< Yeshua 17 >

1 Manasseh Yüsüpning tunji oghli bolghachqa, uning qebilisigimu chek tashlinip miras bérilgen. Manassehning tunji oghli Makirning [ewladliri] (Makir Giléadning atisi idi) batur palwan bolghachqa, ulargha Giléad bilen Bashan miras qilip bérildi.
This was the assignment of land for the tribe of Manasseh (who was the firstborn of Joseph)—that is, for Makir, who was Manasseh's firstborn and who himself was the father of Gilead. Makir's descendants were assigned the land of Gilead and Bashan, because Makir had been a man of war.
2 Manassehning qalghan ewladlirimu, jümlidin Abiézerler, Helekler, Asrieller, Shekemler, Heferler bilen Shémidalar öz jemet-aililiri boyiche miras ülüshini aldi. Bular bolsa Yüsüpning oghli Manassehning er jemet aililiri idi.
Land was assigned to the rest of the tribe of Manasseh, given to their clans—Abiezer, Helek, Asriel, Shechem, Hepher, and Shemida. These were the male descendants of Manasseh son of Joseph, presented by their clans.
3 Emdi Manassehning chewrisi, Makirning ewrisi, Giléadning newrisi, Heferning oghli Zelofihadning oghul perzentliri yoq bolup, peqet qizlirila bar idi. Uning qizlirining isimliri Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milkah we Tirzah idi.
Now Zelophehad son of Hepher son of Gilead son of Makir son of Manasseh had no sons, but only daughters. The names of his daughters were Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milkah, and Tirzah.
4 Ular kahin Eliazar bilen Nunning oghli Yeshua we emirlerning qéshigha bérip ulargha: — Perwerdigar Musagha biz toghruluq qérindashlirimiz qatarida miras bérishke emr qilghanidi, dédi. Shuni déwidi, [Yeshua] Perwerdigarning emri boyiche ularning atisining qérindashliri qatarida ulargha miras berdi.
They approached Eleazar the priest, Joshua son of Nun, and the leaders, and they said, “Yahweh commanded Moses to give to us an inheritance along with our brothers.” So, following the commandment of Yahweh, he gave those women an inheritance among the brothers of their father.
5 Buning bilen Iordan deryasining u teripidiki Giléad bilen Bashan zéminliridin bashqa, Manassehke yene on ülüsh yer bérildi.
Ten parcels of land were assigned to Manasseh in Gilead and Bashan, which is on the other side of the Jordan,
6 Chünki Manassehning qizliri uning oghullirining qatarida mirasqa ige bolghanidi; Giléad zémini Manassehning qalghan ewladlirigha tegkenidi.
because the daughters of Manasseh received an inheritance along with his sons. The land of Gilead was assigned to the rest of the tribe of Manasseh.
7 Manassehning zéminining chégrisi bolsa Ashirdin tartip Shekemning utturidiki Mikmitatqa bérip, andin jenub teripige qayrilip, En-Tappuahda turghuchilarning jayighiche tutishatti.
The territory of Manasseh reached from Asher to Mikmethath, which is east of Shechem. Then the border went southward to those living near the spring of Tappuah.
8 Chünki Tappuahning zémini bolsa Manassehge tegkenidi; lékin Manassehning chégrisidiki Tappuah shehiri Efraimgha tewe idi.
(The land of Tappuah belonged to Manasseh, but the town of Tappuah on the border of Manasseh belonged to the tribe of Ephraim.)
9 Chégrisi u yerdin Kanah éqinigha chüshüp, jilghining jenub teripi bilen chiqti. U yerdiki sheherler bolsa Manassehning sheherlirining arisida bolsimu, Efraimgha tegdi. Manassehning chégrisi jilghining shimal teripi bilen bérip déngizgha yétip axirlishatti.
The border went down to the brook of Kanah. These cities south of the brook among the towns of Manasseh belonged to Ephraim. The border of Manasseh was on the north side of the brook, and it ended at the sea.
10 Jilghining jenub teripidiki zémin Efraimgha, shimal teripidiki zémin Manassehke tewe idi; gherb teripining chégrisi déngiz idi. Ularning zémini shimal teripide Ashirning ülüshigiche yétip, sherq teripi Issakarning ülüshige tutashqanidi.
The land to the south belonged to Ephraim, and the land to the north was Manasseh's; the sea was the border. On the north side Asher can be reached, and to the east, Issachar.
11 Manassehkimu Issakar bilen Ashirning ülüshliri ichidin Beyt-Shéan we uninggha qarashliq kentler, Ibléam bilen uninggha qarashliq kentler, Dor ahalisi bilen Dorgha qarashliq kentler, En-Dor ahalisi bilen En-Dorgha qarashliq kentler, Taanaq ahalisi bilen Taanaqqa qarashliq kentler we Mégiddo ahalisi bilen Mégiddogha qarashliq kentler, yeni «Üch Égizlik» dégen yurt tegdi.
Also in Issachar and in Asher, Manasseh possessed Beth Shan and its villages, Ibleam and its villages, the inhabitants of Dor and its villages, the inhabitants of Endor and its villages, the inhabitants of Taanach and its villages, and the inhabitants of Megiddo and its villages (and the third city is Napheth).
12 Lékin Manasseh bu sheherdikilerni qoghliwitelmidi; Qanaaniylar shu yurtlarda turuwérishke niyet baghlighanidi.
Yet the tribe of Manasseh could not take possession of those cities, for the Canaanites continued to live in this land.
13 Israillar barghanséri kücheygechke Qanaaniylarni özlirige hasharchi qilip béqindurdi, lékin ularni öz yerliridin mutleq qoghliwételmidi.
When the people of Israel grew strong, they put the Canaanites to forced labor, but did not completely drive them out.
14 Yüsüpler bolsa Yeshuagha: — Bizler Perwerdigar hazirghiche shundaq beriketlep kelgen, chong bir xelq tursaq, sen némishqa chek tashlash bilen bizge peqet bir ülüsh miras, bir parche yerla berding? — dédi.
Then the descendants of Joseph said to Joshua, saying, “Why have you given us only one assignment of land and one portion for an inheritance, since we are a people great in number, and all along Yahweh has blessed us?”
15 Yeshua ulargha jawab bérip: — Eger siler chong bir xelq bolsanglar, Efraimning taghliq yurti silerge tar kelgen bolsa, orman’gha bérip u yerdiki Perizziyler bilen [gigant] Refayiylar yurtida derexlerni késip, özünglar üchün bir jayni chiqiriwélinglar, dédi.
Joshua said to them, “If you are a people great in number, go up by yourselves to the forest and there clear the ground for yourselves in the land of the Perizzites and of the Rephaim. Do this, since the hill country of Ephraim is too small for you.”
16 Lékin Yüsüpler: — Taghliq yurt bizge yetmeydu; shuning bilen bir waqitta jilghida turuwatqanlar, meyli Beyt-Shéanda we uninggha qarashliq kentlerde bolsun yaki Yizreel jilghisida turuwatqan Qanaaniylar bolsun, hemmisining tömürdin jeng harwiliri bar iken, dédi.
The descendants of Joseph said, “The hill country is not enough for us. But all the Canaanites who live in the valley have chariots of iron, both those who are in Beth Shan and its villages, and those who are in the Valley of Jezreel.”
17 Shundaq déwidi, Yeshua Yüsüp jemeti bolghan Efraim bilen Manassehge söz qilip: — Siler derweqe chong bir xelqsiler we zor küchünglar bardur; shunga silerge peqet bir ülüshla miras bérilse bolmaydu;
Then Joshua said to the house of Joseph—to Ephraim and Manasseh, “You are a people great in number, and you have great power. You must not have only one piece of land assigned to you.
18 ashu pütkül taghliq yurtmu silerge bérilidu; gerche u ormanliq bolsimu, siler uni késip boshitisiler we uning etraplirighimu ige bolisiler; Qanaaniylarning tömür jeng harwiliri bar, shundaqla küchlük bolsimu, siler ularni heydep chiqiriwiteleysiler, — dédi.
The hill country will also be yours. Though it is a forest, you will clear it and take possession of it to its farthest borders. You will drive out the Canaanites, even though they have chariots of iron, and even though they are strong.”

< Yeshua 17 >