< Zaburi 147 >

1 Msifuni Yahwe, kwa maana ni vyema kumwimbia sifa Mungu wetu, ni kuzuri, kusifu kwa faa sana.
Alleluya. Herie ye the Lord, for the salm is good; heriyng be myrie, and fair to oure God.
2 Yahwe huijenga tena Yerusalemu, huwakusanya pamoja watu wa Israeli waliotawanyika.
The Lord schal bilde Jerusalem; and schal gadere togidere the scateryngis of Israel.
3 Huponya mioyo iliyopondeka na kuganga majeraha yao.
Which Lord makith hool men contrit in herte; and byndith togidere the sorewes of hem.
4 Huzihesabu nyota, naye huzipa majina zote.
Which noumbrith the multitude of sterris; and clepith names to alle tho.
5 Ukuu ni wa Bwana wetu na nguvu zake ni za kutisha, ufahamu wake hauwezi kupimika.
Oure Lord is greet, and his vertu is greet; and of his wisdom is no noumbre.
6 Yahwe huwainua wanyonge, huwashusha chini wenye jeuri.
The Lord takith vp mylde men; forsothe he makith low synneris `til to the erthe.
7 Mwimbieni Yahwe kwa shukurani, mwimbieni sifa Mungu wetu kwa kinubi.
Bifore synge ye to the Lord in knoulechyng; seye ye salm to oure God in an harpe.
8 Huzifunika mbingu kwa mawingu na huiandaa mvua kwa ajili ya nchi, akizifanya nyasi kukua juu ya milima.
Which hilith heuene with cloudis; and makith redi reyn to the erthe. Which bryngith forth hei in hillis; and eerbe to the seruice of men.
9 Huwapa wanyama chakula na wana kunguru waliapo.
Which yyueth mete to her werk beestis; and to the briddys of crowis clepinge hym.
10 Hapati furaha katika nguvu ya farasi, wala haridhii miguu imara ya mwanadamu.
He schal not haue wille in the strengthe of an hors; nether it schal be wel plesaunt to hym in the leggis of a man.
11 Yahwe huridhia katika wale wanao muheshimu yeye, watumainio katika uaminifu wa agano lake.
It is wel plesaunt to the Lord on men that dreden hym; and in hem that hopen on his mercy.
12 Msifuni Yahwe, Yerusalemu, msifuni Mungu wenu, Sayuni.
Jerusalem, herie thou the Lord; Syon, herie thou thi God.
13 Maana yeye huyakaza mapingo ya malango yako, huwabariki watoto wako kati yako.
For he hath coumfortid the lockis of thi yatis; he hath blessid thi sones in thee.
14 Huletamafanikio ndani ya mipaka yako, hukutosheleza kwa ngano bora.
Which hath set thi coostis pees; and fillith thee with the fatnesse of wheete.
15 Huipeleka amri yake juu ya nchi, amri zake hupiga mbio sana.
Which sendith out his speche to the erthe; his word renneth swiftli.
16 Huifanya theluji kama sufu, huitawanya barafu kama majivu.
Which yyueth snow as wolle; spredith abrood a cloude as aische.
17 Hutupa mvua ya mawe kama makombo, ni nani awezaye kuhimili baridi aitumayo?
He sendith his cristal as mussels; who schal suffre bifore the face of his cooldnesse?
18 Hutuma amri zake na kuziyeyusha, huvumisha upepo wake na hutiririsha maji.
He schal sende out his word, and schal melte tho; his spirit schal blowe, and watris schulen flowe.
19 Hutangaza neno lake kwa Yakobo, amri zake na hukumu zake kwa Israeli.
Which tellith his word to Jacob; and hise riytfulnessis and domes to Israel.
20 Hajafanya hivyo kwa taifa linginelo lolote, na kama ilivyo amri zake, hawazijui. Msifuni Yahwe.
He dide not so to ech nacioun; and he schewide not hise domes to hem.

< Zaburi 147 >