< Joeli 3 >

1 Tazama, katika siku hizo na wakati huo, nitakaporudi mateka wa Yuda na Yerusalemu,
For lo! in tho daies, and in that tyme, whanne Y schal turne the caitifte of Juda and of Jerusalem,
2 Nami nitakusanya mataifa yote, na kuwaleta mpaka bonde la Yehoshafati. Nitawahukumu huko, kwa sababu ya watu wangu na warithi wangu Israeli, ambao waliwatawanya kati ya mataifa, na kwa sababu waligawanya nchi yangu.
Y schal gadere alle folkis, and Y schal lede hem in to the valei of Josephat; and Y schal dispute there with hem on my puple, and myn eritage Israel, whiche thei scateriden among naciouns; and thei departiden my lond, and senten lot on my puple;
3 Wamepiga kura kwa ajili ya watu wangu, walinunua kijana kwa ajili ya kahaba, kuuza msichana kwa divai ili waweze kunywa.
and thei settiden a knaue child in the bordel hous, and seelden a damesel for wyn, that thei schulden drynke.
4 Sasa, kwa nini unanikasirikia, Tiro, Sidoni na mikoa yote ya Wafilisti? Je! mutanirudishia malipo? Hata kama mutanilipa, mara moja nitawarudishia malipo yenu juu ya vichwa vyenu wenyewe.
But what to me and to you, thou Tire, and Sidon, and ech ende of Palestyns? Whethir ye schulen yelde vengyng to me? and if ye vengen you ayens me, soone swiftli Y schal yelde while to you on youre heed.
5 Kwa maana mumechukua fedha zangu na dhahabu zangu, nanyi mukachukua hazina zangu za thamani na kuzileta katika hekalu zenu.
Ye token awey my siluer and gold, and ye brouyten my desirable thingis and faireste thingis in to youre templis of idols.
6 Mumewauza watu wa Yuda na Yerusalemu kwa Wayunani, ili kuwaondoa mbali na maeneo yao.
And ye selden the sones of Juda, and the sones of Jerusalem to the sones of Grekis, that ye schulden make hem fer fro her coostis.
7 Tazama, nitawaamsha, watoke mahali ambako muliwauza, na nitawarudishia malipo juu ya vichwa vyenu wenyewe.
Lo! Y schal reise hem fro the place in which ye seelden hem; and Y schal turne youre yeldyng in to youre heed.
8 Nitawauza wana wako na binti zako, kwa mkono wa watu wa Yuda. Wao watawauza Sheba, kwa taifa mbali. Kwa maana Bwana amesema.
And Y schal sille youre sones and youre douytris in the hondis of the sones of Juda, and thei schulen selle hem to Sabeis, a fer folc, for the Lord spak.
9 Tangaza hii kati ya mataifa, 'Jitayarisheni wenyewe kwa ajili ya vita, waamsheni mashujaa, waacheni wakaribie, mashujaa wote wa vita wapande juu.
Crye ye this thing among hethene men, halewe ye batel, reise ye stronge men; alle men werriours, neiy, and stie.
10 Yafueni majembe yenu kuwa panga na visu vyenu vya kuchongea kuwa mikuki. Basi wadhaifu waseme, 'Nina nguvu.'
Beete ye togydere youre plowis in to swerdis, and youre mattokkis in to speeris; a sijk man seie, that Y am strong.
11 Haraka na mje, mataifa yote ya karibu, jikusanyeni pamoja huko. Ee Bwana, washushe mashujaa wako.
Alle folkis, breke ye out, and come fro cumpas, and be ye gaderid togidere; there the Lord schal make thi stronge men to die.
12 Naam, mataifa yajihimize yenyewe kuja hadi bonde la Yehoshafati. Kwa maana nitakaa huko kuhukumu mataifa yote ya jirani.
Folkis rise togidere, and stie in to the valei of Josofat; for Y schal sitte there, to deme alle folkis in cumpas.
13 Wekeni katiki mundu, kwa maana mavuno yameiva. Njoo, muponde zabibu, kwa ajiri pipa la divai limejaa. Vipuri vilivyofurika, kwa sababu uovu wao ni mkubwa sana.
Sende ye sikelis, `ether sithis, for ripe corn wexide; come ye, and go ye doun, for the pressour is ful; pressouris ben plenteuouse, for the malice of hem is multiplied.
14 Kuna mshtuko, mshtuko katika bonde la Hukumu. Kwa maana siku ya Bwana i karibu katika bonde la hukumu.
Puplis, puplis in the valei of kittyng doun; for the dai of the Lord is nyy in the valei of kittyng doun.
15 Jua na mwezi vinakuwa giza, nyota zimeacha kuangaza.
The sunne and the moone ben maad derk, and sterris withdrowen her schynyng.
16 Bwana ataunguruma kutoka Sayuni, na kuinua sauti yake kutoka Yerusalemu. Mbingu na nchi zitatikisika, lakini Bwana atakuwa makao kwa ajili ya watu wake, na ngome kwa wana wa Israeli.
And the Lord schal rore fro Sion, and schal yyue his vois fro Jerusalem, and heuenes and erthe schulen be mouyd; and the Lord is the hope of his puple, and the strengthe of the sones of Israel.
17 Kwa hiyo mtajua ya kuwa mimi ndimi Bwana, Mungu wenu, anayeishi Sayuni, mlima wangu mtakatifu. Kisha Yerusalemu itakuwa takatifu, na hakuna jeshi litaklozunguka tena.
And ye schulen wite, that Y am youre Lord God, dwellynge in Sion, in myn hooli hil; and Jerusalem schal be hooli, and aliens schulen no more passe bi it.
18 Katika siku hiyo, milima itatayarisha divai nzuri, milima itatiririsha maziwa, miito yote ya Yuda itapita katikati ya maji, na chemchemi zitakuja kutoka nyumba ya Bwana na maji ya bonde la Shitimu.
And it schal be, in that dai mounteyns schulen droppe swetnesse, and litle hillis schulen flowe with mylke, and watris schulen go bi alle the ryueris of Juda; and a welle schal go out of the hous of the Lord, and schal moiste the stronde of thornes.
19 Misri itakuwa ukiwa, na Edomu itakuwa jangwa tupu, kwa sababu ya vurugu iliyofanyika kwa watu wa Yuda, kwa sababu walimwaga damu isiyo na hatia katika nchi yao.
Egipt schal be in to desolacioun, and Idume in to desert of perdicioun; for that that thei diden wickidli ayens the sones of Juda, and schedden out innocent blood in her lond.
20 Lakini Yuda utakua mwenyeji milele, na Yerusalemu itakuwa kizazi hata kizazi.
And Judee schal be enhabited with outen ende, and Jerusalem in to generacioun and in to generacioun.
21 Nitawalipizia damu yao, ambayo sijajilipizia kisasi, kwa maana Bwana anaishi Sayuni.
And Y schal clense the blood of hem, which Y hadde not clensid; and the Lord schal dwelle in Syon.

< Joeli 3 >