝm bilǝn dawamliⱪ ⱪoƣlap mangdi; ikki yüz adǝm ⱨalsirap kǝtkǝqkǝ, Besor wadisidin ɵtǝlmǝy kǝynidǝ ⱪalƣanidi.
But David pursued, he and four hundred men: for two hundred stayed, who being weary could not go over the torrent Besor.
11 Ular dalada Misirliⱪ bir adǝmni uqratti. Ular uni Dawutning ⱪexiƣa elip kelip, uningƣa nan berip yegüzdi, su iqküzdi;
And they found an Egyptian in the field, and brought him to David: and they gave him bread to eat, and water to drink,
12 uningƣa bir parqǝ ǝnjür poxkili bilǝn ikki kixmix poxkilinimu bǝrdi. U bularni yǝp, uningƣa ⱪaytidin jan kirdi; qünki u üq keqǝ-kündüz nan yemigǝn, sumu iqmigǝnidi.
As also a piece of a cake of figs, and two bunches of raisins. And when he had eaten them his spirit returned, and he was refreshed: for he had not eaten bread, nor drunk water three days, and three nights.
13 Dawut uningdin: — Sǝn kimgǝ tǝwǝ? Sǝn ⱪǝyǝrliksǝn? — dǝp soridi. U: — Mǝn Misirliⱪ yigit bolup, bir Amalǝkning ⱪulimǝn. Lekin mǝn üq kün ilgiri kesǝl bolup ⱪalƣaqⱪa, ƣojam meni taxliwǝtti.
And David said to him: To whom dost thou belong? or whence dost thou come? and whither art thou going? He said: I am a young man of Egypt, the servant of an Amalecite, and my master left me, because I began to be sick three days ago.
14 Biz ǝsli Kǝrǝtiylǝrning yurtining jǝnub tǝripigǝ wǝ Yǝⱨuda zeminiƣa wǝ Kalǝbning zeminining jǝnub tǝripigǝ ⱨujum ⱪilip bulang-talang ⱪilduⱪ; xundaⱪla Ziklagni kɵydurüwǝtkǝniduⱪ, dedi.
For we made an invasion on the south side of Cerethi, and upon Juda, and upon the south of Caleb, and we burnt Siceleg with fire.
15 Dawut uningdin: — Bizni u [düxmǝn] ⱪoxuni tǝrǝpkǝ baxlap baralamsǝn, dedi. U: — Hudaning nami bilǝn mǝn seni ɵltürmǝymǝn, seni ƣojangning ⱪoliƣimu tutup bǝrmǝymǝn dǝp ⱪǝsǝm ⱪilsila, silini u ⱪoxunning ⱪexiƣa baxlap baray, dedi.
And David said to him: Canst thou bring me to this company? And he said: Swear to me by God, that thou wilt not kill me, nor deliver me into the hands of my master, and I will bring thee to this company. And David swore to him.
16 Uni u yǝrgǝ baxlap barƣanda, mana ular pütkül yǝrgǝ yeyilip, yǝp-iqip Filistiylǝrning zeminidin ⱨǝm Yǝⱨuda zeminidin alƣan qong oljiliridin hux bolup ussul oynixiwatatti.
And when he had brought him, behold they were lying spread upon all the ground, eating and drinking, and as it were keeping a festival day, for all the prey, and the spoils which they had taken out of the land of the Philistines, and out of the land of Juda.
17 Əmma Dawut xu küni gugumdin tartip ikkinqi küni kǝqkiqǝ ularni urup ⱪirdi. Tɵgigǝ minip bǝdǝr ⱪaqⱪan tɵt yüz yigittin baxⱪa ⱨeqbir adǝm ⱪeqip ⱪutulmidi;
And David slew them from the evening unto the evening of the next day, and there escaped not a man of them, but four hundred young men, who had gotten upon camels, and fled.
18 wǝ Dawut Amalǝklǝr buluwalƣan ⱨǝmmǝ nǝrsini yandurup aldi; ɵzining ikki ayalinimu ⱪutⱪuzuwaldi.
So David recovered all that the Amalecites had taken, and he rescued his two wives.
19 Amalǝklǝr elip kǝtkǝn oƣul-ⱪiz, mal-mülüklǝr wǝ baxⱪa ⱨǝmmǝ nǝrsini Dawut ulardin ⱪayturuwaldi. Ⱨeqnemǝ, qong bolsun kiqik bolsun qüxüp ⱪalmiƣanidi.
And there was nothing missing small or great, neither of their sons or their daughters, nor of the spoils, and whatsoever they had taken: David recovered all.
20 [Dawutning adǝmlidi] ⱪayturuwalƣan mallirining aldiƣa [olja alƣan] baxⱪa ⱪoy wǝ kala padilarni selip ⱨǝydǝp ketiwatatti. [Uning adǝmliri] ketiwetip: — Bular Dawutning oljisi, deyixti; Dawut ularning ⱨǝmmisini ɵzigǝ aldi.
And he took all the flocks and the herds, and made them go before him: and they said: This is the prey of David.
21 Dawut ⱨalsizlinip ɵzi bilǝn billǝ baralmiƣan Besor wadisining boyida ⱪaldurup kǝtkǝn ikki yüz adǝmning ⱪexiƣa yetip kǝldi; ular Dawut wǝ uning bilǝn kǝlgǝn adǝmlǝrning aldiƣa qiⱪti, Dawut hǝlⱪning ⱪexiƣa berip ularƣa salam ⱪildi.
And David came to the two hundred men, who being weary had stayed, and were not able to follow David, and he had ordered them to abide at the torrent Besor: and they came out to meet David, and the people that were with him. And David coming to the people saluted them peaceably.
22 Lekin Dawut bilǝn barƣanlarning arisidiki rǝzil adǝmlǝr wǝ ǝrzimǝslǝrning ⱨǝmmisi ⱪopup: — Bular biz bilǝn barmiƣandin keyin biz yandurup alƣan oljidin ularƣa ⱨeq nemǝ bǝrmǝyli. Ular pǝⱪǝt ⱨǝrbiri ɵz hotun-balilirini elip kǝtsun, dedi.
Then all the wicked and unjust men that had gone with David answering, said: Because they came not with us, we will not give them any thing of the prey which we have recovered: but let every man take his wife and his children, and be contented with them, and go his way.
23 Əmma Dawut: — Yaⱪ, i buradǝrlirim; Pǝrwǝrdigar bizgǝ tǝⱪsim ⱪilƣanni [ularƣimu tǝⱪsim] ⱪilmisaⱪ bolmaydu. Qünki U bizni ⱪoƣdap bizningkigǝ tajawuz ⱪilƣanlarni ⱪolimizƣa tapxurdi.
But David said: You shall not do so, my brethren, with these things, which the Lord hath given us, who hath kept us, and hath delivered the robbers that invaded us into our hands.
24 Bu ixta kim silǝrgǝ maⱪul dǝydu? Qünki soⱪuxⱪa qüxkǝnning ülüxi ⱪandaⱪ bolsa yük-taⱪlarƣa ⱪariƣuqilarningmu ülüxi xundaⱪ bolidu; ⱨǝmmǝ adǝm tǝng bɵlüxsun — dedi.
And no man shall hearken to you in this matter. But equal shall be the portion of him that went down to battle and of him that abode at the baggage, and they shall divide alike.
25 Xu kündin tartip bu Israil üqün ⱨɵküm-bǝlgilimǝ ⱪilip bekitildi. Bügüngiqǝ ⱨǝm xundaⱪ.
And this hath been done from that day forward, and since was made a statute, and an ordinance, and as a law in Israel.
26 Dawut Ziklagⱪa yetip kǝlgǝndǝ, oljidin dostliri bolƣan Yǝⱨuda aⱪsaⱪalliriƣa ǝwǝtip: — Mana, Pǝrwǝrdigarning düxmǝnliridin alƣan olja silǝrgǝ bir sowƣat bolsun, dedi.
Then David came to Siceleg, and sent presents of the prey to the ancients of Juda his neighbours, saying: Receive a blessing of the prey of the enemies of the Lord.
27 U oljidin ⱨǝm Bǝyt-Əldikilǝrgǝ, jǝnubiy Ramottikilǝrgǝ, Yattirdikilǝrgǝ,
To them that were in Bethel, and that were in Ramoth to the south, and to them that were in Jether,
28 Aroǝrdikilǝrgǝ, Sifmottikilǝrgǝ, Əxtǝmoadikilǝrgǝ,
And to them that were in Aroer and that were in Sephamoth, and that were in Esthamo,
29 Raⱪaldikilǝrgǝ, Yǝraⱨmǝǝlliklǝrning xǝⱨǝrliridikilǝrgǝ wǝ Keniylǝrning xǝⱨǝrliridikilǝrgǝ,
And that were in Rachal, and that were in the cities of Jerameel, and that were in the cities of Ceni,
30 Hormaⱨtikilǝrgǝ, Ⱪoraxandikilǝrgǝ, Ataⱪtikilǝrgǝ,
And that were in Arama, and that were in the lake Asan, and that were in Athach,
31 Ⱨebrondikilǝrgǝ wǝ Dawut wǝ adǝmliri billǝ yürgǝn ⱨǝmmǝ yǝrdikilǝrgǝ sowƣat ǝwǝtti.
And that were in Hebron, and to the rest that were in those places, in which David had abode with his men.

< Samu'il 1 30 >