< Ezequiel 16 >

1 Otra vez vino a mí la palabra de Yahvé, diciendo:
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
2 “Hijo de hombre, haz que Jerusalén conozca sus abominaciones;
Son of man, make clear to Jerusalem her disgusting ways,
3 y di: “El Señor Yahvé dice a Jerusalén: “Tu origen y tu nacimiento es de la tierra del cananeo. Un amorreo fue tu padre, y tu madre fue una hitita.
And say, This is what the Lord has said to Jerusalem: Your start and your birth was from the land of the Canaanite; an Amorite was your father and your mother was a Hittite.
4 En cuanto a tu nacimiento, el día que naciste no te cortaron el ombligo. No te lavaron en agua para limpiarte. No fuiste salado en absoluto, ni envuelto en mantas en absoluto.
As for your birth, on the day of your birth your cord was not cut and you were not washed in water to make you clean; you were not salted or folded in linen bands.
5 Ningún ojo se apiadó de ti, para hacerte alguna de estas cosas, para compadecerse de ti; sino que fuiste arrojado al campo abierto, porque fuiste aborrecido el día en que naciste.
No eye had pity on you to do any of these things to you or to be kind to you; but you were put out into the open country, because your life was hated at the time of your birth.
6 “‘“Cuando pasé junto a ti y te vi revolcándote en tu sangre, te dije: ‘Aunque estés en tu sangre, vive’. Sí, te dije: ‘Aunque estés en tu sangre, vive’”
And when I went past you and saw you stretched out in your blood, I said to you, Though you are stretched out in your blood, have life;
7 Hice que te multiplicaras como lo que crece en el campo, y creciste y te engrandeciste, y alcanzaste una excelente belleza. Se te formaron los pechos y te crecieron los cabellos; pero estabas desnuda y descubierta.
And be increased in number like the buds of the field; and you were increased and became great, and you came to the time of love: your breasts were formed and your hair was long; but you were uncovered and without clothing.
8 “‘“Cuando pasé junto a ti y te miré, he aquí que tu tiempo era el tiempo del amor; y extendí mi manto sobre ti y cubrí tu desnudez. Sí, me comprometí contigo y entré en un pacto contigo”, dice el Señor Yahvé, “y te hiciste mía.
Now when I went past you, looking at you, I saw that your time was the time of love; and I put my skirts over you, covering your unclothed body: and I gave you my oath and made an agreement with you, says the Lord, and you became mine.
9 “‘“Luego te lavé con agua. Sí, lavé a fondo tu sangre, y te ungí con aceite.
Then I had you washed with water, washing away all your blood and rubbing you with oil.
10 También te vestí con bordados y te puse sandalias de cuero. Te vestí con lino fino y te cubrí con seda.
And I had you clothed with needlework, and put leather shoes on your feet, folding fair linen about you and covering you with silk.
11 Te engalané con adornos, te puse brazaletes en las manos y te puse una cadena en el cuello.
And I made you fair with ornaments and put jewels on your hands and a chain on your neck.
12 Puse un anillo en tu nariz, pendientes en tus orejas y una hermosa corona en tu cabeza.
And I put a ring in your nose and ear-rings in your ears and a beautiful crown on your head.
13 Así te engalanaste con oro y plata. Tus ropas eran de lino fino, de seda y de bordados. Comías harina fina, miel y aceite. Eras muy hermosa, y prosperaste hasta llegar a la realeza.
So you were made beautiful with gold and silver; and your clothing was of the best linen and silk and needlework; your food was the best meal and honey and oil: and you were very beautiful.
14 Tu fama se extendió entre las naciones por tu belleza, pues era perfecta, por mi majestad que había puesto sobre ti”, dice el Señor Yahvé.
You were so beautiful that the story of you went out into all nations; you were completely beautiful because of my glory which I had put on you, says the Lord.
15 “‘“Pero tú confiaste en tu belleza, y te hiciste la prostituta por tu fama, y derramaste tu prostitución sobre todo el que pasaba. Era de él.
But you put your faith in the fact that you were beautiful, acting like a loose woman because you were widely talked of, and offering your cheap love to everyone who went by, whoever it might be.
16 Tomasteis algunas de vuestras vestimentas y os hicisteis lugares altos engalanados con diversos colores, y jugasteis a la prostitución en ellos. Esto no debe suceder, ni debe ser.
And you took your robes and made high places for yourself ornamented with every colour, acting like a loose woman on them, without shame or fear.
17 También tomasteis vuestras hermosas joyas de mi oro y de mi plata, que yo os había dado, y os hicisteis imágenes de hombres, y os prostituisteis con ellas.
And you took the fair jewels, my silver and gold which I had given to you, and made for yourself male images, acting like a loose woman with them;
18 Tomaste tus vestidos bordados, los cubriste y pusiste mi aceite y mi incienso delante de ellos.
And you took your robes of needlework for their clothing, and put my oil and my perfume before them.
19 También mi pan que te di, harina fina, aceite y miel, con el que te alimenté, lo pusiste delante de ellos como aroma agradable; y así fue”, dice el Señor Yahvé.
And my bread which I gave you, the best meal and oil and honey which I gave you for your food, you put it before them for a sweet smell, says the Lord.
20 “‘“Además, has tomado a tus hijos y a tus hijas, que me has dado a luz, y los has sacrificado para que sean devorados. ¿Acaso tu prostitución es un asunto menor,
And you took your sons and your daughters whom I had by you, offering even these to them to be their food. Was your loose behaviour so small a thing,
21 que has matado a mis hijos y los has entregado, haciéndolos pasar por el fuego a ellos?
That you put my children to death and gave them up to go through the fire to them?
22 En todas tus abominaciones y tu prostitución no te has acordado de los días de tu juventud, cuando estabas desnuda y descubierta y te revolcabas en tu sangre.
And in all your disgusting and false behaviour you had no memory of your early days, when you were uncovered and without clothing, stretched out in your blood.
23 “‘“Ha sucedido después de toda vuestra maldad — ¡ay, ay de vosotros!”, dice el Señor Yahvé —
And it came about, after all your evil-doing, says the Lord,
24 “que os habéis edificado un lugar abovedado, y os habéis hecho un lugar elevado en todas las calles.
That you made for yourself an arched room in every open place.
25 Habéis edificado vuestro lugar elevado en la cabecera de todo camino, y habéis hecho de vuestra belleza una abominación, y habéis abierto vuestros pies a todo el que pasaba, y habéis multiplicado vuestra prostitución.
You put up your high places at the top of every street, and made the grace of your form a disgusting thing, opening your feet to everyone who went by, increasing your loose ways.
26 También has cometido inmoralidad sexual con los egipcios, tus vecinos, grandes de carne; y has multiplicado tu prostitución, para provocarme a la ira.
And you went with the Egyptians, your neighbours, great of flesh; increasing your loose ways, moving me to wrath.
27 Mira, pues, que he extendido mi mano sobre ti, y he disminuido tu porción, y te he entregado a la voluntad de las que te odian, las hijas de los filisteos, que se avergüenzan de tu conducta lasciva.
Now, then, my hand is stretched out against you, cutting down your fixed amount, and I have given you up to the desire of your haters, the daughters of the Philistines who are shamed by your loose ways.
28 También has jugado a la prostitución con los asirios, porque eras insaciable; sí, has jugado a la prostitución con ellos, y sin embargo, no quedaste satisfecha.
And you went with the Assyrians, because of your desire which was without measure; you were acting like a loose woman with them, and still you had not enough.
29 Además, has multiplicado tu prostitución con la tierra de los mercaderes, con Caldea; y sin embargo, no te satisfizo esto.
And you went on in your loose ways, even as far as the land of Chaldaea, and still you had not enough.
30 “‘Qué débil es tu corazón’, dice el Señor Yahvé, pues haces todas estas cosas, obra de una prostituta impúdica;
How feeble is your heart, says the Lord, seeing that you do all these things, the work of a loose and overruling woman;
31 en que construyes tu bóveda a la cabeza de todo camino, y haces tu lugar elevado en toda calle, y no has sido como una prostituta, en que desprecias la paga.
For you have made your arched room at the top of every street, and your high place in every open place; though you were not like a loose woman in getting together your payment.
32 “‘“¡Esposa adúltera, que toma a extraños en lugar de su marido!
The untrue wife who takes strange lovers in place of her husband!
33 La gente da regalos a todas las prostitutas; pero tú das tus regalos a todos tus amantes, y los sobornas para que vengan a ti de todas partes para tu prostitución.
They give payment to all loose women: but you give rewards to your lovers, offering them payment so that they may come to you on every side for your cheap love.
34 Tú te diferencias de las demás mujeres en tu prostitución, en que nadie te sigue para hacer de prostituta; y en que tú das alquiler, y no te dan alquiler, por eso eres diferente”’.
And in your loose behaviour you are different from other women, for no one goes after you to make love to you: and because you give payment and no payment is given to you, in this you are different from them.
35 “Por lo tanto, prostituta, escucha la palabra de Yahvé:
For this cause, O loose woman, give ear to the voice of the Lord:
36 ‘El Señor Yahvé dice: “Por cuanto tu inmundicia fue derramada, y tu desnudez descubierta por tu prostitución con tus amantes; y por todos los ídolos de tus abominaciones, y por la sangre de tus hijos, que les diste;
This is what the Lord has said: Because your unclean behaviour was let loose and your body uncovered in your loose ways with your lovers and with your disgusting images, and for the blood of your children which you gave to them;
37 por lo tanto, mira, yo reuniré a todos tus amantes, con quienes te complaciste, y a todos los que amaste, con todos los que odiaste. Incluso los reuniré contra ti por todos lados, y les descubriré tu desnudez, para que vean toda tu desnudez.
For this cause I will get together all your lovers with whom you have taken your pleasure, and all those to whom you have given your love, with all those who were hated by you; I will even make them come together against you on every side, and I will have you uncovered before them so that they may see your shame.
38 Te juzgaré como se juzga a las mujeres que rompen el matrimonio y derraman sangre; y traeré sobre ti la sangre de la ira y de los celos.
And you will be judged by me as women are judged who have been untrue to their husbands and have taken life; and I will let loose against you passion and bitter feeling.
39 También te entregaré en su mano, y derribarán tus bóvedas, y derribarán tus altillos. Te despojarán de tus ropas y se llevarán tus hermosas joyas. Te dejarán desnudo y sin ropa.
I will give you into their hands, and your arched room will be overturned and your high places broken down; they will take your clothing off you and take away your fair jewels: and when they have done, you will be uncovered and shamed.
40 También traerán una compañía contra ti, y te apedrearán con piedras, y te atravesarán con sus espadas.
And they will get together a meeting against you, stoning you with stones and wounding you with their swords.
41 Quemarán vuestras casas con fuego y ejecutarán juicios sobre vosotros a la vista de muchas mujeres. Haré que dejes de prostituirte y que no vuelvas a dar un contrato de trabajo.
And they will have you burned with fire, sending punishments on you before the eyes of great numbers of women; and I will put an end to your loose ways, and you will no longer give payment.
42 Así haré que descanse mi ira hacia vosotros, y mis celos se apartarán de vosotros. Me calmaré y no me enojaré más.
And the heat of my wrath against you will have an end, and my bitter feeling will be turned away from you, and I will be quiet and will be angry no longer.
43 “‘“Porque no te has acordado de los días de tu juventud, sino que te has ensañado conmigo en todas estas cosas; por eso, he aquí que yo también haré recaer tu camino sobre tu cabeza”, dice el Señor Yahvé: “y no cometerás esta lascivia con todas tus abominaciones.
Because you have not kept in mind the days when you were young, but have been troubling me with all these things; for this reason I will make the punishment of your ways come on your head, says the Lord, because you have done this evil thing in addition to all your disgusting acts.
44 “‘“He aquí que todos los que usan proverbios usarán este proverbio contra ti, diciendo: ‘Como la madre, así es su hija’.
See, in every common saying about you it will be said, As the mother is, so is her daughter.
45 Tú eres hija de tu madre, que aborrece a su marido y a sus hijos; y eres hermana de tus hermanas, que aborrecen a sus maridos y a sus hijos. Tu madre era hitita, y tu padre amorreo.
You are the daughter of your mother whose soul is turned in disgust from her husband and her children; and you are the sister of your sisters who were turned in disgust from their husbands and their children: your mother was a Hittite and your father an Amorite.
46 Tu hermana mayor es Samaria, que habita a tu izquierda, ella y sus hijas; y tu hermana menor, que habita a tu derecha, es Sodoma con sus hijas.
Your older sister is Samaria, living at your left hand, she and her daughters: and your younger sister, living at your right hand, is Sodom and her daughters.
47 Sin embargo, no anduviste en sus caminos ni hiciste sus abominaciones, sino que pronto te corrompiste más que ellas en todos tus caminos.
Still you have not gone in their ways or done the disgusting things which they have done; but, as if that was only a little thing, you have gone deeper in evil than they in all your ways.
48 Vivo yo — dice el Señor Yahvé — que Sodoma tu hermana no ha hecho, ni ella ni sus hijas, lo que tú has hecho, tú y tus hijas.
By my life, says the Lord, Sodom your sister never did, she or her daughters, what you and your daughters have done.
49 “‘“He aquí que ésta fue la iniquidad de tu hermana Sodoma: soberbia, saciedad de pan y facilidad próspera hubo en ella y en sus hijas. Tampoco fortaleció la mano del pobre y del necesitado.
Truly, this was the sin of your sister Sodom: pride, a full measure of food, and the comforts of wealth in peace, were seen in her and her daughters, and she gave no help to the poor or to those in need.
50 Fueron arrogantes y cometieron abominación ante mí. Por eso los aparté cuando lo vi.
They were full of pride and did what was disgusting to me: and so I took them away as you have seen.
51 Samaria no ha cometido ni la mitad de tus pecados; pero tú has multiplicado tus abominaciones más que ellas, y has justificado a tus hermanas por todas tus abominaciones que has hecho.
And Samaria has not done half your sins; but you have made the number of your disgusting acts greater than theirs, making your sisters seem more upright than you by all the disgusting things which you have done.
52 También tú misma llevas tu propia vergüenza, pues has dado juicio por tus hermanas; por tus pecados que has cometido más abominables que ellas, ellas son más justas que tú. Sí, confúndete también, y lleva tu vergüenza, en que has justificado a tus hermanas.
And you yourself will be put to shame, in that you have given the decision for your sisters; through your sins, which are more disgusting than theirs, they are more upright than you: truly, you will be shamed and made low, for you have made your sisters seem upright.
53 “‘“Invertiré su cautiverio, el cautiverio de Sodoma y de sus hijas, y el cautiverio de Samaria y de sus hijas, y el cautiverio de vuestras cautivas entre ellas;
And I will let their fate be changed, the fate of Sodom and her daughters, and the fate of Samaria and her daughters, and your fate with theirs.
54 para que llevéis vuestra propia vergüenza, y os avergoncéis por todo lo que habéis hecho, ya que sois un consuelo para ellas.
So that you will be shamed and made low because of all you have done, when I have mercy on you.
55 Vuestras hermanas, Sodoma y sus hijas, volverán a su estado anterior; y Samaria y sus hijas volverán a su estado anterior; y tú y tus hijas volveréis a vuestro estado anterior.
And your sisters, Sodom and her daughters, will go back to their first condition, and Samaria and her daughters will go back to their first condition, and you and your daughters will go back to your first condition.
56 Porque tu hermana Sodoma no fue mencionada por tu boca en el día de tu soberbia,
Was not your sister Sodom an oath in your mouth in the day of your pride,
57 antes de que se descubriera tu maldad, como en el tiempo de la afrenta de las hijas de Siria y de todas las que la rodean, las hijas de los filisteos, que te desprecian por todas partes.
Before your shame was uncovered? Now you have become like her a word of shame to the daughters of Edom and all who are round about you, the daughters of the Philistines who put shame on you round about.
58 Has soportado tu lascivia y tus abominaciones, dice Yahvé.
The reward of your evil designs and your disgusting ways has come on you, says the Lord.
59 “‘Porque el Señor Yahvé dice: “También a ti te trataré como a ti, que has despreciado el juramento rompiendo el pacto.
For this is what the Lord has said: I will do to you as you have done, you who, putting the oath on one side, have let the agreement be broken.
60 Sin embargo, me acordaré de mi pacto con ustedes en los días de su juventud, y estableceré un pacto eterno con ustedes.
But still I will keep in mind the agreement made with you in the days when you were young, and I will make with you an eternal agreement.
61 Entonces os acordaréis de vuestros caminos y os avergonzaréis cuando recibáis a vuestras hermanas, a vuestras hermanas mayores y a vuestras hermanas menores; y os las daré por hijas, pero no por vuestro pacto.
Then at the memory of your ways you will be overcome with shame, when I take your sisters, the older and the younger, and give them to you for daughters, but not by your agreement.
62 Yo estableceré mi pacto con ustedes. Entonces sabrás que yo soy Yahvé;
And I will make my agreement with you; and you will be certain that I am the Lord:
63 para que te acuerdes, y te avergüences, y no vuelvas a abrir la boca a causa de tu vergüenza, cuando te haya perdonado todo lo que has hecho”, dice el Señor Yahvé”.
So that, at the memory of these things, you may be at a loss, never opening your mouth because of your shame; when you have my forgiveness for all you have done, says the Lord.

< Ezequiel 16 >