< Selemaia 17 >

1 “Kuo tohi ʻae hia ʻa Siuta ʻaki ʻae peni ukamea, pea mo e mata ʻoe taiamoni: kuo tongi ia ʻi he kakano ʻo honau loto, pea ki he ngaahi nifo ʻo homou ngaahi ʻesifeilaulauʻanga.
The synne of Juda is writun with an irone poyntel, in a nail of adamaunt; it is writun on the breede of the herte of hem, and in the hornes of the auteris of hem.
2 ‌ʻI he lolotonga ʻae manatuʻi ʻe heʻenau fānau ki heʻenau ngaahi ʻesifeilaulauʻanga mo e ngaahi vao tapu mo e ʻakau lau maʻuiʻui ʻi he ngaahi moʻunga māʻolunga.
Whanne the sones of hem bithenken on her auteris, and woodis, and on the trees ful of boowis, makynge sacrifice in the feld in hiye munteyns,
3 ‌ʻE hoku moʻunga, ko e meʻa kotoa pē ʻi hoʻo ngoue mo hoʻo koloa kotoa pē te u foaki ke vetea, pea mo ho potu māʻolunga kotoa pē koeʻuhi ko e angahala, ʻo aʻu ki hono ngataʻanga ʻo ho fonua kotoa pē.
Y schal yyue thi strengthe and alle thi tresouris in to rauyschyng, thin hiye thingis for synnes in alle thin endis.
4 Pea ʻe hiki koe mei he tofiʻa, ʻaia naʻaku foaki kiate koe; pea te u pule ke ke tauhi ki ho ngaahi fili ʻi he fonua ʻoku ʻikai te ke ʻilo: koeʻuhi kuo mou tutu ʻae afi ʻi hoku houhau, ʻaia ʻe vela ʻo taʻengata.”
And thou schalt be left aloone fro thin eritage which Y yaf to thee; and Y schal make thee to serue thin enemyes, in the lond which thou knowist not; for thou hast kyndlid fier in my strong veniaunce, it schal brenne til in to with outen ende.
5 ʻOku pehē ʻe Sihova; “Ke malaʻia ʻae tangata ʻoku falala ki he tangata, pea ʻoku ne nima ʻaki ʻae kakano, pea kuo mole hono loto meia Sihova,
The Lord seith these thingis, Cursid is the man that trestith in man, and settith fleisch his arm, and his herte goith awei fro the Lord.
6 Koeʻuhi ʻe hangē ia ko e mohuku mae ʻi he toafa, pea ʻe ʻikai te ne mamata ʻoka haʻu ʻae lelei; ka te ne nofo pe ʻi he ngaahi potu laʻā ʻoe toafa, ʻi he fonua lala taʻehanokakai.
For he schal be as bromes in desert, and he schal not se, whanne good schal come; but he schal dwelle in drynesse in desert, in the lond of saltnesse, and vnabitable.
7 “ʻOku monūʻia ʻae tangata ʻoku falala kia Sihova, pea ko hono ʻamanaki leleiʻanga ʻa Sihova.
Blessid is the man that tristith in the Lord, and the Lord schal be his trist.
8 Koeʻuhi ʻe hangē ia ko e ʻakau kuo tō ʻi he veʻe vai, ʻoku totolo atu hono ngaahi aka ki he vaitafe, pea ʻe ʻikai te ne ʻilo ʻae pupuha, ka ʻe mata pe hono lau; pea ʻe ʻikai vaivai ʻi he faʻahitaʻu laʻā, pea ʻe ʻikai fakangata hono fua.
And he schal be as a tre, which is plauntid ouer watris, which sendith hise rootis to moisture; and it schal not drede, whanne heete schal come; and the leef therof schal be greene, and it schal not be moued in the tyme of drynesse, nether ony tyme it schal faile to make fruyte.
9 “ʻOku kākā lahi taha pe ʻae loto ʻi he ngaahi meʻa kotoa pē, pea ʻoku fungani kovi: ko hai te ne faʻa ʻilo ia?
The herte of man is schrewid, and `may not be souyt; who schal knowe it?
10 Ko au Sihova ʻoku ou vakili ʻae loto, ʻoku ou hakule ʻae ngaahi mahalo, ke foaki ki he tangata taki taha ʻo fakatatau mo ʻene ngaahi ʻulungāanga, pea tatau mo e fua ʻo ʻene faianga.”
Y am the Lord sekynge the herte, and preuynge the reynes, and Y yyue to ech man after his weye, and aftir the fruyt of his fyndyngis.
11 ‌ʻO hangē ko e manupuna ʻoku fōfoaʻi ʻae ngaahi fua naʻe ʻikai te ne fakatō; ʻe pehē foki ia ʻoku tānaki koloa taʻetotonu, ʻe ʻalu ia mei ai ʻi he lolotonga ʻo hono ngaahi ʻaho, pea ʻe vale ia ʻi hono ikuʻanga.
A partriche nurschide tho thingis whiche sche bredde not; he made richessis, and not in doom; in the myddis of hise daies he schal forsake tho, and in hise laste tyme he schal be vnwijs.
12 Talu mei he kamataʻanga ko e nofoʻanga fakaʻeiʻeiki fakasanisani mo māʻolunga ʻae potu ʻo hotau fale tapu.
The seete of glorie of hiynesse was at the bigynnyng the place of oure halewyng, the abidyng of Israel.
13 ‌ʻE Sihova, ko e ʻamanaki leleiʻanga ʻo ʻIsileli, ʻe mā ʻakinautolu kotoa pē ʻoku liʻaki koe, pea ʻe tohi ki he kelekele ʻakinautolu ʻoku ʻalu meiate koe, koeʻuhi kuo nau liʻaki ʻa Sihova, ko e matavai ʻoe ngaahi vai moʻui.
Lord, alle thei that forsaken thee, schulen be schent; thei that goen aweie fro thee, schulen be writun in erthe, for thei han forsake the Lord, a veyne of quyk watirs.
14 ‌ʻE Sihova, ke ke faitoʻo kiate au, pea te u moʻui; fakamoʻui au, pea te u moʻui: he ko koe ʻoku ou fakafetaʻi ki ai.
Lord, heele thou me, and Y schal be heelid; make thou me saaf, and Y schal be saaf; for thou art myn heriyng.
15 Vakai, ʻoku nau pehē kiate au, “Ko e fē ʻae folofola ʻa Sihova? Tuku ia ke hoko mai.”
Lo! thei seien to me, Where is the word of the Lord? come it.
16 Pea ko au, naʻe ʻikai te u tuku vave ʻeku muimui kiate koe: pea ʻoku ke ʻafioʻi naʻe ʻikai te u manako ki he ʻaho fakailifia; ko ia naʻe haʻu mei hoku loungutu naʻe ʻi ho ʻao ʻoʻou.
And Y am not disturblid, suynge thee scheepherd, and Y desiride not the dai of man, thou woost. That that yede out of my lippis was riytful in thi siyt.
17 ‌ʻOua naʻa ke ʻiate au ko e fakailifia; ko koe ko ʻeku ʻamanaki leleiʻanga ʻi he ʻaho ʻoe kovi.
Be thou not to drede to me; thou art myn hope in the dai of turment.
18 Tuku ke mā ʻakinautolu ʻoku fakatangaʻi au, kaeʻoua naʻa tuku au ke u mā: tuku ke nau manavahē, kaeʻoua naʻa tuku au ke u manavahē: ʻomi kiate kinautolu ʻae ʻaho ʻoe mamahi, pea fakaʻauha ʻaki ʻakinautolu ʻae fakaʻauha lahi.
Be thei schent, that pursuen me, and be Y not schent; drede thei, and drede not Y; brynge in on hem a dai of turment, and defoule thou hem bi double defouling.
19 Naʻe pehē ʻe Sihova kiate au, “ʻAlu ʻo tuʻu ʻi he matapā ʻoe fānau ʻa hoku kakai, ʻaia ʻoku hū ai ʻae ngaahi tuʻi ʻo Siuta, pea mo ia ʻoku nau ʻalu ai kituʻa, pea ki he ngaahi matapā kotoa pē ʻo Selūsalema;
The Lord seith these thingis to me, Go thou, and stonde in the yate of the sones of the puple, bi whiche the kingis of Juda entren and goen out, and in alle the yatis of Jerusalem.
20 Pea ke lea kiate kinautolu, ʻo pehē, Mou fanongo ki he folofola ʻa Sihova, ʻakimoutolu ko e ngaahi tuʻi ʻo Siuta, pea mo Siuta kotoa pē, pea mo e kakai kotoa pē ʻo Selūsalema, ʻoku hū ʻi he ngaahi matapā ni.
And thou schalt seie to hem, Here the word of the Lord, ye kingis of Juda, and al Judee, and alle the dwelleris of Jerusalem, that entren bi these yatis.
21 ‌ʻOku pehē mai ʻe Sihova; Mou tokanga kiate kimoutolu, pea ʻoua naʻa fua ha kavenga ʻi he ʻaho tapu, pe ʻomi ia ʻi he ngaahi matapā ʻo Selūsalema;
The Lord God seith these thingis, Kepe ye youre soulis, and nyle ye bere birthuns in the dai of sabat, nether bringe in bi the yatis of Jerusalem.
22 Pea ʻoua naʻa ʻave ha kavenga kituʻa mei homou ngaahi fale ʻi he ʻaho tapu, pea ʻoua naʻa fai ha ngāue, kae fakahaohaoa ʻae ʻaho tapu, ʻo hangē ko ia naʻaku fekau ki hoʻomou ngaahi tamai.
And nyle ye caste birthuns out of youre housis in the dai of sabat, and ye schulen not do ony werk; halewe ye the dai of sabat, as Y comaundide to youre fadris.
23 Ka naʻe ʻikai te nau talangofua, pe fakatokanga honau telinga ke ongoʻi, ka naʻe fakakekeva honau kia, koeʻuhi ke ʻoua naʻa nau fanongo, pe maʻu ʻae akonaki.
And thei herden not, nether bowiden doun her eere, but thei maden hard her nol, that thei schulden not here me, and that thei schulden not take chastisyng.
24 ‌ʻOku pehē ʻe Sihova, ʻe hoko ia ʻo pehē, kapau te mou tokanga lahi kiate au, ke ʻoua naʻa ʻomi ha kavenga ʻi he ngaahi matapā ʻi he ʻaho tapu, kae fakahaohaoa ʻae ʻaho tapu, ke ʻoua naʻa fai ha ngāue ʻi ai:
And it schal be, if ye heren me, seith the Lord, that ye bere not in birthuns bi the yatis of this citee in the dai of sabat, and if ye halewen the dai of sabat, that ye do not werk ther ynne,
25 Pea ʻe toki hū ʻi he ngaahi matapā ʻoe kolo ni ʻae ngaahi tuʻi mo e houʻeiki ʻoku nofo ʻi he nofoʻa fakatuʻi ʻo Tevita, ʻo heka ʻi he ngaahi saliote, pea mo e ngaahi hoosi, ko kinautolu mo honau houʻeiki, ko e kau tangata ʻo Siuta: pea mo e kakai ʻo Selūsalema: ʻe tuʻumaʻu ʻo taʻengata ʻae kolo ni.
kingis and princes sittynge on the seete of Dauid schulen entre bi the yatis of this citee, and stiynge in charis and horsis; thei, and the princis of hem, the men of Juda, and the dwelleris of Jerusalem; and this citee schal be enhabitid withouten ende.
26 Pea te nau haʻu mei he ngaahi kolo ʻo Siuta, pea mei he ngaahi potu ofi ki Selūsalema, pea mei he fonua ʻo Penisimani, pea mei he ngaahi toafa, pea mei ne ngaahi moʻunga, pea mei he potu tonga, ʻo ʻomi ʻae ngaahi feilaulau tutu, mo e ngaahi feilaulau, mo e ngaahi feilaulau meʻakai, mo e meʻa namu kakala, ʻo ʻomi ʻae ngaahi feilaulau fakafetaʻi, ki he fale ʻo Sihova.
And thei schulen come fro the citees of Juda, and fro the cumpas of Jerusalem, and fro the lond of Beniamyn, and fro feeldi places, and fro hilli places, and fro the south, beringe brent sacrifice, and slayn sacrifice, and encense; and thei schulen bringe offring in to the hous of the Lord.
27 Pea ka ʻikai te mou fanongo kiate au ke fakahaohaoa ʻae ʻaho tapu, pea ʻoua naʻa fua ha kavenga, ʻo hū mo ia ki he ngaahi matapā ʻo Selūsalema ʻi he ʻaho tapu, pehē te u toki tutu ʻae afi ki hono ngaahi matapā, pea ʻe fakaʻauha ʻaki ia ʻae ngaahi fale fakaʻeiʻeiki ʻo Selūsalema, pea ʻe ʻikai ʻaupito tāmateʻi ia.”
Forsothe if ye heren not me, that ye halewe the dai of sabat, and that ye bere not a birthun, and that ye bringe not in bi the yatis of Jerusalem in the dai of sabat, Y schal kyndle fier in the yatis therof; and it schal deuoure the housis of Jerusalem, and it schal not be quenchid.

< Selemaia 17 >