< Rooma 11 >

1 De waxaan leeyahay, Ilaah miyuu xooray dadkiisii? Ma suurtowdo. Waayo, anba waxaan ahay mid reer binu Israa'iil ah, oo farcankii Ibraahim ah, oo qabiilkii Benyaamiin ah.
I ask, then, “Has God rejected his people?” Heaven forbid! For I myself am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.
2 Ilaah dadkiisii uu hore u yiqiin ma xoorin. Mise ma waydaan aqoon waxa Qorniinku ka sheegayo Eliyaas? siduu Ilaah ugu cawday isagoo reer binu Israa'iil ka cabanaya oo leh,
God has not rejected his people, whom he chose from the first. Have you forgotten the words of scripture in the story of Elijah – how he appeals to God against Israel?
3 Rabbow, nebiyadaadii way dileen, meelahaagii allabarigana way dumiyeen, oo keligay baa hadhay, oo naftayday doondoonayaan.
“Lord, they have killed your prophets, they have pulled down your altars, and I only am left; and now they are eager to take my life.”
4 Laakiinse jawaabtii Ilaah oo u timid isaga maxay leedahay? Waxaan nafahaantayda ula hadhay toddoba kun oo nin oo aan Bacal u jilba joogsan.
But what was the divine response? “I have kept for myself seven thousand who have never bowed the knee to Baal.”
5 Sidaas oo kale wakhtigan la joogona waxaa jira kuwo hadhay oo nimco lagu doortay.
And so in our own time, too, there is to be found a remnant of our nation selected by God in love.
6 Laakiinse haddii nimco lagu doortay, de haddaba ma aha mar dambe xagga shuqullada, haddii kalese nimcadu mar dambe nimco ma aha.
But if in love, then it is not as a result of obedience. Otherwise love would cease to be love.
7 Waa maxay haddaba? Wixii reer binu Israa'iil doondoonayeen ma ay helin, laakiinse kuwii la doortay waa heleen, intii kalena waa la engejiyey,
What follows from this? Why, that Israel as a nation failed to secure what it was seeking, while those whom God selected did secure it.
8 sida qoran, Ilaah wuxuu iyaga siiyey maskax hurudda, iyo indho aanay waxba ku arkin, iyo dhego aanay waxba ku maqlin, ilaa maalintatan.
The rest grew callous; as scripture says – “God has given them a deadness of mind – eyes that are not to see and ears that are not to hear – and it is so to this very day.”
9 Daa'uudna wuxuu yidhi, Miiskoodu ha u noqdo dabin iyo wax qabsada iyaga, Iyo wax ay ku turunturoodaan, iyo wax ka aarguta iyaga;
David, too, says – “May their feasts prove a snare and a trap to them – a hindrance and a retribution;
10 Indhahoodu ha madoobaadeen si aanay waxba u arkin, Dhabarkoodana foorari weligiis.
may their eyes be darkened, so that they cannot see; and do you always make their backs to bend.”
11 Haddaba waxaan leeyahay, Miyey turunturoodeen inay dhacaan? Maya, ma suurtowdo! Laakiin dhicitinkoodii aawadiis ayaa badbaadinu ugu timid quruumaha kale inay ka hinaasaan.
I ask then – “Was their stumbling to result in their fall?” Heaven forbid! On the contrary, through their falling away salvation has reached the Gentiles, to stir the rivalry of Israel.
12 Haddaba haddii dhicitinkoodii yahay taajirnimadii dunida, liidnaantoodiina tahay taajirnimadii quruumaha kale, de buuxnaantooduna intee bay sii badin doontaa taajirnimadii?
And, if their falling away has enriched the world, and their failure has enriched the Gentiles, how much more will result from their full restoration!
13 Laakiin waxaan la hadlayaa kuwiinnan oo ka mid ah dadka aan Yuhuudda ahayn. Haddaba anigoo ah rasuulkii dadka aan Yuhuudda ahayn, hawshayda waan derejeeyaa,
But I am speaking to you who were Gentiles.
14 si aan uga hinaasiyo kuwa aan isku jidhka nahay oo aan qaarkood badbaadiyo.
Being myself an apostle to the Gentiles, I exalt my office, in the hope that I may stir my countrymen to rivalry, and so save some of them.
15 Waayo, haddii xooriddoodu tahay maslaxadda dunida, aqbaliddoodii maxay noqon doontaa, soo noolaadka kuwii dhintay mooyaane?
For, if their being cast aside has meant the reconciliation of the world, what will their reception mean, but life from the dead?
16 Inta ugu horraysa oo cajiinku hadday quduus tahay, de cajiinkuna wuu yahay, haddii xididku quduus yahayna, de laamahuna way yihiin.
If the first handful of dough is holy, so is the whole mass, and if the root is holy, so are the branches.
17 Laakiinse haddii laamihii qaarkood laga jebiyey, oo adigoo saytuundibadeed ah lagugu tallaalo meeshoodii, oo aad ka qayb gasho wanaagga xididka geedka saytuunka ah,
Some, however, of the branches were broken off, and you, who were only a wild olive, were grafted in among them, and came to share with them the root which is the source of the richness of the cultivated olive.
18 ha ka faanin laamaha, laakiinse haddii aad faantid, bal ogow inaadan ahayn kan xididka sida, laakiinse xididkaa adiga ku sida.
Yet do not exult over the other branches. But, if you do exult over them, remember that you do not support the root, but that the root supports you.
19 Haddaba waxaad odhan doontaa, Laamihii waxaa loo jebiyey in aniga laygu tallaalo meeshoodii.
But branches, you will say, were broken off, so that I might be grafted in.
20 Waa tahay. Rumaysaddarradoodii baa loo jebiyey, adna waxaad ku taagan tahay rumaysadkaaga. Ha iskibrin, laakiinse cabso;
True, it was because of their want of faith that they were broken off, and it is because of your faith that you are standing. Do not think too highly of yourself, but beware.
21 waayo, haddaan Ilaah u tudhin laamihii asliga ahaa, de adna kuu tudhi maayo.
For, if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you.
22 Bal hadda fiiri roonaanta iyo adkaanta Ilaah; kuwii dhacay xaggooda adkaantiisaa la jirta, laakiinse xaggaaga waxaa la jirta roonaanta Ilaah, haddaad roonaantiisa ku sii socotid, haddii kaleeto adna waa lagu gooyn doonaa.
See, then, both the goodness and the severity of God – his severity towards those who fell, and his goodness towards you, provided that you continue to confide in that goodness; otherwise you, also, will be cut off.
23 Iyagana haddayan rumaysaddarradoodii ku sii socon, waa lagu tallaali doonaa meeshoodii, waayo, Ilaah waa awoodaa inuu iyaga mar kale ku tallaalo meeshoodii.
And they, too, if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in; for God has it in his power to graft them in again.
24 Waayo, haddii adiga lagaa soo gooyay saytuun dibadeed oo si aburiddiisa ka gees ah laguugu tallaalay geed saytuun wanaagsan ah, intee baa in ka sii badan kuwan oo ah laamihii asliga ahaa loogu tallaali doonaa geedkoodii saytuunka ahaa?
If you were cut off from your natural stock – a wild olive – and were grafted, contrary to the course of nature, on a good olive, much more will they – the natural branches – be grafted back into their parent tree.
25 Walaalayaalow, anigu dooni maayo, inaad jaahil ka ahaataan qarsoodigan, waabase intaas ood iskibrisaan. Adkaan aan dhammayn baa ku dhacday reer binu Israa'iil ilaa tirada buuxda oo quruumuhu soo gasho;
My friends, so that you don’t think too highly of yourselves, I want you to recognise the truth, hitherto hidden, that the callousness which has come over Israel is only partial, and will continue only until the whole Gentile world has been gathered in.
26 oo sidaasay reer binu Israa'iil oo dhammu u wada badbaadi doonaan, sida qoran, Waxaa Siyoon ka soo bixi doona Bixiyaha. Wuxuu Yacquub ka sii jeedin doonaa cibaadola'aanta.
And then all Israel will be saved. As scripture says – “From Zion will come the Deliverer; he will banish ungodliness from Jacob.
27 Oo kanu waa axdigayga aan la dhigan doono iyaga, Markaan dembigooda ka qaadi doono.
And they will see the fulfilment of my covenant, when I have taken away their sins.”
28 Xagga injiilka iyagu waa cadaawayaal aawadiin, laakiinse xagga doorashada waa kuwo la jecel yahay awowayaasha aawadood.
From the standpoint of the good news, the Jews are God’s enemies for your sake; but from the standpoint of God’s selection, they are dear to him for the sake of the patriarchs.
29 Waayo, hadiyadaha iyo yeedhidda Ilaah ka soo noqosho ma leh.
For God never regrets his gifts or his call.
30 Waayo, idinkuba mar baad Ilaah caasi ku ahaydeen, laakiinse haatan waxaa laydiinku naxariistay kuwaas caasinimadooda,
Just as you at one time were disobedient to him, but have now found mercy in the day of their disobedience;
31 sidaas oo kalay iyaguna haatan caasi u noqdeen, in naxariistii laydin tusay, iyagana haatan loogu naxariisto.
so, too, they have now become disobedient in your day of mercy, in order that they also in their turn may now find mercy.
32 Waayo, Ilaah kulli wuxuu ku wada xidhay caasinimo inuu u wada naxariisto kulli. (eleēsē g1653)
For God has given all alike over to disobedience, that to all alike he may show mercy. (eleēsē g1653)
33 Mool dheeraa hodantinimada iyo xigmadda iyo aqoonta Ilaah! Xukummadiisa lama baadhi karo, jidadkiisana lama raadin karo!
Oh! The unfathomable wisdom and knowledge of God! How inscrutable are his judgments, how untraceable his ways! Yes –
34 Waayo, bal yaa soo ogaaday maanka Rabbiga? Bal yaase lataliyihiisii noqday?
ho has ever comprehended the mind of the Lord? Who has ever become his counsellor?
35 Yaase awil wax siiyey oo loo abaalgudi doonaa?
Or who has first given to him, so that he may claim a reward?
36 Waayo, wax waluba isagay ka yimaadeen oo ku yimaadeen oo u yimaadeen aawadiis. Ammaanta isagaa leh weligiis. Aamiin. (aiōn g165)
For all things are from him, through him, and for him. And to him be all glory for ever and ever! Amen. (aiōn g165)

< Rooma 11 >