< Rosullarning paaliyetliri 26 >

1 Shuning bilen, Agrippa Pawlusqa: — Özüngning gépingni qilishinggha ruxset, — dédi. Pawlus qolini sozup özini aqlashqa bashlidi:
Then Agrippa said to Paul, “Yoʋ have permission to speak for yoʋrself.” So Paul stretched out his hand and began to make his defense:
2 — I Agrippa xan, bügün aldilirida Yehudiylar méning üstümdin shikayet qilghan pütün ishlar toghruluq jawab bérish pursitige nésip bolghanliqim üchün, bolupmu özlirining Yehudiylarning adetliri we ularning arisidiki talash-tartishliridin xewerliri bolghanliqi üchün özümni bextlik hésablaymen! Shuning üchün dégenlirimni sewrchanliq bilen anglap béqishlirini ötünimen.
“I consider myself fortunate that it is before yoʋ, King Agrippa, that I am about to make my defense today concerning all the things of which I am being accused by the Jews,
especially since yoʋ are acquainted with all the customs and controversies of the Jews. Therefore I beg yoʋ to listen to me patiently.
4 Méning deslepki waqitlirimda, yeni kichikimdin tartip öz élimde, Yérusalémda yürüsh-turushumning qandaq ikenliki Yehudiylarning hemmisige ayan.
“All the Jews know about my manner of life from my youth up, which was spent from the beginning among my own nation in Jerusalem.
5 Ular shu deslepki waqtimdin béri méni tonughachqa (eger xalisaidi, shuninggha guwahliq béretti), méning ibadet tüzümidiki eng telepchan mezhepning shertliri boyiche yashap, yeni Perisiy bolup ömrümni ötküzginimni bilidu.
They have known about me for a long time, if they are willing to testify, that according to the strictest sect of our religion I lived as a Pharisee.
6 Emdi men Xuda ata-bowilirimizgha qilghan wedige baghlighan ümidim tüpeylidin hazir soraq qiliniwatimen.
And now I am standing trial because of my hope in the promise God made to our fathers,
7 Shu [wedining] nésiwisige yétishni bizning pütkül on ikki qebilimiz kéche-kündüz toxtawsiz Xudagha ibadet qilip ümid qilmaqta. I aliyliri, Yehudiylarning méning üstümdin qilghan shikayetliri del shu ümidke baghliqtur!
a promise that our twelve tribes hope to attain as they earnestly serve him night and day. Regarding this hope, King Agrippa, I am being accused by the Jews.
8 [Xalayiq], Xuda ölgenlerni tirildürse, néme üchün ishinishke bolmaydu, dep qaraysiler?
Why is it deemed unbelievable by you that God raises the dead?
9 Derweqe, özümmu eslide Nasaretlik Eysaning namigha qarshi nurghun ishlarni qilishim kérek dep qayil idim
“Indeed, I myself was convinced that I ought to do many things against the name of Jesus of Nazareth.
10 we Yérusalémda ene shundaq ishlarni qilghanidim. Bash kahinlardin hoquq élip, özüm Xudaning nurghun muqeddes bendilirini zindan’gha tutup bergen, ular ölümge höküm qilin’ghandimu, hökümge awaz qoshqanidim.
And that is just what I did in Jerusalem. I locked up many of the saints in prison by the authority I received from the chief priests, and when they were being put to death, I cast my vote against them.
11 Men hemme sinagoglarda köp qétim ularni izdep tépip jazalap, kupurluq gep qilishqa zorlighanidim. Men ulargha telwilerche öch bolup, hetta yaqa yurttiki sheherlerge bérip, ulargha ziyankeshlik qilghanidim.
I also punished them often in all the synagogues and tried to force them to blaspheme. And being furiously enraged against them, I pursued them even to foreign cities.
12 Bu ishlarda bolup bash kahinlar bergen toluq wekillik hoquqi bilen Demeshq shehirige qarap seper qiliwatattim.
“While engaged in such things, I was on my way to Damascus with authority and commission from the chief priests,
13 Chüsh waqtida yolda kétiwétip, asmandin chüshken, quyash nuridinmu küchlük bir nurning etrapimni we bille kétiwatqanlarni yorutuwetkenlikini kördüm.
when at midday, O king, I saw on the way a light from heaven, brighter than the sun, shining around me and those who were traveling with me.
14 Hemmimiz yerge yiqilghan bolup men ibraniy tilida éytilghan: «Ey Saul, Saul! Manga némishqa ziyankeshlik qilisen? Séni zixlashlargha qarshi tepmiking sen üchün tes kélidu!» dégen bir awazni anglidim.
When we had all fallen down to the ground, I heard a voice saying to me in the Hebrew language, ‘Saul, Saul, why are yoʋ persecuting me? It is hard for yoʋ to kick against the goads.’
15 Men: — «I Reb, sen kimsen?» dep sorisam, Reb manga: «Men sen ziyankeshlik qiliwatqan Eysadurmen!
I said, ‘Who are yoʋ, Lord?’ He said, ‘I am Jesus, whom yoʋ are persecuting.
16 Emdi ornungdin tur; chünki Men séni sen körgen ishlargha hemde Özüm sanga ayan qilin’ghinimda köridighan ishlargha xezinichi ghojidar we guwahliq bergüchi bolushqa tiklesh üchün, sanga ayan boldum.
But rise and stand on yoʋr feet, for I have appeared to yoʋ for this purpose, to appoint yoʋ as a servant and witness to the things yoʋ have seen and to the things in which I will appear to yoʋ.
17 Men séni öz xelqingning hem ellerning qolidin qutquzimen — chünki men séni yat elliklerning közlirini échip, ularning qarangghuluqtin yoruqluqqa, Sheytanning ilkidin Xudagha baghlinishqa burulushi üchün ularning arisigha ewetimen. Shuning bilen ular gunahlirining kechürümige, shundaqla Manga étiqad qilish arqiliq pak-muqeddes qilin’ghanlarning arisida mirasqa muyesser bolidu» — dédi.
I will rescue yoʋ from yoʋr own people and from the Gentiles, to whom I am sending yoʋ
to open their eyes so that they may turn away from darkness to light, and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive remission of sins and an allotment among those who have been sanctified by faith in me.’
19 Shunga, i Agrippa aliyliri, men ershtin kelgen bu ghayibane körünüshke itaetsizlik qilmidim.
“Consequently, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision,
20 Belki aldi bilen Demeshq xelqige, andin Yérusalém shehiridikilerge, pütün Yehudiye ölkisidikilerge hemde yat elliklergimu, «Towa qilip, Xudagha baghlininglar, shundaqla towa qilishqa uyghun emellerni körsitinglar» dep jakarlap xewer yetküzüp keldim.
but first to those in Damascus and then to those in Jerusalem, to all the region of Judea and to the Gentiles, I proclaimed that they should repent and turn to God, doing works consistent with repentance.
21 Bu ishlar tüpeylidin Yehudiylar méni ibadetxana hoylisida tutup, mushtlap öltürüwetmekchi bolushti.
That is why the Jews seized me in the temple courts and were trying to kill me.
22 Lékin bügün’giche Xudaning yardem-meditige muyesser bolup men ching turuwatimen, töwendikiler bolsun yuqiridikiler bolsun hemmeylen’ge guwahliq bérip keldim. Guwahliqim del peyghemberler hem Musa özi bésharet qilip éytqanliridin bashqa nerse emes —
But having obtained help from God, I stand to this day testifying to both small and great, saying nothing except what the Prophets and Moses said would take place:
23 démek, Mesih jezmen azab-oqubet chékip, tunji bolup ölümdin tirilgüchi bolup [Yehudiy] xelqige hem pütkül ellergimu yoruqluq jakarlaydu.
that the Christ would suffer and that, as the first to rise from the dead, he would proclaim light to our people and to the Gentiles.”
24 Pawlus bu ishlarni éytip özini shundaq aqlash jawabini bergende, Féstus yuqiri awaz bilen uninggha: — Pawlus, sarang bolupsen! Bilimingning köpliki eqlingni azduruptu! — dédi.
As Paul was saying these things in his own defense, Festus said with a loud voice, “Yoʋ are out of yoʋr mind, Paul. Too much learning is driving yoʋ insane!”
25 Lékin Pawlus: — Sarang emesmen, i Féstus janabliri, men belki heqiqetke uyghun hem salmiqi bar sözlerni jar qilimen.
But Paul said, “I am not out of my mind, most excellent Festus, but I am speaking words of truth and good sense.
26 Chünki [Agrippa] aliylirining bu ishlardin xewiri bar. Men uninggha yüreklik bilen ochuq sözlewatimen, chünki bu ishlarning héchqaysisining uningdin yoshurun emeslikige ishinimen. Chünki bu ish bulung-puchqaqlarda qilin’ghan emes!
For the king knows about these things, to whom I am speaking boldly. I am convinced that none of these things has escaped his notice at all, for this has not been done in a corner.
27 — Ey Agrippa aliyliri, özliri peyghemberlerning éytqanlirigha ishinemdila? Men ishinidighanliqlirini bilimen! — dédi.
Do yoʋ believe the Prophets, King Agrippa? I know that yoʋ believe.”
28 Agrippa Pawlusqa: — Sen méni mushunchilik qisqighina waqitta xristian bolushqa qayil qilmaqchimusen? — dédi.
Agrippa said to Paul, “Do yoʋ think yoʋ can persuade me to become a Christian so quickly?”
29 Pawlus: — Meyli qisqa waqit ichide yaki uzun waqitta bolsun, peqet özlirining emes, belki bügün sözümni anglighuchilarning hemmisi manga oxshash bolghay (peqet mendiki zenjirler silerde bolmisun!) dep Xudadin tileymen, — dédi.
Paul said, “Whether quickly or not, I pray to God that not only yoʋ but also all who are listening to me today would become as I am, except for these chains.”
30 Shuning bilen [Agrippa] xan, shundaqla waliy, Berniki we ular bilen bille olturghanlar orunliridin turup,
After Paul said these things, the king stood up, along with the governor, Bernice, and those who were sitting with them.
31 [zaldin] chiqip, bir-birige: — Bu kishining ölümge yaki türmige solashqa tégishlik héchbir jinayiti yoq iken! — déyishti.
After leaving the room, they began saying to one another, “This man is doing nothing that deserves death or imprisonment.”
32 Agrippa Féstusqa: — Bu adem Qeyserge murajiet qilmighan bolsa, qoyup bérilse bolidikentuq! — dédi.
And Agrippa said to Festus, “This man could have been released if he had not appealed to Caesar.”

< Rosullarning paaliyetliri 26 >