< Sabuurradii 113 >

1 Rabbiga ammaana. Rabbiga addoommadiisow, ammaana. Rabbiga magiciisa ammaana.
Hallelujah. Praise the Lord, you his servants, praise the name of the Lord.
2 Hadda intii ka bilaabata iyo tan iyo weligeedba Rabbiga magiciisu mahad ha lahaado.
The name of the Lord be blessed from now and for evermore.
3 Qorraxdu markay soo baxdo iyo markay dhacdo inta ka dhex leh Magaca Rabbiga waa in la ammaano.
From sunrise to sunset is the name of the Lord to be praised.
4 Rabbigu quruumaha oo dhan wuu ka wada sarreeyaa, Ammaantiisuna samooyinka way ka sii sarraysaa.
High is the Lord above all nations, above the heavens is his glory.
5 Bal yaa la mid ah Rabbiga Ilaaheenna ah, Oo kursigiisa ku leh xagga sare,
Who is like the Lord our God, seated on high?
6 Oo hoos u eega Waxyaalaha samada ku jira iyo waxyaalaha dhulka yaalba?
He bends down to look at the heavens and earth.
7 Wuxuu miskiinka kor uga qaadaa ciidda, Oo kan baahanna wuxuu sara uga qaadaa meesha digada,
He raises the weak from the dust, he lifts the poor from the dunghill,
8 Inuu isaga la fadhiisiyo amiirro, Kuwaas oo ah amiirrada dadkiisa.
and sets them beside the princes, even the princes of his people.
9 Oo naagtii madhalays ahna wuxuu ka dhigaa inay reer hayso, Iyo inay ahaato hooyo faraxsan oo carruur leh. Rabbiga ammaana.
He gives the childless woman a home, and makes her the happy mother of children. Hallelujah.

< Sabuurradii 113 >